Thanks for the methodical and disciplined follow up on your blood work. Since you have the NMR LipoProfile or equivalent (LDL-p counts, etc) can you post those and do you have a baseline pre-oxandrolone. If I am reading your post above correctly, you didn't take a hit on your cholesterol particle counts/sizes with the oxandrolone (on a relative scale) or you don't know compared to baseline, but they still look pretty good on an absolute scale?
My experiences with 50 mg/day (troche) or 7.5 mg/day equiv. (15 mg EOD capsule) of oxandrolone:
Oxandrolone Troche Experience: Potential Atherosclerosis Marker WMD
Ok, I realize everybody typically does what they want to do but in case this helps someone. I have historically only used prescription androgens at “therapeutic” dosages (under cumulative 250 mg/week). I’ve been challenged with some issues that allows me to trial nandrolone and
Realistic TRT Recomp Progress
I’ve been taking mine late in the afternoon. I always sleep like trash so idk if it effects
Impressive gross lipid profile results! Congrats, especially on your Trig/HDL ratio before vs after.
I don’t have recent pre cycle inflammation / particle sizes (last test like this was 10 years ago). At that time I was pretty much optimal so not much has changed in all these years. I am posting my recent labs for these tests below - anyone can order them from Quest (and I assume Lab Corp). It’s good to know these numbers.
My doc is a big believer in low dose statins, vitamin D, coq10, and EPA fish oil to lower cardiac inflammation. He works a lot with police and military and due to different stress factors tend to have a lot of inflammation, according to him.