Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Ipamorelin is the bomb!

Oh really? Damn, I was hoping to eventually get prescribed their 25mg capsules and split them to save money.

The 15mg of Oxandrolone I get from empower comes in a small white capsule with white powder in it that I can easily twist open and pour half into a 000 gelatin capsule, and then put the cap on the gelatin capsule and put the cap back on the original small white capsule that the 15mg came in, and then I have two capsules with roughly 7.5mg in each

Does the 25mg come in a small white capsule with powder in it as well? If not, how does it come?
It does. I never considered those capsules to be splittable because I always had trouble putting them back together after dumping out the powder; but if you were able to do it – I guess it can be done.
It does. I never considered those capsules to be splittable because I always had trouble putting them back together after dumping out the powder; but if you were able to do it – I guess it can be done.
Oh good, glad they come in the same capsules. But ya I’ve been taking and splitting the 15mg capsules everyday since 3-6-21 without any issues. The caps fit right back on. The most useful tip I can think of is when I twist the cap open, I twist it open over my mouth, because a very tiny amount of powder is going to come out of the capsule when u open it. The other tip I can give is make sure there’s no powder in the cap portion of the capsule before putting the original back together. U seem like a smart guy, I’m sure u can figure out the rest. But if u have any questions or issues obv feel free to ask me
I’ve lifted weights naturally for 35 years, I’m 59 now. I’m not a big guy, 5’6, 160Lbs, about 12% bf. I’ve been on trt since January 11. I’m using the atrevis base 20% scrotal cream, 3 clicks a day. My total T has been running 2600. My shbg started out very high, but has dropped now so that my free T is 49.
I know that’s well above normal which should help with gym gains. But being a mature lifter I’m wondering if adding the tiny bit of anavar as you did, might help get a little leaner and add a little muscle faster as well?
people Tell me that 2600 total is cycle territory lol which I agree, but I don’t know where a typical 500mg T cycle would normally put free T.
2600 is fine if ur able to keep other health markers in check. 2600 is nothing compared to bodybuilders on cycle. 500mg/ week will probably have most guys’ total around 4000-6000, and free T probably 200+

At ur age, if ur looking to cut down a little bit and put on a little more muscle, I would recommend HGH. The results might take a little bit longer, but u can run HGH indefinitely and the results will be maintained for as long as u stay on it. But in the short term I don’t see anything wrong with a short stint of oxandrolone using 25mg/ day. Best thing to do would be to do both, if u can afford it. Get the short and long term results ur looking for
I’ve lifted weights naturally for 35 years, I’m 59 now. I’m not a big guy, 5’6, 160Lbs, about 12% bf. I’ve been on trt since January 11. I’m using the atrevis base 20% scrotal cream, 3 clicks a day. My total T has been running 2600. My shbg started out very high, but has dropped now so that my free T is 49.
I know that’s well above normal which should help with gym gains. But being a mature lifter I’m wondering if adding the tiny bit of anavar as you did, might help get a little leaner and add a little muscle faster as well?
people Tell me that 2600 total is cycle territory lol which I agree, but I don’t know where a typical 500mg T cycle would normally put free T.

Post labs with assays used/reference ranges including CBC which will have RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

With an absurd TT 2600 ng/dL your FT level would be through the roof and highly doubtful your FT is only 49 even if one had high SHBG.

The only way to know where your FT level truly sits is to have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration.

Using the most accurate assays is critical especially in cases of altered SHBG.

Even when using the older linear law-of-mass action cFTV with a TT 2600 ng/dL you would need to have an SHBG of 80 nmol/L to hit a FT 49ng/dL.

The newer cFTZ would have your FT at an absurd 90 ng/dL.

Not a TT/FT level you would want to run long-term as we are on trt here.

Even if blood markers remained healthy in the short-term you are running levels well beyond what the body could endogenously produce let alone in a mans prime (late teens/the early 20s) and top it off that such levels would never be needed to experience the beneficial effects of T other than improvements in body composition.

Most men can easily achieve a healthy let alone in many cases absurdly high trough FT with a TT 1200-1000 ng/dL and yes even with having higher SHBG.

Sure running such levels may improve one's body composition but your diet/training protocol let alone genetics will have the final say!

Would not even jump into using the OXO unless your diet/training protocol is on point.

