Nothing new here regarding daily fluctuating levels possibly having beneficial effects as it has been stated many times that when using exogenous injectable testosterone regardless of ester used it will in no way mimic the natural endogenous 24 hour circadian rhythm of a healthy young male where testosterone levels peak in the early am and decline in the late afternoon/early evening.....even when one injects daily using long or short acting esters.
When using exogenous testosterone and steady state is achieved levels are elevated 24/7 albeit there is still peak/trough and to what extreme will come down to ones T dose, injection frequency and SHBG levels.
Even when injecting small doses daily sure levels are more stable and the variation between ones peak/trough is minimized compared to injecting once or twice weekly but in many cases many are running troughs in the 800-1000+ ng/dL range.............a young healthy males peak is around 600-800 ng/dL and as levels decline in the early afternoon/evening trough levels are 25-35% less.
Sure with daily prop injections you will get a quicker spike due to the short acting ester but it is in no way mimicking the natural endogenous T of a healthy young male.
I as many would take a healthy functioning hpta any day over trt but unfortunately we do not have that option!