Oxandrolone and Nandrolone (common availability)

@DixieWrecked best to not feed the trolls. I’d just starve (ignore) them if I were u. He just likes to muddy up threads with constant arguing, and offers no constructive input to the OP’s.
I noticed that too, pretty much immediately when I joined. I haven't been into workout/hormone forums since I started learning back in 06' but there's always those guys who bring negativity
Lean tissue gain and fat loss.

No. I don't care if you don't believe me. If you don't think people can gain muscle from steady state levels of AAS in their blood over 2 years that's your perogative.
That's exactly my stance. All the studies are short term, under 1 year. The guys get measured but they retain more than just lean tissue. Just blasting AAS will temporarily add weight and size but it won't last and it's mostly fake.

How do we know that blasting 600 here and there and trying to keep it with a cruise is better than a constant 200-350 total Test/Nan over the course of 3,5,10 yrs. Add legal orals and GH/IGF-1 boosting compounds..

We have all these legal low dose tools to our disposal, to run for life! The guys who blast tend to be reckless and don't last very long anyway, they don't even know what they are putting on their body from UGLs. You see them blow up and shrink bc they can't hold the size and live a normal life without health issues. I think what we have keeps us gaining slowly and steadily without having to quit bc of serious health issues. It's a marthaon, slow and steady and eventually you will pass the reckless guy.

I can see my physique change weekly, strength is already very close to when I was taking 600-1000mg test. I would take this for life over gambling with UGLs and shrinking from blasting.
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That's exactly my stance. All the studies are short term, under 1 year. The guys get measured but they retain more than just lean tissue. Just blasting AAS will temporarily add weight and size but it won't last and it's mostly fake.

How do we know that blasting 600 here and there and trying to keep it with a cruise is better than a constant 200-350 total Test/Nan over the course of 3,5,10 yrs. Add legal orals and GH/IGF-1 boosting compounds..

We have all these legal low dose tools to our disposal, to run for life! The guys who blast tend to be reckless and don't last very long anyway, they don't even know what they are putting on their body from UGLs. You see them blow up and shrink bc they can't hold the size and live a normal life without health issues. I think what we have keeps us gaining slowly and steadily without having to quit bc of serious health issues. It's a marthaon, slow and steady and eventually you will pass the reckless guy.

I can see my physique change weekly, strength is already very close to when I was taking 600-1000mg test. I would take this for life over gambling with UGLs and shrinking from blasting.
Thats awesome Kev! A story from my childhood about the tortoise and the hare comes to mind. Nothing beats consistent hard work over a long period of time!
@DixieWrecked best to not feed the trolls. I’d just starve (ignore) them if I were u. He just likes to muddy up threads with constant arguing, and offers no constructive input to the OP’s. Everyone else obv understands what ur saying. Happy that u have been making progress in the gym. As men, it definitely helps improve overall well being when u feel strong and like what u look like physically. That improved well being definitely carries over to all improving all other aspects of life, imo.
Thanks man! Excited to hear about your oxandrolone experience!
You mean this f***ing clown!

I like Greg Doucette. If I would have got caught mailing friends AAS I would be a drug trafficker
, charges are always silly sounding. Like if some fat guy gets a BJ from a 50 yr old hooker on meth he gets charged with human trafficking. Sounds like he's a monster but in reality it's just LE being silly with words and over-reacting.

Greg was doing what most guys who are heavily into the bodybuilding hobby do. The govt doesn't need to worry about my hormones anyway, that's so goofy.

But anyway, in my opinion Greg knows his stuff, has great success as a trainer to some famous guys. I enjoy his diet advice alot and he looks great.
Reading through this thread, some of it is a bit sensationalized to the extent of what it was originallyly poking fun at.
I know what you mean. Im sure some guys need the Nandrolone for pain but I can't see a reason for needing an oral (for HRT reasons), there are many very well know "clinics" prescribing 50mg Oxandrolone and happy to give you everything you ask for if you have the cash. When I saw that I started laughing.

