Test P improved TRT, libido still at 0 – what next?

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I don't think that your SHBG is the problem.

Good luck and success to you, and I'm looking forward to hear of your progress.

P.S. There seem to be places in the UK where one can get all treatment options. https://www.optimale.co.uk/trt-uk/the-best-trt-protocol/
Thank you, I will update as I try things and see if anything changes.

Prolactin, thyroid and salt are three other things to consider. You can slightly lower prolactin by taking a low (600mg or less) dose of Chasteberry every other day. Low thyroid can affect a lot of things. The book The Salt Fix discusses that low salt can lower libido. More generally, if you have any reason to suspect that you may have some sort of chronic infection, that is something else that could be an issue, as could some form of unresolved emotional trauma.
I didn't want to write too much in the original post, but prior to TRT I had, for several years, the perfect lifestyle and was doing quite good in life. I also had my entire body and organs checked for any causes for low T, yet everything was in perfect shape. I checked thyroid, vitamins and minerals as well and it was all fine. Prolactin is elevated in the test I posted, however in most other tests it's roughly at 10, which is middle of the range, but I did consider trying Caber to lower it a bit more, but it's unlikely that that would do anything based on my current levels. I'm also taking P5P right now, which supposedly reduces Prolactin, but I'm not feeling any effects, I started taking it for the supposed Dopamine effects, because I think I might have trouble there. Regarding salt, I train a lot so I lose a lot of salt and overall I eat pretty salty food, so I think I should be good on this front.

The thing with my libido is that I had it and then suddenly at 17 I lost it fully. Nothing special was happening back then at any front in my life, so there is quite honestly no trigger. It was also a sudden loss. I just assume that that was the point where my hormones were so low that things just stopped working. Then improving my life and lifestyle on many points did nothing for it and eventually I discovered low T levels, while nothing else was wrong. Mentally I don't think I have any deep or specific issues, sure I'm not happy with the state of my body and it has put me in awkward and painful situations, but I also had months and years when I was focusing on different stuff and I wasn't thinking about any of this while doing TRT. So if it was mental, then I think there were plenty of situations where I'd feel some sort of a libido, yet that has never happened, regardless of my mental state.
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