Therapeutic doses of HGH are not going to have a significant impact when it comes to packing on muscle.....fat loss sure if you plan on putting in the time as it is far from a quick fix!
2600 is fine if ur able to keep other health markers in check. 2600 is nothing compared to bodybuilders on cycle. 500mg/ week will probably have most guys’ total around 4000-6000, and free T probably 200+

At ur age, if ur looking to cut down a little bit and put on a little more muscle, I would recommend HGH. The results might take a little bit longer, but u can run HGH indefinitely and the results will be maintained for as long as u stay on it. But in the short term I don’t see anything wrong with a short stint of oxandrolone using 25mg/ day. Best thing to do would be to do both, if u can afford it. Get the short and long term results ur looking for

This is coming from a guy who weighed buck35 pre-trt!

You look like you never lifted in the pics you posted on here.

Might wanna look into your diet a little deeper before throwing in the nandrolone/oxandrolone/HGH (my bad you already have used the ND/OXO) as you are not going to pack on any muscle stuck up on that carnivore/low carb keto bullshit judging by your tiny frame.

You need carbs/calories as all the anabolic aids will have a minimal impact without such.

Let alone your genetics will have the final say.
My testosterone was tested using the most accurate LC/MS
My shbg is 82 falling from a high of 131 after having been on clomid for awhile
My training and diet are on target
My free T was tested using dialysis

Quest or Labcorp?

Post full set labs including reference ranges and CBC.
Dr didn’t require cbc

CBC includes critical blood markers such as RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

You need to know where your levels sit on such protocol (dose T).

If anything I would still look into retesting your FT.

Even then I would look into using Labcorps ED or UF as judging by the numerous FT labs posted on here some seem to be getting more sensible results using Labcorp ED (reference range 52-280 pg/mL or UF reference range 5.00-21.00 ng/dL) as they have mentioned having issues with Quest.

Keep in mind that although ED is considered the gold standard it can be more prone to error than UF.

Top it all off that there is no standardization let alone harmonized reference range for FT as it is eventually soon to be.
Bro I wasn’t asking any of that. I am well aware of what CBC is man. I’ve had multiple blood tests since I started TRT, and had CBC done pre trt. My doctor and I have discussed all the parameters. He has no problem with my current blood test and markers. You have been quite a jerk, moderator or not. You know very little about me and you criticize my size and physique. You definitely know how not to win friends.

I'm asking you where your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit sit on your current protocol!

May want to rethink that one before running off at the mouth regarding your size/physique as my reply was to @Gman86.

I only asked where your BF% sat.
Please accept my apologies. I absolutely did misread your posting.

My urologist/trt dr isn’t concerned about hemoglobin and hematocrit. He advises us not to obsess over those numbers.

I estimate my body fat at 12-15

All good man no apology needed.

Just trying to kick some sense here.

I agree that many tend to overreact when it comes to numbers but it is critical to know where your levels sit as we are on trt here and although how one feels it what truly matters keeping blood markers in a healthy range long-term let alone minimizing/preventing any potential side-effects is key.

Too many are overmedicated and running levels well beyond what is truly needed.

Many are trying to overcompensate for underlying thyroid/adrenal issues.
My Dr is aware that I’m wanting to push my gym work harder and squeeze out as many gains as I can. As long as I feel good, with symptom resolution, he’s ok with me running the higher total and free t. He wants me to keep an eye on My SHBG as it continues to decline my free t will rise and at higher levels I may not feel as well. That’s his only caveat.
I’m just curious if running 25-30 mg of var a day would help me gain a little lean muscle and get a little leaner. Nothing crazy

You look great!

If diet and training protocol is on point then you will definitely notice increased strength/quality muscle tissue gains/enhanced fat loss and a more dense look.

I see no issues running it short term as it is considered one of the milder c-17 alpha-alkylated orals.

Just keep in mind that it will most likely drive down your SHBG further.
Keep us posted on how oxandrolone compares to nandrolone for joint and pain issues
Regarding joint pain, I would put nandrolone ahead of Anavar. However, during an injury, Anavar is superior because it allows you to still gain mass while using light weights.

I have had a nagging rotator cuff injury for months. It got so bad that I had to start using a new weight lifting protocol (Yessis 1x20) where it’s 1 set of 20 reps for each body part. I still grew.

