Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

Hey there, i've been reading up on this forum for a couple days now after I experienced what seemed like my second estrogen crash coming off of my first cycle.
My first and ONLY cycle was as follows:
24 years old
300-325 mg of test cypionate two injections per week mon/thur.
And throughout the entire cycle i had aromasin on hand for sides.

About 1 month into my cycle i noticed that my nipples were getting a bit sensitive so I started taking aromasin 12.5 mg eod as advised by some forums. I noticed that my nipple sensitivity went away about about 10 days but that i was also getting lightheaded in the gym and noticed that the skin on my hands were getting dry.
I discontinued the aromasin after this for the remainder of the cycle. End of my cycle hits, at which point I decided to come off cold turkey with no PCT. For the first week or so off of my cycle I took aromasin sparingly and eventually discontinued its use entirely.
June 24th is the estimated date that I presume my esters have completely cleared. And I noticed what seemed like my first estrogen around June 1st-12th. I expected some post cycle anxiety, depression etc at this point and meditated my way through it and eventually everything went back to normal. SIDE NOTED: I was diagnosed with ADHD and was taking ritalin as prescribed during the withdrawal from the cypionate.
It seems I made a full HPA recovery around June 14th with a full return of my testicles, cognitive function and depressive symptoms being absent.
Fast forward to July27th. On the 27th of July i had been smoking cannabis and I noticed that i had an intense panic attack and have had residual effects since. What is strange is that all of my skins sebum production has ceased and my acne is non existent(I have always been prone to acne and large sebum production so the sudden cessation has me worried).
I have now been experiencing all of the symptoms of low e2:
Frequent urination
Heart Palpitations
Low blood pressure
Cracking joints
lightheaded, dizzyness
Dry Skin
Dry Eyes
Blah, blah blah.

I read up on the dopamine damage that may be done by the deprivation of estrogen and promptly ordered estradiol cream intended for menopausal women. After experiencing all of the intense symptoms of low e2 for approximately 10 days, I applied the cream and noticed strange symptoms.
Upon applying the cream and waiting for the effects to take place i started having strange bouts of abrupt panic coupled with hot flashes. I experienced an intense muscle lock-like symptom where i felt incredibly tense and anxious for approximately 10 minutes with an immediate clarity of mind immediately afterward for the rest of the night.
I took a day take off of the estradiol cream as I thought that I might have reverted my HPA axis to normal function but some symptoms have begun to come back. I decided that I will be doing the cream for some time in an effort to save my brain and i have read small amounts of estrogen will not shut down the HPA axis. I also noticed that taking DHEA alleviated my symptoms but not completely and have decided that I was do a 6 week round of DHEA.
I have since learned that the HPA axis is a very complicated neurological system in which endocannabinoids are involved. Endocannabinoids are also present in cannabis which is why my HPA axis may have faultered shortly after smoking the Ganj. Its possible that my HPA axis was in a fragile state and was abruptly disrupted with the introduction of exogenous endocannabinoids.
Regardless, in the event that i have been in estrogen deprivation and my dopamine neurons are degenerating I will continue to apply the estradiol cream in hopes to recover any sort of neurological catastrophe for the same 6 weeks that I will be on the DHEA.
Im glad im not the only one experiencing these symptoms and I plan to keep you all posted on my progress.
I have since decided that I will not continue with anabolics of any sort until i get my mentality back. I have also noticed that I look super lean (Way more lean than is natural for me) and my libido is decent and can function when called upon.

*In the event my body is trying to activate these sensitization genes you guys speak of, I will continue to apply the estradiol in an attempt to revert anysort of genetic changes they may have occured.
Also I noticed my symptoms tend to diminish toward the end of the day allowing me to fall asleep.
I do not believe crashing your e2 causes anything permanent to happen just from my personal experience. I’ve done probably 5X.

I think an issue at hand is that e2 exacerbates depression and/or anxiety. Negative outlook. It really easy to to sync into the “I’m fucked. Now I’ll ill never be the same” mentality. If you’d re convinced of something like that it can be a self proclaimed prophecy the mind and body work together like that. Just my experience.
Hey there, i've been reading up on this forum for a couple days now after I experienced what seemed like my second estrogen crash coming off of my first cycle.
My first and ONLY cycle was as follows:
24 years old
300-325 mg of test cypionate two injections per week mon/thur.
And throughout the entire cycle i had aromasin on hand for sides.

