Oxandrolone and Nandrolone (common availability)

Wow just saw this. That's really good man, I was blasting 1000 mg to keep arms like that and get my abs out back in the day. It's amazing what this stuff can do and we don't have to take any serious risk.

How tall are you? I'm 6'2 and struggle to keep my arms "thick" like average height guys. I used to workout next to Brandon Curry before he won the Olympia and Flex Lewis (Flex was my neighbor in 11'-12') we all lived in TN where Brandon went to college. Seems like those shorter limbs look so much better than taller guys arms, I can't explain it. Your bicep straight on reminds me of flex.
I am 5'11 with shoes on... 5' 10'' barefoot (let's go with my shoes on). My arms are a tad over 19 inches with no pump and I think the biggest measurement with a pump was right at 20.
Thats amazing. Ur a great example of the power of therapeutic HRT mixed with hard work and obv an endomorph body type.

What HRT protocols have u tried, and what are u currently using? I’m sure u’ve mentioned it already, but I’m pretty lazy lol
I have done the cream strength 200MG and I applied it after my shower and right before bed. Felt amazing but when I switched providers I was put on 200MG per week of injectable, HCG and I do 100MG on my balls once daily. Kind of get the best of both worlds. Plus I do the Nitric stack...
I am 5'11 with shoes on... 5' 10'' barefoot (let's go with my shoes on). My arms are a tad over 19 inches with no pump and I think the biggest measurement with a pump was right at 20.
Nice man, your arms are sick for being on that little amount. I'm impressed
I have done the cream strength 200MG and I applied it after my shower and right before bed. Felt amazing but when I switched providers I was put on 200MG per week of injectable, HCG and I do 100MG on my balls once daily. Kind of get the best of both worlds. Plus I do the Nitric stack...
Any negative effects on ur hair from this protocol, or while on straight cream only?Any thinning or recession that u’ve noticed?
Any negative effects on ur hair from this protocol, or while on straight cream only?Any thinning or recession that u’ve noticed?
My hairline is receding but that runs in the family... I think hair is going to be hereditary and anything TRT-related just accelerates what was going to happen anyway...
My hairline is receding but that runs in the family... I think hair is going to be hereditary and anything TRT-related just accelerates what was going to happen anyway...
Yup, that’s pretty much the deal. It just accelerates the loss that was probably going to come eventually anyway. So just receding hairline for u, no thinning that ur aware of?
Yup, that’s pretty much the deal. It just accelerates the loss that was probably going to come eventually anyway. So just receding hairline for u, no thinning that ur aware of?
Just in the front and at the temple areas... I feel like when my IGF-1 is high it tends to be thicker and grow a lot faster. In my mid, to late '30s my IGF-1 was in the 400's and I just saw one result was over 500! I didn't even remember or even think about how high it was then. Still gets over 300 sometimes...
Just in the front and at the temple areas... I feel like when my IGF-1 is high it tends to be thicker and grow a lot faster. In my mid, to late '30s my IGF-1 was in the 400's and I just saw one result was over 500! I didn't even remember or even think about how high it was then. Still gets over 300 sometimes...

Holy sh*t! Ur just a genetic beast all around huh? Lol. All that was just naturally high? Not supplementing anything to make it that high? I’m 34 and I’m lucky if I keep mine above 200!
Holy sh*t! Ur just a genetic beast all around huh? Lol. All that was just naturally high? Not supplementing anything to make it that high? I’m 34 and I’m lucky if I keep mine above 200!
Yeah, I wasn't taking anything for it. I didn't even realize it was that high until a couple of weeks ago I was looking at my labs over the past 10 years.
Holy sh*t! Ur just a genetic beast all around huh? Lol. All that was just naturally high? Not supplementing anything to make it that high? I’m 34 and I’m lucky if I keep mine above 200!
That's pretty cool man, I never checked mine before going down the high dose road so no telling what it was naturally. Prob nothing like you, I was naturally skinny before I joined the Army, was one of those 4 min mile / 14-15 min 5k running. My transformation was pretty shocking to most as it was a massive change in muscle mass.

Does years of AAS use also lead to diminished natural IGF production?
That's pretty cool man, I never checked mine before going down the high dose road so no telling what it was naturally. Prob nothing like you, I was naturally skinny before I joined the Army, was one of those 4 min mile / 14-15 min 5k running. My transformation was pretty shocking to most as it was a massive change in muscle mass.

Does years of AAS use also lead to diminished natural IGF production?
I would think it would increase it while you are on it and possibly a crash after. Also, I think if you are on HGH there would be a crash as well unless you take something to stimulate production after your cycle or after sustained use. I have read of some pituitary atrophy.
Yes I did notice they are in FL. Very good point, just like where the opiod pill mills used to originate.

FL is very shady.

Haha he was looking for those real gains, Gainesville, FL. If I had a shady HRT clinic that's where my HQ would be. It would be like the bad guys in the movie Dodgeball. Some of those HRT commercials remind me of that movie.
They might be getting prescribed from FL but its also being made in TX.
Hi all,

When I started reading about TRT back in the mid 2000's I was in my 20's, college and inexperienced but always read on the forums that no doc will give a young man test even if he is in the 200-400 range. It was rare and like gold to get help. This is what I read countless times, can't 100% confirm but it was plastered all over the net.

