Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

I suspect the primobolan in your previous protocol was a far greater threat to your hairline than the test base was.

Surprisingly primo is usually very similar to test, as far as how it can negatively affect hair, mg for mg. Mast and proviron not so much. Those generally tend to be worse for hair lines, for most guys, than test and primo. But throughout all the anecdotes I’ve read over the years on the subject, guys tend to report that test and primo are about equal in that regard. Obv everyone is different tho.

I’m actually kind of lucky and not lucky at the same time, when it comes to the hair department. I naturally have very fine hair, so not thick at all, but as far as balding or thinning goes on AAS, I appear to be pretty resistant. And just resistant to balding or thinning in general, from what I can tell. So I never noticed any issues while using primo, or test. Again, never noticed. Maybe something was happening that I just wasn’t perceptive to
@Gman86 yea the soreness thing is totally beyond me. Honestly with my test / primo protocol I wouldnt get sore at all. Maybe just a little bit if I really pushed a workout - but nothing debilitating and for maybe a day tops.
My legs are STILL sore today

Ya same. While on test, deca and primo I would get a little sore in certain body parts each week, but it wasn’t much. I’ve been working out for so long that I know what to expect each week, and it was very consistent while on test, deca and primo. I definitely noticed a difference after switching to the nandrolone base. And u experiencing the same thing just further confirms that it wasn’t just in my head
on the notes of shedding - yea primo didn’t give me really any difference than just T either. I just overall worry about going bald eventually period even though I have good hair currently.
on the notes of shedding - yea primo didn’t give me really any difference than just T either. I just overall worry about going bald eventually period even though I have good hair currently.

Literally same for both. I mean, I wouldn’t say I have good hair tho lol. It’s all there, so I can’t really complain. It’s just very fine. But I am trying to hold onto it as long as I can. So just want to minimize the insults to it overtime as much as I can
I definitely should have waited until after Valentine’s Day to do this new protocol.

I was playing around with steroid plotter and I should actually be at a steady state on the NPP and about a steady state on the T too, plotting from me stopping from starting back again
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I definitely should have waited until after Valentine’s Day to do this new protocol.

I was playing around with steroid plotter and I should actually be at a steady state on the NPP and about a steady state on the T too, plotting from me stopping from starting back again

Why is it having a negative effect with u and ur girl or something?
Why is it having a negative effect with u and ur girl or something?
Having absolutely no libido and a shriveled member isn't exactly ideal. I might try some prami or caber tomorrow to see if maybe it helps as a temporary solution.
I want to try and play with the nandrolone based protocol more to try and get it dialed but certainly wouldnt want to take either of those as a long term solution.
Having absolutely no libido and a shriveled member isn't exactly ideal. I might try some prami or caber tomorrow to see if maybe it helps as a temporary solution.
I want to try and play with the nandrolone based protocol more to try and get it dialed but certainly wouldnt want to take either of those as a long term solution.

Ya not ideal in the least! Lol. I think popping some caber in the short term isn’t a bad idea. U’ll know very quickly whether it helps or not. And its half life is short. So once ur done needing it, it will be out of ur system in no time

U won’t need anything for prolactin long term tho. High prolactin isn’t a problem on nandorlone by itself, or a nandrolone base with low test. Nandrolone converts very little into E2, and in studies when men used nandrolone alone, their prolactin levels were actually very low. I assume due to their estrogen levels being very low, and since estrogen is the main driver/ stimulator of prolactin production in males, it makes sense that prolactin would be very low as well

Prolactin is only an issue with nandrolone when used with too much of moderate to high aromatizing compound, like test. That’s what with a nandrolone base, u want to use the lowest dose of test that u can, that allows u to feel and function at ur best. That’s why finding ur sweetspot is so important. U get too much estrogen and prolactin in ur system, along with the fact that nandorlone sensitizes estrogen and prolactin receptors, and it just makes for a bad time lol
Took .125 of Prami earlier. Will report back.

Did legs again today. Felt low on power/strength. Lacked the agression and motivation to really push hard.
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Took .125 of Prami earlier. Will report back.

Did legs again today. Felt low on power/strength. Lacked the agression and motivation to really push hard.

Ya so it sounds like u might need some more CNS activation from DHT than ur getting. So sounds like ur gonna need a decent amount more than 20mg of test per week.

