"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

The common theory with this is that zinc increases the production of stomach acid which is important to prevent colonization of the stomach by bacteria and for digestion. However, some people's stomach is in such a condition that they can't handle the acid or the net balance of zinc-carnosine stimulated healing vs. extra acid damage is not favorable.

On Reddit there are enough anecdotes of recovery with it that I think anyone should try it. My wife had a bout of gastritis after taking too many NSAIDs and zinc-carnosine cleared it right up.
Very interesting and glad to hear your wife healed. Kudos! I'm ordering DoctorsBest from amazon and should be here next week. What brand did she use?
Funny enough but yes. I was eating 5-15 eggs per day for the last 20 years I'd say and never went a day without them unless I ran out of them which was rare af for me. Most of the time with yolks unless I was cutting then was eating just a few with yolks and up to 15 egg whites and sometimes just egg whites. But that was till 2019. Since then I've ate minimum 4-5 whole eggs for breakfast till recently decided had bad chest pain after eating them and decided to remove them completely. Had the best 4 weeks brain-fog wise in a long long time. And now decided to have some and see if I digest them so I had 10 whole eggs that day lol and woke up next day "underwater" with a royal brain fog, which as I remember used to haunt me in the past badly. I love them and could eat them 5x day but I will stay away from them now after witnessing this one. I still put a few whites in todays oat/banana/greek yogurt waffles but will try to stay away from them too. I believe too much of a good thing with time can become a bad thing.
Very interesting! Ive had at least a little brain fog for a long time now. Some days are worse than others. I swallow 4 raw egg yolks per day. And then add 2 more raw egg yolks to my protein shakes on workout days, which is 3x/ week. I used to eat 6 whole eggs per day cooked, but wanted to see if I was allergic to the whites. I don’t think I noticed any improvements just doing the yolks. But been doing it for a while now just cuz when I cut out the whites I switched my breakfast to ground beef, and I like it better. So I’m sticking with that, and just do 4 raw egg yolks when I wake up. But now I’m wondering if maybe the yolks could be triggering a reaction. I think I’ve cut out eggs completely in the past and didnt notice any improvements from what I can remember. But based on ur experience I’m gonna give it another shot. Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting! Ive had at least a little brain fog for a long time now. Some days are worse than others. I swallow 4 raw egg yolks per day. And then add 2 more raw egg yolks to my protein shakes on workout days, which is 3x/ week. I used to eat 6 whole eggs per day cooked, but wanted to see if I was allergic to the whites. I don’t think I noticed any improvements just doing the yolks. But been doing it for a while now just cuz when I cut out the whites I switched my breakfast to ground beef, and I like it better. So I’m sticking with that, and just do 4 raw egg yolks when I wake up. But now I’m wondering if maybe the yolks could be triggering a reaction. I think I’ve cut out eggs completely in the past and didnt notice any improvements from what I can remember. But based on ur experience I’m gonna give it another shot. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure! And I say def worth a try. I'll experiment properly when/if I heal my gut issues and maybe everything will look different. You never know. But one issue at a time. I'm sure as we get older something changes digestion wise or we become more prone to details and discomforts, I'm not sure, but this episode was very real for me so I'm eager to follow this path and see what happens.
Hey Belekas, I think we are like the rats in this study:

If the zinc carnosine gives you side effects or doesn't help, your doctor can prescribe you Sucralfate - it works in a similar way by forming a protective layer over inflamed stomach mucosa:

Noted down. Will ask GP if they can prescribe it as most of the time they are random GP's who are like 25 years old and probably done an online course before starting to treat patients. The last one I went last week was a young Indian girl and she had a generic HP protocol open from google I believe lol Thanks for the tip!
Hey Belekas, I think we are like the rats in this study:

Hey mate, looks like it. So as we know this then it makes sense to stop TRT once we start healing protocol or at least try to go really low dose. What your thoughts about this? I was thinking going 0.1ml 2x week but went with normal dose.
Hey mate, looks like it. So as we know this then it makes sense to stop TRT once we start healing protocol or at least try to go really low dose. What your thoughts about this? I was thinking going 0.1ml 2x week but went with normal dose.
In my personal experience the negative effects of TRT on GERD and gastritis are very dose dependent. So, the faster you want to heal, the lower I would go.
In my personal experience the negative effects of TRT on GERD and gastritis are very dose dependent. So, the faster you want to heal, the lower I would go.
I agree with that as well as thats how I felt too. Also it depends on how I workout. If I push a bit more in the gym- then I suffer more. If I go lighter- I suffer less. This motherfucking issue is a bitch! I'm ready to explore 50mg/week. I'm thinking thats the lowest I should go. Whats your take on this?
I agree with that as well as thats how I felt too. Also it depends on how I workout. If I push a bit more in the gym- then I suffer more. If I go lighter- I suffer less. This motherfucking issue is a bitch! I'm ready to explore 50mg/week. I'm thinking thats the lowest I should go. Whats your take on this?
I think if you take a dose that results in blood values similar to your natural baseline, your stomach issues will probably be similar to baseline as well. That was my experience. However I had little benefit to my symptoms at that point so it didn't seem worthwhile.

