Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

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Nandrolone is hit or miss for me. Strength gain is notable, reduction in both joint pain and general inflammation is amazing. It sometimes affects my mood by increasing depression and or hyper vigilance (I.e. suspicious of others). 19-nors seem to affect people's mood differently.
Ya 19 nors absolutely have the reputation of affecting people differently. Wish this wasn’t the case, but it just is what it is, unfortunately

What protocols have u tried it with? Like dosages of each compound u were using at the time. I assume u were using nandrolone with a test base, each time u’ve tried it
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Thank you. It is good that you have a healthy diet while you are young and will avoid many health problems later. How do you like FSD? I love it and am looking forward to it getting better as I age and my driving skills diminish.

At age 63 I started injecting 100 mg testosterone cypionate once a week. The first year I gained 16 pounds muscle and lost 4 pounds fat, going from 193 pounds with 20% body fat to 205 pounds with 16% body fat. All body fat measurements are with a "dexa scan". I gradually increased to 280 mg/wk over the next five years and don't plan to go any higher so as to not increase my estradiol. I don't want to take an AI.

I started the carnivore diet five years ago when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. For my entire time as a carnivore my body fat has ranged from 6.1% to 7.8%. I can squat and deadlift more weight at age 70 and 182 pounds than I could at age 64 and 205 pounds.

I donate 500 grams whole blood at a time, which is about a pint. My wife eats very little red meat and has donated more than 20 gallons of blood without any problems. I have only donated 10 gallons.
Don’t get me started talking about teslas lol. Have had mine since 2019, and have used the autopilot feature every single day since I’ve owned it. Everyone that drives in my car is freaked out by it, and get super nervous when it’s in autopilot, but like I said, I’ve used it everyday for the past 5 years, and know exactly what it’s capable of, and not capable of, and I always feel extremely comfortable/ safe when using it. That thing has like 20 cameras/ sensors all over it. I trust those over my two eyes all day lol. Just makes long drives extremely easy. There’s times that I have to drive my girl’s car long distances, and man, it’s exhausting! Lol. It’s so annoying and tiring having to keep my foot pressed down on the gas pedal the whole time, and have to start perfectly inbetween the lines the whole time. I know this is obv first world problem sh*t, but still lol. After driving the Tesla for 5 years, I look at people next to me on the highway having to control the gas pedal and steer literally the entire time while they’re driving like they’re from the stone age hahah. I genuinely feel bad for them lol. I’m like, man, that must suck lol. It’s just funny what we can get used to as humans, and how getting used to different things can change our reference points. But anyways, like I said, don’t get me started talking about teslas. I could go in for days lol

Good to hear that ur doing better than ever at the gym while on the carnivore diet. Super encouraging, as the only thing preventing me from going full carnivore is that I don’t want to see my gym performance/ endurance decrease at all, and I want to maximize hypertrophy. There’s no denying that muscle hypertrophy is easier/ quicker when carbs/ multiple insulin spikes throughout the day are involved, but it’s good to know that I might not need to worry about gym performance, as much as I thought.

And that’s also great to hear that neither u or ur wife have had any low iron symptoms, donating as much as u both do. I do believe there’s a lot of health benefits to donating blood, other than simply lowering RBC’s, HCT and HGB levels. Plus it obv helps so many people out there
I usually run 180 mg testosterone and 50 nandrolone per week. Any more than that of nandrolone and I get very paranoid. I absolutely love the anti-inflammatory effect it gives me.
Just started this protocol about 10 days ago:
200mg Test C (100mg Mon & Thur), 100mg Nandrolone Decanoate 1x / week (Sat), & 60mg of Raloxifene / day for some old gynecomastia <- seems to be working :) I also threw in .5mg of Adex 3x/ week, but I'm not sure it's necessary with the Raloxifene.. I'll test and find out. Opinions?
I think I feel a slight increase in strength and pain relief. It has only been a short time so we'll see. I realize that ND is a slow acting compound so it's probably not doing much yet.
Just started this protocol about 10 days ago:
200mg Test C (100mg Mon & Thur), 100mg Nandrolone Decanoate 1x / week (Sat), & 60mg of Raloxifene / day for some old gynecomastia <- seems to be working :) I also threw in .5mg of Adex 3x/ week, but I'm not sure it's necessary with the Raloxifene.. I'll test and find out. Opinions?
I think I feel a slight increase in strength and pain relief. It has only been a short time so we'll see. I realize that ND is a slow acting compound so it's probably not doing much yet.
Doing something similar here in my first log.

