Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

Labs came back. E2 is at 39 which might be a little on the high side but hasn’t been an issue numerically for me in the past on just T. Going to drop the T to 36mg weekly (12mgx3times).

I’m wondering if my ferritin in the tank is the issue. About a month ago I did 10 days of the “raise your ferritin fast” protocol though. Guess it didn’t help much.

At this point - it’s either my ferritin is what’s making me feel like garbage - or my body just doesn’t like nandrolone based protocols


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Labs came back. E2 is at 39 which might be a little on the high side but hasn’t been an issue numerically for me in the past on just T. Going to drop the T to 36mg weekly (12mgx3times).

I’m wondering if my ferritin in the tank is the issue. About a month ago I did 10 days of the “raise your ferritin fast” protocol though. Guess it didn’t help much.

At this point - it’s either my ferritin is what’s making me feel like garbage - or my body just doesn’t like nandrolone based protocols
Is there a reason why do the hcg?
Maybe if you drop the hcg u would feel much better? It would definitely be worth trying..
Gman- not related to this post but saw you were on cjc/ipa peptide. Are you still and what was your experience? Seems pricey but thinking of trying out.
Gman- not related to this post but saw you were on cjc/ipa peptide. Are you still and what was your experience? Seems pricey but thinking of trying out.

So no, I’ve been off those for a while now. My experience was ok I guess. Didn’t notice any benefits, but I’m sure they were doing stuff in the background. Reason I stopped is cuz anytime I use something that increases growth hormone, I end up suffering with finger tingling/ numbness at times, especially while sleeping, and then at the gym sometimes my grip strength will suffer a bit. I bet I have like the early stages of carpal tunnel or something, and that’s why I’m so sensitive to growth hormone promoting compounds. I don’t think most people would have these same negative effects using the compounds and dosages I’ve used. Even on low doses of growth peptides or HGH, I experience these tingling/ numbing/ grip issues, so for now I’m not messing with anything that increases growth hormone production. Maybe circle back to it at some point, but just enjoying not having to deal with those sides atm
@DAbears hey Whatsup brotha. Just wanted to check in and see how ur doing on the nandrolone base. U still doing 210mg deca and 30mg test, injected Mon, Wed, Fri?

How’s energy, mood, sexual function, sleep, gym?
Posting an update:
For the last few months I’ve been running 200 mg nandrolone and 45-60 mg Test (the variation is based on how much comes out in the syringe - I don’t obsess about it as long as Test is between that range). I split the does to M W F.

Loving this! E2 and HCT are in check for the first time ever. I put on 20lbs of mass (lifted very heavy during this period) - got abs and my shoulders are popping. At over 57 y/o I look better than I have in 30 years - no exaggeration.

One downside - blood pressure is very hard to control for me on Nandrolone base. Normally - on testosterone only I was around 127/72. With 200 mg nandrolone I was 140-150/78-85 most readings. I’m on two low dose BP meds now and it’s still hard to get it under 132/80, spiking higher in the afternoon. I may pull back for a month and lower the nandrolone or do a primo/Testosterone cruise - but I don’t want to mess with what’s working otherwise.

At my consult at Defy medical last month, based on bloodwork and overall systemic benefits - I was formally approved for this nandrolone-based program at the doses I mentioned.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is how quickly joint issues go away / heal with the higher nandrolone. It’s amazing - night and day better than taking 120mg / wk which was my previous dose.
Posting an update:
For the last few months I’ve been running 200 mg nandrolone and 45-60 mg Test (the variation is based on how much comes out in the syringe - I don’t obsess about it as long as Test is between that range). I split the does to M W F.

Loving this! E2 and HCT are in check for the first time ever. I put on 20lbs of mass (lifted very heavy during this period) - got abs and my shoulders are popping. At over 57 y/o I look better than I have in 30 years - no exaggeration.

One downside - blood pressure is very hard to control for me on Nandrolone base. Normally - on testosterone only I was around 127/72. With 200 mg nandrolone I was 140-150/78-85 most readings. I’m on two low dose BP meds now and it’s still hard to get it under 132/80, spiking higher in the afternoon. I may pull back for a month and lower the nandrolone or do a primo/Testosterone cruise - but I don’t want to mess with what’s working otherwise.

