Sex drive and semen


New Member
Hi guys

I began TRT 5 weeks ago, and when I first began I had a huge increase in sex drive, and my erections were super hard. All I thought about was sex 24/7, and was masterbating about 4 times a day

I noticed a decline in sex drive about two weeks ago, and a decline in erection quality. I had difficulty staying hard during sex, and after a few days of not masterbating, I became concerned and masterbated.

The semen was very clumpy, and stringy. Kind of like drying crazy glue, and was less than half the volume it used to be before I started TRT

what happened to my sex drive and erections, and what happened to my semen?

also, morning wood isn’t there either

sorry for the graphic details
Your HPTA is shut down do to exogenous testosterone, you will have to wait while your body adapts to the exogenous testosterone and the benefits will continue beyond 1 year. This shut down happens to just about everyone and is normal.

We need a full set of pre-TRT labs to determine if you are even on the correct protocol, SHBG and sensitive estrogen (LC/MS/MS method).
I can say without a doubt for me this has been the biggest disappointment and side effect for me. I have been in TRT for 90 days.

Prior to TRT I had very large “loads” when I got off. Not only in volume, but in force as well. Like pull out and it would easily land all over my wife's face and beyond.

Now if I am lucky if about 1/4 amount comes out and it is very weak.

The doctor says this this may be the “new” me or the good old days may return.
Shutdown has its drawbacks. Testosterone stimulates the libido in the CNS but in the periphery, function can decline ... a very frustrating circumstance indeed
Hi guys

I began TRT 5 weeks ago, and when I first began I had a huge increase in sex drive, and my erections were super hard. All I thought about was sex 24/7, and was masterbating about 4 times a day

I noticed a decline in sex drive about two weeks ago, and a decline in erection quality. I had difficulty staying hard during sex, and after a few days of not masterbating, I became concerned and masterbated.

The semen was very clumpy, and stringy. Kind of like drying crazy glue, and was less than half the volume it used to be before I started TRT

what happened to my sex drive and erections, and what happened to my semen?

also, morning wood isn't there either

sorry for the graphic details

Do you have pre-trt labs to post and what is your trt protocol?

It is common when one first starts trt to see an increase in libido as the hpta is not fully shut down yet so you are still producing some endogenous t and also now using exogenous testosterone injections and there is also increases in dopamine.....most would call this the honeymoon period.

As testosterone levels are increasing there is also an increase in estradiol levels and even though it takes 6 weeks for testosterone levels to stabilize and one may feel great when starting trt (boost libido/more frequent erections) things can also get bumpy and there can be ups and downs depending on how ones body is reacting to testosterone and how that specific dose of testosterone is effecting their total t, free t, estradiol levels among other health markers.

After 6 weeks when levels have stabilized and blood work is done one may need to increase/lower testosterone dose depending on whether or not their levels are in a healthy range and providing relief/improvements of low t symptoms.

As far as semen consistency/volume is can be effected negatively (thicker/less volume) due to hpta shutdown and the pituitary no longer making lh to (stimulate the leydig cells to produce testosterone) and no longer making fsh to (stimulate the seritoli cells to produce sperm).

It is common in many to experience testicular shrinkage and lower ejaculate volume/change consistency but it depends on the person as not everyone experiences this.

I have been on trt for 18 hcg or aromatase inhibitor and as far as testicular shrinkage maybe slightly but I can not tell as they were a descent size before trt and they always hang.

I can still shoot big powerful loads and experience intense orgasms so in my case things have been good.

I would say on trt doses testicular shrinkage should be minimal and if one had smaller testes pre-trt than they may notice much more than someone that had bigger testes pre-trt.
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Wow that’s actually super interesting that it went back to normal on it’s own. Never heard of that happening before. Nice to know that it’a a possibility. Thanks for reporting that.

What about testicle size, have you noticed any atrophy?
Wow that’s actually super interesting that it went back to normal on it’s own. Never heard of that happening before. Nice to know that it’a a possibility. Thanks for reporting that.

What about testicle size, have you noticed any atrophy?

Testicular size is slightly less than normal, but hanging. I see no reason to start HCG at this stage.
I'm on the same amount of hCG, BigBamBoo. I too had that honeymoon period followed by the shutdown. Shutdown was very frustrating as far as size and semen volume were concerned, but after a couple more months I'm back to normal on the volume especially if I wait a few days, but the size has improved to slightly smaller than before TRT. Kinda of uncomfortable, but nowhere near as bad as how small they got one month in.

