Sex drive and semen

I am secondary as well. And am new to TRT (a little over 3 months) so it has been a big change to go from big, powerful, ejaculations to what goes on now when I get off.
To me it would make sense that if one was primary, that they would have had low ejaculations since the testicles are it functioning. But that is just my own thought on all this.

My testicles are about the same as they were prior to starting TRT.

I am hoping to get my E2 down and hoping that will maybe restore things to pre TRT as far as ejaculations go.

Time will tell.

You stated " To me it would make sense that if one was primary, that they would have had low ejaculations since the testicles are it functioning".....unless you meant to say NOT functioning.

I think you misunderstood as primary hypogonadism (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism ) is dysfunction of the testes (testicular failure) where as secondary hypogonadism (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism ) is dysfunction of the hypothalamus/pituitary (defects in the hypothalamus or pituitary).
BigBamBoo - Holy shit, it's pretty crazy how similar our situations are. Here are the results of my last blood test and pre TRT numbers, pretty damn similar. I currently have zero nipple sensitivity/ itchiness or any other high E2 symptoms that I'm aware of.

TEST- 110mg/ week
HCG - 800IU/ week
Test total - 1687 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free test - 238.6 (46.0-224.0)
Bioavail. test - 459.6 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG - 47
E2 Sensitive - 73
E2 NOT Sensitive - 59

DHT - 121 (16-79)

Total test - 621 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free test - 64.2 (46.0-224.0)
E2 Sensitive - 25

My plan is to also drop my T dose to hopefully lower E2 as well. Just like u I'd like to do everything I can to avoid an AI if I can, especially considering I don't really have any symptoms even at a high E2. And every time I try to add in an AI I always feel like crap very quickly. So I think it's best if I just avoid them all together.

E2 Sensitive - 73
E2 NOT Sensitive - 59

Is this a typo Gman? It's the first time I have seen a non sens E2 test report lower that the sensitive.
I thought it was the general consensus around here that Non Sens E2 reported higher.
Before and after starting TRT I have had good sex drive. I noticed within a couple weeks of starting testosterone that my ejaculated volume decreased a lot and I was on HCG from the beginning. It does seem to have improved some over time but not completely back to pre trt levels. Intensity has been the same so I can't complain.
It's not a typo, but i'm thinking it could possibly be a lab error, because every other time i've had both tested, the sensitive has always come back lower than the non-sensitice just like you said. Only problem for me is I don't know which E2 is more likely to be correct, the 73 or the 59. I'm obv hoping it's the 59 lol, but can't really know until my next blood work.
How about testicular size, any smaller since starting TRT? And what dose of HCG are you on?

Are you asking me?
In my youth I would say they were normal size but I never grabbed anothers ball for comparison. I believe after my vasectomy they slowly atrophied over the years.
Now I would say they are small and have not changed since TRT with or without HCG. HCG just keeps them hanging in the correct position and not pulled up against my body.
Since starting TRT, my amount of semen has decreased. My libido has stayed strong and testicle are the same as before TRT. I use 500 iu of HCG twice a week.
It's interesting that I'm hearing about multiple people recently saying that HCG does really nothing for them in regards to testicular size and ejaculate volume. What is your HCG brand and dose, and do you know if you are Primary or Secondary?

I'm trying to figure out why with some men it increases testicular size and some it doesn't. I'm assuming it has something to do with whether the guy is primary or secondary, the dosage, the brand, and how the HCG is reconstituted, stored and handled.
It's interesting that I'm hearing about multiple people recently saying that HCG does really nothing for them in regards to testicular size and ejaculate volume. What is your HCG brand and dose, and do you know if you are Primary or Secondary?

