I’ve lifted weights naturally for 35 years, I’m 59 now. I’m not a big guy, 5’6, 160Lbs, about 12% bf. I’ve been on trt since January 11. I’m using the atrevis base 20% scrotal cream, 3 clicks a day. My total T has been running 2600. My shbg started out very high, but has dropped now so that my free T is 49.
I know that’s well above normal which should help with gym gains. But being a mature lifter I’m wondering if adding the tiny bit of anavar as you did, might help get a little leaner and add a little muscle faster as well?
people Tell me that 2600 total is cycle territory lol which I agree, but I don’t know where a typical 500mg T cycle would normally put free T.
Post labs with assays used/reference ranges including CBC which will have RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.
With an absurd TT 2600 ng/dL your FT level would be through the roof and highly doubtful your FT is only 49 even if one had high SHBG.
The only way to know where your FT level truly sits is to have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration.
Using the most accurate assays is critical especially in cases of altered SHBG.
Even when using the older linear law-of-mass action cFTV with a TT 2600 ng/dL you would need to have an SHBG of 80 nmol/L to hit a FT 49ng/dL.
The newer cFTZ would have your FT at an absurd 90 ng/dL.
Not a TT/FT level you would want to run long-term as we are on trt here.
Even if blood markers remained healthy in the short-term you are running levels well beyond what the body could endogenously produce let alone in a mans prime (late teens/the early 20s) and top it off that such levels would never be needed to experience the beneficial effects of T other than improvements in body composition.
Most men can easily achieve a healthy let alone in many cases absurdly high trough FT with a TT 1200-1000 ng/dL and yes even with having higher SHBG.
Sure running such levels may improve one's body composition but your diet/training protocol let alone
genetics will have the final say!
Would not even jump into using the OXO unless your diet/training protocol is on point.
Therapeutic doses of HGH are not going to have a significant impact when it comes to packing on muscle.....fat loss sure if you plan on putting in the time as it is far from a quick fix!