Wondering if any of you guys have started feeling better? Kept my E2 too low for 2 months and when it came back most sides stayed.
Ones that got better were-
Libido (not 100%), stomach cramps - gone after 3 months ( it was more like IBS symptoms), tingling in hands, feet, and face(when I took stimulants) - got better after 2 months no AI, heart palpitations- got better after 2 months no AI.
Ones that are still BAD-
FATIGUE!!!, SPACEY- cloudy headed as shit, ZERO short term memory, Achy as hell, dry skin, hair loss, Blood pressure went from too high(pre-crash) to now too low, Weight went from 225lbs to now 200lbs, lost another 5lbs in the last week- even when been eating a lot and training hard 3-5X a week, no pumps in gym etc...
Labs ALL normal now. Immediately post-crash cholesterol, thyroid and a few others got out of wack but a month later all bloodwork was golden.
few things im wondering if any of you tried-
1) Cutting Test completely and cruising only on HCG
2) HGH - maybe this can kick-start something
3) Other anabolic steroids - i simply do not react to any anabolics post crash, not even trenbolone or dianabol - no side effects (normally horrible), no strength changes, NO PUMP AT ALL - curious if you guys have experienced this and also maybe this could give us a clue as to wtf is going on
Also, shot in the dark but, im wondering if you guys have done any research on other SERMS that may reverse the effects of antagonists like ADEX to the receptor (if the receptor is the culprit). I doubt there is something but it may be worth checking out.
Hope you guys start feeling better soon, wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.