"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

I have written about my issues very detailed so if you want go ahead and have a read. Plenty of information and data points going back this thread from this post. My issue is unique and no diet modifications work. And yes I tried everything over the years. I ran deca when was bodybuilding and have no interest to run it again. My case is severe h pylori with chronic esophagitus peptica that gives me 10/10 chest pain after eating, not eating, even after drinking water. Some days are worse, some are better. Nobody I know, and mind you I know a lot of people, has such severe case. But I know from where I have it as I was taking too many recreational drugs since 13, acid, mdma, xtc, cocaine, etc, all washed with tons of vodka. Living the fly life for many years. Parties, discos, decade of sleepless nights. Now i'm paying the price, we all do, eventually. Can only feel for folks who never done it and got it as well. Might try Carnivore once again but I'm pretty sure ot won't work as it failed before also I doubt its sustainable long-term for me as I'm an athlete and perform best with high carbs fwiw. Ofc health comes first and if it helped maybe reintroduction of certain carbs would work going forward. Im waiting for meds and supps and will start treatment im 2-3 weeks. Also waiting for test result if H pylori is still active as had 2 rounds of triple therapy anibiotics which failed. Had relief from first round but then pain came back as possibly got reinfected or didnt eradicate it as much as needed for stomach to heal.

P.s. will check out the doc you mentioned. Thank you.
Sorry to hear that ur such a complicated/ treatment resistant case. I hear ya with diet. I know carnivore is the healthiest diet I can do, and is what I’d feel best on, but I personally eat a lot of carbs each day, mostly in the forms of white rice, honey and fruit. I do this because I enjoy having them in for gym performance, and I feel like it’s easier to build muscle on them. I also do it out of convenience, and it saves me money getting a lot of calories from cheap-ish carbs like white rice, opposed to all red meat. So I definitely get it as far as diet goes
Sorry to hear that ur such a complicated/ treatment resistant case. I hear ya with diet. I know carnivore is the healthiest diet I can do, and is what I’d feel best on, but I personally eat a lot of carbs each day, mostly in the forms of white rice, honey and fruit. I do this because I enjoy having them in for gym performance, and I feel like it’s easier to build muscle on them. I also do it out of convenience, and it saves me money getting a lot of calories from cheap-ish carbs like white rice, opposed to all red meat. So I definitely get it as far as diet goes
Thanks mate! Exactly my thoughts re diet/training and I agree re Carnivore diet. Also rice and fruit, honey. Thats all i need, if i could eat it, id be the happiest man on the planet. Just first need to heal my stomach lining and hope H Pylori is finally resting for good. I'm down to fucking do it one more time and proper. What kind of meat you eat? Also do you eat a bit like keto as well like eggs, cheese, etc?
Thanks mate! Exactly my thoughts re diet/training and I agree re Carnivore diet. Also rice and fruit, honey. Thats all i need, if i could eat it, id be the happiest man on the planet. Just first need to heal my stomach lining and hope H Pylori is finally resting for good. I'm down to fucking do it one more time and proper. What kind of meat you eat? Also do you eat a bit like keto as well like eggs, cheese, etc?
Damn u can’t even eat white rice, honey or fruit without having a negative reaction? That’s rough man. I really feel for ya

I stick to only ruminant animal meat. Aka red meat. It’s by far the most bang for ur buck per calorie as far as nutrition for ur body goes. So I eat ground beef, rice and honey fro breakfast. Then I do two more big meals consisting of the same thing. NY petite sirloin steak, rice, honey and ghee. And I eat fruit after each meal. And do little things inbetween depending on the day. Like sardines on rice cakes, or grassfed raw cheese, or raw beef liver, or raw beef heart, or a little more fruit. And ive been swallowing 4 raw egg yolks every morning, and then 2 more raw eggs in my protein shake on workout days 3x/ week, but cut them out as of yesterday to see if it helps with some brain fog I have. Some other member cut out eggs completely and noticed that his brain fog basically went away. So want to give it a shot and see if I see any improvements myself. I don’t do any grains or veggies
Damn u can’t even eat white rice, honey or fruit without having a negative reaction? That’s rough man. I really feel for ya

