Testosterone Cream + Injections

I did it last Christmas while on vacation, only because of convenience/inconvenience. My sister-in-law put us up in her hotel for two weeks, so we had access to the pool/sauna area and the indoor water park was open. Injections made it so I didn’t have to worry about the cream washing away. Actually felt pretty darn good on that mini protocol for two weeks.
And what was the protocol?
And what was the protocol?
Injections were 0.25-0.30ml of 200mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate E3D with Atrevis Hydrogel compounded as cream+100mg/ml testosterone. I did not stay on it afterwards, went back to daily Atrevis Hydrogel compounded. Wife and I are heading to a wedding over the 3-day weekend and am considering doing the same again as the wife and I have a hotel room to ourselves. Seems like the perfect opportunity to have an “enhancement” 3-day weekend.
I’m going to start experimenting with this to see if it may work. Being on both of these separately I had slight glimpses here and there of feeling good, never nothing worth staying with that specific protocol.

Now I’m considering trying to use injections to help offset some of the downsides of cream and vice versa.

The main downside of cream only, being that I have to wake up with low test and force myself awake to get the cream on or zero energy. or I would have to be doing cream at night, morning etc.. which I don’t want this to consume my life scheduling wise.

The benefits I’m trying replicate is the mood and libido boost I get with cream. Also, potentially the effect of DHT combating the high e2 side effects. (I’m still researching this last part, idk to much about how that works)

So I was going to try to keep my levels at something midway with test injection. Maybe like 500-600 range. This way I have some test upon waking up. Then I could somewhat replicate the body’s natural cycle of higher test in the morning with applying 1 click of test cream each morning.

If anyone’s interested in this then I might keep a log of it on here.

Day 1

So today was my first day with adding the cream back into the protocol.

Applied the 1 click to scrotum and felt that mood/energy boost. Then I crashed about 4 hours after applying it.

This crash was one of the main reasons I got off cream is because it’s not a crash where you go from feeling great to to regular self. It’s a fucking wall, like going from 100 to zero in the span of 5 minutes.

I use to think that the crash might of been because my body was using the testosterone then I was depleted around the time the crash happened. Today threw that theory out. I’m still on my regular injection protocol and experienced it.
So it’s most likely e2 related.

The tricky part now is I still experienced that crash even when I was on 1 click to the scrotum.

Now to decide if I should lower my inj dosage some, then try to get blood work in a few weeks or go ahead and get it done to help eliminate the guessing.

Thinking with my wallet here so that’s why there is more theory crafting going on than getting bloodwork every time I change something up on my protocol.

Day 2
2nd day applied the cream this morning and didn’t have that same boost. Felt an all to familiar crappy feeling that reminded me of when I started the cream. This made me look back through my notes that I kept when I was on the cream. I had swapped to applying the cream before bed, sleeping through the crappy feeling and felt much better during the day then I would crash about 2pm.

So I applied 1 click this night before bed.

Day 3

Woke up with high e2 without a doubt which I expected since I had done 2 clicks the day before. Started feeling pretty good about 10AM and so far so good. Best mood I’ve had in awhile.

This is the same feeling I had when I was on the cream alone doing 1 click before bed. This wasn’t working bc I would crash about 2pm bc I’m thinking low T.

Hoping that’s not the case here since I’m injections as well. We’ll find out in a few hours as I’m writing this at work while at lunch.

Mood/energy started to come down around 3-4pm.

Starting to think if I wouldn’t be better off with 100mg cream versus the 200mg I currently have. This way maybe me applying it I wouldn’t have the roller coaster.

Going to draw labs next week.

I’m only doing daily updates right now because there’s a lot to report. Eventually I’ll consolidate these updates into weekly updates or just when I change something up.
I'm gonna wake this thread up (again). In another thread, I discuss a similar phenomenon. I have been trying to troubleshoot severe mid-day fatigue that I have been experiencing for a few weeks. My two leading candidates are sertraline and my cream protocol. I have some data that supports both theories, so I haven't quite solved it yet.

I experience a similar "crash" feeling you describe somewhere around 11AM. It tends to last until late afternoon. I feel considerable physical and mental fatigue.

I usually do my morning cream dose 6-7AM, so the onset is about 4-6 hours after my AM cream dose. I typically do my PM dose 4-5PM. So, if it's cream related, "something" is happening 4-6 hours after my dose that is hitting me like a truck (unless it's unrelated and due to sertraline).

After some challenges with cream, I dropped my dose and have been slowly moving it up (to acclimate to higher doses). I recently moved my PM dose from upper inner thigh to scrotum. When I did that, my daily mid-day fatigue went away - for about three days. My thought was that increasing then PM dose raises my trough in the morning, making the morning dose more effective. But, the fatigue is now back. So, I moved up my AM dose to see if it helps (now 100mg scrotum AM and 50mg scrotum PM).

@WhatSayYou89, I don't know if you are still around, but if so, did you get this figured out? Anyone else here have any thoughts?

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