Defy can prescribe Nandrolone/Oxandrolone/Stanozolol as long as they are safe and justified. There is more data coming out showing that these drugs have beneficial effects in low (safe) therapeutic doses such as relief from joint pain or when combined with lifestyle changes reversal of metabolic diseases and fat loss and augmenting the effects and benefits of TRT and improve quality of life. The stigma and taboo/mystery around them stems from their abuse in sports.
"deca dick" happens when the bodybuilders either use Nandrolone without T, or they use too much Nandrolone and not enough T. Beyond therapeutic in other words. What will happen though is that your RBC will increase and your HDL will decrease. Stanozolol has a reputation of drying out joints and I have felt some aches in my shoulders off an on. The orals will also strain your liver and are cycled on and off to meet a goal like fat loss or like with a lot of the GH peptides so that your body can take a break. Again, health and safety is our goal here. I take fish oil like you do (the MM brand that
Defy sells) as well as NAC. So if you have issues with your liver, cholesterol, or high RBC/H&H then it may not be a good fit but that is a discussion you should have in a consult. Any
Defy provider can prescribe them.
The anabolics augment the effects of testosterone which you must already be taking, so for someone already on TRT you could possibly lose weight faster, get some relief from joint pain, more energy, and the Nandrolone does seem to give me a libido boost as well. That has been my experience after almost 8 weeks taking Nandrolone. I've been taking Stanozolol for 5 weeks. Just like with TRT, they are not magic and you have to put in some work or are just wasting money and time. I am extremely busy and work out for only a half hour 3 times a week and still see results that I am happy with. Better libido, better joints (aside from the intermittent Stanozolol-induced aches). I am a little more muscular and stronger. Most importantly, I have lost some of the stubborn fat around my mid-section and hips. That is the dangerous stuff that you want gone, and these therapies work for me. Let's start a thread if you want to discuss further so as not to derail this one.