I stick to only ruminant animal meat. Aka red meat. It’s by far the most bang for ur buck per calorie as far as nutrition for ur body goes. So I eat ground beef, rice and honey fro breakfast. Then I do two more big meals consisting of the same thing. NY petite sirloin steak, rice, honey and ghee. And I eat fruit after each meal. And do little things inbetween depending on the day. Like sardines on rice cakes, or grassfed raw cheese, or raw beef liver, or raw beef heart, or a little more fruit. And ive been swallowing 4 raw egg yolks every morning, and then 2 more raw eggs in my protein shake on workout days 3x/ week, but cut them out as of yesterday to see if it helps with some brain fog I have. Some other member cut out eggs completely and noticed that his brain fog basically went away. So want to give it a shot and see if I see any improvements myself. I don’t do any grains or veggies
Mate, i get chest pain from water lol cant fast at all as get pain as well, so have to eat every 2hrs and still suffer pain smh. Its been hell but im ready to try carnivore again only more serious this time. What oils do you use? Ill try from tomorrow as time waits for no man and ive suffered more then enough. Will plan food and order a big home delivery. Lets see what happens. Your diet sounds spot on. So no veggies as you digest em bad or dont believe in them? Appreciate the encouragement mate!
I can't donate as my blood is not acceptable and need to look for private plebothomy which is nowhere near where I'm at. Also that won't cure the root cause so no bueno. Hope you feeling better now.
Certainly won't cure the root cause, just an observation as I donate every so often anyway. Let me know if you find a solution. For me the only solution this far has been stopping injections after experimenting with virtually everything else.
Mate, i get chest pain from water lol cant fast at all as get pain as well, so have to eat every 2hrs and still suffer pain smh. Its been hell but im ready to try carnivore again only more serious this time. What oils do you use? Ill try from tomorrow as time waits for no man and ive suffered more then enough. Will plan food and order a big home delivery. Lets see what happens. Your diet sounds spot on. So no veggies as you digest em bad or dont believe in them? Appreciate the encouragement mate!
U sound like a guy that can accomplish any goal u set for urself when u set ur mind to it. I have no doubt that ur gonna figure this out, honestly. As long as u don’t give up, ur gonna eventually figure it out. Plus the body is an absolute amazing machine when it comes to healing, when it gets everything it needs, and nothing that messes with it. The part most people mess up on is the latter.

I think I digest veggies ok. I stay away from them because they’re overall a net negative for our health. They’re living things, and since they can’t move, and don’t usually have physical defense systems, like teeth or claws, they rely on defense chemicals to deter things from eating them. This isn’t debatable. Even a seasoned vegan/ vegetarian can‘t refute this. Biology is biology. Botany is botany. What is debatable is how much of an effect these defensive chemicals have on us. From my research, and based on people’s anecdotes, these defense chemicals affect some people more than others. Some drastically more. But some may not even notice the negative effects these chemicals are having on them. But these defense chemicals are having a negative effect on everyone’s health that eats vegetables. That’s not debatable either, imo. It also depends on how much of these plant defense chemicals in veggies people are ingesting, and how often. As well as which veggies they’re eating. All veggies are different with what defense chemicals they have how much those specific chemicals effect us. You then also have the issue of accumulated damage to consider. Consuming these defense chemicals briefly is obv gonna effect someone’s health negatively a lot less than someone consuming them for years on end. And then there’s the anti-nutrients that are in plants, which prevent/ decrease the absorption of some vitamins and minerals. They can even effect the absorption of vitamins and minerals in other foods eaten around the same time as the vegetables. And then there’s the issue with fiber. We don’t need much fiber, if any at all in our diet. When studies are done on constipation, that compare no fiber diet, to a moderate fiber diet, to a high fiber diet, the results are always the same. There’s no constipation in the no fiber diet, and then the constipation is linear in the other groups depending on how much fiber they’re intaking. That’s why I laugh as a nurse when people are given fiber supplements when they have constipation. That’s literally the opposite of what u want to do when u have constipation. anytime u have gas, it’s a sign that what ur eating isn’t being digested properly by ur body, and it’s not something u should be eating. So long story short, I don’t eat vegetables because they’re overall bad for us. Probably could have simplified my answer and just said that lol. Plus there’s nothing beneficial in plants that we can’t just get from other foods that don’t have things in them that mess with us. So for me it’s a no brainer. Avoid vegetables that have many things in them that mess with the functions of my body, and only eat foods that come with a great deal of benefits, and as little things in them that mess with my biology as possible.
U sound like a guy that can accomplish any goal u set for urself when u set ur mind to it. I have no doubt that ur gonna figure this out, honestly. As long as u don’t give up, ur gonna eventually figure it out. Plus the body is an absolute amazing machine when it comes to healing, when it gets everything it needs, and nothing that messes with it. The part most people mess up on is the latter.
A man with a plan is tough to beat and Momma raised no quitter either. Much appreciated on the support and good words brother. I've managed to do some incredible things in my previous life so I'm more then eager to nail this one down as well as it's one of the two things I've been figuring out for the last decade or so. And by that I mean I work on it 24/7/365 and not only when I'm feeling up for it. Agree that body is amazing and incredible machine, just need the right fuel to run the engine/engines smootly.