I am completing my 6th week and the results have been amazing. I have not looked so swole (I think that’s how they refer to it now: in my day it was “jacked”) since I was in my mid 20s.

Overall body weight went from 207ish to 209. Waist down 1/2 inch, arms increased 1/4 inch (despite never training arms). Not a huge amount of weight / body measurement changes but the hardness and vascularity are profound. Plus my legs and shoulders and pecs are striated- haven’t seen that in god knows how long. I never dieted one bit either.

Stay tuned because I am going to post bloods soon - had them drawn last week - to show the hit to lipids and liver. Also, this is a special test to measure arterial plaque I will do a separate thread on.

Lastly, regarding the shoulder injury - I am three days in to a BPC run and the pain is all but gone. I want to test it out this week with some weights and I will post a new thread on that (but so far, this could be my favorite compound from what I am feeling).

More to come.
Regarding joint pain, I would put nandrolone ahead of Anavar. However, during an injury, Anavar is superior because it allows you to still gain mass while using light weights.

I have had a nagging rotator cuff injury for months. It got so bad that I had to start using a new weight lifting protocol (Yessis 1x20) where it’s 1 set of 20 reps for each body part. I still grew.

I am completing my 6th week and the results have been amazing. I have not looked so swole (I think that’s how they refer to it now: in my day it was “jacked”) since I was in my mid 20s.

Overall body weight went from 207ish to 209. Waist down 1/2 inch, arms increased 1/4 inch (despite never training arms). Not a huge amount of weight / body measurement changes but the hardness and vascularity are profound. Plus my legs and shoulders and pecs are striated- haven’t seen that in god knows how long. I never dieted one bit either.

Stay tuned because I am going to post bloods soon - had them drawn last week - to show the hit to lipids and liver. Also, this is a special test to measure arterial plaque I will do a separate thread on.

Lastly, regarding the shoulder injury - I am three days in to a BPC run and the pain is all but gone. I want to test it out this week with some weights and I will post a new thread on that (but so far, this could be my favorite compound from what I am feeling).

More to come.
And ur just using 25mg/ day correct? Can’t wait to see ur labs. I’ll be having labs done Thursday while taking 15mg/ day of Oxandrolone. Have u tried splitting the dosage up each day, or u still taking it all once in the morning?
And ur just using 25mg/ day correct? Can’t wait to see ur labs. I’ll be having labs done Thursday while taking 15mg/ day of Oxandrolone. Have u tried splitting the dosage up each day, or u still taking it all once in the morning?
Correct. 25 mg/day 5 days per week, and just started week 6. I read a study done where they gave 20mg/day to elderly men for 6 weeks and 12 weeks and the lean mass gains at week 6 were 80-90 percent of what was achieved at week 12 and based it off of that model. Plus, doing it this way you can get two 6 week cycles out 8 weeks of pills. I don’t see how anyone would need more than 25 mg / day
Correct. 25 mg/day 5 days per week, and just started week 6. I read a study done where they gave 20mg/day to elderly men for 6 weeks and 12 weeks and the lean mass gains at week 6 were 80-90 percent of what was achieved at week 12 and based it off of that model. Plus, doing it this way you can get two 6 week cycles out 8 weeks of pills. I don’t see how anyone would need more than 25 mg / day
Some guys say that back in the day with real anavar guys would see great results off of just 10mg/ day. I’m getting a bunch of labs done in 3 days, really curious to see where everything is at while taking 15mg/ day. And very curious where ur labs sit while taking 25mg/ day. Did u say u were getting labs done soon, or am I thinking of someone else?
Some guys say that back in the day with real anavar guys would see great results off of just 10mg/ day. I’m getting a bunch of labs done in 3 days, really curious to see where everything is at while taking 15mg/ day. And very curious where ur labs sit while taking 25mg/ day. Did u say u were getting labs done soon, or am I thinking of someone else?
I got labs done Friday last week and will report back in a few days. You are right about the old doses. My first cycle ever in 1987 was starting with one 2.5mg of Anavar tablet per day week 1, increasing by 1 tab each week up to 5 tabs (15 mg per day) and then back down. I still have my log book and wrote after a month of this and lifting 6 days per week and dieting (“ I never looked as big and cut in my life”). Now, back then, with more access to compounds and at the recommendation of a guy I knew who placed third in Mr Universe, I added some Dbol to the mix starting in month 2 and it took things to a whole new level. I still remember his words (“Dbol plus Anavar is the f-ing best”). Wound up going from a bulky 215lb 15% body fat to 225lb, 9% fat. I digress. Anyway, you don’t need much of this stuff.
Stay tuned because I am going to post bloods soon - had them drawn last week - to show the hit to lipids and liver. Also, this is a special test to measure arterial plaque I will do a separate thread on.
Hey did ur labs come in yet? Dying to see them. Should have mine in by the end of the week and will post as soon as they come in
Hey did ur labs come in yet? Dying to see them. Should have mine in by the end of the week and will post as soon as they come in
Yes - they were great. Just got today. Will post in a bit but barely any hit at all to lipids and liver but HCT and PSA rose quite a bit in a short time. Will post details later
The results are in brothers. Bloodwork at week 5 of 25 mg/day 5 days per week. I never watched my diet and also had about 2 drinks on each weekend.

