hi. im a 27 year old man who has been batteling doctors for 6 years. my testosterone is 5 nmol after steroid use and never went up
i finally after a few visitts to the doctor who is a expert in testosterone and male health, he has 40 years in his field and is a doctor who is pro at this. he really know his stuff
i finally got trt from him after he tried to restart my system several times with clomid.
he has given me a prescribtion of NEBIDO UNDECONATE , he says this is the safest way to take trt and that enanthate and cypionate only will give peaks and valleys and to high testosterone
he told me that i have to experimate to find the best dosing cause everyone is diffrent....he mentioned 1 ml per 2 weeks...or 2 ml per 4 week or 4 ml every 8 weeks and try whatever feels best
now. everyone i have talked about says nebido is shit. i also read nelson vergels trt book and also over 40 and fit jay campell book a long with talking to bodybuilders on trt and several movie stars.....they all say 125-200 mg testosterone a week of enanthate
now i bought some teastosterone enanthate and will use 180 mg a week...90 mg monday and 90 mg thursday....and hope that this does not increase estrogen to much, if it does i wll go down to 150 a week
but here is the problem:
i also have a herniated disc which has made me not beeing able to work. i have now been home for 5 months and its not been healing
can i add 100 2mg deca every week or is this to much
like this
monday 90 mg testosterone enanthate
thursday 90 mg testosterone E
saturday 100 mg deca
is this to much ? i was planning to do this 6 months while i train with my chiropractor and after 6 monts quit 100 mg deca and only do 180 mg test
or should i do 150 deca and 150 test a week ? nebido is too expensive i have a really good source for deca and test E
plz help
nelson vergel....if this is not good plz post a better trt dose with deca and TEST E
im not using hcg because my doctor said that i dont need to , he has a special solution for every man who has used steroids to get fertile again, he said it didnt matter how much u taken or what u taken. And that all the bodybuilders he has ever treated ( even pro bodybuilders) gets fertile again with his protocol