I think I digest veggies ok. I stay away from them because they’re overall a net negative for our health. They’re living things, and since they can’t move, and don’t usually have physical defense systems, like teeth or claws, they rely on defense chemicals to deter things from eating them. This isn’t debatable. Even a seasoned vegan/ vegetarian can‘t refute this. Biology is biology. Botany is botany. What is debatable is how much of an effect these defensive chemicals have on us. From my research, and based on people’s anecdotes, these defense chemicals affect some people more than others. Some drastically more. But some may not even notice the negative effects these chemicals are having on them. But these defense chemicals are having a negative effect on everyone’s health that eats vegetables. That’s not debatable either, imo. It also depends on how much of these plant defense chemicals in veggies people are ingesting, and how often. As well as which veggies they’re eating. All veggies are different with what defense chemicals they have how much those specific chemicals effect us. You then also have the issue of accumulated damage to consider. Consuming these defense chemicals briefly is obv gonna effect someone’s health negatively a lot less than someone consuming them for years on end. And then there’s the anti-nutrients that are in plants, which prevent/ decrease the absorption of some vitamins and minerals. They can even effect the absorption of vitamins and minerals in other foods eaten around the same time as the vegetables. And then there’s the issue with fiber. We don’t need much fiber, if any at all in our diet. When studies are done on constipation, that compare no fiber diet, to a moderate fiber diet, to a high fiber diet, the results are always the same. There’s no constipation in the no fiber diet, and then the constipation is linear in the other groups depending on how much fiber they’re intaking. That’s why I laugh as a nurse when people are given fiber supplements when they have constipation. That’s literally the opposite of what u want to do when u have constipation. anytime u have gas, it’s a sign that what ur eating isn’t being digested properly by ur body, and it’s not something u should be eating. So long story short, I don’t eat vegetables because they’re overall bad for us. Probably could have simplified my answer and just said that lol. Plus there’s nothing beneficial in plants that we can’t just get from other foods that don’t have things in them that mess with us. So for me it’s a no brainer. Avoid vegetables that have many things in them that mess with the functions of my body, and only eat foods that come with a great deal of benefits, and as little things in them that mess with my biology as possible.
Understood and I agree cuz even though I like and liked veggies all my life, and eaten them in heaps, a lot of times it was hit and miss, but also I believe my gut was already fucked before doing all that from heavy % and drug use back in the day. Now especially when my gut is fucked, they are more miss then hit. So def cutting them out is what I'm doing from today. I just had 200g of 12% ground beef for breakfast cooked lightly without any oil. Will do as close to Carnivore as possible going forward. Take this one even more serious now then before. I probably won't be able to transition fully straight so will be some Keto type foods in like some cheese and maybe will try eggs again to see if eating only eggs without anything else on the side gives me brain fog as well or not. Also some Pork as well, maybe some Chicken Thighs for more calories vs Chicken Breast. Anyway food selection won't be a problem just the right amounts for me not to lose weight like crazy as I'm already in good spot BF% wise. Might incorporate some Oils as mainly I've been using EVOO, but want to return to using EVCO as well. Need to eat around 3000kcal+- just to maintain. I'm a big eater and love to eat so trust me I will put all my power into making this transition and healing happen and hopefully it will help me. Will update on the regular going forward. Today is day #1. So LETS GET IT! High5 man and thanks once again for a detailed reply!

Best regards,
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Certainly won't cure the root cause, just an observation as I donate every so often anyway. Let me know if you find a solution. For me the only solution this far has been stopping injections after experimenting with virtually everything else.
Follow my journey with all the updates here and hopefuly we will be able to figure this out.
A man with a plan is tough to beat and Momma raised no quitter either. Much appreciated on the support and good words brother. I've managed to do some incredible things in my previous life so I'm more then eager to nail this one down as well as it's one of the two things I've been figuring out for the last decade or so. And by that I mean I work on it 24/7/365 and not only when I'm feeling up for it. Agree that body is amazing and incredible machine, just need the right fuel to run the engine/engines smootly.

Understood and I agree cuz even though I like and liked veggies all my life, and eaten them in heaps, a lot of times it was hit and miss, but also I believe my gut was already fucked before doing all that from heavy % and drug use back in the day. Now especially when my gut is fucked, they are more miss then hit. So def cutting them out is what I'm doing from today. I just had 200g of 12% ground beef for breakfast cooked lightly without any oil. Will do as close to Carnivore as possible going forward. Take this one even more serious now then before. I probably won't be able to transition fully straight so will be some Keto type foods in like some cheese and maybe will try eggs again to see if eating only eggs without anything else on the side gives me brain fog as well or not. Also some Pork as well, maybe some Chicken Thighs for more calories vs Chicken Breast. Anyway food selection won't be a problem just the right amounts for me not to lose weight like crazy as I'm already in good spot BF% wise. Might incorporate some Oils as mainly I've been using EVOO, but want to return to using EVCO as well. Need to eat around 3000kcal+- just to maintain. I'm a big eater and love to eat so trust me I will put all my power into making this transition and healing happen and hopefully it will help me. Will update on the regular going forward. Today is day #1. So LETS GET IT! High5 man and thanks once again for a detailed reply!

