Yea I'm debating totally stopping the preg/dhea and seeing how I am without it (since maybe with nandrolone I'll have the libido I don't on test?) but also don't want to stop and just not have a libido for like 4+ weeks while I'm trying to figure it out. So thats my dilemma.
I took my last shot of TE on Sunday - going to wait until next week Sunday I think to start the NPP. I think by then my test E should be mostly cleared out. I think I decided on doing 200mg NPP, 20 TE and (whatever I now decide between replies to this post and my previous plan) of HCG - split 3x weekly. And then modulating from there if necessary. Or maybe I'll get lucky and that will just be the sweet spot right there.
As for the HCG, for some reason I thought 1000iu per week was fairly normal on TRT? Doesnt
@Nelson Vergel do 500iu per injection 2x weekly or something along those lines?
So the 1000iu’s/ week is pretty much just the old school way guys used it for so many years, and I think a lot of guys still have it stuck in their head that 1000iu’s/ week is what should be used.
if ur currently trying to conceive, while on HRT, I do actually recommend using at least 1000iu’s/ week. 1000iu’s/ week is my go to anytime I need to be fertile, and has worked like a charm for me. Baby coming at the end of february, for the record lol. And I’m 37 and been on HRT for over 10 years now, for reference.
apart from fertility, what guys have found, through trial and error, is that anecdotally they could use much lower dosages than 1000iu’s/ week, and still get all the benefits that they were getting with 1000iu’s/ week, without the sides that can sometimes come with using a high dose of HCG like that. There’s been numerous anecdotes of men saying that 500iu’s/ week gave them all the benefits, without the sides. And there’s even been a few guys here that report that 350iu’s/ week was plenty for them, and gave them all the benefits they were looking for, again without the sides that can come with higher dosages of HCG. So moral of the story is basically just like with most things, as far as hrt goes, u want to start with the lowest dose that u think will give u the benefits that ur looking for, and titrate up, as needed.
but overall I don’t think dropping the preg and dhea, even just temporarily, is a bad thing. I definitely think decreasing the amount of variables to consider, when dialing in, is a big advantage, and increases ur chances of getting dialed faster by a huge factor. I guess that’s probably obvious when u think about It. But I’ve definitely had to learn the hard way before, that having too many variables in the mix/ to consider, when trying to dial in, is just going to decrease ur chances of success, and increase ur frustration levels during the process, and just can be very discouraging, due to how much harder it is to know what step to take next when theres too many variables in the mix, and things aren’t going well. My advice is to do urself a favor and eliminate as many variables as u can before committing to this new protocol.
I really don’t see libido or erections being an issue on a nandrolone base with very low dose test, for the majority of guys. Especially if u do things the right way, when it comes to dialing in on a nandorlone based protocol. Aka start with nandorlone solo, or nandrolone with 10-20mg of test per week, keep ur nandrolone dose the same throughout the whole process, while titrating up ur test dose, as needed, by 10mg/ week, every 4-6 weeks (every 2 weeks for test prop). I’ve been on a nandrolone base again since 12-5-23, and I definitely want it at least twice a day, and erections have been solid.
i think 200 nandrolone and 20 test is a great place to start, and the chances of u feeling pretty good shortly after starting it are pretty high, imo. And for most guys I don’t think they’re going to overshoot their sweetspot with 20mg of test per week. Im
sure there’s some guys that are high aromatizers where 20mg/ week of test might be slightly too high for them, but I think those guys are going to be in the minority, for the most part