"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"


So I've skipped one T shot 4 days ago and today is my injection day again. Most likely will take a shot but still thinking how it's best to approach. I had some relief once I was like 6 days from my last shot. Possible half-life scenario here. Now what else I found out is that I can induce brain-fog to myself easily eating eggs for breakfast. I have been eating the for the last 20 years and in good amounts every day. Now for some weeks I have been egg-free and also zero brain-fog, all energy, like a new man, despite my gut issues. So couple days ago I had some eggs for breakfast and fuck me, next day was underwater straight from the morning lol Removed them and its all good. So probably I became alergic to them or I've been all the time and was looking at the wrong places for my brain-fog issue. So no more eggs and lifes a lot better. Shame ofc because I fucking love them and they are great to get the protein/healthy fats in FWIW.

Now the second food on the edge is the fucking chicken breast. I'm thinking I can't eat that as well as def increases my chest pain. Yesterday had Venison deer fatty burger patty for breakfast which I've cooked on 1/4th stick of goats butter and had it with sourdough bread with some more butter and huge salad. Was fucking amazing and zero pain at all. There goes the low fat option out the window. Now the next interesting thing is that I can eat gluten free bread with jam as much as I want without zero discomfort or whatever. Had a lot of that and then had waffles with maple syrup, strawberries and even whipped cream on top- felt absolutely amazing and zero discomfort again. Managed to eat 3500kcal without pain and taking no rennies. That was a great day in my book.

Now another interesting thing is I have a pizza which I always buy and bake for 20 mins in the owen. Its lots of tomatoes, peperoni salami, cheese and lovely base. Now if I get chest pain and have that pizza, I bake it, eat half around 1000kcal and my fucking pain dissapeares like magic! Even after first slice its pretty much gone for the day. Can eat it in the evening and go straight to bed feel absolutely great and no chest pain, nada. I know this sounds crazy but I've tested is numerous times and not once it failed me. This is wild. Theres something about the fats I believe...They help to coat the stomach lining or the esophagus and remove the discomfort, I'm not sure. But if I have pain and prepare a healthy meal, fuck me, my pain becomes 10x usually. Its a fucking weird one, thats for sure. I have a mate hes been a bodybuilder and health freak for the last 20 years or so and was a heavy smoker. Stopped for 3 years and started experiencing harsh symptoms as well. He was taking Nexium every day which helped, but as soon as he stopped, pain came back and even bigger. Nothing worked for him as well. So what he did was got rid of the chicken breast and eats only red meat. Also he cooks his steaks in 1/2 stick of butter. Guess what, his pain and discomfort has went away and he is now Nexium-free. Very interesting. Also he said an anecdote that he heard from his corner that we as bodybuilders always opt for a low fat high protein diets, also high carb diets and thats what fucks up the gut/digestion somehow. Don't get me wrong I have used healthy fats all my life but thats obviously not the case here.

So thats that for the moment and lets see what tomorrow brings. Waiting to see the result of the stool test from last week wether HP positive again or not.

Best regards,

So decided to take my shot yesterday and did ruffly 0.25ml of Sustanon instead of 0.2ml as my girl didn't have her glasses on lol Anyway it's all good but I'm bumping my dose back to 100mg per week. Def felt more emotional at 75-80mg/week. 100mg puts me right at the upper range limit on TT and cFT and a bit above tested fasted in the morning right before the next injection. Had a thought to explore 50mg/week injected once a week but not sure I want to experiment till I get my gut issue under control unless I get more severe symptoms since this injection going forward. So time will tell and lets see what happens. Everyday is a new lesson to have. Also I'm thinking that the injection frequency might play a role on the pain level as well but that is to be determined as well. Will update everything going forward.

Currently I take no vitamins and no supplements FWIW. I like to cycle them on and off and what I found that the best I feel with pretty much none of them. Regarding my gut issue I'm looking to order some Glutamine and start running some to help with gut healing. I know Jarrows Mastic Gum helps for sure but I won't order it as its expensive and imo just masks the symptoms. Haven't tried running it longer though, so can't be sure. And this game is all about being sure. White or black, no inbetween gray. So fingers crossed we moving forward.

Hope ya'll guys are feeling amazing and if not (yet) then at least better then yesterday!

Best regards,
Zinc carnosine reviews on Amazon are about 15% negative, some complaining about it causing stomach pain, so take any fantastic claims about it with a grain of salt similarly to the claims of mastic gum and L. Reuteri.

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Zinc carnosine reviews on Amazon are about 15% negative, some complaining about it causing stomach pain, so take any fantastic claims about it similarly to the claims of mastic gum and L. Reuteri.

I have just finished reading and was about to post the exact same link lol So perhaps it makes sense to also get Lactobacillus reuteri strain DSMZ 17648 and run it together?
You can do that, but don't expect miracles - L. Reuteri 17648 has about 20% negative reviews on Amazon. The typical complains are either it didn't work or it caused reactions. It is a killed bacteria (not a live probiotic) but the immune system still recognizes it and it may cause immune reactions like headaches etc.