At my consult at Defy medical last month, based on bloodwork and overall systemic benefits - I was formally approved for this nandrolone-based program at the doses I mentioned.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is how quickly joint issues go away / heal with the higher nandrolone. It’s amazing - night and day better than taking 120mg / wk which was my previous dose.
I've had similar experience. One problem I had with nandrolone base was my resting heart rate. I could barely donate blood one time because it was 99.
Posting an update:
For the last few months I’ve been running 200 mg nandrolone and 45-60 mg Test (the variation is based on how much comes out in the syringe - I don’t obsess about it as long as Test is between that range). I split the does to M W F.

Loving this! E2 and HCT are in check for the first time ever. I put on 20lbs of mass (lifted very heavy during this period) - got abs and my shoulders are popping. At over 57 y/o I look better than I have in 30 years - no exaggeration.

One downside - blood pressure is very hard to control for me on Nandrolone base. Normally - on testosterone only I was around 127/72. With 200 mg nandrolone I was 140-150/78-85 most readings. I’m on two low dose BP meds now and it’s still hard to get it under 132/80, spiking higher in the afternoon. I may pull back for a month and lower the nandrolone or do a primo/Testosterone cruise - but I don’t want to mess with what’s working otherwise.

At my consult at Defy medical last month, based on bloodwork and overall systemic benefits - I was formally approved for this nandrolone-based program at the doses I mentioned.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is how quickly joint issues go away / heal with the higher nandrolone. It’s amazing - night and day better than taking 120mg / wk which was my previous dose.

Glad to hear that it’s working so well for u!

Are u still taking 5-10mg of dbol per day? If not, when did u stop

The first time I did a nandrolone base, I used 200mg of deca the entire time, and then adjusted my test dose to see where I did felt best. I started with 40mg of test, and went up to 100mg. My sweetspot ended up being 200mg of deca with between 40-60mg of test. So it’s interesting that my sweetspot ended up being similar to what ur feeling great on

So getting BP in range is very very easy. U don’t need to give up the protocol, and u don’t need to be on BP meds. U can DM me, and we can really go into specifics about how to easily keep BP in range, even on this nandrolone base, if u want. I can give u some foolproof tips real quick tho

-biggest tip is using a high quality magnesium supplement. I personally use remag, which is a liquid magnesium chloride supplement that supposedly has a very high absorption rate. If ur already using magnesium, and u can’t get ur BP in range, I suggest upping ur dose, and/ or switching to a better form. I’ve had good success with liquid magnesium chloride myself. Every time I open a glass bottle of mineral water, I put a half tsp of it in, along with some Celtic sea salt. That way I’m sipping on magnesium rich water all day. Has really helped keep my BP within range, and I’m using more nandrolone than u are

-touched on it above, but drinking mineral water throughout the day is a good tip to keep BP in range. And again, I add some Celtic sea salt to it, in order to absorb the water better. Better hydrated ur cells are, the better ur BP is going to be

-other good tip is to make sure u keep ur insulin resistance as low as possible. The more insulin resistant u are, the less elastic ur blood vessels are going to be, and the less they’re going to be able to stretch, and the higher ur BP is going to be. So make sure ur triglycerides are nice and low. Around 50, if possible. But absolutely without a doubt 100 or below. And make sure ur fasting insulin is nice and low, and also make sure ur HbA1c is on the low end.

-last tip is to just eat as close to carnivore as possible. People don’t realize all the vital micronutrients, that u can only get from animal products, mainly from grass fed cows, that will improve BP, and improve overall health in general. There’s honestly way too many to even start going over them all, but K2 is a HUGE one, and can only be found in animal products. So try to eat as much fatty red meat as u can, and also consume a decent amount of pastured egg yolks, and any grass fed raw dairy

There’s many other things that can help optimize BP, but if u just implement these tips alone, u will not need the BP meds, and u won’t have to go off ur current protocol, I guarantee it
@Gman86 - thanks for checking in and for the good tips.