Maybe you could take a cyclical approach where you blast and cruise, except your blast dose is just normal TRT and you intermittently cruise at a lower level to heal.
I think if you take a dose that results in blood values similar to your natural baseline, your stomach issues will probably be similar to baseline as well. That was my experience. However I had little benefit to my symptoms at that point so it didn't seem worthwhile.

Maybe you could take a cyclical approach where you blast and cruise, except your blast dose is just normal TRT and you intermittently cruise at a lower level to heal.
That makes sense but would be hard to do as my cFT level was pretty much at the lower range border when I did my test. Not sure how much T I have to inject to get cFT that low...My TT wasn't too bad just that cFT was crippled, thus why I started my TRT journey, to see if raising FT would help to feel better, recover better, help bone pain, brain fog, etc. Cyclical approach sounds interesting though. Hmm
Tomorrow is my injection day so I'm looking into dose reduction from 100mg to 50mg per week as I'll be starting my gut healing protocol soon. Will be doing 25mg e4d so that comes out a bit less then 50mg/week fwiw. Will be interesting how I feel and perform going forward on such a low dose, that others swear by God would do nothing but castrate a man lmao. Have no fear to explore the lower doses and see if that helps my gastric chest pain and gut heal quicker.

So will see if I pull the trigger tomorrow or still wait a bit till all my meds and supps are here and then drop the hammer. Will note down my experience going forward.

Hope ya'll are killing it!

Heres my 2019 pic before I quit my old sports TRT (lol) of 250mg/week and left my country without knowing into what mess I will bump into. 2020 when lockdown hit in foreign country and that year I lost around 10kg of muscle, still managed to train, eat, but was in really really dark place mentally. Then I injured my back and neck and never was able to train legs till this day. Now I'm trying slowly just some leg-extensions to get the blood flowing. I miss training them badly and miss having them as good as in this pic. I was happy with the progress and I have just found a formula of training to which my legs responded really good so they blew up after 1 year of dedicated training like never before. Man I wish i could turn back the time and make evrything right...I can only imagine how my legs would look now if I had continued smashing them for another 3-4 years since this pic was taken and just run a normal TRT protocol, like now. But it is what it is. I took a hit, but kept moving forward. Sucked it up, "cried" when no one was looking but still managed to not give up, even though my dreams were torn to little pieces physique and life wise as well. Only in the darkest moments we learn who we really are and only the lows bring us the most valuable lessons. So guys, what I wanted to say is- NEVER EVER GIVE UP and never fold under pressure! What doesn't kill us- makes us stronger! So cheers to everyone who is fighting these silent battles, struggling, falling, crawling, getting up just to fall down again. I got nothing but love and respect for ya'll and I know for sure that one day we will reach our goals whatever they are!

Much love fam! Lets fucking get it!
View attachment 34116
Heres my 2019 pic before I quit my old sports TRT (lol) of 250mg/week and left my country without knowing into what mess I will bump into. 2020 when lockdown hit in foreign country and that year I lost around 10kg of muscle, still managed to train, eat, but was in really really dark place mentally. Then I injured my back and neck and never was able to train legs till this day. Now I'm trying slowly just some leg-extensions to get the blood flowing. I miss training them badly and miss having them as good as in this pic. I was happy with the progress and I have just found a formula of training to which my legs responded really good so they blew up after 1 year of dedicated training like never before. Man I wish i could turn back the time and make evrything right...I can only imagine how my legs would look now if I had continued smashing them for another 3-4 years since this pic was taken and just run a normal TRT protocol, like now. But it is what it is. I took a hit, but kept moving forward. Sucked it up, "cried" when no one was looking but still managed to not give up, even though my dreams were torn to little pieces physique and life wise as well. Only in the darkest moments we learn who we really are and only the lows bring us the most valuable lessons. So guys, what I wanted to say is- NEVER EVER GIVE UP and never fold under pressure! What doesn't kill us- makes us stronger! So cheers to everyone who is fighting these silent battles, struggling, falling, crawling, getting up just to fall down again. I got nothing but love and respect for ya'll and I know for sure that one day we will reach our goals whatever they are!