Best regards,
Ya man, ur absolutely gonna figure this out. Ur attitude is amazing. And clearly u have the drive and no quit attitude needed to resolve issues as complicated as urs. ur gonna get there. Imo it’s just a matter of how strict ur gonna have to be to get there. Not a matter of whether ur gonna figure it out or not.

so definitely try and improve ur diet in all the ways u mentioned, and see how that goes. And if ur still having issues, don’t get discouraged, simply get more strict. Imo it’s truly all about giving the body everything it needs, and nothing that messes with it, and letting the body heal itself overtime. So see how u do after making these changes, and then if u still don’t see improvements, or only minor improvements, just get a bit more strict. For example, chicken and pork are gonna mess with ur body to a degree. Obv less than eating a McDonald’s burger, but still gonna mess with ur body to a degree nonetheless. Chickens and pigs are mono gastric animals. So if they eat crap, the meat and fat is gonna be crap, and cause issues in the body when u eat it. If the chicken and pork ur getting is from animals eating the diet that they’re naturally supposed to eat, then ya, eat up. Chicken and pork from animals fed their natural diet is actually really good for u. And make sure the eggs ur eating are pastured eggs. Try not to eat any eggs other than those. Organic is best, but not needed. Main thing is that they’re from pastured chickens. I know it seems like I’m being anal and going a little overboard here, but unfortunately it makes a big difference as far as how these thing effect our bodies. It’s the same with standard commercial butter and grassfed butter. Regular butter from grain fed cows is pretty bad for u, and is gonna be pretty inflammatory, and decrease ur health overtime. Whilst butter from grassfed cows is basically a super good, and will improve ur health overtime the more u implement it in ur diet. Same with commercial pasteurized/ homogenized dairy and grassfed raw dairy. One is horrible for u, and is highly inflammatory, and one is basically another super food and will improve ur health in many ways by consuming it

The main reasons I stick to basically ruminant animal meat only is due to the fact that ruminant animals have 4 chambers to their stomachs. So even if they consume food that’s not the best, and not their natural diet, their stomachs have a way of turning that food into meat and fat on their bodies that are still really good for us. Not as good as meat and fat from ruminant animals fed their natural diet, but not as far off as u would think. I also stick to red meat because like I said, it’s the best bang for ur buck calorie wise, as far as nutrients that ur body needs goes. And it’s the best protein source as far as building muscle goes.

and as far as oils go, I‘ll only cook with EVCO. U don’t want to cook with any oil that remains liquid at room temp. If ur gonna use EVOO, use it as like a salad dressing or something. The rule of thumb is simply don’t cook with anything that’s liquid at room temp. U only want to cook with things that are solid at room temp. Like grassfed ghee, grassfed butter, EVCO, suet or lard. But if ur gonna use lard, again, make sure it’s from pigs fed their natural diets. I personally only cook with grassfed ghee in my day to day life. I have EVCO in the cabinet, just never use it. Never have a need when I have ghee in the house

and also remember that eating crap fats and crap oils is worse than eating high fructose corn syrup. This is due to bad fats sticking around in our cell membranes longer, and effecting our health negatively longer. So just keep in mind that eating fat from a chicken or pig that’s fed a crap diet full of processed grains, or intaking seed oils, is gonna possibly be worse for ur health and healing journey than say eating some candy with HFCS in it. Just something to keep in mind. That’s a big one most people arent cognizant of, but can make a pretty big difference
Ya man, ur absolutely gonna figure this out. Ur attitude is amazing. And clearly u have the drive and no quit attitude needed to resolve issues as complicated as urs. ur gonna get there. Imo it’s just a matter of how strict ur gonna have to be to get there. Not a matter of whether ur gonna figure it out or not.

so definitely try and improve ur diet in all the ways u mentioned, and see how that goes. And if ur still having issues, don’t get discouraged, simply get more strict. Imo it’s truly all about giving the body everything it needs, and nothing that messes with it, and letting the body heal itself overtime. So see how u do after making these changes, and then if u still don’t see improvements, or only minor improvements, just get a bit more strict. For example, chicken and pork are gonna mess with ur body to a degree. Obv less than eating a McDonald’s burger, but still gonna mess with ur body to a degree nonetheless. Chickens and pigs are mono gastric animals. So if they eat crap, the meat and fat is gonna be crap, and cause issues in the body when u eat it. If the chicken and pork ur getting is from animals eating the diet that they’re naturally supposed to eat, then ya, eat up. Chicken and pork from animals fed their natural diet is actually really good for u. And make sure the eggs ur eating are pastured eggs. Try not to eat any eggs other than those. Organic is best, but not needed. Main thing is that they’re from pastured chickens. I know it seems like I’m being anal and going a little overboard here, but unfortunately it makes a big difference as far as how these thing effect our bodies. It’s the same with standard commercial butter and grassfed butter. Regular butter from grain fed cows is pretty bad for u, and is gonna be pretty inflammatory, and decrease ur health overtime. Whilst butter from grassfed cows is basically a super good, and will improve ur health overtime the more u implement it in ur diet. Same with commercial pasteurized/ homogenized dairy and grassfed raw dairy. One is horrible for u, and is highly inflammatory, and one is basically another super food and will improve ur health in many ways by consuming it

