Question about Estrogen crash


New Member
I once crashed my estrogen and my bones, knees was in pain for 1.5 months! I could even feel my skull is weak. I was scared. I had ED too. It took 1.5 months to feel same as before.

My question is, since I am not in USA, I can't test my sensitive estrogen. I feel my bones, knees, skull are good. I don't have ED too. So, my estrogen came back, right? I feel same as before crashing estrogen.

I am scared about permanent crash or harm to my body.

Dr. Saya, may I ask your answer if I cause permanent harm to my body? a hormone or bone loss etc? or anything.
You can't permanently "crash" estrogen if you have stopped using an inhibitor. It can take weeks to months for crashed estrogen to rebound depending upon the man's metabolism...but it will come back to baseline eventually.

Note: Most men on TRT do not need an AI to control aroamatase synthesis and estrogen.

Aroamatase inhibitors are very very powerful antagonists in men and should be avoided if and used only if absolutely necessary.

You are no longer symptomatic of low E2 so just keep an eye on symptoms of elevated E2 and test as best as you can.
You can't permanently "crash" estrogen if you have stopped using an inhibitor. It can take weeks to months for crashed estrogen to rebound depending upon the man's metabolism...but it will come back to baseline eventually.

Note: Most men on TRT do not need an AI to control aroamatase synthesis and estrogen.

Aroamatase inhibitors are very very powerful antagonists in men and should be avoided if and used only if absolutely necessary.

You are no longer symptomatic of low E2 so just keep an eye on symptoms of elevated E2 and test as best as you can.

I am scared.
No. I don't have any symptoms of low e2 now. But I crashed once. Like I said, I could even feel my skull bone is weak. I was scared.

What if I did crashed something permanently?
I don't know how true it is, but some say that they have permanently damage their dopaminergic systems. Not bones or joints.
No. I don't have any symptoms of low e2 now. But I crashed once. Like I said, I could even feel my skull bone is weak. I was scared.

What if I did crashed something permanently?

It's understandable that you are anxious. If you have stopped the use of an AI your system will balance itself. It may take some time, but all will be well. Patience, a hard thing, I realize, is necessary. You will recover.
No. I don't have any symptoms of low e2 now. But I crashed once. Like I said, I could even feel my skull bone is weak. I was scared.

What if I did crashed something permanently?

I think you may have anxiety FROM the low E2, hence me able to nearly see it leaping off the screen right now. It will pass. Much like the last time you had a terrible cold, couldn't breathe, and thought it'd never end, it absolutely will but it's going to take time.

You almost certainly cannot feel your "skull bone" is weak, if you can, I'd highly highly advise you to see your doctor. I am not making light of what you said, it's either anxiety or worth getting checked out.

Crashing E2 permanently is analogous to permanently "crashing" your weight, if you eat enough, the weight WILL come back. Same with E2. Enough test = enough E2.
Some guys say that they crashed their e2 and it never came back.

I cant test my sensitive e2 but I can feel my e2 came back. No ED, joint pain etc.

My concern is, if I crashed something permanently. Like a hormone, or something :(
Some guys say that they crashed their e2 and it never came back.

I cant test my sensitive e2 but I can feel my e2 came back. No ED, joint pain etc.

My concern is, if I crashed something permanently. Like a hormone, or something :(

I get it, you're scared, but 3 of some of the most qualified and informed members on here said NO, and you do NOT have symptoms at all anymore, correct?

You will be absolutely fine. You crashed E2, that is a hormone, and no it is not permanent!

This is not me being rude, this is me being clear and direct btw.
I hope Dr. Saya can answer. I have obsessive compulsive disorder and I'm obsessed with this.

I can relate extremely well with your situation, I have OCD as well(diagnosed, not just oh I'm so OCD, legit albeit fortunately minor!) and had naturally low E2 and thought it'd never ever increase and that there was permanent damage.

I also know that based on my experiences, there wasn't any getting through to me, I simply wasn't being rational, the anxiety didn't allow for that.

If you've ever had a time in your life where you were SO convinced of a bad thing happening, and it didn't, try to remember that. The feeling of "that's it, I'm F'ed" and how you felt when you were wrong.

That's all I can really say regarding this and do hope you feel better with time.

Try to calm yourself these were animal studies and dopamine deficiency/damage is caused by many other factors related to genetics/ mental disorders and lifestyle factors drug/alcohol abuse/chronic stress........learn all you can and try to justify your irrational thoughts due to your OCD which is a chemical imbalance in and of itself.

If you get a chance read this book

You're going to be fine Roccc. I've seen many cases of crashed estradiol recover fully without any issues.

If you were in my office, I would pat you on the back and say "you'll be okay, give it time". Stay off of the AI and recheck your sensitive estradiol to confirm rebound.

^^^^Didn't I sort of say the same thing at the top of the thread LOL!

Thanks Justin, some guys just need a little bit more TLC I guess;)
Having experienced the same thing I can also relate to the way you feel.

Im sure you will recover just fine. Regarding my thread on dopamine, I would say that we have no evidence that these kind of permanent issues are happening in humans. I mean there are countless of "estrogen crash stories" on different forums and pretty much always you see people recovering - and feeling motivated and driven.

If that was a big issue with humans - who crash their estrogen - we would have much more buzz in various forums - in the way you see with PFS.

I would still test your E2 - even if its not the sensitive.
The problem is I cant test my sensitive estrogen but other estradiol test says I'm fine. I also feel same as before. No ED, no joint pain.
The problem is I cant test my sensitive estrogen but other estradiol test says I'm fine. I also feel same as before. No ED, no joint pain.

Sounds like you're out of the very low area, and are just kinda low then.

Plus AFAIK E2 is like testosterone in that it's a delayed effect, it takes a month let's say of decent levels to cause an effect.

You can test E2 and C reactive protein together. That's what causes the high readings. How to calculate actual E2 with that, I don't know.

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