About 1 month into my cycle i noticed that my nipples were getting a bit sensitive so I started taking aromasin 12.5 mg eod as advised by some forums. I noticed that my nipple sensitivity went away about about 10 days but that i was also getting lightheaded in the gym and noticed that the skin on my hands were getting dry.
I discontinued the aromasin after this for the remainder of the cycle. End of my cycle hits, at which point I decided to come off cold turkey with no PCT. For the first week or so off of my cycle I took aromasin sparingly and eventually discontinued its use entirely.
June 24th is the estimated date that I presume my esters have completely cleared. And I noticed what seemed like my first estrogen around June 1st-12th. I expected some post cycle anxiety, depression etc at this point and meditated my way through it and eventually everything went back to normal. SIDE NOTED: I was diagnosed with ADHD and was taking ritalin as prescribed during the withdrawal from the cypionate.
It seems I made a full HPA recovery around June 14th with a full return of my testicles, cognitive function and depressive symptoms being absent.
Fast forward to July27th. On the 27th of July i had been smoking cannabis and I noticed that i had an intense panic attack and have had residual effects since. What is strange is that all of my skins sebum production has ceased and my acne is non existent(I have always been prone to acne and large sebum production so the sudden cessation has me worried).
I have now been experiencing all of the symptoms of low e2:
Frequent urination
Heart Palpitations
Low blood pressure
Cracking joints
lightheaded, dizzyness
Dry Skin
Dry Eyes
Blah, blah blah.

I read up on the dopamine damage that may be done by the deprivation of estrogen and promptly ordered estradiol cream intended for menopausal women. After experiencing all of the intense symptoms of low e2 for approximately 10 days, I applied the cream and noticed strange symptoms.
Upon applying the cream and waiting for the effects to take place i started having strange bouts of abrupt panic coupled with hot flashes. I experienced an intense muscle lock-like symptom where i felt incredibly tense and anxious for approximately 10 minutes with an immediate clarity of mind immediately afterward for the rest of the night.
I took a day take off of the estradiol cream as I thought that I might have reverted my HPA axis to normal function but some symptoms have begun to come back. I decided that I will be doing the cream for some time in an effort to save my brain and i have read small amounts of estrogen will not shut down the HPA axis. I also noticed that taking DHEA alleviated my symptoms but not completely and have decided that I was do a 6 week round of DHEA.
I have since learned that the HPA axis is a very complicated neurological system in which endocannabinoids are involved. Endocannabinoids are also present in cannabis which is why my HPA axis may have faultered shortly after smoking the Ganj. Its possible that my HPA axis was in a fragile state and was abruptly disrupted with the introduction of exogenous endocannabinoids.
Regardless, in the event that i have been in estrogen deprivation and my dopamine neurons are degenerating I will continue to apply the estradiol cream in hopes to recover any sort of neurological catastrophe for the same 6 weeks that I will be on the DHEA.
Im glad im not the only one experiencing these symptoms and I plan to keep you all posted on my progress.
I have since decided that I will not continue with anabolics of any sort until i get my mentality back. I have also noticed that I look super lean (Way more lean than is natural for me) and my libido is decent and can function when called upon.

*In the event my body is trying to activate these sensitization genes you guys speak of, I will continue to apply the estradiol in an attempt to revert anysort of genetic changes they may have occured.
Also I noticed my symptoms tend to diminish toward the end of the day allowing me to fall asleep.

Ummm... get labs? Why have you not done this yet?
I do not believe crashing your e2 causes anything permanent to happen just from my personal experience. I’ve done probably 5X.

I think an issue at hand is that e2 exacerbates depression and/or anxiety. Negative outlook. It really easy to to sync into the “I’m fucked. Now I’ll ill never be the same” mentality. If you’d re convinced of something like that it can be a self proclaimed prophecy the mind and body work together like that. Just my experience.