The main reasons I stick to basically ruminant animal meat only is due to the fact that ruminant animals have 4 chambers to their stomachs. So even if they consume food that’s not the best, and not their natural diet, their stomachs have a way of turning that food into meat and fat on their bodies that are still really good for us. Not as good as meat and fat from ruminant animals fed their natural diet, but not as far off as u would think. I also stick to red meat because like I said, it’s the best bang for ur buck calorie wise, as far as nutrients that ur body needs goes. And it’s the best protein source as far as building muscle goes.

and as far as oils go, I‘ll only cook with EVCO. U don’t want to cook with any oil that remains liquid at room temp. If ur gonna use EVOO, use it as like a salad dressing or something. The rule of thumb is simply don’t cook with anything that’s liquid at room temp. U only want to cook with things that are solid at room temp. Like grassfed ghee, grassfed butter, EVCO, suet or lard. But if ur gonna use lard, again, make sure it’s from pigs fed their natural diets. I personally only cook with grassfed ghee in my day to day life. I have EVCO in the cabinet, just never use it. Never have a need when I have ghee in the house

and also remember that eating crap fats and crap oils is worse than eating high fructose corn syrup. This is due to bad fats sticking around in our cell membranes longer, and effecting our health negatively longer. So just keep in mind that eating fat from a chicken or pig that’s fed a crap diet full of processed grains, or intaking seed oils, is gonna possibly be worse for ur health and healing journey than say eating some candy with HFCS in it. Just something to keep in mind. That’s a big one most people arent cognizant of, but can make a pretty big difference
Yes, everything you've posted makes complete sense to me and I agree. About oils I wanted to ask not particular for cooking but just for taking some to cover the calorie gap as I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that with beef only. I used to take a lot of olive oil with my meals when I tried some Keto back in the day and felt good. I won't buy pork and will get rid of chicken as well and see if I can get sometimes from local farmers market as they expensive, like everything whats good. Also such eggs also cost a fortune so will see if I can find some and maybe have some here and there. I don't cook anything in any oils fwiw and always use my air-fryer. Just today cooked 2 meals of 12% ground beef without no oil, and had 1 meal of chicken thighs. And absolutely felt better after the ground beef meals. So super market chicken is also toxic and not an option especially when healing the gamaged gut lining. What do you think about eating EVCO for calories as well? I'll see if I can find some grass-fed Ghee around here if not will have to order some. Never used lard but I've seen some in the posh shop we have close to home so will go and see what kind of shit has been used there. About HFCS I agree as well and I've used that when needed and used to digest great. For now thats out of the window. I also craved salmon so bought 2kg of hit today and will have for dinner. Will see what happens and how things go for me. I also crave cheese badly so might get some and experiment a little as well. Good thing is I was in bad pain for some time now but today I still feel good, with a little bit of pain every now and then and still haven't used any medications at all, neither took my soda+water drink as usually I would have already after breakfast. Very promising start brother and once again thank you for encouragement and detailed explanation about the animals and toxins as well! TBH I've been reading about all this for years but never payed attention as was trying to nail my issue the traditional way and just wasted years of trying and failing. Should have been faster to coprehend and start exploring other venues then just trying different carbs etc. Oh well, we live and we learn. So onwards and upwards brother, lets see what happens! :)
Yes, everything you've posted makes complete sense to me and I agree. About oils I wanted to ask not particular for cooking but just for taking some to cover the calorie gap as I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that with beef only. I used to take a lot of olive oil with my meals when I tried some Keto back in the day and felt good. I won't buy pork and will get rid of chicken as well and see if I can get sometimes from local farmers market as they expensive, like everything whats good. Also such eggs also cost a fortune so will see if I can find some and maybe have some here and there. I don't cook anything in any oils fwiw and always use my air-fryer. Just today cooked 2 meals of 12% ground beef without no oil, and had 1 meal of chicken thighs. And absolutely felt better after the ground beef meals. So super market chicken is also toxic and not an option especially when healing the gamaged gut lining. What do you think about eating EVCO for calories as well? I'll see if I can find some grass-fed Ghee around here if not will have to order some. Never used lard but I've seen some in the posh shop we have close to home so will go and see what kind of shit has been used there. About HFCS I agree as well and I've used that when needed and used to digest great. For now thats out of the window. I also craved salmon so bought 2kg of hit today and will have for dinner. Will see what happens and how things go for me. I also crave cheese badly so might get some and experiment a little as well. Good thing is I was in bad pain for some time now but today I still feel good, with a little bit of pain every now and then and still haven't used any medications at all, neither took my soda+water drink as usually I would have already after breakfast. Very promising start brother and once again thank you for encouragement and detailed explanation about the animals and toxins as well! TBH I've been reading about all this for years but never payed attention as was trying to nail my issue the traditional way and just wasted years of trying and failing. Should have been faster to coprehend and start exploring other venues then just trying different carbs etc. Oh well, we live and we learn. So onwards and upwards brother, lets see what happens! :)
Man, I can’t say enough about ur great attitude. Attitude/ mindset is everything. And I appreciate ur open mindedness and willingness to explore options that are a little “out of the box“. It’s so insane to me that how we’re actually supposed to eat is considered “out of the box” but that’s a can of worms we don’t have to get into rn lol.

