Ya man, ur absolutely gonna figure this out. Ur attitude is amazing. And clearly u have the drive and no quit attitude needed to resolve issues as complicated as urs. ur gonna get there. Imo it’s just a matter of how strict ur gonna have to be to get there. Not a matter of whether ur gonna figure it out or not.
so definitely try and improve ur diet in all the ways u mentioned, and see how that goes. And if ur still having issues, don’t get discouraged, simply get more strict. Imo it’s truly all about giving the body everything it needs, and nothing that messes with it, and letting the body heal itself overtime. So see how u do after making these changes, and then if u still don’t see improvements, or only minor improvements, just get a bit more strict. For example, chicken and pork are gonna mess with ur body to a degree. Obv less than eating a McDonald’s burger, but still gonna mess with ur body to a degree nonetheless. Chickens and pigs are mono gastric animals. So if they eat crap, the meat and fat is gonna be crap, and cause issues in the body when u eat it. If the chicken and pork ur getting is from animals eating the diet that they’re naturally supposed to eat, then ya, eat up. Chicken and pork from animals fed their natural diet is actually really good for u. And make sure the eggs ur eating are pastured eggs. Try not to eat any eggs other than those. Organic is best, but not needed. Main thing is that they’re from pastured chickens. I know it seems like I’m being anal and going a little overboard here, but unfortunately it makes a big difference as far as how these thing effect our bodies. It’s the same with standard commercial butter and grassfed butter. Regular butter from grain fed cows is pretty bad for u, and is gonna be pretty inflammatory, and decrease ur health overtime. Whilst butter from grassfed cows is basically a super good, and will improve ur health overtime the more u implement it in ur diet. Same with commercial pasteurized/ homogenized dairy and grassfed raw dairy. One is horrible for u, and is highly inflammatory, and one is basically another super food and will improve ur health in many ways by consuming it
The main reasons I stick to basically ruminant animal meat only is due to the fact that ruminant animals have 4 chambers to their stomachs. So even if they consume food that’s not the best, and not their natural diet, their stomachs have a way of turning that food into meat and fat on their bodies that are still really good for us. Not as good as meat and fat from ruminant animals fed their natural diet, but not as far off as u would think. I also stick to red meat because like I said, it’s the best bang for ur buck calorie wise, as far as nutrients that ur body needs goes. And it’s the best protein source as far as building muscle goes.
and as far as oils go, I‘ll only cook with EVCO. U don’t want to cook with any oil that remains liquid at room temp. If ur gonna use EVOO, use it as like a salad dressing or something. The rule of thumb is simply don’t cook with anything that’s liquid at room temp. U only want to cook with things that are solid at room temp. Like grassfed ghee, grassfed butter, EVCO, suet or lard. But if ur gonna use lard, again, make sure it’s from pigs fed their natural diets. I personally only cook with grassfed ghee in my day to day life. I have EVCO in the cabinet, just never use it. Never have a need when I have ghee in the house
and also remember that eating crap fats and crap oils is worse than eating high fructose corn syrup. This is due to bad fats sticking around in our cell membranes longer, and effecting our health negatively longer. So just keep in mind that eating fat from a chicken or pig that’s fed a crap diet full of processed grains, or intaking seed oils, is gonna possibly be worse for ur health and healing journey than say eating some candy with HFCS in it. Just something to keep in mind. That’s a big one most people arent cognizant of, but can make a pretty big difference