U can also up ur nandrolone dose. That will give u more DHN, which is a lot weaker than dht, but it still activates the same receptors, in the same way. The benefit of increasing ur nandrolone dose to increase DHN/ dht receptor activation is u get the cns activation, without increasing E2 and prolactin at the same time, like u would get by increasing ur test dose. It’s a balance tho. U obv need some of the estrogen production from test. Nandrolone won’t be enough on its own. It’s all a balancing act with using a nandrolone base, and really any hormone protocol. The advantage of using a nandrolone base is that u have a lot more control over individual hormones. With a test base the only control u have is what dose of test u take, and then ur victim to wherever ur estrogen and prolactin and dht want to sit. But overall u’ll most likely end up needing at least double the test dose that ur currently on. So don’t get discouraged that ur not feeling the best atm
What do you think about upping both? Only thing I'd be worried about is my blood pressure and hematocrit going too high.
Maybe start moving towards like 225mg NPP and 50mg T

At this rate I agree with what youre saying about the CNS activation from the DHT too - since on Primo/T i felt the best. Also felt pretty good on Var/T as well and since they're both DHT derivatives it would make sense my body just wants a high DHT environment. I'm wondering if because DHN is so much weaker, I'd almost have to take ridiculously high doses of Nandrolone to make up for it? Or is it that you just need the DHN to activate the receptors period, and whether its DHN or DHT it doesnt matter?
Yea so the prami didnt do anything noticable at all. I decided i'm going to tweak the protocol a little.

Moving to 225mg NPP, 48mg TE and 900iu HCG weekly split into 3x injections.
Yea so the prami didnt do anything noticable at all. I decided i'm going to tweak the protocol a little.

Moving to 225mg NPP, 48mg TE and 900iu HCG weekly split into 3x injections.

I think that’s a solid protocol. So just monitor things closely week to week. Just try to notice if thing start to get better, and then possibly decline a bit after they get better. That would most likely indicate that u passed ur sweetspot. But hopefully u just continue to feel a bit better week to week with no regression. Definitely keep us posted!
225mg NPP, 48mg TE and 900iu HCG weekly
After a week already I can tell we're moving in the right direction. But still not feeling ideal.
I got labs pulled yesterday so I'll see where my e2 and prolactin are at and kinda adjust from there.
I'm thinking I need to increase the NPP more to get closer to the desired effects but that seems like a pretty high dose to be on for HRT no?
225mg NPP, 48mg TE and 900iu HCG weekly
After a week already I can tell we're moving in the right direction. But still not feeling ideal.
I got labs pulled yesterday so I'll see where my e2 and prolactin are at and kinda adjust from there.
I'm thinking I need to increase the NPP more to get closer to the desired effects but that seems like a pretty high dose to be on for HRT no?

I mean, depends who u ask obv lol. Imo, and ime, based on years of lab work, a guy can absolutely use up to 300mg of total androgens per week, and still maintain better health than most people. My rule of thumb is, the higher u go with ur androgen load, the more strict u have to be with diet, stress, sleep, working out, and all other lifestyle factors that affect overall health. So I think increasing ur NPP dose is fine. I would personally advise to just try and not go above 300mg/ week, as far as ur total androgens go, if ur going to stay on the protocol indefinitely.

Glad things seem to be slightly improving tho. Curious to see where ur E2 sits. I just had a bunch of labs done 3 days ago. Should all be back this week. So far just like my thyroid panel, lipid panel, cmp, cbc, and iron panel have come back. Oh my prolactin came back already actually. It was 6.1 (2.0-18.0). The rest of the sex hormones are still pending
Ive been thinking this doesnt matter - but figure I should ask.
With the NPP I get a couple inch red ring / lump around the injection site. I've just kinda been dealing with it because its unsightly and annoying but totally bearable. Could this be potentially something causing a disruption with proper absorption or anything?
Ive been thinking this doesnt matter - but figure I should ask.
With the NPP I get a couple inch red ring / lump around the injection site. I've just kinda been dealing with it because its unsightly and annoying but totally bearable. Could this be potentially something causing a disruption with proper absorption or anything?

Where are u injecting?

U injecting IM I assume?

I would personally switch ur source. DM me and I’ll give the info for the source I use. Stuff is as high quality as pharma, if not better imo. Never had a reaction like that to any of his stuff
Where are u injecting?

U injecting IM I assume?

I would personally switch ur source. DM me and I’ll give the info for the source I use. Stuff is as high quality as pharma, if not better imo. Never had a reaction like that to any of his stuff
Sub Q to gluten or belly.
Using ultima-pharma
Going to DM you but figured I’d post this for others to see
Sub Q to gluten or belly.
Using ultima-pharma
Going to DM you but figured I’d post this for others to see

Ya so I would imagine that if u injected the NPP IM u would no longer get the redness around the injection site. That’s my guess at least. But if u tried IM, and still got the redness, I would absolutely switch ur source
I'm several weeks in on a Deca based protocol.

Started with IM weekly, and immediately noticed unpleasant peaks and valleys.

So, I switched to more frequent SubQ spaced out over the week on the recommendation of some here and have found it much, much more smooth and consistent in effect.

Currently, bumping up the test slightly and feeling enhanced energy and sense of well being. The Deca did wonders for my joints inside a weeks time.

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