In mid November I've been running T cream for about 2 weeks after switching from Test P + DHT. At this point I've also been running increased DHT levels for 6 weeks. It became obvious to me that while this was the best TRT protocol I ran, and had great results, it's not going to do anything for my libido. I started experimenting with some additional substances which very unlikely to help, but I just did some process of elimination. Obviously nothing worked.
I started looking into the PSSD/PFS/PAS forums, despite knowing it's a waste of time. They don't know what exactly is the issue, they only have theories that aren't proven, nothing to test for and no solution. I think they're doing a great job with what they have available, but no success yet. I looked at their symptoms and many of them are similar to low T, however a good amount are unique to them. Low T people will also resolve most the similar issues with TRT, yet the PSSD/PFS/PAS people can't seem to get a break regardless of what they try. While them resolving their state might help us in some way, I honestly believe that our issues aren't really connected.
In any case, looking at these forums I started thinking if I might have a similar thing going on as them. I looked at several theories, androgen sensitivity, epigenetics (changes in genetic expression) and gut microbiome. In all honestly, while one of these theories might be true for their state, I think I'm dealing with a completely different problem. Looking at everything I believe that my issues stem from the shutdown that occurs when using exogenous hormones. I think this is somewhat proven with HCG, as it reactivates part of your system and can bring massive symptom relief despite a minuscule increase in hormones. There is also Kisspeptin-10, which, I think, is the first hormone in the chain of sex hormone production, and it's looked at as a potential cure for no/low libido. To me it seems that while the primary role Kisspeptin-10, GnRH, LH and FSH, is to produce sex hormones and sperm, they also serve an additional function in the body that doesn't seem to be understood just yet. It also seems that it's different for individuals, many men don't need HCG for libido, while some desperately need it. This shutdown might be preventing people from clearing the last 1-2 symptoms and nothing else will work. You can only really add HCG and hope this partial restoration will bring the relief you want.
Due to this I started thinking of going off TRT and trying
Enclomiphene and seeing what happens, despite knowing full well that I've been on TRT for 4 years and that
Enclomiphene usually has bad symptom resolution. I mean I was already thinking about it for like a year and now it seemed like a good time to try. I think I was in a pretty good state to come off of TRT. I was on cream (fast out of your system and lower suppression), my dose was normal nothing too much and I've been running HCG for a while, so balls were nearly normal sized. I looked at the steroid subreddit for PCT protocols and it seems like Nolvadex is the best choice and I just happened to have it in my stash.
In early December I kept my T cream + HCG protocol and just added 20mg of Nolvadex daily. I did this to give my body a bit of a head start. After 2 weeks (roughly 11 weeks total of running increased DHT levels) I dropped everything and continued with just Nolvadex. After 3 weeks I started noticing that my eyes are very dry and that I have trouble sleeping, I was awake for 30 hours straight several times and just couldn't sleep. I started doing 20mg EOD instead and my eyes got better, but not as good as before, and now I've had an inverted problem with sleep, I could barely stay awake for 12 hours before collapsing. I expected that the transition won't be pleasant so I just stuck with it. In late December my order of
Enclomiphene came and I started taking it 12.5mg on MWF instead of 20mg of Nolvadex EOD. Supposedly not taking it everyday gives your E2 receptors a break which can increase the symptom relief of it. Today (
Enclomiphene taken on Monday, tested on Tuesday) in the morning, roughly 1.5 hours after waking up, I did a blood test to see how my hormones look like:
LH: 3.41 ng/L (range 0.5-12 ng/L)
Total T: 736 ng/dl (range 220-870 ng/dl)
E2: 41 ng/L (range 10-45 ng/L)
Honestly I was shocked at the results, it seems my system is basically fully restored. Considering I've been on TRT for 4 years and I wasn't using HCG for the first 2 years, and that I've been off TRT for only 1 month, the results are great, number wise. The transition also wasn't too bad, the most obvious problem is with my energy levels and a bit of eye dryness. Otherwise I'd say I'm on something like 70-80% of TRT with T cream, the intensity of symptom relief is lessened, but it's still here to a good degree. No changes to libido though, erectile quality is a bit lower and my balls gained an additional 20% in size. I'll keep this protocol until the end of the month and then try 6.25mg MWF and check my levels again.
After this entire ordeal I wish I had started with
Enclomiphene. I'd start with 3.125mg MWF, wait for 1 month, see how I feel and get tested. Then depending on the numbers and effects I might've increased it to 6.25mg MWF and maybe eventually to 12.5mg MWF. It might not work now, it might not have worked then, I might've ended up in the same situation where libido is still dead regardless of what I tried first, who knows, but I wish I would've give
Enclomiphene a chance first. Not sure what the conclusion of this update is, I'll let everyone draw their own lessons, but for now it's just an experiment.