After the TRT Honeymoon

dr crisler also recommended fasting for prolactin. My only time it came back high was when I ate before the test
I use to do the 18 hour fast and eat a primarily high fat and veggies diet. I got kinda shredded from that diet hit 159lbs @ 5'11 with some lean muscle. Eventually I went to OMAD and had little desire for food. My blood work looked perfect while fasting on OMAD. That was back in my 200mg DHEA a day fast protocol to try and fix my T levels.
I just didn't notice much change in sex drive with it. I'm back to eating more calories again because I'm lifting and feel like I need it.
I'm starting to think Lyme and stroke may have screwed my brain up slightly. I really wanna get those sexual functions firing strong again.
Sounds like your SHBG is on the very low end if your trough had your free T very high with a total of 700. This would indicate that you may feel better injecting daily. I would inject EOD at the very least. I would also stop this non-sense of injecting two different amounts per week. I would just pick either 160mg or 200mg per week, and break it up into equal daily or EOD injections.
Hey called both my Endo and T doctor. last April my Prolactin was at 8.1 also my SHBG on my recent blood work was 28. My T doc did not check my prolactin. Hope that helps
I extract with an 18 and inject with a 23. So it's your opinion then that daily injections could help with SHGB. Most information I find is on Lowering SHGB not raising. So higher SHBG better sex drive, lower is worse for sex drive?

No, injection frequency won’t change your SHBG. I’m saying that since your’s is very likely low, you would most likely need to inject daily or EOD to feel optimal. I suggest ED injections.

23 gauge??? Ouch!! That’s completely unnecessary and very old school. Just pick yourself up some insulin needles. I would suggest getting 27-29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringes. Inject into your thighs or shoulders. I’ve been using the thighs for years with good success. Have a ton of area to inject, and it’s basically painless. There’s no need to draw with one syringe, and inject with another.
Good advice with the injection size. I use a 29g/30g 1/2in (12.8mm) insulin syringe\needle combo. Takes about 3 mins to load. Almost painless into the quads.

Wow, a 30 gauge actually draws up the oil? Good to know. What brand of cypionate do you use?
Hey called both my Endo and T doctor. last April my Prolactin was at 8.1 also my SHBG on my recent blood work was 28. My T doc did not check my prolactin. Hope that helps

I thought your SHBG was closer to high teens, low 20’s. 28 is mid range. I still think you would probably benefit from EOD injections. I would definitely try increasing your injection frequency if you can. Doesn’t hurt to at least try ED or EOD to see if you notice a difference. Everyone’s different with how often they need to inject. It’s very individual. Don’t know what you need until you try really
No, injection frequency won’t change your SHBG. I’m saying that since your’s is very likely low, you would most likely need to inject daily or EOD to feel optimal. I suggest ED injections.

23 gauge??? Ouch!! That’s completely unnecessary and very old school. Just pick yourself up some insulin needles. I would suggest getting 27-29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringes. Inject into your thighs or shoulders. I’ve been using the thighs for years with good success. Have a ton of area to inject, and it’s basically painless. There’s no need to draw with one syringe, and inject with another.
I'll definitely look into ordering some 27 or 29. Can you still inject in the ass with those or are they too small? My doctor made me nervous about injecting in the thigh. I couldn't imagine sticking my long ass needle in my thigh or shoulder. Holy cow!
I'll definitely look into ordering some 27 or 29. Can you still inject in the ass with those or are they too small? My doctor made me nervous about injecting in the thigh. I couldn't imagine sticking my long ass needle in my thigh or shoulder. Holy cow!

Ya you they should be long enough for certain parts of the buttocks. I don’t think they’d get to the muscle in all areas of the buttocks tho. The thighs are very safe, from my knowledge. I’ve literally only ever injected into my thighs. EOD for the majority of the time, and then daily for quite a bit as well. Never had one issue or bad injection. Very very safe imo. I’m also a nurse, if that helps.
Ya you they should be long enough for certain parts of the buttocks. I don’t think they’d get to the muscle in all areas of the buttocks tho. The thighs are very safe, from my knowledge. I’ve literally only ever injected into my thighs. EOD for the majority of the time, and then daily for quite a bit as well. Never had one issue or bad injection. Very very safe imo. I’m also a nurse, if that helps.
That helps a lot. Thanks for all the information.
3min to load is ridiculous. Same as drinking a smoothie through a coffee straw.