This is exactly how I feel about the phenomenon and I almost fell into this trap when I crashed my estrogen. The more I read with these stories of "permanent damage" the more I was flipping out. I then realized I am a well educated medical professional with a knack to find the truth in research and I just could not find anything substantial to back up these anecdotal claims by a small few. Its so easy to get wrapped up into the "well im screwed I'll never be the same." Let me tell you, if you believe this, your mind will manifest this to your body, its nothing more than anxiety/panic. User_Joe is 100% correct with his post. Once I started to realize this all of the sudden these "low E2" symptoms magically started to vanish, go figure.

If you want to look into tangible issues with dopamine/receptor problems you need to look at gut health and masturbation/porn habits .
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This is exactly how I feel about the phenomenon and I almost fell into this trap when I crashed my estrogen. The more I read with these stories of "permanent damage" the more I was flipping out. I then realized I am a well educated medical professional with a knack to find the truth in research and I just could not find anything substantial to back up these anecdotal claims by a small few. Its so easy to get wrapped up into the "well im screwed I'll never be the same." Let me tell you, if you believe this, your mind will manifest this to your body, its nothing more than anxiety/panic. User_Joe is 100% correct with his post. Once I started to realize this all of the sudden these "low E2" symptoms magically started to vanish, go figure.

If you want to look into tangible issues with dopamine/receptor problems you need to look at gut health and masturbation/porn habits .
Wow thanks for telling us how you feel about the phenomenon. Since we're talking about feelings, before May 23rd, 2017. Crashing estrogen to me was no big deal. What was so bad about it? Dry joints? Vascularity? Frequent urination? Dry looking physique? Sometimes no pump. For me, I never had anxiety as a symptom. It'd clear up within 4-6 days maximum. Never once did I cry and say well I am screwed because I am well aware of how the body works and it will produce more estrogen if you give it some time. Well, May 23rd, 2017 happened. Every single symptom I have now appeared within hours, never went away, and only got worse. Being a medical professional as well, during that time not once did I say I was screwed or had pessimistic thoughts because like your experiences, I always felt fine if I gave it time, EVEN though I was experiencing side effects that I had never experienced in my entire life. Well time went on, even with an E2 level of 17, 60, 89, nothing got better. In fact it only kept getting worse. It's now over a year later, and my condition is a million times worse than it was last summer despite being on a stable protocol for a year and no arimidex since last August. I have a normal E2 level verified by the estrogen sensitive test, and I do not even have my usual low estrogen symptoms, but rather these disturbing symptoms I have never ever had before. But I do know it's related to estrogen because of the manner in which what made my symptoms become worse. I am on the same protocol I have always been on and under Dr. Sayas care whom has said himself he does have reason to believe something else is going on here but neither of us have an answer due to my blood work coming back absolutely fine.

With that being said, I think 99% of the guys here who freak about Low E2 and "permanent damage" need to relax. Not once did I ever freak out and I've crashed my E2 many many times very bad. However, I never anticipated on this happening nor do I think it will happen to many more people. There is clearly a genetic susceptibility to this. Vitamin C, while most of what you say I agree with that some of these guys need to chill out due the downward spiral low E2 may bring them, I would also suggest you get off your high horse and understand you're still young in your profession and medicine is even younger in relevance; you do not know everything. Myself, and possibly 2-3 others here have something else going on that has not been elucidated in medicine yet, so your argument that you cannot find anything in the literature is null. Luckily, working with several others I have found some interesting things in the literature that may suggest what is going on on the molecular level to cause some of my symptoms such as muscular dystrophy, gastroparesis, full body hair loss, dry hair, dry skin, etc. Still working diligently on my end to do whatever I can to figure this out because I am well aware what is normal and what is not.

Edit: Before you mention the whole dopamine thing, I am not one who thinks theres anything wrong with my dopamine neurons dying or whatever odd theories people are proposing here. Keep me out of it.
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Look. After several crashes the main symptom for me was apathy and other things related to dopamine - loss of libido, ability to feel pleasure, lack of drive etc.

This happened to me in the past when I had crashed my E2. To only difference was that these symptoms would eventually disappear when my estrogen rose back to normal levels. For some reason at the end of 2016 these symptoms did not resolve - even though my estrogen levels were in the normal range.