Much love fam! Lets fucking get it!
Wow that's an incredible physique you had there. You've got that sought after "Instagram influencer about to drop dead from an aneurysm at age 30" look! Lol kidding, amazing job.
Tomorrow is my injection day so I'm looking into dose reduction from 100mg to 50mg per week as I'll be starting my gut healing protocol soon. Will be doing 25mg e4d so that comes out a bit less then 50mg/week fwiw. Will be interesting how I feel and perform going forward on such a low dose, that others swear by God would do nothing but castrate a man lmao. Have no fear to explore the lower doses and see if that helps my gastric chest pain and gut heal quicker.

So will see if I pull the trigger tomorrow or still wait a bit till all my meds and supps are here and then drop the hammer. Will note down my experience going forward.

Hope ya'll are killing it!
So what exactly are the gut issues that ur experiencing? have u ever tried nandrolone, and/ or looked into Dr Edward Lichten’s work at all? He’s a doctor thats been using AAS to heal patients for over 20 years now. And one of the main AAS he likes to use in nandrolone. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties I believe. Here’s a podcast where I believe he talks about healing someone’s Crohn’s disease with AAS/ balancing their hormones. Check it out if u have time

HRT protocol aside, I’ve seen the carnivore diet cure every stomach/ gut issue u can think of. The results for many people in that department have been morning short of miracles. Have u looked into the carnivore diet at all? I personally don’t do full carnivore. I just do as close to it as I can. and that’s what I would recommend for anyone. Just do as close to it as u can. The closer a person is to full carnivore, the better they’re gonna feel, and the healthier their body is gonna be.

Hey mate, looks like it. So as we know this then it makes sense to stop TRT once we start healing protocol or at least try to go really low dose. What your thoughts about this? I was thinking going 0.1ml 2x week but went with normal dose.
I had to stop completely, but the chest pain and heartburn went almost completely away within a few days. Donating blood also alleviated my symptoms about 90%>
So what exactly are the gut issues that ur experiencing? have u ever tried nandrolone, and/ or looked into Dr Edward Lichten’s work at all? He’s a doctor thats been using AAS to heal patients for over 20 years now. And one of the main AAS he likes to use in nandrolone. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties I believe. Here’s a podcast where I believe he talks about healing someone’s Crohn’s disease with AAS/ balancing their hormones. Check it out if u have time

HRT protocol aside, I’ve seen the carnivore diet cure every stomach/ gut issue u can think of. The results for many people in that department have been morning short of miracles. Have u looked into the carnivore diet at all? I personally don’t do full carnivore. I just do as close to it as I can. and that’s what I would recommend for anyone. Just do as close to it as u can. The closer a person is to full carnivore, the better they’re gonna feel, and the healthier their body is gonna be.

I have written about my issues very detailed so if you want go ahead and have a read. Plenty of information and data points going back this thread from this post. My issue is unique and no diet modifications work. And yes I tried everything over the years. I ran deca when was bodybuilding and have no interest to run it again. My case is severe h pylori with chronic esophagitus peptica that gives me 10/10 chest pain after eating, not eating, even after drinking water. Some days are worse, some are better. Nobody I know, and mind you I know a lot of people, has such severe case. But I know from where I have it as I was taking too many recreational drugs since 13, acid, mdma, xtc, cocaine, etc, all washed with tons of vodka. Living the fly life for many years. Parties, discos, decade of sleepless nights. Now i'm paying the price, we all do, eventually. Can only feel for folks who never done it and got it as well. Might try Carnivore once again but I'm pretty sure ot won't work as it failed before also I doubt its sustainable long-term for me as I'm an athlete and perform best with high carbs fwiw. Ofc health comes first and if it helped maybe reintroduction of certain carbs would work going forward. Im waiting for meds and supps and will start treatment im 2-3 weeks. Also waiting for test result if H pylori is still active as had 2 rounds of triple therapy anibiotics which failed. Had relief from first round but then pain came back as possibly got reinfected or didnt eradicate it as much as needed for stomach to heal.

P.s. will check out the doc you mentioned. Thank you.
I had to stop completely, but the chest pain and heartburn went almost completely away within a few days. Donating blood also alleviated my symptoms about 90%>
I can't donate as my blood is not acceptable and need to look for private plebothomy which is nowhere near where I'm at. Also that won't cure the root cause so no bueno. Hope you feeling better now.
Wow that's an incredible physique you had there. You've got that sought after "Instagram influencer about to drop dead from an aneurysm at age 30" look! Lol kidding, amazing job.
Thanks mate was really into it for many years and lived my life like a real pro minus the huge amounts of drugs they take. Discipline and consistency is the name of the game. Folks were shocked that it was only test I was running and being able to eat what I want and still look wicked : )

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