Moreover, it claims to only suppress H. Pylori after months of treatment, not eradicate it like the harsh antibiotic treatment.

Always take such "natural miracles" with a grain of salt.
You can do that, but don't expect miracles - L. Reuteri 17648 has about 20% negative reviews on Amazon. The typical complains are either it didn't work or it caused reactions. It is a killed bacteria (not a live probiotic) but the immune system still recognizes it and it may cause immune reactions like headaches etc.

Moreover, it claims to only suppress H. Pylori after months of treatment, not eradicate it like the harsh antibiotic treatment.

Always take such "natural miracles" with a grain of salt.
Oh no no, I never expect anything to be honest yet alone no miracles def. If wouldn't mind some headaches if we knew for sure that is 100% beneficial to what we are trying to achieve here. What are your thoughts about raw Kefyr for gut health?
Bacterial products like Kefir and yogurt are beneficial to the large colon bacterial flora, unlikely to do anything in the stomach. RAW versions of those absolutely not. The milk must be pasteurized to kill severely pathogenic bacteria, before colonizing it with the good bacteria. RAW milk products can give you really bad infections.

You should not take any milk/yogurt/calcium during antibiotic treatment. The calcium in these inactivates some antibiotics.
Bacterial products like Kefir and yogurt are beneficial to the large colon bacterial flora, unlikely to do anything in the stomach. RAW versions of those absolutely not. The milk must be pasteurized to kill severely pathogenic bacteria, before colonizing it with the good bacteria. RAW milk products can give you really bad infections.

You should not take any milk/yogurt/calcium during antibiotic treatment. The calcium in these inactivates some antibiotics.
Understood. So no bueno as well. So this leaves me with everytything we discussed and Bismuth which should arrive in max 25 days, hopefully. Will order some pure Glutamine and Zinc Carnosine and maybe some Smecta together as I've ran out. No stool results yet, but no hopes in that either, as I don't trust that test fwiw. Would you try to keep protein low when doing Bismuth monotherapy? The less protein the better my digestion and less pain from what I can grasp and feel.
Bismuth monotherapy lasts months and is not reducing your stomach acid like a PPI. Eat normally. Keep in mind that Bismuth can decrease absorption of drugs so do not take it with other drugs. In quadruple antibiotic regimens for H. Pylori, Bismuth actually reduces systemic absorption of the antibiotics and keeps their concentration higher in the stomach so they act locally.
Bismuth monotherapy lasts months and is not reducing your stomach acid like a PPI. Eat normally. Keep in mind that Bismuth can decrease absorption of drugs so do not take it with other drugs. In quadruple antibiotic regimens for H. Pylori, Bismuth actually reduces systemic absorption of the antibiotics and keeps their concentration higher in the stomach so they act locally.
Ok, cool. So if anything then its worth running Bismuth together with antibiotics then as well. See what test results come in and what GP says. If its still there, I'm down for #3 treatment including it together as well and PPI 4x day as you posted.
I found this interesting about L. Reuteri impact on testosterone (increases):

Best to make your own L. Reuteri, many posts on youtube. It's not a killed bacteria. Active in fermented foods as well-Kimchi, Natto.
L. Reuteri that is marketed for suppression of H. Pylori under the trade name "Pylopass" consists of dead bacteria. They call it POST-biotic, not prebiotic. Live L. Reuteri probiotic of the same strain should work in the similar way. The strain has to be the same because we can't be sure that any L. Reuteri will stick to H. Pylori and form aggregates, which is the alleged way Pylopass reduces the amount of H. Pylori in the stomach - the aggregates formed are washed off with the food and that reduces the bacterial load of H. Pylori in the stomach.

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Zinc carnosine reviews on Amazon are about 15% negative, some complaining about it causing stomach pain, so take any fantastic claims about it with a grain of salt similarly to the claims of mastic gum and L. Reuteri.

The common theory with this is that zinc increases the production of stomach acid which is important to prevent colonization of the stomach by bacteria and for digestion. However, some people's stomach is in such a condition that they can't handle the acid or the net balance of zinc-carnosine stimulated healing vs. extra acid damage is not favorable.

On Reddit there are enough anecdotes of recovery with it that I think anyone should try it. My wife had a bout of gastritis after taking too many NSAIDs and zinc-carnosine cleared it right up.
Bacterial products like Kefir and yogurt are beneficial to the large colon bacterial flora, unlikely to do anything in the stomach.
I've actually had extremely negative experiences with fermented foods including kefir, yogurt, kimchi, etc. They are very acidic and full of irritating byproducts of fermentation that are harsh on an inflamed esophagus and stomach. I think if you are fully healed they would be helpful to shift the microbiome positively and etc but I wouldn't use them before that.
The studies of L. Reuteri Pylopass on reducing H. Pylori are fishy:
- the reduction on the urea breath test after 2 weeks is small (small reduction in H. Pylori load)
- the study itself says it doesn't work for some patients and the first study shows patient data in which it didn't work in half the patients (no reduction)
- the placebo had a reduction of similar magnitude with respect to baseline.