Ya I have 29 gauge syringes for my peptides, and I accidentally used one when drawing up my testosterone, and had to change the syringe because nothing was going into the syringe. I was like wth is going on. Then when it wouldn’t draw up anything the second time, I realized I was using the 29 gauge syringe. So that’s why I recommend 27-29 gauge. 27 seems perfect, but maybe with certain oils a 29 gauge can work.
I use to do the 18 hour fast and eat a primarily high fat and veggies diet. I got kinda shredded from that diet hit 159lbs @ 5'11 with some lean muscle. Eventually I went to OMAD and had little desire for food. My blood work looked perfect while fasting on OMAD. That was back in my 200mg DHEA a day fast protocol to try and fix my T levels.
I just didn't notice much change in sex drive with it. I'm back to eating more calories again because I'm lifting and feel like I need it.
I'm starting to think Lyme and stroke may have screwed my brain up slightly. I really wanna get those sexual functions firing strong again.
I had/have Lyme also maybe that’s why I can’t recover my hormones either. Lyme didn’t cause it but ever since I screwed them up trt/hrt hasn’t helped
Wow, a 30 gauge actually draws up the oil? Good to know. What brand of cypionate do you use?

Currently Pfizer Depo-Test with a 29g "BD" brand 12.8mm insulin syringe. I warm up the vial and then preload 2 weeks worth or so at a time.

Have also managed to load UGL cyp a year back with a 30g 8mm BD syringe, that didn't need warming so perhaps the UGL had thinner oil. Needs patience to get it to flow but I feel its more sanitary than backfilling especially as the filled syringed will not be used immediately.
I had/have Lyme also maybe that’s why I can’t recover my hormones either. Lyme didn’t cause it but ever since I screwed them up trt/hrt hasn’t helped
Sorry man, it really sucks. Unfortunately for me, they just didn't catch it fast enough. Years of inflammation, chronic illness, palpitations and other BS just destroyed my hormones. My numbers are rebounding, but somethings haven't returned yet. One of those being sex drive. I'm going to take some of the advice in this thread and go from there.
Currently Pfizer Depo-Test with a 29g "BD" brand 12.8mm insulin syringe. I warm up the vial and then preload 2 weeks worth or so at a time.

Have also managed to load UGL cyp a year back with a 30g 8mm BD syringe, that didn't need warming so perhaps the UGL had thinner oil. Needs patience to get it to flow but I feel its more sanitary than backfilling especially as the filled syringed will not be used immediately.
So how do you know if the Cyp you're getting is good. Do you contact the pharmacy and ask where they get it?
It seems everything has improved except libido. How many times a day are you going at it?

I have seen countless times people have "taken advantage" of the initial libido boost to go at it more often. Also using more and more extreme "material". This then desensitises the brain reward circuits \ pleasure pathways which can take a couple days \ weeks to recover from even on TRT. There are whole forums dedicated that kind of thing.

Sometimes the brain needs time to heal and become sensitive again to normal stimulus, and no amount of protocol changes can speed that up.

i feel completely called out by this post and couldn’t agree more.
27 seems perfect, but maybe with certain oils a 29 gauge can work.

I use a 29 with grapeseed enanthate from Empower. Takes me one minute total to clean the vial and draw, but that's over filling just a bit past 10iu so I can click the air out and then pin my 20mg daily shot. Dudes would rather harpoon themselves and damage their muscle tissue rather than wait seconds to draw through a smaller needle- and we wonder why women live longer.
This will indeed work. A state of fasting is a state of craving. Dopamine circuits are lit up and dopamine has an inverse relationship with prolactin, the satiety hormone.
Not jerking yourself into a stupor will also help manage prolactin.
Not jerking yourself into a stupor will also help manage prolactin.

You have hit the nail 1000% spot on!

Also B6 high dose (perhaps 150mg day split as 50mg x 3) works wonders too for libido and I believe its prolactin lowering effect is the reason. There is a pharmacy I know of which gives women who wish to stop lactating 500mg / day for 2 weeks, women who cannot afford the medication to do so. Mentioned only as anecdotal evidence.

TRT + B6 + intermittant fasting + abstinence from all types of sex for a while results in a massive libido boost for me and a few people who have tried it. Now using that boost to orgasm 3 times a day for a few days will result in you getting into an even deeper hole. The trick is to ride along while remaining somewhat horny. Have the occasional orgasm, but keep good libido reserves. I guarantee you your life will improve in every way.

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