Looking forward to following along and seeing how you like this protocol. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely feeling better with my shoulder pain. I did some lateral raises today which were nearly impossible before. Still a bit sore, but not undoable. Maybe a small improvement in strength
Definitely feeling better with my shoulder pain. I did some lateral raises today which were nearly impossible before. Still a bit sore, but not undoable. Maybe a small improvement in strength
Notice anything else, good or bad? Like mood, energy, sleep, sexual function wise? I know it’s early, but jc
Notice anything else, good or bad? Like mood, energy, sleep, sexual function wise? I know it’s early, but jc
I'm typically in a decent mood most of the time. If that changes I'll let you know :) Maybe some energy... I've always slept like a post! Sexual function has been crazy since I started Test C and Cialis almost two years ago.. No change there :)
I'm typically in a decent mood most of the time. If that changes I'll let you know :) Maybe some energy... I've always slept like a post! Sexual function has been crazy since I started Test C and Cialis almost two years ago.. No change there :)
Sounds like no changes are perfect in ur situation! Glad to hear it! . Hopefully things continue this way. Hopefully u notice no changes to all things above, and continue to get a bit more joint relief in the upcoming weeks

Did u start test c and cialis at the same time? I’m curious how much cialis is contributing to everything being so good in the bedroom. Why did u start it to begin with? And what’s ur dose and what time of the day do u take it? TIA

Also, what was ur protocol prior to adding the nandrolone in?
Sounds like no changes are perfect in ur situation! Glad to hear it! . Hopefully things continue this way. Hopefully u notice no changes to all things above, and continue to get a bit more joint relief in the upcoming weeks

Did u start test c and cialis at the same time? I’m curious how much cialis is contributing to everything being so good in the bedroom. Why did u start it to begin with? And what’s ur dose and what time of the day do u take it? TIA

Also, what was ur protocol prior to adding the nandrolone in?
I complained to my primary that I was having weak or no erections, libido, drive, etc. I asked her to do a testosterone test and it came back at 240 the first time, and 220 the 2nd time. She referred me to Urology. The Urologist NP said their starting protocol is the same for most patients - 40mg Test C twice per week and 5mg Cialis once per day and / or as needed before sexual activity (I haven't used it prior to sex as I haven't needed it. The once per day does the trick). I have no idea if it is the Cialis or the Test that is giving me the "wood" or a combination of the two which I suspect.
I complained to my primary that I was having weak or no erections, libido, drive, etc. I asked her to do a testosterone test and it came back at 240 the first time, and 220 the 2nd time. She referred me to Urology. The Urologist NP said their starting protocol is the same for most patients - 40mg Test C twice per week and 5mg Cialis once per day and / or as needed before sexual activity (I haven't used it prior to sex as I haven't needed it. The once per day does the trick). I have no idea if it is the Cialis or the Test that is giving me the "wood" or a combination of the two which I suspect.
So prior to the 200 test and 100 deca, and 0.5mg of Arimidex 3x/ week (1.5mg total per week) and 5mg of cialis/ day, u were on 80mg of test per week, and 5mg of cialis/ day?

That’s a pretty big jump in androgens. Not judging at all, jc if it was ur urologist NP’s idea to jump up test to 200mg, while adding the 100mg of deca, or was it ur idea to jump things up this much?

