Seeker of Wisdom
So if I may ask what do you think the situation is that we removed carbs/grains/vegs/fruit, changed to this diet and pain improved big time?
I would guess mainly you're seeing reduced reflux by reducing gas production, by eating food that is more completely digested. Gut bacteria ferment any undigested or poorly digested carbohydrate / fiber / oligosaccharides / disaccharides / monosaccharides / polyols (FODMAPs) and the gas pressure drives reflux up the esophagus like a shaken soda bottle. I think it can also possibly contribute to gastritis by causing bile reflux into the stomach (this is a personal theory and less established).
This concept is the basis for the Fast Tract Diet as detailed in the book by the same name:
Here is a clinical trial where a very low carb diet improved GERD symptoms:

A very low-carbohydrate diet improves gastroesophageal reflux and its symptoms - PubMed
Obese patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may experience resolution of symptoms utilizing a very low-carbohydrate diet. The mechanism of this improvement is unknown. This studied aimed to prospectively assess changes in distal esophageal acid exposure and GERD symptoms among...