Nandrolone decanoate's effect on total testosterone lab value

Hi everyone,
If I am on 100mg t cyp per week and I add 50-75mg of nandrolone, how much will the nandrolone decanoate skew my total testosterone level?
Thank you,
If you get the testosterone LC/MS-MS. Your total testosterone Labs should be the same. You may have lower estradiol and DHT.
Hi Vince and Silver,
Thank you for responding. I am getting the standard Total Testosterone blood test (ECLIA?). With the standard test my understanding is that the total amount of androgens (testosterone plus nandrolone) will be additive. My guess is that 100mg T Cyp plus 50mg Nandrolone Decanoate would have a similar Total Testosterone level in Ng/dL as 150mg of T Cyp. What do you think?
Hi Vince and Silver,
Thank you for responding. I am getting the standard Total Testosterone blood test (ECLIA?). With the standard test my understanding is that the total amount of androgens (testosterone plus nandrolone) will be additive. My guess is that 100mg T Cyp plus 50mg Nandrolone Decanoate would have a similar Total Testosterone level in Ng/dL as 150mg of T Cyp. What do you think?
I think your levels would be over the top range. I hope you post your results, I would like to see them.
I definitely will post the results. This is the best forum by far. Currently I am on 60mg/wk T Cyp with 25mg Nan D. This is via a daily injection routine (25mg Nan D Mondays, then 10mg T Cyp on each of the remaining days). My blood test was on 4/13/20 so I expect the results in a few days.
Hi guys,
I got my test results: 60mg t cyp and 25mg nan d
Total Testosterone: 246 ng/dL (175 - 781 ng/dL)
Estradiol: <5.0 pg/mL (7.6 - 47.0 pg/mL) this is not the LC/MS so is useless
Awaiting SHBG as my Dr. prefers to calculate free T.
My Dr. wanted to lower my t cyp dose due to adding the nandrolone D because "it is far more powerful than t cyp and I want your levels to not be above range".
Its good to start low and slow, but I do not know if underdosing is worse(looks to me your doc is aiming to get you under the range).
If your doc does not see your dosage needs to be upped(probably drastically) it is time to look for a new doc.

But my question should have been, how do you feel on this protocol until now?
Estradiol: <5.0 pg/mL (7.6 - 47.0 pg/mL) this is not the LC/MS so is useless
It's only useless if you really need to know exactly how much under 5 pg/mL. For most it's more than sufficient to know that estradiol is exceptionally low, to the point of being unhealthy. The main problem with the standard test is cross-reactivity, which clearly isn't an issue here.
Hi Rock,
I have only seen this Dr. twice. Before that I was with a Urologist, but he really was pushing me towards testosterone U injections - and I was very nervous about such a long half life. As far as the current Dr. I assume my dosage will increase and I will stick with him unless I don't feel good on his protocol, he only treats the numbers not the symptoms, or I "top out" on the testosterone scale and he won't increase my levels above that (risk averse).
Hi Cat,
Yeah that E2 is both scary low and a useless test. However I assume that my E2 is low based on symptoms and how low my T trough is. This is par for the course with me with new Dr.s. I like this Dr., he is very nice. But nice is only so much. I have enough T cyp to get me through a dry spell if I need to Dr. shop. Beyond that I have a bunch of Clomid as well. With clomid my TT gets into the 400's but I don't feel any benefit.
Hi again,
I have another question: The Dr. prescribed 60mg Tcyp with 25mg nan d per wk. As above my T level was 246ng/dL. I know you guys can't tell me what to increase my dose to exactly but do you have any recommendations regarding dosage increase to get me to a healthy total testosterone level? I am hoping my Dr. will increase my dose because I feel worse than before I started working with him.
How long have you been on the protocol? It seems like a pretty low response, possibly suggesting the need to double the dose, for starters. Serum levels will follow roughly in proportion to dose if SHBG doesn't change much. Some might say triple the dose to get to above average levels sooner, but I'd favor a low-and-slow approach.
Hi Cat,
Only 6 weeks on this protocol. By double I am assuming double both compounds. That would be 50mg Nan D and 120mg T cyp. I agree with double but have had a lot of trouble with aromitization in the past with anything over 80mg T cyp. The 2 reasons for the addition of Nan D were to possible lower aromitization and to possible help with my connective tissue disorder/joint pain. I may ask the Dr. to go to 80mg T cyp and 75 mg Nan D, but I understand a 1:1 ratio can be problematic.
Thank you,
Just bump up your test by 50% and see how the stack goes. Don’t tweak 2 variables at once. 25 mg of Deca seems very low but your doc must have experience with it.
The dose-response values in your first post make more sense:
50 mg -> 506 ng/dL, E2 25 pg/mL
60 mg -> 653 ng/dL, E2 22 pg/mL
90 mg -> 1004 ng/dL, E2 75 pg/mL

vs now:

60 mg -> 246 ng/dL, E2 <5 pg/mL

This really doesn't fit. Botched test? Bad cypionate? Under-dosing?

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