Ya overall it was one of the best protocols I’ve tried so far. I stopped because I was worried about nandrolone suppressing my fertility more so than test. I currently think that theres a chance that nandrolone could suppress fertility more than test, due to it being a progestin, but I’m not completely convinced. I’ve had both of my children while using test alongside 100mg of nandrolone per week, so I’m not sure how suppressing to fertility it is, compared to test. Plus I might be done having kids, so overall I’m just not that concerned about the possibility of nandrolone suppressing fertility more so than test. Even if me and my girl were to want another kid, I wouldnt stop using the nandrolone base for fertility reasons. I would simply see how it goes while on it@Gman86
It sounds like you had really good results from the nandrolone based protocol.
Why did you stop?
Thanks so much for the update. It’s so interesting how differently nandrolone reacts when it’s added to a test base, compared to when it’s used as the base, or used by itself. It might as well be a completely different compound with how differently it reacts in some people in each of these scenarios. I can’t think of one other compound where the anecdotes of guys using it vary so drastically. Guys added it to a test base sometimes report erection and sensitivity issues, yet ur reporting that it actually corrected ur sensitivity issue. And I usually hear guys report improved erections, when on a nandrolone based protocol, compared to a test based protocol. Very different than the “deca d*ck” we’ve all heard from guys on the internet. I’ve said it before, but the best erections of my life were while I was using a nandrolone base. Quite the opposite from “deca d*ck”. Yet it’s the same compound. I just find it really interesting how differently this one compound reacts based on the way u use itJust checking back in. Morning wood everyday, zero acne, no ED but that was never an issue and most noticeably and important to my situation is I can feel my dick again. Sensitivity is totally restored just by knocking the test down. I have decided to stop the HCG all together as I was only on it to try and restore sensitivity but lowering test accomplished that for me. Muscle gains on 210 Deca are more enhanced for sure than when I ran test at 200. I will continue this until bloods indicate anything negative going on.
If anyone has had similar issues I really recommend this approach or at least try it.
ya im pretty confident that the acne is only gonna be temporary. It’s pretty uncommon for guys to report acne being an issue for them when using nandrolone solo and/ or a nandrolone base with very little test. Obviously not impossible, just not super common with there being no DHT in the system on nandrolone solo, and only having DHN floating around, and DHN being around 10x weaker than DHT. And then there being pretty low amounts of DHT in the system when using a nandrolone base with a small dose of test. Plus DHN competes with DHT for receptors, so even less of that small amount of DHT in the system is able to carry out its functions. Long story short, a nandrolone based protocol has the reputation of curbing DHT, E2 and/ or prolactin sides, so I really feel like this acne isnt going to be an ongoing thing for u. Just a temporary hiccup while ur hormones are in fluxDropped from 70 to 30 test in hopes to reduce acne and increase penile sensitivity. It worked for 2 weeks almost immediately now it’s back. But I do typically react 2 weeks after any protocol change.
Haha theres no stupid questions imo. So nandrolone, WHEN USED WITH TESTOSTERONE, can increase the aromatization rate that the test converts into estrogen. Unlike other steroids, nandrolone is actually produced in our bodies, like test is. In very minuscule amounts, but it’s still a steroid that we produce naturally. Here’s an excerpt from google.Im sorry but this is the first time I ever heard of Nandrolone used in TRT. And this post is confusing me.
First you say Nandrolone increases aromatization. Then later you say its good to use this for those who aromatize easily naturally. Maybe I should read up on this a lot more before asking stupid questions. But please if you could explain why some people wish to use Nandrolone? whats the benefits? compared to T? If one is naturally aromatizing T and create side effects easily?
Thank you
Ill read on. interesting stuff.![]()
So Dr Lichten is a huge fan of nandrolone, but doesn’t have any guys on a nandrolone based protocol, as far as I know. He likes to use it in the more traditional way that most of us have seen it be used. A 2:1 ratio of test to testosterone. Here’s the protocol and dosages that he most commonly prescribes, based off of what he says in interviewsWauw nice. You made it super clear to me. thank you very much. Im 52 new to TRT and exploring what is out there. I found the video you posted with the MD using Nandrolone and Winstrol?, and I was blown away with the results on inflammation, diabetes, crohns and much more. On top of benefits you just mentioned I dont understand why this isnt a well known protocol. I mean the diabetes results alone is insane.