In my understanding its very clear in the literature that estrogen plays an protective role regarding the neurons that are supposed to release dopamine. There was also the animal study that showed how a prolonged deprivation of estrogen lead to a loss of certain amount of dopaminergic neurons - in the substantia nigra.

There are of course no human studies on this and the ones done in animals cannot be taken as evidence for the same effect in humans. Still all those studies have some weight for me and in the light of them I do not see the possibility of dopaminergic damage as an "odd theory".

On a different note. I would say that my condition has somewhat improved. Especially if you look how I was a year ago. I have also been doing pretty thorough testing and found out that I have few deficiencies that I need to fix. I will give an update on all that at some point.
Look. After several crashes the main symptom for me was apathy and other things related to dopamine - loss of libido, ability to feel pleasure, lack of drive etc.

This happened to me in the past when I had crashed my E2. To only difference was that these symptoms would eventually disappear when my estrogen rose back to normal levels. For some reason at the end of 2016 these symptoms did not resolve - even though my estrogen levels were in the normal range.

In my understanding its very clear in the literature that estrogen plays an protective role regarding the neurons that are supposed to release dopamine. There was also the animal study that showed how a prolonged deprivation of estrogen lead to a loss of certain amount of dopaminergic neurons - in the substantia nigra.

There are of course no human studies on this and the ones done in animals cannot be taken as evidence for the same effect in humans. Still all those studies have some weight for me and in the light of them I do not see the possibility of dopaminergic damage as an "odd theory".

On a different note. I would say that my condition has somewhat improved. Especially if you look how I was a year ago. I have also been doing pretty thorough testing and found out that I have few deficiencies that I need to fix. I will give an update on all that at some point.
when did you start having those symptoms? right after AI or when estrogen started raising?
what bothers me is that I feel like crap with high e2 after this madness.. and I used to feel good with with high e2 in the past. when I started to hcg, oral dhea, topical test (all of 3 are known to increase e2) I started to feel so bad in few days I couldn't handle it.. so I had to stop. so it's like if my tolerance to e2 went down after this it just increases severity of my symptoms as of now
I decided to let my system to decide how much e2 it wants at this moment by staying off trt
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Well I had those symptoms no matter what level my E2 was. Of course I would feel somewhat worse If I had crushed it to singe digits again.

So you are still off TRT. Have you pulled those labs to see what are your natural levels - including E2?
there is information about higher risk of parkinson post tamoxifen treatment
anastrozole and other AIs are technically stronger so I am with you on theory of loss of dopamine neurons however I think my condition is more insensitivity to e2 signaling.. because I have low e2 symptoms no matter where my e2 sits.. when my e2 goes up low e2 symptoms don't go away I just feel worse
imo you will feel a bit better with time if you will not use any AI but it will be like 1-2% improvement per month..
Hey there, i've been reading up on this forum for a couple days now after I experienced what seemed like my second estrogen crash coming off of my first cycle.
My first and ONLY cycle was as follows:
24 years old
300-325 mg of test cypionate two injections per week mon/thur.
And throughout the entire cycle i had aromasin on hand for sides.

About 1 month into my cycle i noticed that my nipples were getting a bit sensitive so I started taking aromasin 12.5 mg eod as advised by some forums. I noticed that my nipple sensitivity went away about about 10 days but that i was also getting lightheaded in the gym and noticed that the skin on my hands were getting dry.
I discontinued the aromasin after this for the remainder of the cycle. End of my cycle hits, at which point I decided to come off cold turkey with no PCT. For the first week or so off of my cycle I took aromasin sparingly and eventually discontinued its use entirely.
June 24th is the estimated date that I presume my esters have completely cleared. And I noticed what seemed like my first estrogen around June 1st-12th. I expected some post cycle anxiety, depression etc at this point and meditated my way through it and eventually everything went back to normal. SIDE NOTED: I was diagnosed with ADHD and was taking ritalin as prescribed during the withdrawal from the cypionate.
It seems I made a full HPA recovery around June 14th with a full return of my testicles, cognitive function and depressive symptoms being absent.
Fast forward to July27th. On the 27th of July i had been smoking cannabis and I noticed that i had an intense panic attack and have had residual effects since. What is strange is that all of my skins sebum production has ceased and my acne is non existent(I have always been prone to acne and large sebum production so the sudden cessation has me worried).
I have now been experiencing all of the symptoms of low e2:
Frequent urination
Heart Palpitations
Low blood pressure
Cracking joints
lightheaded, dizzyness
Dry Skin
Dry Eyes
Blah, blah blah.

