Low dose nandrolone with low dose testosterone

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Greetings everyone,
I am 48 years old. 5'5", 150 lbs, 15% body fat. Currently doing a mild ketogenic diet to lose some adipose and bloat. I D/C'd t cyp at 87 mg/week via 3.5 injections per week due to bloat, high E2 symptoms, and no "benefit" on 12/13/19. I cannot tolerate ANY AI. I use zinc at 50mg qd. I have tried every "natural" AI. Currently I am on clomid 25mg qd until at the earliest April but may go longer. I have been on and off TRT in various forms since 2011. My main reasons for discontinuation are a combination of high E2 symptoms and the trt "stops working" (which is of course inter-related). I have tried as low as 49 mg t cyp per week via daily injections shallow IM and as high as 400mg t cyp Q 3 weeks and just about every dose, schedule, and type of testosterone in between. I have tried 16 different protocols over the last 9 years. I am curious about low dose Nandrolone as I have DISH disease with tendon and enthesis pain in many joints (elbows, achilles, low back, knees, etc).

nandrolone molecule vs testosterone.webp


What would be the LOWEST dose of T Cyp and an equal amount of Nandrolone per week I could see benefits with? 50mg/50mg?

Any other therapeutic low dose AAS to consider?

I've heard about benefits from 25mg oral Stanazolol per week with TRT but i am recovering from a patellar tendon rupture surgery (3.5 months post op) and I understand Winstrol is hard on tendons (but it can lower shbg - mine is around 50).
Is it best to determine dose via the TOTAL mg of products being injected? Meaning if I aromatize too much at 87mg T Cyp per week then I will have the same or worse E2 difficulties at 50mg nandrolone and 50 mg T Cyp combined?

If I have trouble tolerating a therapeutic dose of testosterone due to high E2 symptoms can Nandrolone "make up the difference" or would I still have low testosterone symptoms?

Does Nandrolone have an AI type effect - or is it that it has a low androgenicity as compared to testosterone?

Could Clomid have any AI type benefit at 25mg per day with nandrolone and T Cyp on board?

Thank you,
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Does anyone else know about proviron’s legal status? I’m pretty sure it’s in the same category as testosterone, just not sure if everyone that’s taking it is getting it prescribed in the u.s., getting it prescribed in another country, or getting it UGL

Brayer brand from an UGL. See my response above about its legal status.
Thank DS3. So, most likely, the side effects I would experience on 60mg Tcyp with 30mg nandrolone would be predominantly E2? Other than hematocrit...

Yes, but with those low of dosages, estrogen issues should be negligible. Nandrolone can cause side effects such as sleep disturbances, depression, and short-term memory problems (in some men, not all). Just pay attention to how you feel.

I didn't see any change in E2 or prolactin when I incorporated 100 mg nandrolone per week to my TRT. I did, however, experience depression and short-term memory issues. Those side effects vary widely from man to man.
I was using 100 mg per week.

Sucks that’s the same dose that gave you depression and memory issues. Did you ever try a lower dose to see if you could still get all the benefits, but without the memory loss and depression?
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30mg of nandrolone a week is super low. I’d also like to hear others opinion about caber necessity at 200mg week nandrolone.

I‘m on 250 mg nandrolone and take .25 mg Cabergoline three times per week, and it works for me. That said, I’m also on a low dose of an opiate replacement drug which raises prolactin. You may not need it, or at most I would think is .25 mg once or twice per week.

If you start lactating and squirting milk from your teats, up your dose....unless that’s your “thing”. LOL
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I‘m on 250 mg nandrolone and take .25 mg Cabergoline three times per week, and it works for me. That said, I’m also on a low dose of an opiate replacement drug which raises prolactin. You may not need it, or at most I would think is .25 mg once or twice per week.

If you start lactating and squirting milk from your teats, up your dose....unless that’s your “thing”. LOL

So no depression or memory issues at that dose? Are you taking any testosterone along with the 250mg of nandrolone per week?
So no depression or memory issues at that dose? Are you taking any testosterone along with the 250mg of nandrolone per week?

No depression, no ED, no problems what so ever. My joint pain is gone and I’ve gained 13+ lbs of solid muscle, with even more vascularity. I’m taking 150 mg of T weekly.
No depression, no ED, no problems what so ever. My joint pain is gone and I’ve gained 13+ lbs of solid muscle, with even more vascularity. I’m taking 150 mg of T weekly.

