How I’m personally feeling isn’t going to be a very good reference. I’m currently in a house that has a ton of black mold, so until I move, I’m never going to feel good, regardless of my protocol. Should be out in a month or so hopefully.
But as far as any changes from 17.5mg daily, to 42mg EOD, I would say I don’t notice any changes really. Mood is still great. No depression or anxiety whatsoever. Sleep’s great. Libido is about the same, maybe slightly lower. Think I need to reduce my dosage, if I had to guess. Erections are rock solid. Penis sensitivity is about the same, which is on the lower side for my liking. Would prefer it to be higher. Finishing isn’t really too much of a problem. Only symptoms I hate are the extreme brain fog, and I’m always pretty tired. But have had both symptoms for the entire time I’ve been on HRT, which is 5 years. Coincidentally around when I moved into this house.