I'm trying to figure out why with some men it increases testicular size and some it doesn't. I'm assuming it has something to do with whether the guy is primary or secondary, the dosage, the brand, and how the HCG is reconstituted, stored and handled.
Primary hypogonadism. I get my HCG for Empower Pharmacy, HCG 12,000iu vial lyophilized.
I'm using Empower HCG as well, I do 800iu/ week. I tried going down to 500iu/ week and noticed testicles got a little too small for my liking. They increased in size when I went up to 800iu/ week. So HCG is definitely doing something for me in regards to testicular size. I think I also noticed a little more ejaculate volume on 800iu/ week as well. I'm very secondary btw. I respond very well to HCG and Clomid in regards to them raising testosterone levels.
Testicle size for me is pretty much the same now as pre TRT. I was kinda concerned about "shrinkage", so I had my wife really check them out prior (such a hardship for both of us! ;)) as well as my own self exams. Pretty much no difference that either of us can tell.

Again, only been on TRT for 90+ days so far.
When I was on pellets, my I had shrinkage but no reduction in volume. When I went on injections and HCG, the shrinkage went away and no effect on volume.

What DID effect volume and quality of orgasm was taking an AI. Horrible. Within two weeks of my stopping the AI, volume and quality of orgasm returned.
Oh interesting. We know high E2 absolutely effects testicular size and I’m pretty sure ejaculate volume and orgasm intensity. So maybe low E2 does the same.

Makes sense since we know estrogen is extremely important for sexual function. We know this by the studies, that I believe Nelson Vergel had presented, that show that with men having low testosterone and low estrogen, estrogen alone was administered while testosterone was still suppressed, and sexual function improved.

The more into this TRT journey that I get, and the more research that I do, and more anecdotal stories that I learn about, the more and more that I see why Nelson Vergel is so against using AI’s unless absolutely necessary, and that E2 doesn’t always have to be in the 20-30 range for TRT to be in that “sweet spot”.

Was listening to Jay Campbell on his podcast the other day and he said he’s never used an AI and feels great. His last E2 was 41. And he has been as high as 60. Also the co-author of his book was on, Jim Brown, and he said his E2 hovers between 35-55, and never has needed an AI and also feels great. Not sure what Jay’s SHBG is, but his free test was 28.7 (6.8-21.5), with a total testosterone of 843. So I assume his SHBG is on the lower side, which would make you think he would need a much lower E2 to feel good, but apparently not.
As mentioned earlier, I am secondary.

My HCG comes from Empower and this last go around I bought two 6000iu vials vs one 12,000iu. My thoughts are about about poentcy and storing of one big vial vs smaller vials.
Yes, I do pay a bit more doing it that way. I think it is $10.00 more.

I store both the reconstituted and un-reconstituted vials in the refrigerator.
I was on Test. Cyptionate only for about 4 months, and it shut me down hard. Testicles shrank to about half their previous size, and ejaculate volume was low with thick semen.

I transitioned to HCG mono back in March, and things are back to normal. Testicles came back 80% in size in the first couple of weeks if I had to guess. It took the better part of a few months for them to come back to 100%. Ejaculate on HCG has been great, back to normal.
As mentioned earlier, I am secondary.

My HCG comes from Empower and this last go around I bought two 6000iu vials vs one 12,000iu. My thoughts are about about poentcy and storing of one big vial vs smaller vials.
Yes, I do pay a bit more doing it that way. I think it is $10.00 more.

I store both the reconstituted and un-reconstituted vials in the refrigerator.
I've never had a vial of HCG get bad or weak on me. I buy the biggest one, less times that I have to mix the vial. A 12,000iu vial will last me 12 weeks. :)
Since starting TRT, my amount of semen has decreased. My libido has stayed strong and testicle are the same as before TRT. I use 500 iu of HCG twice a week.
Vince, I was on the same protocol as you (500iu twice a week) and had the same reduction in semen. Switching to 350iu MWF has made a noticeable difference. Just FYI! I know you have your protocol dialed in, but I strongly believe that 3x per week is the best.

I experimented with EOD as well, but found MWF to be the best for me.

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