Based on my research, olive oil isn’t as good for us as most people think. I’d say it falls in the middle, if we were categorizing oils/ fats as bad and good. It’s not something I would personally go out of my way to consume, but I wouldn’t be concerned consuming it here and there. It’s definitely not something I would recommend someone consumes regularly tho. EVCO is good to go as far as I know tho. If it wasn’t for grassfed ghee or grassfed butter, I would most likely be cooking things in EVCO

and ya pastured eggs can definitely get expensive. But 100% worth it. I’m able to get pastured eggs here in America at Whole Foods, in 18 packs sometimes, which saves me money over buying them in a 12 pack. Think the 18 pack is medium eggs, and the 12 pack version is large eggs, so it saves me money on both ends. Buying more at once, and they’re slightly smaller.

and obv this is nitpicking at this point lol, but if u end up having to be really strict to heal urself, u might have to cut out cooking on non-stick coated surfaces. I personally only cook with stainless steel cookwear, and even my rice cooker uses a stainless steel cooking pot. But again, hopefully u don’t have to get strict to this degree to heal ur issues lol
Man, I can’t say enough about ur great attitude. Attitude/ mindset is everything. And I appreciate ur open mindedness and willingness to explore options that are a little “out of the box“. It’s so insane to me that how we’re actually supposed to eat is considered “out of the box” but that’s a can of worms we don’t have to get into rn lol.

Based on my research, olive oil isn’t as good for us as most people think. I’d say it falls in the middle, if we were categorizing oils/ fats as bad and good. It’s not something I would personally go out of my way to consume, but I wouldn’t be concerned consuming it here and there. It’s definitely not something I would recommend someone consumes regularly tho. EVCO is good to go as far as I know tho. If it wasn’t for grassfed ghee or grassfed butter, I would most likely be cooking things in EVCO

and ya pastured eggs can definitely get expensive. But 100% worth it. I’m able to get pastured eggs here in America at Whole Foods, in 18 packs sometimes, which saves me money over buying them in a 12 pack. Think the 18 pack is medium eggs, and the 12 pack version is large eggs, so it saves me money on both ends. Buying more at once, and they’re slightly smaller.

and obv this is nitpicking at this point lol, but if u end up having to be really strict to heal urself, u might have to cut out cooking on non-stick coated surfaces. I personally only cook with stainless steel cookwear, and even my rice cooker uses a stainless steel cooking pot. But again, hopefully u don’t have to get strict to this degree to heal ur issues lol
Much appreciated man but will start blushing in a bit lol and you're absolute right- the mindset is everything! Theres always two sides of the coin and so in life, you can focus on problems, or solutions. I tend to focus on solutions. Trying to be positive no matter what. Sometimes it gets tough as pain wears you out, but IIWII, gotta man da fuck up and level up hehe It's crazy indeed that we all have been brainwashed whats healthy and whats not according to fuck knows who smh. And you hit the nail on the head re that we need to eat what helps us minus what hurts us if we want to heal. Light bulb went on. I just had my 4th meal of the day 250g ground beef again and felt nearly instantly better as after that damn chicken I felt some pain here and there. So def be sticking to ruminant animal meat as much as I can for as long as my gut takes to heal. I digest beef great and its not too expensive so thats a win. I got some organic hard cheese just to try and some broth but accidently picked chicken as they had no beef. Still new to this Carnivore thing so learning the ropes hehe Next time will pick up some Beef Broth if I'll find and hope my stomach will like it. It's evening and my girl is home not working tonight so a bit more food variate but in general I'll stick as close to beef as possible till i get better. Was also thinking the same about Olive Oil that for some salads here and there its good but since I won't be having any for the time being its out of the window as well. Will get some EVCO and dabble in that. Yeah def hope I won't have to buy another pan as I had stainless steel from amazon but the sucker got rusty pretty much in no time and had to throw it away lol Not good quallity it was and we want quallity especially when we are healing; )
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@Belekas the most important thing with any dairy, including cheese, is that it’s raw, grassfed, unpasteurized and not homogenized. If u can get organic even better, but not totally necessary. If its available and u can afford it, obv go organic when u can.