I read up on the dopamine damage that may be done by the deprivation of estrogen and promptly ordered estradiol cream intended for menopausal women. After experiencing all of the intense symptoms of low e2 for approximately 10 days, I applied the cream and noticed strange symptoms.
Upon applying the cream and waiting for the effects to take place i started having strange bouts of abrupt panic coupled with hot flashes. I experienced an intense muscle lock-like symptom where i felt incredibly tense and anxious for approximately 10 minutes with an immediate clarity of mind immediately afterward for the rest of the night.
I took a day take off of the estradiol cream as I thought that I might have reverted my HPA axis to normal function but some symptoms have begun to come back. I decided that I will be doing the cream for some time in an effort to save my brain and i have read small amounts of estrogen will not shut down the HPA axis. I also noticed that taking DHEA alleviated my symptoms but not completely and have decided that I was do a 6 week round of DHEA.
I have since learned that the HPA axis is a very complicated neurological system in which endocannabinoids are involved. Endocannabinoids are also present in cannabis which is why my HPA axis may have faultered shortly after smoking the Ganj. Its possible that my HPA axis was in a fragile state and was abruptly disrupted with the introduction of exogenous endocannabinoids.
Regardless, in the event that i have been in estrogen deprivation and my dopamine neurons are degenerating I will continue to apply the estradiol cream in hopes to recover any sort of neurological catastrophe for the same 6 weeks that I will be on the DHEA.
Im glad im not the only one experiencing these symptoms and I plan to keep you all posted on my progress.
I have since decided that I will not continue with anabolics of any sort until i get my mentality back. I have also noticed that I look super lean (Way more lean than is natural for me) and my libido is decent and can function when called upon.

*In the event my body is trying to activate these sensitization genes you guys speak of, I will continue to apply the estradiol in an attempt to revert anysort of genetic changes they may have occured.
Also I noticed my symptoms tend to diminish toward the end of the day allowing me to fall asleep.

Is the estrodial cream working? All it did for me was kill my libido completely with no improvement of other symptoms.

How long were you taking DHEA before noticing a difference? I didn’t notice anything but only took it for about a week at a time.

I recently realized my fatigue slowly subsided but my spacieness felt different, like a high Estrogen spacieness (I used to be able to tell the difference and achyness was the same if not worse.

So there had been so much time that went by, and my labs said estrogen level was high, so i was thinking, maybe if I take .25 adex I will be able to 100% understand What’s going on... horrible idea... as I’m sure you all guessed.. but I let my impatience get to me.

Within 30 minutes of taking .25 adex I could feel my shoulder aching more and more. And what do you know fatigue hit my like a brick. And some more symptoms I forgot about IBS symptoms, heartpalps etc, that had all wuietly subsided wtf....

But I had still been questioning if this had been the testosterone or other AAS that had ruined me, but now I know 100% adex did this. And I also feel like shit. Woohoo.
Is the estrodial cream working? All it did for me was kill my libido completely with no improvement of other symptoms.

How long were you taking DHEA before noticing a difference? I didn’t notice anything but only took it for about a week at a time.

I recently realized my fatigue slowly subsided but my spacieness felt different, like a high Estrogen spacieness (I used to be able to tell the difference and achyness was the same if not worse.

So there had been so much time that went by, and my labs said estrogen level was high, so i was thinking, maybe if I take .25 adex I will be able to 100% understand What’s going on... horrible idea... as I’m sure you all guessed.. but I let my impatience get to me.

Within 30 minutes of taking .25 adex I could feel my shoulder aching more and more. And what do you know fatigue hit my like a brick. And some more symptoms I forgot about IBS symptoms, heartpalps etc, that had all wuietly subsided wtf....

But I had still been questioning if this had been the testosterone or other AAS that had ruined me, but now I know 100% adex did this. And I also feel like shit. Woohoo.

