Herniated Disk and Thinking About Testosterone plus Nandrolone (Deca)

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actually he is a bichemist, expert on testosterone, endocrinolgist and expert on male health. so he is way better then you, all in this forum and nelson vergel, but he is used to having old bodybuilders coming in and wanting high testosterone, he wants ut to have mid range levels

So the answer is simple. Do exactly what he says. The reality is that even experts disagree on TRT protocols. Just do what he says first. Follow his advice explicitly until you are sure if it works or not. You may be overthinking what he says. If he is an expert, then why second guess his advice?

No sense insulting forum members or moderators. Lot of good people will be pissed off, and that's never good. Right?
have you read the post ? i dont have money for nebido, and i get testosterone enanthate and deca free from my best friend
i have a herniated disc which makes me unable to work
have you read the post ? i dont have money for nebido, and i get testosterone enanthate and deca free from my best friend
i have a herniated disc which makes me unable to work

Maybe you're going to need another forum? Madman, who you just insulted, was one of your better possibliities. Nelson Vergel could answer the questions if anybody can. Be patient. Maybe send a personal message to someone who isn't pissed yet.
this sound like a forum for women where everyone gets triggered for even the slightest little thing lol.....i was actually asking nelson vergel...but all the "experts" had to chip in
is your testosterone and deca made by steroid dealers and laboratories? not pharmaceutical grade made to treat low testosterone? you might be getting all kinds of shit that will make you sick be aware
hi. im a 27 year old man who has been batteling doctors for 6 years. my testosterone is 5 nmol after steroid use and never went up

i finally after a few visitts to the doctor who is a expert in testosterone and male health, he has 40 years in his field and is a doctor who is pro at this. he really know his stuff

i finally got trt from him after he tried to restart my system several times with clomid.

he has given me a prescribtion of NEBIDO UNDECONATE , he says this is the safest way to take trt and that enanthate and cypionate only will give peaks and valleys and to high testosterone

he told me that i have to experimate to find the best dosing cause everyone is diffrent....he mentioned 1 ml per 2 weeks...or 2 ml per 4 week or 4 ml every 8 weeks and try whatever feels best

now. everyone i have talked about says nebido is shit. i also read nelson vergels trt book and also over 40 and fit jay campell book a long with talking to bodybuilders on trt and several movie stars.....they all say 125-200 mg testosterone a week of enanthate

now i bought some teastosterone enanthate and will use 180 mg a week...90 mg monday and 90 mg thursday....and hope that this does not increase estrogen to much, if it does i wll go down to 150 a week

but here is the problem:

i also have a herniated disc which has made me not beeing able to work. i have now been home for 5 months and its not been healing

can i add 100 2mg deca every week or is this to much

like this

monday 90 mg testosterone enanthate



thursday 90 mg testosterone E


saturday 100 mg deca


is this to much ? i was planning to do this 6 months while i train with my chiropractor and after 6 monts quit 100 mg deca and only do 180 mg test

or should i do 150 deca and 150 test a week ? nebido is too expensive i have a really good source for deca and test E

plz help nelson vergel....if this is not good plz post a better trt dose with deca and TEST E

im not using hcg because my doctor said that i dont need to , he has a special solution for every man who has used steroids to get fertile again, he said it didnt matter how much u taken or what u taken. And that all the bodybuilders he has ever treated ( even pro bodybuilders) gets fertile again with his protocol

Nebido comes in 4 ml ampules, unless you plan to throw away 75% of the testosterone you can't take 1 ml.

The protocol for Nebido is 4 ml the first loading dose at 6 weeks followed by each 4 ml injection should be between 10-12 weeks apart.

So you aren't following the manufacturer's protocol.

If you are actually talking about generic testosterone undecanoate it's actually pretty cheap, but I think it's mostly a Chinese product, and it's in teaseed oil while Nebido was Europeanized by putting it in castor oil.

The castor oil preparation has a longer half-life than TU in tea seed oil (33.9+/-4.9 vs 20.9+/-6.0 days.

Did you know Nebido was also tested as a long acting male contraceptives??

Nothing you have posted has a thing to do with getting fertile again and is instead guaranteed to keep you sterile

So what is the doctors "special solution" to make you fertile again ??
because i have to drive 7 hours to meet him and its also very expensive....20 minutes is 200 dollars. He showed me graphs of the peaks and valleys and showed me on paper why nebido was considered the best right now to treat hypogonadism, he explained into molecular level. He is not american and not interested in giving high doses of testosterone like most guys want, they want to have steroid doses. He told me nebido is far better option today with steadier levels and it give me mid lvl levels and not high

Studying and examining molecules in a lab environment is one thing, clinic experience with living breathing patients is quite another and things don't always workout like we hope. In a lab everything is black and white, but when you're dealing with variables like human biology you can expect a curveball every now and again that redefines what we thought we knew.

