Currently off all trt for three months:
Total T is 312 (264-916)
Free T is 5.0, flagged low
The good, less panic, no air hunger
The bad- sleep is bad, haven’t had energy to go to gym, just feel a bit flat, no sex drive
Obviously I need to be on some kind of TRT, but I am also planning on having my first child in the next six months. I’m considering 75mg Xyosted for simplicity and to try Enthate without preservatives. Meeting with
Defy this month to discuss fertility options. Encomiphine did not help whatsoever.
Should I get a semen analysis now, or just wait till I’m on a good protocol and then test to see if it is working? I figure no sense if I currently have fertility off TRT when doing the deed is next to impossible. I’d rather have the drive and energy and hope that HCG or HMG will give me the fertility.