My experiment with DBOL went great. I was following an old Ben Johnson protocol of doing two weeks on three weeks off two weeks on. I did that one round and then just did another round of two weeks on before heading into a vacation, doing only 5 to 10 mg per day. It filled me out great and really helped get me past a plateau from lifting. Frankly, I think it’s a great add-on. Just got to watch and take appropriate liver support. I had blood work done right after I ended my first round and my liver enzymes were just over the top of the range by two or three points. I have a very conservative doctor who sent me for an abdominal ultrasound LOL but everything came back perfect. Also, considering I have been using androgens in the protocol for a while and increasing the dosage, I went ahead and had a calcium stress score and it came back zero. My triglycerides are all very low around 50 and cholesterol is well managed through statins and sits at around 125 total with LDL 65 and HDL 55. Fasting glucose is 90. It used to be lower, but the statins push that up a bit over time.

Regarding BP: The funny thing is I was taking my blood pressure all day today, first day back from vacation and I was in the 120s/68–70. Probably from eating clean and walking every day all week.

I do take a magnesium supplement in the glycinate form, about 200 mg per day but I probably have to up that dose. I’m going to give that supplement you recommended a try. Seems like it got great reviews, but people claimed it tasted lousy - but if it works, I will do it. Thanks again for that tip.

I’m planning to keep the protocol the same as I described – which as you mentioned is very similar to the one you used - 200 mg nandrolone with around 50 testosterone. I would love to find a way to throw Primabolin into this mix, but I would have to significantly increase the testosterone level due to the anti estrogenic properties of primabolin, so will likely just leave things as is for the time being since this protocol really worked in terms of packing on size, strength, and overall feelings of well-being.
@Gman86 - thanks for checking in and for the good tips.

My experiment with DBOL went great. I was following an old Ben Johnson protocol of doing two weeks on three weeks off two weeks on. I did that one round and then just did another round of two weeks on before heading into a vacation, doing only 5 to 10 mg per day. It filled me out great and really helped get me past a plateau from lifting. Frankly, I think it’s a great add-on. Just got to watch and take appropriate liver support. I had blood work done right after I ended my first round and my liver enzymes were just over the top of the range by two or three points. I have a very conservative doctor who sent me for an abdominal ultrasound LOL but everything came back perfect. Also, considering I have been using androgens in the protocol for a while and increasing the dosage, I went ahead and had a calcium stress score and it came back zero. My triglycerides are all very low around 50 and cholesterol is well managed through statins and sits at around 125 total with LDL 65 and HDL 55. Fasting glucose is 90. It used to be lower, but the statins push that up a bit over time.

Regarding BP: The funny thing is I was taking my blood pressure all day today, first day back from vacation and I was in the 120s/68–70. Probably from eating clean and walking every day all week.

I do take a magnesium supplement in the glycinate form, about 200 mg per day but I probably have to up that dose. I’m going to give that supplement you recommended a try. Seems like it got great reviews, but people claimed it tasted lousy - but if it works, I will do it. Thanks again for that tip.

I’m planning to keep the protocol the same as I described – which as you mentioned is very similar to the one you used - 200 mg nandrolone with around 50 testosterone. I would love to find a way to throw Primabolin into this mix, but I would have to significantly increase the testosterone level due to the anti estrogenic properties of primabolin, so will likely just leave things as is for the time being since this protocol really worked in terms of packing on size, strength, and overall feelings of well-being.

Glad to hear the dbol experiment went well. Sounds like u can throw it in here and there whenever u want without having to worry too much about any negative health effects

And glad to see that u seem to be on top of ur diet, and health in general. A triglyceride level of 50 is amazing! And a fasting glucose of around 90 is great too! Hdl of 55 is solid. But don’t get me started on statins and ldl lol. I wouldn’t wish an LDL that low on my worst enemy lol. And if I had any enemies, I would even feel bad seeing them on a statin! lol. We can agree to disagree on our stances on ldl, but ur clearly a smart guy, and will eventually figure out that u’ve been doing way more harm to ur overall health, than good, by taking a statin and keeping ldl that low. There’s tons of vital benefits to having ldl in a health range. Ur going to eventually regret taking a statin, once u figure out how much harm u’ve been doing to ur body by taking it. Just hope u realize that sooner than later. Would hate to see u realize it later, and then have to look back on all the years that u then realize how much damage u did to ur health, and the years u robbed urself longevity wise, by taking it. Not to mention how dramatically that statin is going to increase ur chances of getting dementia/ Alzheimer’s as u age. But again, we can agree to disagree and move on lol. Just hate to see smart guys like u think they’re doing their health good by doing certain things, but are actually doing the complete opposite

