What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

why do you think your PSA dropped?
Nandrolone is not nearly as androgenic or estrogenic as test. I'd speculate it has something to do with that. It also has progestogenic activity but to a lesser degree than actual progrsterone. The pro nandrolone crowd views nandrolone as a basically benign substance. Obviously that is debatable but there are plenty of andecdotes of guys that use nandrolone as HRT. Many bodybuilders from the past used nandrolone only and look great today. But some are also dead, like Mike Metzger, but he was wild. One thing I noticed is that androgenic substances age my face faster. Nandrolone seemed to correct that but it came with other problems. Sleep sucked. Mood eventually became really flat. There's just no free lunch, at least for me. I get plenty of benefits from each though.
Nandrolone is not nearly as androgenic or estrogenic as test. I'd speculate it has something to do with that. It also has progestogenic activity but to a lesser degree than actual progrsterone. The pro nandrolone crowd views nandrolone as a basically benign substance. Obviously that is debatable but there are plenty of andecdotes of guys that use nandrolone as HRT. Many bodybuilders from the past used nandrolone only and look great today. But some are also dead, like Mike Metzger, but he was wild. One thing I noticed is that androgenic substances age my face faster. Nandrolone seemed to correct that but it came with other problems. Sleep sucked. Mood eventually became really flat. There's just no free lunch, at least for me. I get plenty of benefits from each though.
I agree with the face aging comment. My face looks younger when I use nandrolone. It affects my mood too much to use now but can attest to the androgen aging effect of testosterone.

A good litmus test it to look at the faces of older bodybuilders from the 70s and 80s when lower testosterone doses were used, and compare it to the Hunter Labradas of the bodybuilding world today. AIs have made it possible for guys to run 500+ mgs of testosterone year round, but is displaying a dramatic aging effect on their faces (among other side effects).
Nandrolone also makes my hair thicker.
you notice this when adding low dose nandrolone to ur test dose, or when using nandrolone as a base?

this is a pretty common anecdote. Some guys using nandrolone solo have actually reported that their hair was thicker than when they were on nothing
you notice this when adding low dose nandrolone to ur test dose, or when using nandrolone as a base?

this is a pretty common anecdote. Some guys using nandrolone solo have actually reported that their hair was thicker than when they were on nothing
When adding low dose. Nandrolone to my test base. MPB runs in my family. My Dad and brothers were bald by early 20’s. I only have a slight receding hairline in my 50’s. When on Nandrolone, I appear to have more hair as it “fills in” light areas because my hair is thicker.
When adding low dose. Nandrolone to my test base. MPB runs in my family. My Dad and brothers were bald by early 20’s. I only have a slight receding hairline in my 50’s. When on Nandrolone, I appear to have more hair as it “fills in” light areas because my hair is thicker.
Lots of reports of guys regrowing significant amounts of hair on nandrolone without test. the experiences I have seen are actually pretty amazing
For me, nandrolone has been a godsend as far as arthritis relief, body composition, thicker hair and just overall well being. Really the only negative has been that is has raised my estrogen levels to where I felt some anxiety and slight depression. I curbed the estrogen spike with anastrozole and all is good now.
For me, nandrolone has been a godsend as far as arthritis relief, body composition, thicker hair and just overall well being. Really the only negative has been that is has raised my estrogen levels to where I felt some anxiety and slight depression. I curbed the estrogen spike with anastrozole and all is good now.
Did the AI increase your joint pain while on nandrolone?
so far a week into NPP (25mg EOD), i feel really good. libido is crazy (no ED issues whatsoever). mood is better. maybe the s/x come at higher doses, not sure. If I go not issues with NPP a month in, i might switch to regular ND to do less frequent injections
When adding low dose. Nandrolone to my test base. MPB runs in my family. My Dad and brothers were bald by early 20’s. I only have a slight receding hairline in my 50’s. When on Nandrolone, I appear to have more hair as it “fills in” light areas because my hair is thicker.
U mind sharing ur current protocol with dosages? Or at least ur dose of nandrolone? I’m curious how low of a dose ur taking while seeing these types of effects. As far as I know, the DHN from nandrolone competes at the receptors with DHT from testosterone, and therefore lessens the effects of whatever DHT u have in ur system. This is why it’s common for men to experience less androgenic side effects while having nandrolone in the mix. One of the reasons I personally take nandrolone is to try and preserve my hair as much as possible. Not the main reason, but definitely still one of the reasons
U mind sharing ur current protocol with dosages? Or at least ur dose of nandrolone? I’m curious how low of a dose ur taking while seeing these types of effects. As far as I know, the DHN from nandrolone competes at the receptors with DHT from testosterone, and therefore lessens the effects of whatever DHT u have in ur system. This is why it’s common for men to experience less androgenic side effects while having nandrolone in the mix. One of the reasons I personally take nandrolone is to try and preserve my hair as much as possible. Not the main reason, but definitely still one of the reasons
200mg testosterone with 160mg nandrolone once weekly. I started with 60mg nandrolone and experienced slight benefits regarding joints, upped to 80mg and experienced increased joint relief and hair thickness. When I then upped to 160mg, joint relief and hair thickness really improved.
Im still figuring all that out but I can tell you one thing. I like short esters a whole lot more. NPP and test prop work much better for me.