im the same exact way with focusing on solutions instead of problems. There’s literally pros and cons to everything in life. It’s all about what we choose to focus on.

ya not all stainless steel cookwear is created equal. Here’s the best bang for ur buck as far as quality stainless cookwear goes for the price. So even if u just need one pan, I would recommend getting it from this line.

and I’ll link a vid talking about the different kinds if eggs. He explains it really well. But there’s no eggs that are vaccinated against salmonella, at least that I know of. Eggs don’t need that anyways. The inside of an egg can’t get salmonella. Salmonella comes from the intestinal tract of chickens that are infected with it. So the only way for chicken to even have salmonella is if during the butchering process a butcher cuts open the intestinal tract by accident and the salmonella in the intestines gets into the chicken meat. That’s literally the only way for chicken meat to have salmonella. It’s not from chicken being left out, which I feel like most people think. As far as eggs go, they can only have salmonella on the outside of their shells if the chicken was infected with salmonella and has it in their digestive tract. The salmonella can get on the outside of the shell since eggs and feces come out of the same part of the chicken. But not sure if the shell can get salmonella on it that way, or if it has to sit in the feces of a chicken that had salmonella. Either way, it’s impossible for the inside of an egg to get it. And if a piece of chicken doesn’t already have it when u buy it, it’s impossible for it to grow salmonella from getting left out for too long or anything. I‘ve been swallowing at least 4-6 raw egg yolks for years now. Never once for sick from it.

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@Belekas the most important thing with any dairy, including cheese, is that it’s raw, grassfed, unpasteurized and not homogenized. If u can get organic even better, but not totally necessary. If its available and u can afford it, obv go organic when u can.

im the same exact way with focusing on solutions instead of problems. There’s literally pros and cons to everything in life. It’s all about what we choose to focus on.

ya not all stainless steel cookwear is created equal. Here’s the best bang for ur buck as far as quality stainless cookwear goes for the price. So even if u just need one pan, I would recommend getting it from this line.

and I’ll link a vid talking about the different kinds if eggs. He explains it really well. But there’s no eggs that are vaccinated against salmonella, at least that I know of. Eggs don’t need that anyways. The inside of an egg can’t get salmonella. Salmonella comes from the intestinal tract of chickens that are infected with it. So the only way for chicken to even have salmonella is if during the butchering process a butcher cuts open the intestinal tract by accident and the salmonella in the intestines gets into the chicken meat. That’s literally the only way for chicken meat to have salmonella. It’s not from chicken being left out, which I feel like most people think. As far as eggs go, they can only have salmonella on the outside of their shells if the chicken was infected with salmonella and has it in their digestive tract. The salmonella can get on the outside of the shell since eggs and feces come out of the same part of the chicken. But not sure if the shell can get salmonella on it that way, or if it has to sit in the feces of a chicken that had salmonella. Either way, it’s impossible for the inside of an egg to get it. And if a piece of chicken doesn’t already have it when u buy it, it’s impossible for it to grow salmonella from getting left out for too long or anything. I‘ve been swallowing at least 4-6 raw egg yolks for years now. Never once for sick from it.

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Ok cool all clear now. And that is the best mindset to have so kudos to you as well! I have ran a quick search and not much around here in any market what it seems but I will have to personally visit each and every one of them to see for myself. Today and tomorrow local farmers market is here so will go and have a talk with them as well to see if theres a possibility to get and maybe will get some proper meat as well as their selection is quite good. And now armed with new info will be interested to see what they have to say ;) What are the prices for pasture raised eggs that you are buying there? JC.
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Ok cool all clear now. And that is the best mindset to have so kudos to you as well! I have ran a quick search and not much around here in any market what it seems but I will have to personally visit each and every one of them to see for myself. Today and tomorrow local farmers market is here so will go and have a talk with them as well to see if theres a possibility to get and maybe will get some proper meat as well as their selection is quite good. And now armed with new info will be interested to see what they have to say ;) What are the prices for pasture raised eggs that you are buying there? JC.
These are the ones I get, just from Whole Foods. Think Whole Foods sells them at a slightly higher price. Not much higher tho


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These are the ones I get, just from Whole Foods. Think Whole Foods sells them at a slightly higher price. Not much higher tho
Pretty good price sadly we don't have them around where I'm at in the UK. Pretty much not any super market offers any pasture raised eggs from what I've seen but will continue to hunt. Nothing in farmers market as well and only a few beed types Sirloin and Fillet Megnon which are grass-fed. So just search and maybe find online then get them delivered. It's a bitch but IIWII.
Pretty good price sadly we don't have them around where I'm at in the UK. Pretty much not any super market offers any pasture raised eggs from what I've seen but will continue to hunt. Nothing in farmers market as well and only a few beed types Sirloin and Fillet Megnon which are grass-fed. So just search and maybe find online then get them delivered. It's a bitch but IIWII.
That’s crazy that the farmers markets don’t have them. I thought for sure their eggs would be pasture raised. Maybe see if anyone u know in real life has chickens. If they let their chickens graze on grass and bugs, and have more eggs than they need for them personally, and are willing to give or sell u the excess, that might be ur best bet

