One thing I'm seeing that is concerning for me is the issues with heightened prolactin and lowered dopamine with Deca. But is that not an issue when being used in protocols like this then?
It’s actually the opposite lol. Well with nandrolone alone. Nandrolone by itself converts extremely little into estradiol, and therefore prolactin will be low as well on nandrolone solo, since estradiol is the main stimulator of prolactin production in the male body.
The twist is that nandrolone, when used with a compound like testosterone, will increase testosterone’s aromatization rate, aka increase the amount of estradiol that testosterone converts into. Nandrolone also sensitizes estrogen and prolactin receptors, making whatever estrogen and prolactin in the system feel more potent. So yes, if ur using 100mg of testosterone, and prolactin is say at a 10, and then u add nandrolone, it’s very possible that u will see prolactin increase, due to nandrolone causing the testosterone to convert into E2 at a higher rate, and then the higher E2 stimulating more prolactin to be produced. But the nandrolone will increase E2 and prolactin extremely little directly, since like I’ve said, it takes around 300mg of nandrolone to add 5-6 points to ur serum estradiol total. So adding in 50-100mg of nandrolone to a test base will directly add basically nothing to ur total E2 and prolactin levels. It’s only adding to these levels through the mechanism of increasing testosterone‘s aromatization rate.
so let’s say ur using a nandrolone base, with 100mg of nandrolone, and say 30mg of testosterone. The 100mg of nandrolone will have ur estradiol and prolactin bottomed out. Estradiol at <5 pg/ml, and would assume prolactin at around <5 ng/ml, at most. Most likely around 2-3 ng/ml for prolactin. But with the 30mg of test added in, that’s obv going to increase E2 and prolactin. Everyone’s obv different, but here’s some of my E2 labs when I was using a nandrolone base
Deca - 29 on syringe EOD (203mg/ week)
Test - 6 on syringe EOD (42mg/ week)
HCG - 150iu’s EOD (525iu’s/ week)
Ultrasensitive E2 - 24 (quest)
Deca - 29 on syringe EOD (203mg/ week)
Test - 9 on syringe EOD (63mg/ week)
Ultrasensitive E2 - 34 (Quest)
Deca - 29 on syringe EOD (203mg/ week)
Test - 9 on syringe EOD (63mg/ week)
1000iu’s HCG/ week (Empower)
Ultrasensitive E2 - 32 (Quest)
Deca - 29 on syringe EOD (203mg/ week)
Test - 9 on syringe EOD (63mg/ week)
1000iu’s SAFASI HCG/ week. 280iu EOD
Ultrasensitive E2 - 45
Deca - 29 on syringe EOD (203mg/ week)
Test - 12 on syringe EOD (84mg/ week)
Total T - 780 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 167.7 (46.0-224.0)
SHBG - 39.5 (16.5-55.9)
E2 ultrasensitive - 46
Prolactin - 11.1 (4.0-15.2)
DHEA-S - 632 (138.5-475.2)
DHT - 68 (16-79)
T3 total - 116 (76-181)
T4 total - 4.9 (4.5-10.5)
Free T3 - 3.4 (2.3-4.2)
Free t4 - 0.9 (0.8-1.8)
RT3 - 14.2 (9.2-24.1) no
TSH - 0.794 (0.4-4.5)
Iron, Total - 155 (50-180)
Iron % saturation - 50% (15-60)
Iron Binding Capacity - 294 (250-425)
UIBC - 148 (111-343)
Ferritin - 49 (30-400)
PSA, TOTAL 0.4 (<4.0)
Glucose - 98
HGB - 17.6 (13.2-17.1g/dl)
HCT - 53.9 (38.5-50.0%)Q