Its my understanding T becomes much more potent and free with nandrolone. hence the need for much less weekly. This is very tempting and I need to look into this some more. Thank you bro![]()
So there’s 3 different podcasts that he has. Each one has a certain amount of episodes. Search each podcast from the pics, and episodes will pop up from that specific podcast. Go into one of the episodes and then hit the 3 little dots at the top right, and click on “go to show”. That will bring u to the main menu of the podcast, and list all the episodes in that podcast. One has 7 episodes, one has 16, and the other has 15. Some overlap a little. Like two of the podcasts have some doubles of episodes. But once u get into the main menu of a podcast, hit the 3 dots in the circle at the top right again, and click ”follow show” and then that podcast with all its episodes will save to ur library in the podcast app for easy access. If u have any issues just ask me here and I’ll guide u a bit more. I know it can be a little confusingI am in there. There is "just" 7 episodes correct? (first time im using apple podcast)
So the stanozolol is simply to lower SHBG, and increase free test without having to increase the total test dose. But I personally disagree with using a DHT to lower SHBG to the levels he likes to lower them to. He keeps his SHBG around 11. I personally think it’s more ideal to keep SHBG as close to mid range as u can. Around 20-40 is probably ideal for most men.You just made my day as I was unable to find more of his protocols on YT.
To me those above dosages seems a bit intimidating ha ha.
I would do 60mg test with 20 mg Deca just to dip my toe in
If you have the time I would appreciate if you could explain the reasoning for the Stanozol? I did listen the the video you posted with him but I didnt fully understand what he said. Ill dig into the podcasts you shared. This will be a good listen while getting my 10.000 steps in today
How do you feel on this combination? vs. just Test alone? whats the difference?
Im very curious. thank you.
here’s the other one he did with Danny bossa. Just want to make sure u saw bothFirst of all thank you for all your support. Amazing.
I found this video already and watched it thank you. Yes the interviewer was also kind of asking about his SHBG approach a bit confused as its opposite what he himself has learned. I see not everyone agrees. In fact I see many areas even the experts disagree.
I see experts saying dont worry about estrogen. forget about hematocrit, just drink lots of water etc.
Some say go for how you feel more than numbers in a blood test. Experts. People who do this for a living. I remember 10-15 years ago I was in similar forums and it all became too mechanical and people forget to listen to intuition and their bodies.
Anyway dont want to redirect the threat by rambling.
The apple podcast I need to click some more around to figure this out. I always do in the end. Thank You
Have a vial of nandrolone here now along with my Test E. I have decided to try it out as I have so many injuries from martial arts I stopped counting. So with all the other potential benefits I think its worth a try.
The benefits are basically u can use 100mg of nandrolone, get 100mg of androgens, get all the benefits that come with androgens, without having those androgens come with high levels of E2, dht and prolactin. For some guys, using test gives them the benefits of the androgens, but then they have issues from all the E2, dht and/ or prolactin in their system. And in order to lower those metabolites, they try to lower their test dose, but sometimes then lose some of the androgen benefits. So then they’re kind of caught in a rock and a hard place. Keep androgens where they like them, but suffer sides from the metaboites. Or lower their test dose to decrease metabolite sides, but lose some of the androgen benefits
with a nandrolone base, u get the best of both worlds. U use nandrolone as ur base for ur androgens, and then use a tiny bit of test to boost up E2 and dht, since u won’t have much of either with the nandrolone base. But u start low with ur test dose, to get some E2 and dht in ur system, and then u ur test dose up, as needed, until u find the sweetspot where u feel ur best, as far as E2 and dht levels goes. instead of E2 and dht sitting wherever they might on a test base, and only being able to lower them by lowering ur test dose, and losing some of the androgen benefits, u use nandrolone as ur main androgen base, and don’t adjust that dose. U just adjust ur test dose, as needed, to control metabolite levels. So even when ur adjusting ur metabolite levels with the test, ur main androgens from the nandrolone dont change, so ur always getting all the androgen benefits, even whilst dialing in ur metabolite levels, mainly E2
a nandrolone base basically just gives u MUCH more control over where ur metabolite levels sit, mainly E2, dht and prolactin, while on a test base guys will tell u to just let E2, dht and prolactin fall where they may based on ur test dose. If ur experiencing sides, ur just supposed to lower ur test dose basically. That doesnt off much control over things, unfortunately.
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