So what were your latest E2 levels?
Here we investigated whether long-term E2 deprivation blocks the beneficial effects of E2 replacement on hippocampal synaptic function and morphology. We hypothesize that there exists a point after prolonged ovarian E2 deprivation at which E2 replacement becomes ineffective at increasing synaptic function and spine density, and that chronological age at the time of replacement is not the major factor in determining E2’s effectiveness. Identifying this critical period is a necessary step in understanding why some studies have not found a cognitive benefit from ERT (4, 5). Clearly this issue is of clinical importance, because with increasing life expectancy, women will live a larger percentage of their lives negatively impacted by the loss of E2.

I have to add that there are few big caveats to this study. First it was done on rats and the timeframe of deprivation was quite long. 15 or 19 months is a long time for rats.

Also the 15 month depraved group was able to recover while the 19 month was not.
Anyways none of us was totally depraved of E2 for that long.

For me estrogen usually rose in two weeks - if not less.
I crashed my e2. Felt horrible.

Cut my dose down to 1/3 and waited a few weeks. I kept feeling horrible and was thinking oh damn when is my e2 going to climb back?

So i went and did a lab, voila my e2 was at 60 pg/ml. I was bloated like fuk and i remember thinking i gotta be high e2 now? DUring those weeks, but i never hit any sweet spot or anything.

I just went from feeling shit with low e2 straight to feeling shit with high e2.

I wouldn't mind "cracking" joints that much because if you have damaged your joints because they have been dry, it's not like they are going to become "good" overnight just because your e2 becomes higher.

My joints was clicking abit even when my e2 was very high. So don't focus on that.

And if you still are feeling like shit, well then let me remind you of this.

Mentally, there is basicly no difference in poor sense of well being from low or high e2.

I felt just as shitty with high e2 as i did with low.

Well apart from being into single digits, that was alot worse than high. But still, low e2, high e2, you feel like shit with either.

This is just my personal expeirence, i can't tell the difference between low or high in terms of
sense of well being.
post crash when I was on T solo and my e2 went high on labwork I still felt bad for about 2 years.. I always had feeling of agitation and restlesness with body aches during those 2 years.. ALso when e2 was raising post crash I had a lot of days where I felt like if I was dying.. After that felt much better. so my conclusion and question is why one feels like crap post estradiol crash no matter hormonal levels? (high t, low t, high e2, low e2 doesn't matter I just felt bad and like no androgen effects from trt until 2 year mark off AI)
That just highlights how different we all are. Our hormones affect he neurotransmitters in our brain. That alters mood. Your genetic makeup must dictate how much certain things are expressed. It’s just like people taking antidepressants. Completely different affects from person to person.

I’m depressed and anxious with low e2. High e2 I am not. Maybe a little manic I guess you would call it. Not even sure, but it’s wuickly fixed and not such a big deal. Low w2 is just hell that takes way too long to fix.
what do you mean you feel manic wth high e2? does it make you bipolar or you had bipolar disorder before trt? sorry if this sounds offensive I want to know what you meant that it makes you manic :) no offence intented
That just highlights how different we all are. Our hormones affect he neurotransmitters in our brain. That alters mood. Your genetic makeup must dictate how much certain things are expressed. It’s just like people taking antidepressants. Completely different affects from person to person.

I’m depressed and anxious with low e2. High e2 I am not. Maybe a little manic I guess you would call it. Not even sure, but it’s wuickly fixed and not such a big deal. Low w2 is just hell that takes way too long to fix.

Yeah very true. I remember taking these antidepressants called SSRI and i got extreme panic attacks where i literally felt like i was dying and i told my doctor about them he had never heard of anyone reacting like that.

I know there are people who claim they feel nothing particular from TRT whereas there are people who feel amazing on the stuff.

Take for example libido. My libido is higher with crashed e2 than it is with high e2. It's even higher with low e2 than when im on a normal level.

I go completely sex maniac mad when im to low on e2. Then there are those who can't even get an erection from going to low.

It's wierd how we are affected so differently tbh. But just as with medicine, different ethnical races even respons to medicines differently. Not sure what conclusion to draw from this but.

Yeah we are unique.

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