Would be nice if more hCG could get it better, but afaik that's about as good as it can do when you're on testosterone.
Oh wow you are? I’m surprised you have low ejaculate volume at this dosage. How are your testicles, have they atrophied since being on TRT? I’m pretty sure my ejaculate volume correlates with my testicle size. I’ve tried certain brands of HCG that really didn’t do anything, and my testicles were smaller on those brands. And ejaculate volume was less. But on Pregnyl HCG my testicles were a good size, and ejaculate volume was much better.
Well any improvement from where I am now would be welcome.

I have never had ED issues, sensitivity problems, etc. My reason for starting TRT was mainly fatigue and some weight gain.

I will keep my fingers crossed that things will improve in the “delivery” dept.
Something I have thought about and wonder if there is a correlation between guys who experience low ejaculation volume/force after starting TRT is if they are primary or secondary.

To me it would make sense if most of the folks having having these issues are secondary as now your nuts are not doing what they use to do.

Maybe someone with way more knowledge than me can weigh in on that?
My initial trt experience was similar with the “honeymoon phase” for about 30 days, then painful atrophy, ed, and other sides set in. My E2 rising to high levels was the most of my ED issues. Atrophy and Semen volume was corrected with HCG. My ED symptoms were due to my high E2 levels. Adding HCG even drove those levels a little higher, but by adding a very low dose AI twice week I am now doing well in this regard. Be patient, get routine blood work, adjust to symptoms not numbers and you will figure out what regimen fits you. It would be nice if one regimen fits all, but one thing for sure with hormones, it just is not that simple.
I've had Ed and libido issues for the past 15 years, I'm 64 now, I never thought to check my T lvl and you know my PCP would never suggest it. I just chalked it up to well this must be what 50 years old feels like. I was so into my career and making my fortune I just never thought about it. My wife started premature menopause at 47 so sex hurt and since I had no libido we just never thought about it.
My semen volume and force was low back then. I did not really notice a decline after starting TRT. My first 6 months was T mono and the last year I have been using HCG and no change to volume or strength.

To answer BigBamBoo I am primary with testicular failure. Side note Vasectomy 1984 after my daughter was born.
BigBamBoo - This is a good point actually, never even thought about whether the man is primary or secondary factoring into ejaculate volume and everything, makes sense though. Also, Feelinglost said he is primary and he has this same issue.

On the other hand, I am very secondary, as my total T was 1200 on HCG mono 2,000iu/ week, and 1500 while on Clomid 50mg/ day. I have plenty of ejaculate volume and projection while on HCG 800iu's/ week, and testicles are probably the size they were pre TRT. Although it's been over 4 years since I started TRT, so I kind of forget what size they used to be tbh.
I am secondary as well. And am new to TRT (a little over 3 months) so it has been a big change to go from big, powerful, ejaculations to what goes on now when I get off.
To me it would make sense that if one was primary, that they would have had low ejaculations since the testicles are it functioning. But that is just my own thought on all this.

My testicles are about the same as they were prior to starting TRT.

I am hoping to get my E2 down and hoping that will maybe restore things to pre TRT as far as ejaculations go.

Time will tell.
Ya another good point. High E2 definitely has an effect on the testicles, proven in multiple studies where estrogen was administered to males, and it definitely without a doubt can decrease testicular size, so I don't think its crazy to assume once E2 is lowered that testicular function can only improve.

What is your latest E2 and SHBG levels?
Ya another good point. High E2 definitely has an effect on the testicles, proven in multiple studies where estrogen was administered to males, and it definitely without a doubt can decrease testicular size, so I don't think its crazy to assume once E2 is lowered that testicular function can only improve.

What is your latest E2 and SHBG levels?

You ready??? E2 is/was 75 on my last blood draw. SHBG is 60.

You would think that with that E2 level I would be a moody bitch. LOL But I guess “thankfully” to my high SHBG, it has kept me from being PMS-like.

My TT is 1000+ and my FT is 28.

Prior to starting TRT my E2 was around 25, TT was 600 and my FT was 7. SHBG was 70+.

I think once I lower my T dose, hopefully the E will drop. I do not want to take an AI.

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