I absolutely love it don't get me wrong but it just made me laugh, like ok this is the new way to get your stuff. Some clinics advertising comes across as being very shady. Also the front men of these clinics usually aren't doc's but into bodybuilding and asthetics, so it gives the vibe of using these compounds more for looks. I'm a big fan though and happy to spend 5-10k a yr dialing in my levels to the max safe level
That is really a LOT of trouble that you are going to, for what? Oxandrolone has around 9-11 hour half life. Just take the capsule with some caffeine which will more than double the bioavailability and make things easy on yourself.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Never heard anything like that.
That's exactly my stance. All the studies are short term, under 1 year. The guys get measured but they retain more than just lean tissue. Just blasting AAS will temporarily add weight and size but it won't last and it's mostly fake.

How do we know that blasting 600 here and there and trying to keep it with a cruise is better than a constant 200-350 total Test/Nan over the course of 3,5,10 yrs. Add legal orals and GH/IGF-1 boosting compounds..

We have all these legal low dose tools to our disposal, to run for life!
The guys who blast tend to be reckless and don't last very long anyway, they don't even know what they are putting on their body from UGLs. You see them blow up and shrink bc they can't hold the size and live a normal life without health issues. I think what we have keeps us gaining slowly and steadily without having to quit bc of serious health issues. It's a marthaon, slow and steady and eventually you will pass the reckless guy.

I can see my physique change weekly, strength is already very close to when I was taking 600-1000mg test. I would take this for life over gambling with UGLs and shrinking from blasting.

Most training natty will reach their genetic potential within 3-4 years and even then during the first year is when you make the best newbie gains and much less over the following years if we are speaking in terms of pure dry gains.

Bulking up gaining muscle mass (water bloat/glycogen), adipose.....sure your gains may very well seem amazing.

Look at any natty training in the gym and I am talking about the ones dedicated to training hard and eating right.....years later after they have plateaued (muscle/strength) they just end up spinning their wheels indefinitely.

Genetics has the final say and naturally, one can only hold so much muscle top it off that most are stuck with average test levels at best and even then eventually T declines to much lower levels than one had in their youth/prime!

Hoping on trt using therapeutic doses of T let alone ND and following a proper diet/training protocol will definitely enhance muscle/strength gains and recovery but pure dry gains would be modest at best and far from significant even when staying on therapeutic doses long-term.

Why because the body will adapt to said level of hormones and you will not continue to gain indefinitely no matter how hard you continue to train or how much food you stuff down your pie hole!

The next step is increasing your dose of T/AAS let alone stacking various compounds if you want to continue to make further gains in muscle tissue and increase strength.

If your strength is on par with when you were taking 600 mg let alone a gram of test/week then I would say your gear was highly underdosed.

That is absurd, to say the least!
I like Greg Doucette. If I would have got caught mailing friends AAS I would be a drug trafficker
, charges are always silly sounding. Like if some fat guy gets a BJ from a 50 yr old hooker on meth he gets charged with human trafficking. Sounds like he's a monster but in reality it's just LE being silly with words and over-reacting.

Greg was doing what most guys who are heavily into the bodybuilding hobby do. The govt doesn't need to worry about my hormones anyway, that's so goofy.

But anyway, in my opinion Greg knows his stuff, has great success as a trainer to some famous guys. I enjoy his diet advice alot and he looks great.

Not rocket science when it comes to giving out nutrition let alone advice of PED use if you have been in the game long enough.
I noticed that too, pretty much immediately when I joined. I haven't been into workout/hormone forums since I started learning back in 06' but there's always those guys who bring negativity

Yup, every forum/ group has them. Just got to ignore them and give ur attention to the other 99% of guys that are there for the right reasons. To answer questions, ask questions, support the other members, learn and share their experiences and knowledge in hopes it can help someone else on their HRT journey. Just have to ignore the guys that come here just to judge, put other members down, fight with people to feed their ego and make people feel dumb
Yup, every forum/ group has them. Just got to ignore them and give ur attention to the other 99% of guys that are there for the right reasons. To answer questions, ask questions, support the other members, learn and share their experiences and knowledge in hopes it can help someone else on their HRT journey. Just have to ignore the guys that come here just to judge, put other members down, fight with people to feed their ego and make people feel dumb

Get back to me when you search through all the threads/posts on here!

We know why you're mad.

No one fighting on here and as I stated you are going to get called out for some things.

Stick to those other forums you waste your time on.....you know some of the ones that are juiced to the gills with bro science!