There's nothing wrong with wanting the hormonal levels that we had in our 20's, here at Excelmale we are about hormone levels within normal ranges. There are studies showing that men with high normal testosterone levels are 30% less likely to suffer from cardiac events than those in the middle ranges. If you really want a protocol designed for you I suggest you get your SHBG levels tested, this will tell you basically how often you should inject testosterone and a pretty good formula for dosing.

I can only caution you on the use of testosterone from an unknown source, you don't know what substances are in it and if it is safe.
Why the hostility? Why make it so personal? Why suggest with a smirk that this is a forum for women? Actually we do have women members, a section is dedicated to HRT and women. If you feel confident in your doctor's approach, follow it. You'll know soon enough if it is leading you to better health and a more enjoyable life. If it isn't, you make adjustments.

Many of us have walked the very path we are warning you about: a protocol designed by a doctor that will not lead you out of the wilderness. Don't be taken in, as I was, by credentials. I initially consulted an endocrinologist who holds an endowed chair at a local medical school...it was pointless.

Comments and suggestions are offered from our own experience with the hope that it gives you some points to consider. We're a therapeutic community and open exchange is characteristic of such an entity. The goal is a healthy life.
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Don't ask for advice from people you don't think know what they are doing. You end up looking childish and dumb honestly.

Just tell all the doctor what you are going to do then. I bet he tells you what to do. You don't think the guys who have experienced it are worth listening to anyway.
he has his own way of making guys fertile again after years of steroid use. He told me he had guys who had been on for 10 years straight and he just used hcg and something called ghrp gonadropin or something. i told me it was totally unnesecarry to take 4 injections a week. 2 with test and 2 with hcg. he told me that none of his client ever became permanently sterile. he told me i could freeze down my sperm just in case but he dont think it was nesecarry. now im freezing my sperm at monday. sry for my bad english
i have told my doctor about this forum and about me wanting to take enanthate instead of nebido and that people always have bad experience with it. He told me that enanthate was unstable and will eventually with like 150 mg create larger totallt t over time and it was moore unstable then nebido. he told me nebido is the best choice, IF taken correctly, but that many fail on this because of injection intervalls. he has personally been to germany where they make nebido and performed several studies with the scientist there. he wants me to take nebido instead of enanthate cause he wants me to have mid range levels and not high, and told me that most guys who come to him and take enanthate or cypionate always increase their dosages over time and then start cycling again or blast and cruise. We only had a short time together, so i forgot to tell him that i actually wanted to have high test levels, im still young, im still bodybuilding, thats why i want at the top of the range as long as it dont affect my estrogen. He has made several books about the topic and several international studies. he is one of the best in europe. but unfortunatly its very expensive, i have to travel very long to talk to him and i didnt get all the answers i needed
my shbg has been the same for years, between 20-17

the steroids i used in the past was UGL, but it worked so good i didnt need to stack any other compunds. i can get my hands on either UGL test or polish pharmacy test
also he has a laser machine that can scan my testicles and can find sperm cells, which he then bring out with a syringe or something. i believe u guys in the US also have this. 1 sperm cell is enough

Nebido is not a bad option if administered at a frequency that makes sense while avoiding total testosterone blood levels under 500 ng/dL (17 nmol/l) before the next injection.

There is some anecdotal (not proven by research) information on the benefits of nandrolone on joints/tendon healing. I am not sure it will help your herniated disk issue, though. Only one way to find out. I would work out your legs (machines- no squats ever!) and upper body (sitting exercises in machines only).

I also found trigger point injections in the lumbar area very effective. I manage my current situation using this technique when pain in my sciatic nerve flares up.

I would not use anything above 100 mg testosterone plus 100-200 mg nandrolone per week. Remember that your hematocrit will increase considerably and that your good cholesterol (HDL) will decrease.

I had two herniated disks and regret having had surgery. If I had to do it all over again, I would concentrate on stretching exercises and on strengthening my abdominal area.

Lower back exercises

I also wished we had this type of cylinder back then (I have one now and love it)

NextRoller 3-Speed Vibrating Foam Roller - High Intensity Vibration for Recovery, Mobility, Pliability Training & Deep Tissue Trigger Point Sports Massage Therapy - Firm Density Electric Back Massager
after talking to jay cambell i will start with 150 mg test E a week and see where i land.

as i said i was thinking of going with a light dose of nandrolone while i build my muscle in the back and core and at the same time going to chiropractor. is this dose to much for 6 motnhs ?

150 mg test and 150 mg nandrolone?
after talking to jay cambell i will start with 150 mg test E a week and see where i land.

as i said i was thinking of going with a light dose of nandrolone while i build my muscle in the back and core and at the same time going to chiropractor. is this dose to much for 6 motnhs ?

150 mg test and 150 mg nandrolone?

As long as you monitor your hematocrit to keep it under 52 with blood donations.
thats sucks, i already have gyno. at what levels should estrogen be ? and what is it measured in ? ng/dl ? nmol?
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