I suspect the primobolan in your previous protocol was a far greater threat to your hairline than the test base was.
Surprisingly primo is usually very similar to test, as far as how it can negatively affect hair, mg for mg. Mast and proviron not so much. Those generally tend to be worse for hair lines, for most guys, than test and primo. But throughout all the anecdotes I’ve read over the years on the subject, guys tend to report that test and primo are about equal in that regard. Obv everyone is different tho.
I’m actually kind of lucky and not lucky at the same time, when it comes to the hair department. I naturally have very fine hair, so not thick at all, but as far as balding or thinning goes on AAS, I appear to be pretty resistant. And just resistant to balding or thinning in general, from what I can tell. So I never noticed any issues while using primo, or test. Again, never noticed. Maybe something was happening that I just wasn’t perceptive to