no need to worry too much about ur steak being grassfed. It’s obv preferable, but since ruminant animals have 4 chambers to their stomachs, and digest their food in a fermentation type process, they can eat food that’s not that great for them, like grains, and turn it into meat and fat that’s still very healthy and nutritious for us. Compared to mono-gastric animals, where if they eat crap, their meat and fat is gonna be crap. Most carnivores don’t do grassfed red meat. It would be too expensive for them, it’s not super easy to find all cuts of steak in grassfed form, and a lot of people actually prefer the taste of grain fed steak to grassfed steak. I personally only consume grassfed beef with breakfast. I’m able to get grassfed ground beef very easily, and it’s not crazy expensive. But the other two red meat meals I eat everyday contain steak that’s grain fed.
That’s crazy that the farmers markets don’t have them. I thought for sure their eggs would be pasture raised. Maybe see if anyone u know in real life has chickens. If they let their chickens graze on grass and bugs, and have more eggs than they need for them personally, and are willing to give or sell u the excess, that might be ur best bet
Thing is they bring only meat here no eggs or diary products. So not much to choose from. I bought my ground beef from super market today and couldn't be bothered to buy from them though they had some so maybe next time will try. I have no friends here and those that I know have weed and drugs but not chickens yet alone have any fucking idea what time it is lol. I feel like an alien here mate with my energy, drive, discipline and dedication it's next to impossible to find someone on par or at least that wants to learn and become a beast or just 1% better every fucking day. Most ppl are delusional. They live in their own fantasy land but they know where they are going with their bs thats for sure but just prefer to keep eyes shut and pretend its all good. I'm a lone wolf and it ain't easy but i'm used to. Sorry for off topic but I had to say it but lets leave it for another time as I still have so much to say just no one wants to listen as truth hurts, if you know what I mean.

no need to worry too much about ur steak being grassfed. It’s obv preferable, but since ruminant animals have 4 chambers to their stomachs, and digest their food in a fermentation type process, they can eat food that’s not that great for them, like grains, and turn it into meat and fat that’s still very healthy and nutritious for us. Compared to mono-gastric animals, where if they eat crap, their meat and fat is gonna be crap. Most carnivores don’t do grassfed red meat. It would be too expensive for them, it’s not super easy to find all cuts of steak in grassfed form, and a lot of people actually prefer the taste of grain fed steak to grassfed steak. I personally only consume grassfed beef with breakfast. I’m able to get grassfed ground beef very easily, and it’s not crazy expensive. But the other two red meat meals I eat everyday contain steak that’s grain fed.
Thats awesome to hear mate and I hope i'll be able to buy some good meat going forward even if its a little bit as its damn expensive here, not even talking about fish. But all things worth having ain't cheap. Now about how I feel if you want to hear. I have been eating only protein+fat these last 2 days and my chest pain improved 80-90% with little flare ups every now and then but I change body position and they dissapear. Fucking crazy shit I'd say. Best I feel after eating 12% ground beef. Today will try 20% see whats up. Also tried some organic but not grass-fed hard cheese with beef as well and was great, digested great, felt good. Did some eggs was good as well. See how I feel tomorrow. Hope no brain-fog. Had some diarrhoea episodes but nothing i havent seen before so its all good. Looking to order glutamine and some zinc carnosine for my gut. Also need magnesium so will be looking into that as well. So if I may ask what do you think the situation is that we removed carbs/grains/vegs/fruit, changed to this diet and pain improved big time? As I understand all those carbs were contributing to the pain as my stomach and esophagus lining is inflamed from esophagitis and h pylori consequences. So more or less it should start healing?

P.s second day without any medication or soda/water!
@Belekas this is awesome to hear man! I’m honestly not sure the exact mechanism of action going on here that’s making u feel better, but they are finding out now that the majority of chronic illness is due to insulin resistance, which obv has a lot to do with carbs and spiking blood sugar levels and inflammation. So the less carbs, the less blood sugar spikes, and less insulin spikes. Maybe these things were factoring into ur issue somehow.

and temporary diarrhea is extremely common when people cut out carbs. it will
pass. Can take up to a week or two for things to normalize from my understanding
@Belekas and trust me, I totally understand how u feel. I’ve been a health freak my whole life basically. So I’m beyond used to being the oddball when it comes to diet. And I’ve been on HRT and into hormones for 10 years now, and that just makes me even more of an oddball, since zero people in my real life have any idea about anything hormone related. Everyone in my life is used to me being the way I am at this point. But doesn’t mean they don’t look at me like I’m out of my mind half the time lol. I eat raw egg yolks, raw beef liver and raw beef heart on the regular. People think I’m gonna drop dead at any moment lol

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