What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

I had quite similar issues with my elbows a long time ago. Was wrongly diagnosed by three orthopedics. I was close to getting surgery when actually the surgeon figured it out. For me it was related to nerve compression due to muscle tension at neck shoulder region, only stretching cured it.
What stretches did you do?
What stretches did you do?
Chest shoulder stretch using a door frame. Restarted exercising with little weight where I had no pain in order to improve tissue circulation. For me the cause was working 12h a day at laptop. Additional heavy lifting made it worse.

Like this but really pushing hard and holding position for a while.
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I am kicking the tires on adding low-dose nandrolone or NPP to my 180mg/week TRT regiment with 1000 IU of HCG. I am thinking of adding 80mg/week of nandrolone to see if that helps some chronic bilateral elbow tendonitis. I am in the medical field (nurse practitioner), so I am very familiar with TRT and dosing. I wrote my project on TRT for primary care but have yet to try nandrolone. However, I find the compound fascinating and potentially beneficial at low, controlled doses for my guys. I have experimented in the past with blasting oral tren, winstrol, anavar, and Primo at relatively low to moderate doses. I am still on the fence, however.
If ur gonna introduce nandrolone, would start with a lower dose. Test and nandrolone don’t go the best together sometimes, due to test being an AAS that converts pretty heavily to estrogen and prolactin, and nandrolone increasing estrogen and prolactin receptor sensitivity, and well as nandrolone supposedly increasing a man’s test to estrogen conversion rate. So they can be a tricky combo to dial in, when combined. So I would personally start with a nandrolone dose of around 40mg/ week. Then slowly titrate up from there, as needed. I’ve seen guys get joint relief from as low as 40-50mg/ week
I added low dose Nandrolone through my clininc, for joint pain, namely my shoulders that are holding back some of my gym agenda. Added 30mg E3.5D

At about 5 weeks I seem to have fluid retention and just enough that it seems to be hitting carpal tunnel syndrome in bed at night. Also has had some negative impacts on my mood and temper control.
Really odd at this low dose to have these things happening. This was a singular addition to my protocol and regimen so confidence is pretty good that the Deca was the cause.
I added low dose Nandrolone through my clininc, for joint pain, namely my shoulders that are holding back some of my gym agenda. Added 30mg E3.5D