And ya, stress is the #1 thing that can ruin ur health. So on vaca, ur usually stress free. That’s the main reason ur BP was what it was. But then obv clean eating and exercising help tremendously, when it comes to BP. But if I had to guess, I would assume the lowered stress on vaca was the main reason ur BP was looking so good

Ya remag works, there’s no doubt about it. But it does taste terrible, just a heads up lol. It’s not remag only, any magnesium chloride liquid is going to taste horrible. Closest thing I can compare it to is vodka lol. It’s nasty tasting straight up. And if u put it in plain water, it’s gonna make the water taste nasty too. Luckily, putting it in the carbonated mineral water that I drink isn’t bad. The carbonation makes it so I barely even notice it’s in there. But I’ve tried it in plain water before, and it’s pretty nasty lol. If I didn’t drink carbonated mineral water, I would probably just shoot it in the morning with some juice or something. It’s definitely effective stuff, if u can find a way to get it down lol

And ya adding in a dht derivative that inhibits estrogen is definitely tricky, theoretically, due to exactly what u mentioned. The fact that on a nandrolone base, ur actively trying to boost estrogen to where u feel ur best, opposed to a test base, where some people need to actively lower E2 to feel good. So lowering E2 on a nandrolone base is the opposite of what u want to try to do. But u might be able to make it work. Would just have to compensate by increasing ur test dose a bit, like u said

What would u like to get out of adding primo, that u might not be getting on nandrolone and test? Jc
Your pulse pressure is almost 70 mmHg - does that concern you? Greater than 40 mm Hg is said to be potentially problematic and greater than 60 mm Hg even more so.

Interesting. I’ve never even heard of pulse pressure before. What’s the rationale behind a pulse pressure number having any significance, when it comes to predicting cardiovascular disease? Why would the difference between a systolic and diastolic reading matter? Genuinely curious what the rationale is behind this. Do u know?

Like a person with a BP of 120/60 obv has a way worse pulse pressure than someone with a BP of 160/140, but which blood pressure would u rather have? A BP of 127/58 is excellent, imo. Would like to see my pulse a little lower, but I was at work, so it wasn’t like I was sedentary at the time. I’m sure if I was at home resting it would have been lower. My systolic BP probably would have been a little lower too. I usually run in the 110’s/ 60’s

And ya adding in a dht derivative that inhibits estrogen is definitely tricky, theoretically, due to exactly what u mentioned. The fact that on a nandrolone base, ur actively trying to boost estrogen to where u feel ur best, opposed to a test base, where some people need to actively lower E2 to feel good. So lowering E2 on a nandrolone base is the opposite of what

What would u like to get out of adding primo, that u might not be getting on nandrolone and test? Jc

I was trying to get a little more hardening and some DHT benefits without having to drastically increase my testosterone dose.

I have an unused bottle of primo from before I switched to the nandrolone–based protocol so I’d like to use it, but as we know, we have to be careful with E2. The last time I ran this, I was running about 70 mg testosterone and 50 mg primo and it knocked my E2 from the high 70s down to the mid 30s.

One other option would be to decrease the nandrolone dose to about 125 mg per week and then run something like 60 Test / 40
primo i’m not sure it’s worth it because I feel so much better on higher nandrolone.

Lastly, I could save it for a small six week blast keeping the nandrolone the same as now, but adding another 200 mg combined between Testosterone and Primo. This might be the way I go in a few months after blood testing and possibly giving blood.

But as I stated, I’m feeling so good on the nandrolone/testosterone doses I am using now and still making great gains, maybe I just keep it simple for once and stick with the plan :-)
I was trying to get a little more hardening and some DHT benefits without having to drastically increase my testosterone dose.

I have an unused bottle of primo from before I switched to the nandrolone–based protocol so I’d like to use it, but as we know, we have to be careful with E2. The last time I ran this, I was running about 70 mg testosterone and 50 mg primo and it knocked my E2 from the high 70s down to the mid 30s.

One other option would be to decrease the nandrolone dose to about 125 mg per week and then run something like 60 Test / 40
primo i’m not sure it’s worth it because I feel so much better on higher nandrolone.

