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Heres my 2019 pic before I quit my old sports TRT (lol) of 250mg/week and left my country without knowing into what mess I will bump into. 2020 when lockdown hit in foreign country and that year I lost around 10kg of muscle, still managed to train, eat, but was in really really dark place mentally. Then I injured my back and neck and never was able to train legs till this day. Now I'm trying slowly just some leg-extensions to get the blood flowing. I miss training them badly and miss having them as good as in this pic. I was happy with the progress and I have just found a formula of training to which my legs responded really good so they blew up after 1 year of dedicated training like never before. Man I wish i could turn back the time and make evrything right...I can only imagine how my legs would look now if I had continued smashing them for another 3-4 years since this pic was taken and just run a normal TRT protocol, like now. But it is what it is. I took a hit, but kept moving forward. Sucked it up, "cried" when no one was looking but still managed to not give up, even though my dreams were torn to little pieces physique and life wise as well. Only in the darkest moments we learn who we really are and only the lows bring us the most valuable lessons. So guys, what I wanted to say is- NEVER EVER GIVE UP and never fold under pressure! What doesn't kill us- makes us stronger! So cheers to everyone who is fighting these silent battles, struggling, falling, crawling, getting up just to fall down again. I got nothing but love and respect for ya'll and I know for sure that one day we will reach our goals whatever they are!
Much love fam! Lets fucking get it!