I've found it's not a ratio thing. It's where you feel best with each one. Some guys like higher test with a sprinkle of nandrolone for joints. Others like low test just for sufficient androgen and estrogen activity and then pile on the nandrolone.
I like short ester to! But after pinning everyday for a year im tried of that. I’m going to try 60-75 test with 200ish Deca and 300 dhb. I still feel like I get a little bloat on test at any regular trt dose
I’m with Defy and taking 120mg T and 120mg N with 750 HCG split M/W/F. Really happy with my protocol, I added Nandrolone because I was very sensitive to DHT and had some chronic joint pain.
Nandrolone is not nearly as androgenic or estrogenic as test. I'd speculate it has something to do with that. It also has progestogenic activity but to a lesser degree than actual progrsterone. The pro nandrolone crowd views nandrolone as a basically benign substance. Obviously that is debatable but there are plenty of andecdotes of guys that use nandrolone as HRT. Many bodybuilders from the past used nandrolone only and look great today. But some are also dead, like Mike Metzger, but he was wild. One thing I noticed is that androgenic substances age my face faster. Nandrolone seemed to correct that but it came with other problems. Sleep sucked. Mood eventually became really flat. There's just no free lunch, at least for me. I get plenty of benefits from each though.
I had the same response. Whenever I run nandrolone my PSA seems to be at least .2-.4 points lower. I attribute this to the anti inflammatory effect of the drug and also that the DHN has more affinity to receptors than DHT. Either way - it’s a noticeable difference.
200mg testosterone with 160mg nandrolone once weekly. I started with 60mg nandrolone and experienced slight benefits regarding joints, upped to 80mg and experienced increased joint relief and hair thickness. When I then upped to 160mg, joint relief and hair thickness really improved.
You still running Deca with your Test Sly? I have it ready and waiting to start as well. Lost too much hair since starting TRT less then 12 months ago. Even a low dose I run of 100mg/week is thinning out my hair like mad so def want to reverse that as much as possible.
You still running Deca with your Test Sly? I have it ready and waiting to start as well. Lost too much hair since starting TRT less then 12 months ago. Even a low dose I run of 100mg/week is thinning out my hair like mad so def want to reverse that as much as possible.
I really think a nandrolone based protocol could help u out, in many different ways. One being the hair loss issue
i don't have hair loss issue, but wondering if a 70mg T + 160mg N protocol would lessen some of the anxiety issues I've been dealing with, mainly due to e2 spikes I believe. the problem is that I don't do well on pure low dose T, and need 200mg+/week to feel decent, but with mentioned s/x.
looking mainly for (small) gym gains and mood benefits, but loss of libido is a concern
i don't have hair loss issue, but wondering if a 70mg T + 160mg N protocol would lessen some of the anxiety issues I've been dealing with, mainly due to e2 spikes I believe. the problem is that I don't do well on pure low dose T, and need 200mg+/week to feel decent, but with mentioned s/x.
looking mainly for (small) gym gains and mood benefits, but loss of libido is a concern
70mg of test might be too much. It might result in too much E2 and prolactin to feel optimal. The PA at the clinic Im with uses 140 deca and 35 test, for example. And I did my best on a nandrolone based protocol somewhere in the 40-60mg range of test, alongside 200mg of deca. U really want to start super low with the test. U want to use the minimum effective dose of test to feel and function optimally. U want to find the lowest dose of test that works for u, and get most of ur androgens from the deca. So if u want to improve things in the gym and body composition
wise, u want to increase ur nandrolone dose. The test is literally only there to give u just enough E2 to feel good, and have enough E2 for ur body to function optimally, health wise. So I would suggest starting off with a test dose around 25-30mg.

My libido was great, and erections were literally the best of my life, on a nandrolone based protocol, just fyi. Pretty much every guy I can think of that has tried a nandrolone based protocol has reported having a great libido. There’s definitely something to having a high androgen to estrogen ratio while implementing a nandrolone based protocol. And it’s really nice to be able to increase ur androgens, whenever u want, simply by increasing ur nandrolone dose, and not having to be concerned with ur E2, prolactin and/ or DHT levels increasing as well. It’s a nice luxury to be able to increase ur androgens independently of those downstream hormones, which can cause negative effects, for some men, when they get out of balance for them personally. So to be able to keep those hormones the same, while concurrently increasing ur androgen levels, is just a really nice aspect to a nandrolone based protocol, that’s just not possible when using a test based protocol

Also, I remember my penis and testicles both hanging really nicely at rest on the nandrolone based protocol. That’s something I haven’t been able to recreate on a test based protocol since. On or off HCG.
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