Ya I follow the work of morley robbins and he also thinks ferritin should be kept pretty low. Ideally 20 or below I believe
Why are u worried about a HCT of 51%? To me that’s right around optimal. I see a HCT of around maybe 47%-51% being optimal. Maybe even 52%. I personally don’t worry about mine until it gets around 55%+, and even at 55% I’m not super worried about it. Definitely wouldn’t be worried in the slightest if it hovered around 51%.
I find it funny when guys are stuck in the forever loop of donating, then having low iron, but then feeling like their HCT is too high and wanting to donate again, but are in fear of lowering their iron levels even more. All they would have to do is listen to their body and realize that they don’t have a problem to begin with. They’re just making up a problem in their heads, and then trying to fix the “problem”, but then causing other problems due to them trying to fix a problem they never even had in the first place lol. Guys fear HCT way too much, and try fixing a problem they don’t have