So ur libido jumped back up once going on the 80mg of test/ week and 5mg of cialis/ day? I don’t think cialis does anything for libido, correct? So think it’s safe to attribute ur increased libido to the test alone right?
So prior to the 200 test and 100 deca, and 0.5mg of Arimidex 3x/ week (1.5mg total per week) and 5mg of cialis/ day, u were on 80mg of test per week, and 5mg of cialis/ day?

That’s a pretty big jump in androgens. Not judging at all, jc if it was ur urologist NP’s idea to jump up test to 200mg, while adding the 100mg of deca, or was it ur idea to jump things up this much?

So ur libido jumped back up once going on the 80mg of test/ week and 5mg of cialis/ day? I don’t think cialis does anything for libido, correct? So think it’s safe to attribute ur increased libido to the test alone right?
My upped androgens has nothing to do with my urologist..just me
I usually run 180 mg testosterone and 50 nandrolone per week. Any more than that of nandrolone and I get very paranoid. I absolutely love the anti-inflammatory effect it gives me.
I've had similar effects from nandrolone. Have you ever tried decreasing your test dose and increasing your nandrolone dose to see whether or not those mental side effects persist?
I've had similar effects from nandrolone. Have you ever tried decreasing your test dose and increasing your nandrolone dose to see whether or not those mental side effects persist?
What did u end up doing after experiencing those sides? Did u figure out how to make nandrolone work for u, or did u give up on it all together?
What did u end up doing after experiencing those sides? Did u figure out how to make nandrolone work for u, or did u give up on it all together?
I went through this several times with nandrolone. Admittedly, with each trial of nandrolone my test dose was such that my E2 was already high before adding nandrolone. Interestingly, each time I have added nandrolone I always feel fantastic for the first week or two. Then at about 3 or 4 weeks, I start to get intrusive thoughts, etc. Nothing psycho, but just irrational jealousies and insecurities. At that point I discontinue nandrolone, and gradually things go back to normal in several weeks.

Something I would like to try would be to either significantly reduce my test dose, then add a low dose of nandrolone, or try the nandrolone based protocol that you have discussed here (though I have my concerns about the long term viability of such a protocol).
I like ur style my friend ;). Very curious to see how u continue to do on such a drastic protocol change, compared to what u’ve been on the past few years
It's not the first time I've upped my androgens. I have played around with my Test, but I've never added another compound. This is a first with nandrolone. So far, I feel a marked reduction in shoulder and elbow pain, but not as much with anything else.
It's not the first time I've upped my androgens. I have played around with my Test, but I've never added another compound. This is a first with nandrolone. So far, I feel a marked reduction in shoulder and elbow pain, but not as much with anything else.
Sounds like everything is going pretty well for u, so if u can get some joint pain reduction from the nandrolone, and notice no other changes, I’d say that’s a win!
Sounds like everything is going pretty well for u, so if u can get some joint pain reduction from the nandrolone, and notice no other changes, I’d say that’s a win!
So yesterday was 3 weeks so it's fast to act for pain. I'm hoping it has a little strength and muscle building effects even at that low of a dose. But, I'm happy with the pain relief anyway. I'll keep updating as we move forward :) aloetard how are you coming along?
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So yesterday was 3 weeks so it's fast to act for pain. I'm hoping it has a little strength and muscle building effects even at that low of a dose. But, I'm happy with the pain relief anyway. I'll keep updating as we move forward :) aloetard how are you coming along?
Oh dude, ur gonna notice a huge difference in strength and ability to grow muscle very soon. From my understanding, u went from 80mg/ week of test, to 300mg of total androgens, 200 from test, and 100 from nandrolone. And supposedly, nandrolone puts on muscle about 1.25x-1.5x the rate that test does. So ya, u’ll definitely be noticing some big changes coming very soon lol. Just have to hope that all the pros that come with ur new protocol, don’t also come with any negatives. So hopefully nothing really changes for u other than the pain relief, as well as strength and muscle gains
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