Like I told you before I can see right through you man.....gullible you are.
I know what you mean. Im sure some guys need the Nandrolone for pain but I can't see a reason for needing an oral (for HRT reasons), there are many very well know "clinics" prescribing 50mg Oxandrolone and happy to give you everything you ask for if you have the cash. When I saw that I started laughing.

I absolutely love it don't get me wrong but it just made me laugh, like ok this is the new way to get your stuff. Some clinics advertising comes across as being very shady. Also the front men of these clinics usually aren't doc's but into bodybuilding and asthetics, so it gives the vibe of using these compounds more for looks. I'm a big fan though and happy to spend 5-10k a yr dialing in my levels to the max safe level
Definitely. And the more the doors open to these medications by those who went first, the more we will see people with the cash but not necessarily the brains or morals starting or expanding “clinics” to make some money. It happened with T and peptides too. There exist many online testosterone mills that are the quality equivalent health-wise of eating Burger King chicken nugget fries.

We (Defy) waited until recently and were not the first to more openly prescribe these because we wanted to make sure that prescribing is done the right way, to the right patients, and for the right reasons. Not everyone gets them; far from it in fact. I think broadly-speaking that the hype of AAS far overshadows the reality of them. Even here, they are exciting to discuss and propose theories because they were once forbidden. Sorry, but if you don’t work your butt off and know what you are doing, you just wasted a lot of money.

But I get what you are saying. It is not for everyone and perhaps even a little bit of a luxury or privilege like the peptides or HGH. If you have the cash then being prescribed these medications is easier now than it used to be.
I’m not sure if any compounding pharmacies make it in tab form. I just ordered some this morning from Empower.
I just noticed you said Empower, my doc said they recently discontinued offering Oxandrolone bc that's where I get my stuff from. Im glad you said that, I'll check it out.
Like I told you before I can see right through you man.....gullible you are.
I know I'm new here but why are you being so aggressive? I respect everyones beliefs and goals. You can find a study that validates all sorts of perspectives. AAS long term use from HRT to abuse is very under studied, we're all doing our best to figure out what works and what doesn't for our own body.

If Gman tried something and it worked for him, that's great! Why do we need him to do all this stuff to prove anything to us?

We're here to support each other, positivity goes a long way.
There exist many online testosterone mills that are the quality equivalent health-wise of eating Burger King chicken nugget fries.
Yes sir, seems to be that way unfortunately. I hope they don't ruin it for the "good guys". I didn't even realize you were with Defy, I just heard this was a good place to learn. I've heard good things about you guys, if ever part with my doc I'll come check you out.
I know I'm new here but why are you being so aggressive? I respect everyones beliefs and goals. You can find a study that validates all sorts of perspectives. AAS long term use from HRT to abuse is very under studied, we're all doing our best to figure out what works and what doesn't for our own body.

If Gman tried something and it worked for him, that's great! Why do we need him to do all this stuff to prove anything to us?

We're here to support each other, positivity goes a long way.
He hung himself out to dry a few years back.....still getting his panties in a bind when someone gets called out.

I am blunt and str8 to the point.....no beating around the bush here.

We are on trt/hrt.....misleading to make such wild claims as one gaining a significant amount of muscle (dry gains) using a therapeutic dose of T/AAS let alone long-term.

I made my point to you in post # 23/25.

Dixie was asked to post pics.....Nuff said.
@Jason Sypolt
What supplements do u take that minimize ur HDL drop to only a few points? And what is ur general baseline HDL level? Mine is around 60. 61 on recent labs. So I have a little wiggle room in that regard. Obv want to minimize it dropping as much as possible tho if I can help it.

What was ur SHBG prior to it going into single digits, and what dose of Oxandrolone brought it down to single digits? My SHBG was at 39 on my most recent labs
@Jason Sypolt
What supplements do u take that minimize ur HDL drop to only a few points? And what is ur general baseline HDL level? Mine is around 60. 61 on recent labs. So I have a little wiggle room in that regard. Obv want to minimize it dropping as much as possible tho if I can help it.

What was ur SHBG prior to it going into single digits, and what dose of Oxandrolone brought it down to single digits? My SHBG was at 39 on my most recent labs
NAC and fish oil.

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