Hi Everyone,
Looking for some insight into my seemingly complex issues. Been on TRT for 10+ years in all forms, have seen Crisler, Nichols,
Defy. Have had windows of feeling great but then issues always creep in.
1. Took Propecia in college, def caused some issues here and there.
2. Have had Lymes and usually still high levels of active EBV
3. Low vit. D, but supplementing causes high calcium (even with K2) and anxiety
4. Usual issues are anxiety, depression off and on, and E.D.
Past Protocol:
T Cream, Empower 200mg and applied 2 clicks every morning to the scrotum. No hcg or anything else.
Here are my labs, drawn 5 hours after application.
Total Test 1503 (250-1100 ng/dl)
Free Test 396 (35 - 155 pg/ml)
E2 Ultra-sensitive 33
Follow Up Protocol:
50mg Test Cup Mon and Thurs, 12.5mg scrotal cream daily.
Total T 1274 ng/dl (High) Range 250-1100
Free T 280.3 pg/nl (High) Range 35-155 pg/ml
DHT 216ng/dl (High) range 12-65
SHBG 26 nmol/l range 10-50
E2 Ultrasenstive 45 (High) range <26
Again on this for the first month or two I felt great, then air hunger, anxiety, worry, feeling overall weird and lost erections again. It is obvious I’m super sensitive to the Scrotal Cream, as my DHT and e2 would stay low even on high doses of just Test Cyp.
Like an idiot I went off everything and now feel like a basket case. I’m thinking of trying 30mg Test Cyp M and Th and 6.25mg of cream on the scrotum. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!