I am showing the May labs (no gear at all except TRT) as the first number for the main values of interest.The second number is on Anavar.

Total cholesterol 136 ——-121
HDL 57———42
LDL. 66 ——-65
Triglycerides 44 ——59
Psa. 0.7 ———1.36
HCT. 45.4———51.6
Creatinine 1.22——1.34
eGFR. 67 ———-60
Ast. 28————34
Alt 26. ———28

As you can see there was a minimal hit to lipids and liver. Frankly I’m very surprised that they were not worse. I do take 5 mg of Crestor daily and from previous experience running SARMS, this tends to keep the lipids in check.

I am a little bit shocked how much for the hematocrit rose. The previous labs done in May, reflect a blood donation two weeks prior. I have been increasing my testosterone a little bit along with the Anavar but clearly this is something you need to watch. Now that I am off I will get blood done on my normal schedule I expect everything to be back to normal.

The blood test I had done was from the Cleveland heart lab. You should check it out. It measured all sorts of inflammation markers that can determine if someone has a plaque buildup. All of my markers are in the optimal range so no detectable plaque and also I have optimal HDL/LDL types (I’m terms of size, stickiness, etc) so really no risk here thank God. Will repeat this yearly.
The results are in brothers. Bloodwork at week 5 of 25 mg/day 5 days per week. I never watched my diet and also had about 2 drinks on each weekend.

I am showing the May labs (no gear at all except TRT) as the first number for the main values of interest.The second number is on Anavar.

Total cholesterol 136 ——-121
HDL 57———42
LDL. 66 ——-65
Triglycerides 44 ——59
Psa. 0.7 ———1.36
HCT. 45.4———51.6
Creatinine 1.22——1.34
eGFR. 67 ———-60
Ast. 28————34
Alt 26. ———28

As you can see there was a minimal hit to lipids and liver. Frankly I’m very surprised that they were not worse. I do take 5 mg of Crestor daily and from previous experience running SARMS, this tends to keep the lipids in check.

I am a little bit shocked how much for the hematocrit rose. The previous labs done in May, reflect a blood donation two weeks prior. I have been increasing my testosterone a little bit along with the Anavar but clearly this is something you need to watch. Now that I am off I will get blood done on my normal schedule I expect everything to be back to normal.

The blood test I had done was from the Cleveland heart lab. You should check it out. It measured all sorts of inflammation markers that can determine if someone has a plaque buildup. All of my markers are in the optimal range so no detectable plaque and also I have optimal HDL/LDL types (I’m terms of size, stickiness, etc) so really no risk here thank God. Will repeat this yearly.
Thanks for the methodical and disciplined follow up on your blood work. Since you have the NMR LipoProfile or equivalent (LDL-p counts, etc) can you post those and do you have a baseline pre-oxandrolone. If I am reading your post above correctly, you didn't take a hit on your cholesterol particle counts/sizes with the oxandrolone (on a relative scale) or you don't know compared to baseline, but they still look pretty good on an absolute scale?

My experiences with 50 mg/day (troche) or 7.5 mg/day equiv. (15 mg EOD capsule) of oxandrolone:

Impressive gross lipid profile results! Congrats, especially on your Trig/HDL ratio before vs after.
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