Lastly, I could save it for a small six week blast keeping the nandrolone the same as now, but adding another 200 mg combined between Testosterone and Primo. This might be the way I go in a few months after blood testing and possibly giving blood.

But as I stated, I’m feeling so good on the nandrolone/testosterone doses I am using now and still making great gains, maybe I just keep it simple for once and stick with the plan :-)

Ya, I think u pretty much know what the best option is based on the last part of ur reply lol

But I do like the brainstorming/ critical thinking u have goin on. It’s just tricky adding in something that inhibits estrogen, when on a nandrolone base, increasing E2 into ur sweetspot is usually the goal, not decreasing it lol. But everything is all about balance, so it’s definitely not impossible to throw in a DHT, when using a nandrolone base, and still feel great. Just a matter of having good critical thinking skills, being willing to trial and error, and knowing ur body/ labs/ how u react to each compound well enough to know how to adjust ur dosages of each compound appropriately.

Don’t know if a low dose of primo would even be enough to notice the benefits ur looking for, and might not be worth the hassle of having to adjust ur protocol, to accommodate the primo, if it’s not even gonna offer the objective benefits u would be adding it in for. Basically, don’t know if the juice would be worth the squeeze adding a low dose of primo in. U might be able to get the same results with just the nandrolone and test, as well as throwing dbol in the mix when u want a little extra something. I’d be very interested to see how u do adding in a low dose of primo to the nandrolone base tho, if u did decide to give it a go
Interesting. I’ve never even heard of pulse pressure before. What’s the rationale behind a pulse pressure number having any significance, when it comes to predicting cardiovascular disease? Why would the difference between a systolic and diastolic reading matter? Genuinely curious what the rationale is behind this. Do u know?
So it depends on what is causing your pulse pressure to be elevated. If it is just some kind of temporary androgen-powered heart beats that are more forceful than normal, that might not imply anything negative about your vasculature. However, the most common reason for high pulse pressure is stiffened arteries. When pulse pressure is high due to arterial stiffness, that is an indication of significant damage to the blood vessels.
So it depends on what is causing your pulse pressure to be elevated. If it is just some kind of temporary androgen-powered heart beats that are more forceful than normal, that might not imply anything negative about your vasculature. However, the most common reason for high pulse pressure is stiffened arteries. When pulse pressure is high due to arterial stiffness, that is an indication of significant damage to the blood vessels.

Definitely interesting stuff. Can’t believe this is the first time I’m hearing about this whole pulse pressure stuff. Never even thought to consider the difference between a systolic and diastolic BP reading as a possible cause for concern. Definitely gonna look deeper into this, and keep this in mind anytime I check my BP. Thanks again for mentioning this. Impressed by ur vast wealth of knowledge, on so many different subjects, per usual lol
I was thinking about trying a similar protocol, but I have a few questions.

Is this sustainable in the long term? The total androgens seems quite high, around 250-300. Do you think it would feel the similar with a testosterone at 50-60 and Nandrolone 100-140?

Also, I'm curious about how everyone's libido and erection quality have been while on these types of protocols.

Lastly, I heard accounts of people getting brainfog / weird mental effects with nandrolone anyone experience this with these doses?

Thank you
I was thinking about trying a similar protocol, but I have a few questions.

Is this sustainable in the long term? The total androgens seems quite high, around 250-300. Do you think it would feel the similar with a testosterone at 50-60 and Nandrolone 100-140?

Also, I'm curious about how everyone's libido and erection quality have been while on these types of protocols.

Lastly, I heard accounts of people getting brainfog / weird mental effects with nandrolone anyone experience this with these doses?

Thank you

Ya u don’t need ur nandrolone dose high at all for it to work. Just think of whatever test dose u’d think u would like to run long term, if u were running test solo, and just use that dose of nandrolone. So if u want to use 100mg of nandrolone, use that as ur base. Then just start low with ur test dose, something like 10-20mg/ week, and titrate ur test dose up until u feel optimal. And I don’t see any reason why a nandrolone base can’t be run long term

For me, currently, libido is pretty good. And erections have been pretty great. No issues in the bedroom on this my current nandrolone based protocol

I don’t get any weird mental effects on a nandrolone base, but I do have brain fog. But I’ve had brain fog, to varying degrees, for the past 11 years. So it has nothing to do with nandrolone, at least for me

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