I didn't pay attention to the prescription side of the house because of the negative/taboo view on testosterone for the last 15 yrs as it was mostly UGL use with me as it was much easier to obtain. God only knows what was in the bottles and I wish I hadn't done that, I don't suggest any of you take the risk.

It's now 2021 and I'm reading LLCs everywhere offering prescription Oxandrolone and Nandrolone! It's all over Youtube, showing comericals of oiled up bodies, buff and tan, all cheesy NJ shore haha. I'm a Jersey shore guy myself, takes one to know one.

Did something happen, has a law changed, did prescribing protocols loosen up? We went from docs not knowing anything about test and giving 100mg every 2 weeks and being hesitant to help to this. What changed?

I totally get the Testosterone part, glad they are learning about SubQ and twice per week injections for stable blood. The Nandrolone scares me a bit long term. I'm on it for joint pain and of course hoping it will help my appearance. But what will it do to me being on for a decade? 100mg of Deca of 10 yrs, I haven't found much on it. And how in the world do "they" get away with prescribing an oral? Atleast Nandrolone is found in trace amounts so it's technically replacement therapy right? Oxandrolones original clinical use is not HRT related, I don't get it.

Not complaining, it's like Chritmas if you have the cash. Hopefully this isn't a fly by night thing and the docs get shut down eventually

Hi all,

When I started reading about TRT back in the mid 2000's I was in my 20's, college and inexperienced but always read on the forums that no doc will give a young man test even if he is in the 200-400 range. It was rare and like gold to get help. This is what I read countless times, can't 100% confirm but it was plastered all over the net.

I didn't pay attention to the prescription side of the house because of the negative/taboo view on testosterone for the last 15 yrs as it was mostly UGL use with me as it was much easier to obtain. God only knows what was in the bottles and I wish I hadn't done that, I don't suggest any of you take the risk.

It's now 2021 and I'm reading LLCs everywhere offering prescription Oxandrolone and Nandrolone! It's all over Youtube, showing comericals of oiled up bodies, buff and tan, all cheesy NJ shore haha. I'm a Jersey shore guy myself, takes one to know one.

Did something happen, has a law changed, did prescribing protocols loosen up? We went from docs not knowing anything about test and giving 100mg every 2 weeks and being hesitant to help to this. What changed?

I totally get the Testosterone part, glad they are learning about SubQ and twice per week injections for stable blood. The Nandrolone scares me a bit long term. I'm on it for joint pain and of course hoping it will help my appearance. But what will it do to me being on for a decade? 100mg of Deca of 10 yrs, I haven't found much on it. And how in the world do "they" get away with prescribing an oral? Atleast Nandrolone is found in trace amounts so it's technically replacement therapy right? Oxandrolones original clinical use is not HRT related, I don't get it.

Not complaining, it's like Chritmas if you have the cash. Hopefully this isn't a fly by night thing and the docs get shut down eventually.
Kev101- I come from the same background as you do. Just a lot older, As I said I have gone from going to a doctor to get anabolics, buying them at a pharmacy with a script, to being forced underground and not dare telling a doctor you even know what an anabolic steroid is. We bought what we could find from Mexican pharma and then slowly China took over. Now in the blackmarket you can find anything you want at prices that beat the 1980's. I remember when these HRT places started to spring up in the late 90's to the early 2000's. Most of them were money making scams using a doctor setting up close to a gym. They were very expensive, took nothing but cash and sold everything from diets to life extension products and diets. Most all of it a rip-off. About the only people I knew using them were athletes who were drug tested and wanted to claim they were drug free but using TRT from medical purposes. They rest of us either figured out how to cheat the drug test or went to places to compete that did not test and did what we wanted to do.

As I got older my goals changed drastically. I have been on stuff so long with NO breaks that I decided to take my doctor up on his offer after 6 years of asking me. Like you, this is like Christmas being able to go to a doctor, getting a script and going to the pharmacy to pick it up. I don't have to do all of the thinking now or take the risks

Nandrolone and Oxandrolone to me are not TRT. I think we have a lot that are bending the definition to include as much as they can get away with. Do they increase t levels? Absolutely, as does Oxandrolone. But why stop there? I remember getting legal scripts for Halotestin and Anadrol. That does the trick really nicely too. Do they also fall under TRT?