After 2 weeks of treatment, they claim the small reduction on the urea breath test persisted for 6 months without treatment. If Pylopass worked the way they propose to work (by forming aggregates and washing them off with food), one would expect H. Pylori to multiply to its previous levels. It doesn't make sense to stay slightly reduced 6 months after treatment.

So I've skipped one T shot 4 days ago and today is my injection day again. Most likely will take a shot but still thinking how it's best to approach. I had some relief once I was like 6 days from my last shot. Possible half-life scenario here. Now what else I found out is that I can induce brain-fog to myself easily eating eggs for breakfast. I have been eating the for the last 20 years and in good amounts every day. Now for some weeks I have been egg-free and also zero brain-fog, all energy, like a new man, despite my gut issues. So couple days ago I had some eggs for breakfast and fuck me, next day was underwater straight from the morning lol Removed them and its all good. So probably I became alergic to them or I've been all the time and was looking at the wrong places for my brain-fog issue. So no more eggs and lifes a lot better. Shame ofc because I fucking love them and they are great to get the protein/healthy fats in FWIW.

Now the second food on the edge is the fucking chicken breast. I'm thinking I can't eat that as well as def increases my chest pain. Yesterday had Venison deer fatty burger patty for breakfast which I've cooked on 1/4th stick of goats butter and had it with sourdough bread with some more butter and huge salad. Was fucking amazing and zero pain at all. There goes the low fat option out the window. Now the next interesting thing is that I can eat gluten free bread with jam as much as I want without zero discomfort or whatever. Had a lot of that and then had waffles with maple syrup, strawberries and even whipped cream on top- felt absolutely amazing and zero discomfort again. Managed to eat 3500kcal without pain and taking no rennies. That was a great day in my book.

Now another interesting thing is I have a pizza which I always buy and bake for 20 mins in the owen. Its lots of tomatoes, peperoni salami, cheese and lovely base. Now if I get chest pain and have that pizza, I bake it, eat half around 1000kcal and my fucking pain dissapeares like magic! Even after first slice its pretty much gone for the day. Can eat it in the evening and go straight to bed feel absolutely great and no chest pain, nada. I know this sounds crazy but I've tested is numerous times and not once it failed me. This is wild. Theres something about the fats I believe...They help to coat the stomach lining or the esophagus and remove the discomfort, I'm not sure. But if I have pain and prepare a healthy meal, fuck me, my pain becomes 10x usually. Its a fucking weird one, thats for sure. I have a mate hes been a bodybuilder and health freak for the last 20 years or so and was a heavy smoker. Stopped for 3 years and started experiencing harsh symptoms as well. He was taking Nexium every day which helped, but as soon as he stopped, pain came back and even bigger. Nothing worked for him as well. So what he did was got rid of the chicken breast and eats only red meat. Also he cooks his steaks in 1/2 stick of butter. Guess what, his pain and discomfort has went away and he is now Nexium-free. Very interesting. Also he said an anecdote that he heard from his corner that we as bodybuilders always opt for a low fat high protein diets, also high carb diets and thats what fucks up the gut/digestion somehow. Don't get me wrong I have used healthy fats all my life but thats obviously not the case here.

So thats that for the moment and lets see what tomorrow brings. Waiting to see the result of the stool test from last week wether HP positive again or not.

Best regards,
So it only took a few days for ur brain fog to go away, or at least greatly reduce, after cutting eggs out?

how many eggs were u eating per day on average? and I assume u were eating the white and the yolk when u would eat them?
So it only took a few days for ur brain fog to go away, or at least greatly reduce, after cutting eggs out?

how many eggs were u eating per day on average? and I assume u were eating the white and the yolk when u would eat them?
Funny enough but yes. I was eating 5-15 eggs per day for the last 20 years I'd say and never went a day without them unless I ran out of them which was rare af for me. Most of the time with yolks unless I was cutting then was eating just a few with yolks and up to 15 egg whites and sometimes just egg whites. But that was till 2019. Since then I've ate minimum 4-5 whole eggs for breakfast till recently decided had bad chest pain after eating them and decided to remove them completely. Had the best 4 weeks brain-fog wise in a long long time. And now decided to have some and see if I digest them so I had 10 whole eggs that day lol and woke up next day "underwater" with a royal brain fog, which as I remember used to haunt me in the past badly. I love them and could eat them 5x day but I will stay away from them now after witnessing this one. I still put a few whites in todays oat/banana/greek yogurt waffles but will try to stay away from them too. I believe too much of a good thing with time can become a bad thing.
I've actually had extremely negative experiences with fermented foods including kefir, yogurt, kimchi, etc. They are very acidic and full of irritating byproducts of fermentation that are harsh on an inflamed esophagus and stomach. I think if you are fully healed they would be helpful to shift the microbiome positively and etc but I wouldn't use them before that.
To be honest my experience is similar. Have to heal first and only then start implementing these foods if any at all.

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