Thanks for the anecdotal report. Very interesting how some men have issues with nandrolone even at 50mg, and you’re doing 5x that amount without any issues. Also interesting that your deca dose is almost double your testosterone dose, instead of the other way around, which is the ratio I usually see recommended.
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If I do end up taking the 60mg t cyp/wk, 30mg nandrolone/wk, and 12.5mg proviron e3d, might I see some recomposition? Maybe a slight strength / endurance gain? My goal after this patellar tendon repair is to get back to mountain biking, riding the bike park, and skiing off piste again. Granted, the surgeon said it might take 3 years...
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I'd REALLY like to buil my thighs back up after all the disuse atrophy, but I want to keep the tendon repair healthy (no tendon insertion pain).
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Sucks that’s the same dose that gave you depression and memory issues. Did you ever try a lower dose to see if you could still get all the benefits, but without the memory loss and depression?

It does suck. For 12 months now I have been researching on and off why nandrolone would cause me such terrible side effects at an effective therapeutic dosage. The only thing that I can take away from the minimal amount of research that is out there is that it has to do more with interference of normal neurotransmitter production than it does with changes in hormonal profiles.

I have tried 75 mg and 50 mg of nandrolone per week, which I am currently on the latter. I still feel the same short-term memory issues and depression, just at a more tolerable level. Less benefits in the way of joint relief, though. I have been honestly thinking that nandrolone may just not be a good match for me.
No depression, no ED, no problems what so ever. My joint pain is gone and I’ve gained 13+ lbs of solid muscle, with even more vascularity. I’m taking 150 mg of T weekly.

Very cool. I wish nandrolone worked for me the same as it does for you.

I would like to point out that I did not have the same issues with depression while taking nandrolone at 100 mg per week when I incorporated Caber with it. However, Caber dropped my prolactin too low, even at a minimal dosage. The only thing I can think of that would explain the alleviation of depression would be the increase in dopamine as a result of the Caber supplementation.
Very cool. I wish nandrolone worked for me the same as it does for you.

I would like to point out that I did not have the same issues with depression while taking nandrolone at 100 mg per week when I incorporated Caber with it. However, Caber dropped my prolactin too low, even at a minimal dosage. The only thing I can think of that would explain the alleviation of depression would be the increase in dopamine as a result of the Caber supplementation.

Did you ever have prolactin checked while on nandrolone without caber?
Very cool. I wish nandrolone worked for me the same as it does for you.

I would like to point out that I did not have the same issues with depression while taking nandrolone at 100 mg per week when I incorporated Caber with it. However, Caber dropped my prolactin too low, even at a minimal dosage. The only thing I can think of that would explain the alleviation of depression would be the increase in dopamine as a result of the Caber supplementation.

I DO use Cabergoline given my prolactin levels even before nandrolone. (No AI however.). Maybe that’s the difference?
We need to keep the discussion to substances that are legal within this US.

You should see that Nandrolone will suppress Estradiol. In many cases, the more DHT or DHT derivitives in you, the less Estradiol there will be. Nandrolone (and Stanozolol) does not itself aromatize at all because it is already a DHT derivitive which makes that biologiucally impossible.

I'm prescribed 100mg Nandrolone per week dosed at 50mg BIW. My joints feel better. More full and fluid, libido is higher, and I'm somewhat stronger than when I started taking it about 10 weeks ago.
We need to keep the discussion to substances that are legal within this US.

You should see that Nandrolone will suppress Estradiol. In many cases, the more DHT or DHT derivitives in you, the less Estradiol there will be. Nandrolone (and Stanozolol) does not itself aromatize at all because it is already a DHT derivitive which makes that biologiucally impossible.

I'm prescribed 100mg Nandrolone per week dosed at 50mg BIW. My joints feel better. More full and fluid, libido is higher, and I'm somewhat stronger than when I started taking it about 10 weeks ago.

So no depression and/ or memory issues while using the nandrolone?

I know you don’t like sharing dosages that you’re on, but just curious what Testosterone to nandrolone ratio you’re currently using? You’re using enanthate and cream correct?

If you don’t want to share any dosages, can I get your thoughts on what you think would be an ideal ratio of testosterone to nandrolone? I will be starting nandrolone soon, and am still trying to figure out a good ratio that works for most men. I was thinking a 2:1 ratio, using 150mg of test/ week, and 75mg of nandrolone/ week.
Forget nandrolone, after all its know to cause the dreaded Deca dick.

Low does Masteron is unquestionably the way to go for E2 management, to free free test and for just a bit of attitude. I struggled with TRT until I added 50mg weekly of masteron. AI's are garbage and cause more problems than they're worth.
For me 96 mg test and 40mgs of masteron puts me in my sweet spot and bloods are great

Thank me later
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