What all of this openness has done is take the stigma off of the backs of those of us who have been using anabolic steroids all of our lives. Its almost like we can come out off the darkness and hold our heads up and tell others that YES, I use TRT. It is not so uncommon to find guy who are not meat heads using the same thing I have been using for years. Its almost like we have come a full circle but more people are involved now. stigma of using steroids is going away. I can still get anything I want to use but I prefer to just stick with the old test cypionate. But like I said, my goals have completely changed.
Wanted to put up an example of a guy I know who is probably one of the best known bodybuilding gurus and protein guys on the internet. He is getting older now and seems to be more concerned about life extension and regularly preaches against all of these huge doses done by those who claim they know. Anyway, he claims that this is his TRT as prescribed by a doctor:

* 138mg of testosterone a week - sub q test at roughly 23ius EOD
* 21mg of trenbolone acetate a week - sub q tren at 7mg EOD
* 12.5mg exemestane daily
* HCG used at 250-500ius sporadically on off days

Again, where do we draw the line? Is low dose trenbolone acetate really TRT? This guy claims that it makes him feel better.
Wanted to put up an example of a guy I know who is probably one of the best known bodybuilding gurus and protein guys on the internet. He is getting older now and seems to be more concerned about life extension and regularly preaches against all of these huge doses done by those who claim they know. Anyway, he claims that this is his TRT as prescribed by a doctor:

* 138mg of testosterone a week - sub q test at roughly 23ius EOD
* 21mg of trenbolone acetate a week - sub q tren at 7mg EOD
* 12.5mg exemestane daily
* HCG used at 250-500ius sporadically on off days

Again, where do we draw the line? Is low dose trenbolone acetate really TRT? This guy claims that it makes him feel better.
T(renbolone)RT quite the option in Costa Rica. Tren is not in the FDA orange book so seems insane a real doc could Rx tren in US if he wants to keep his license. Is this dude US based?

Thanks for sharing! Nowadays, I think we have officially determined there are no more lines.

Good reading. It could be this guy is getting a script in another country. He owns one of the biggest protein supplement businesses in the USA, so it is possible. I have to admit I have used low dose trenbolone enanthate off and on at about 30mg/wk. It honestly did make me feel pretty good. But TRT was not really my goal. It always make my shoulders look much better. Not so sure this is safe in the long run but there is no research on it in humans that I am aware of.

Good reading!. Interesting you brought up Metenolone enanthate. Never bought any in the USA when it was legal but I am aware that most other countries sell it legally. My wife use to go to her pharmacy in Buenos Aires and get injections of Metenolone enanthate, I believe that Bayer made it, came in glass ampules. I would much rather use this than nandrolone. Hey, Costa Rica seems like a nice place to live.

Here is a rat study on Tren with a interesting conclusion

Daniel G. Donner, Grace E. Elliott, Belinda R. Beck, Andrew C. Bulmer, Alfred K. Lam, John P. Headrick, Eugene F. Du Toit, Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome, Endocrinology, Volume 157, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, Pages 368–381, Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome
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Good reading. It could be this guy is getting a script in another country. He owns one of the biggest protein supplement businesses in the USA, so it is possible. I have to admit I have used low dose trenbolone enanthate off and on at about 30mg/wk. It honestly did make me feel pretty good. But TRT was not really my goal. It always make my shoulders look much better. Not so sure this is safe in the long run but there is no research on it in humans that I am aware of.

Good reading!. Interesting you brought up Metenolone enanthate. Never bought any in the USA when it was legal but I am aware that most other countries sell it legally. My wife use to go to her pharmacy in Buenos Aires and get injections of Metenolone enanthate, I believe that Bayer made it, came in glass ampules. I would much rather use this than nandrolone. Hey, Costa Rica seems like a nice place to live.

Here is a rat study on Tren with a interesting conclusion

Daniel G. Donner, Grace E. Elliott, Belinda R. Beck, Andrew C. Bulmer, Alfred K. Lam, John P. Headrick, Eugene F. Du Toit, Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome, Endocrinology, Volume 157, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, Pages 368–381, Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome
There should be decent human studies / literature with Parabolan from France before it went off the market but I admit I haven't reviewed it. Thanks.
Wanted to put up an example of a guy I know who is probably one of the best known bodybuilding gurus and protein guys on the internet. He is getting older now and seems to be more concerned about life extension and regularly preaches against all of these huge doses done by those who claim they know. Anyway, he claims that this is his TRT as prescribed by a doctor:

* 138mg of testosterone a week - sub q test at roughly 23ius EOD
* 21mg of trenbolone acetate a week - sub q tren at 7mg EOD
* 12.5mg exemestane daily
* HCG used at 250-500ius sporadically on off days

Again, where do we draw the line? Is low dose trenbolone acetate really TRT? This guy claims that it makes him feel better.
I don’t really understand why guys get so caught up on certain hormones being ok for HRT and others being taboo. Why is using an ai ok but using 21mg of tren per week not ok?

I don’t understand why we can’t just support guys using whatever they want in their HRT protocols as long as they’re keeping longevity and balance somewhat in mind. Isn’t everyone’s goal here to be happy and enjoy life as much as they can, while enjoying it for as long as they can?

I don’t understand why guys will give others a hard time about using very low dose tren, nandrolone and/ or Oxandrolone, but don’t care if the guy has the worst diet ever, doesn’t exercise, drinks regularly, and couldn’t care less about sleep optimization. I just don’t get why we can’t just support eachother with what makes us happy, instead of judging someone for using any low dose AAS that isn’t testosterone. If someone uses 21mg of tren per week and it makes their life more enjoyable and they’re a better version of themselves to the people around them, and can also maintain health markers where they should be, I don’t see any reason to judge this guy or encourage him to remove the tren from his protocol

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