At about 5 weeks I seem to have fluid retention and just enough that it seems to be hitting carpal tunnel syndrome in bed at night. Also has had some negative impacts on my mood and temper control.
Really odd at this low dose to have these things happening. This was a singular addition to my protocol and regimen so confidence is pretty good that the Deca was the cause.
most likely deca. i tried a low dose deca in the past, something like 50-70mg/week. got depressed as hell. it has to do with dopamine signaling. taking pramipexole which is an dopamine analog/agonist, solved the issue instantly. took it till deca cleared, 2 weeks or so. what is funny that NPP did not cause the same issues, even at higher doses
I have a little Caber laying around and had posited what you said about the dopamine signaling which I had read prior to starting with Deca but caught me totally by surprise with the dose of 60mg/week. The bouts of depression for no reason, and then the rage outbursts (x2) that I had were troubling. But more than anything the carpal tunnel is what I need help with...my r hand in bend at night is severely disrupting my sleep.
I have a little Caber laying around and had posited what you said about the dopamine signaling which I had read prior to starting with Deca but caught me totally by surprise with the dose of 60mg/week. The bouts of depression for no reason, and then the rage outbursts (x2) that I had were troubling. But more than anything the carpal tunnel is what I need help with...my r hand in bend at night is severely disrupting my sleep.
there might be an emotional connection with the carpal tunnel. read some John Sarno MD books. deca might have indeed triggered it
caber gave me extreme lethargy interestingly, but pramipexole did not. Caber has a really long half life, I was a walking zombie for 3-4 days on it. not saying this will be you, just as a FIY, some people do not handle caber well
yeah I wish deca would be working for me. i might retry a low-dose npp.
there might be an emotional connection with the carpal tunnel. read some John Sarno MD books. deca might have indeed triggered it
caber gave me extreme lethargy interestingly, but pramipexole did not. Caber has a really long half life, I was a walking zombie for 3-4 days on it. not saying this will be you, just as a FIY, some people do not handle caber well
yeah I wish deca would be working for me. i might retry a low-dose npp.
I've been off of my ND 100mg / week cycle of 6 months for about 6 weeks now. I had to tap out do to insecurity issues with my wife. Now, 6 weeks out, I'm am still having angry rage outbursts at her :), not good. Is there something I can add? It's been 6 weeks so I'm guessing something is still out of whack..
I've been off of my ND 100mg / week cycle of 6 months for about 6 weeks now. I had to tap out do to insecurity issues with my wife. Now, 6 weeks out, I'm am still having angry rage outbursts at her :), not good. Is there something I can add? It's been 6 weeks so I'm guessing something is still out of whack..
should be totally out of your system at around 2 months or so. I wouldn't expect the issues to persist that long tbh, especially at 100mg/week. you could try some P5P if otc supplement
Let us know if B6/P5P has some positives for you...the impact on some of my mental wellbeing has not been pleasant to the point that I may need to abandon the Nandrolone if I can't get that to ease up.
Let us know if B6/P5P has some positives for you...the impact on some of my mental wellbeing has not been pleasant to the point that I may need to abandon the Nandrolone if I can't get that to ease up.
I think it's working. But, it's been a full two months since I stopped the garbage and I'm finally starting to feel "normal." I've had this feeling in my gut for the entire two months that feels like you do before an important interview (fight or flight). That on top of insecurity, anxiety, anger, etc... several bad fights with my wife. Up til last week, most of the symptoms have gone. Finally, just the other night, that fight or flight anxiety feeling let up. If you are getting this in a bad way, I'd recommend caber to clear this shit out. P5P will only work with a low dose of ND (if at all) if you're still taking it, you'll need caber if you want to do higher doses. Some say Masteron works too. I'm sure others will be along to chime in. I'll never touch the shit again :)
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which involves pain and debilitating fatigue and 100-120 mg of nandrolone per week is absolutely life changing for me in improving the symptoms of my disorder. Officially, there is no approved pharmaceutical therapy for CFS so to find something that not only lessens joint pain but overall pain and thus improving my daily functioning is something of a miracle. I do not experience any mood problems from it so I sympathize for those of you that do. All bodies are different.
The times I've tried ND I seemed to get a very subtle version of what USMC describes, however NPP doesn't seem to have any mood negatives.
I've read that NPP is less on the sides. I'd be petrified to try any Nor19 again as I think it will cost me my marriage. ALL of my insecurity, jealousy, and anger were directed to my wife. I didn't have any problems with anyone else. This shit made my brain, via intrusive thoughts, convinced she was cheating on me with everyone or anyone without a shred of evidence or even suspicion. It's amazing how you can take every little thing a person (wife) does and turn it into something suspicious. Texting? Whom? Out shopping? Really? She always dresses the same, but now I'm wondering why she is dressed up! On and on, etc.. I have never experienced anything like it in my life! It wasn't subtle to say the least. I caution anyone in a serious relationship to reconsider unless you really know what you are doing as this dominated me in a bad way. The gains were great but not worth the emotional price. I hope this helps someone. It was a great "experiment!"
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should be totally out of your system at around 2 months or so. I wouldn't expect the issues to persist that long tbh, especially at 100mg/week. you could try some P5P if otc supplement
I have heard metabolites from Deca can linger and be detectable for 2 years. I have always handled NPP well. But I used Deca for the first time back in November and shit depressed the hell out of me and made me a prisoner in my own head. Crazy how an ester can change the way we tolerate and process a drug.
I have heard metabolites from Deca can linger and be detectable for 2 years. I have always handled NPP well. But I used Deca for the first time back in November and shit depressed the hell out of me and made me a prisoner in my own head. Crazy how an ester can change the way we tolerate and process a drug.
yeah weird isn't it. the metabolites are not an issue it seems like. NPP gave me 0 mental sides like deca, but i had a very hard to orgasm in a reasonable time frame. i could on for like 30min at which point it is not fun anymore. pramipexole fixed that too
yeah weird isn't it. the metabolites are not an issue it seems like. NPP gave me 0 mental sides like deca, but i had a very hard to orgasm in a reasonable time frame. i could on for like 30min at which point it is not fun anymore. pramipexole fixed that too
Interesting, the correlation with dopamine. For me, proviron helped, however, it might be all related to dopamine.
I suppose the issue is similar to finasteride where many men can suppress/reduce the conversion to DHT without any side effects while others experience depressive symptoms. However, this does not explain why some have issues with the combination of TRT T plus deca and no problem on deca only or deca with a tiny bit of T.
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