Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

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I’ve been doing 120mg split MWF.

Coming off TRT, ED resolved itself fairly quickly but still never recovered to the way it was pre-TRT. Libido, sensitivity/pleasure, and semen volume remained terrible with no signs of improvement after 7 months.

It’s only been 2.5 weeks since I started NPP. Libido/pleasure/etc has already mostly disappeared compared to last week’s honeymoon and my testes have started shrinking, but erection strength is still going strong. Also, I haven’t seen my back this clear since I was a kid. Other than the libido issue I feel 10/10 (so far).

Trying to decide what kind of fine-tuning I should do next. Might add low-dose hCG by itself. Maybe with low-dose Test. We’ll see.
Ya I would add in a low dose of HCG, and titrate that up every week or two by 250iu’s/ week. So start by adding 250iu’s/ week, do that for a week to two, see how u feel, and titrate up by 250iu’s/ week, repeat

I like the idea of seeing if hcg could improve anything, over test rn, due to hcg having a short half life
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Wow this post really gives me hope! I feel the same way that test permanently changed something in my body when it comes to libido and erections.
How many times per week do you pin the npp?
I’m doing 120mg split MWF.

Coming off TRT, ED resolved itself fairly quickly but still never recovered to the way it was pre-TRT. Libido, sensitivity/pleasure, and semen volume remained terrible with no signs of improvement after 7 months.

It’s only been 2.5 weeks since I started NPP. Libido/pleasure/etc has already mostly disappeared compared to last week’s honeymoon and my testes have started shrinking, but erection strength is still going strong. Also, I haven’t seen my back this clear since I was a kid. So far, other than the libido issue I feel 10/10.

Trying to decide what kind of fine-tuning I should do next. Might add low-dose hCG by itself. Maybe with low-dose Test. We’ll see.
Ya I would add in a low dose of HCG, and titrate that up every week or two but 250iu’s/ week. So start by adding 250iu’s/ week, do that for a week to two, see how u feel, and titrate up by 250iu’s/ week, repeat

I like the idea of seeing if hcg could improve anything, over test rn, due to hcg having a short half life
Thanks! That’s the plan. Other than a 2 week honeymoon on TRT, I never felt good on any dose of Test, so I’m kinda trying to avoid using it at all. I’d even consider Mast, Proviron or Primo before Test if I need DHT.
When did u switch from ur previous protocol to this?

What protocol were u on prior?

What ester of test u using, cyp?
I was using 120mg test Cyp pinning MWF. I waited two weeks for most of it to clear out my system and started using 200 NPP pinning EOD and 21mg test cyp pinning EOD.

With the goal of hoping it fixes my ED atleast to levels prior to TRT
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Thanks! That’s the plan. Other than a 2 week honeymoon on TRT, I never felt good on any dose of Test, so I’m kinda trying to avoid using it at all. I’d even consider Mast, Proviron or Primo before Test if I need DHT.
it’s tough to know how adding a dht to a nandrolone base will affect things. I can see adding a dht like proviron or mast possibly being beneficial, if it adds some dht receptor activation in the mix, but u also have to factor in that they inhibit estrogen. And with a nandrolone base, the name of the game is increasing estrogen into the ideal range for u and ur body. So ya, adding a dht derivative could possibly be beneficial by adding in some dht receptor activation, but is it counterproductive due to it also lowering estrogen, and possibly leaving ur estrogen too low?

Plus, I don’t think anyone truly knows what dht derivatives are doing, when it comes to dht receptor activation. Like obv they don’t increase dht in the serum on a blood test. Do we even know if it activates dht receptors like straight dht does? Could it possibly compete for dht receptors with any endogenous dht in ur system? I wish I knew the answers to these questions. But since I don’t, I just don’t know whether adding a dht derivative to a nandrolone base/ nandrolone solo protocol, would be a good idea. Guess only way to find out is to try it, and see if u feel better or worse
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it’s tough to know how adding a dht to a nandrolone base will affect things. I can see adding a dht like proviron or mast possibly being beneficial, if it adds some dht receptor activation in the mix, but u also have to factor in that they inhibit estrogen. And with a nandrolone base, the name of the game is increasing estrogen into the ideal range for u and ur body. So ya, adding a dht derivative could possibly be beneficial by adding in some dht receptor activation, but is it counterproductive due to it also lowering estrogen, and possibly leaving ur estrogen too low?

Plus, I don’t think anyone truly knows what dht derivatives are doing, when it comes to dht receptor activation. Like obv they don’t increase dht in the serum on a blood test. Do we even know if it activates dht receptors like straight dht does? Could it possibly compete for dht receptors with any endogenous dht in ur system? I wish I knew the answers to these questions. But since I don’t, I just don’t know whether adding a dht derivative to a nandrolone base/ nandrolone solo protocol, would be a good idea. Guess only way to find out is to try it, and see if u feel better or worse
Sounds reasonable enough. I’ll follow your lead and only add hCG for now.
Yes but in terms of how it feels? Libido, wellbeing,… ?
So I’ve definitely heard that some guys feel better on NPP, than Deca. I assume it probably has something to do with why some guys feel better on test prop, than longer esters of test. Imo, it might have something to do with shorter esters being associated with possibly shutting down the HPTA less. This is debatable, but I’ve seen studies showing that men’s fertility were better on test prop, than on test cyp. Can only assume that this is due to less shut down, with the test prop. NPP has a longer half life than test prop. Test prop is 0.8 days, and NPP is 1.5 days. But there’s still a chance that NPP causes less shut down, imo, than deca, which has a half life of 7.5 days. In my personal opinion, any time u have less shut down, and downstream hormones are less shut down, ur going to feel and function better. Again, in my personal opinion, a big reason why some guys feel better on short ester/ no ester forms of test, is due to less shut down of the HPTA/ less shut down of downstream hormones. So imo, it’s always better to use shorter ester forms of these compounds. Only upsides to using long esters are convenience, and they increase nitrogen retention more than shorter esters. So they have their place. And they usually come in higher concentrations per ML (200mg/ml), which usually will save u money, compared to using the shorter esters that come in concentrations of 100mg/ ml, the majority of the time.

So if u don’t mind injecting NPP EOD, or E3D, I would personally go with the NPP, if I were u. It’s also always a lot faster to dial in a protocol when using shorter esters. Another reason I would use NPP over deca.

I personally only use deca, for the majority of the nandrolone I inject each week, because it’s from empower, and I know it’s exactly what it says it is. I trust my UGL source, but obv always prefer using pharma products, over UGL, when I can. I still use a little bit of NPP in my protocol, but the majority of the nandrolone I’m on is the deca that I get prescribed. I use the NPP mainly because of its faster half life. So when im adjusting my test and nandrolone dosages, i like to adjust the NPP dose, not the deca. Deca stays the same, and I adjust my NPP dose, since I know I’ll reach steady state again within about 7.5 days. Vs reaching steady state again, after a dosage change with deca, in about 37.5 days
Just an update here...I started tinkering with my protocol shortly after my last post a month ago. I raised the NPP from 120mg to 150mg, added 1,000iu hCG (I started with 500iu but balls kept shrinking and hurting), and added 30mg Test. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can't remember the last time I consistently felt this good. If this isn't just another honeymoon and I continue feeling this way, then 2 years of suffering on TRT would have been worth it.

Sensitivity and libido significantly improved after adding Test to NPP+hCG. On NPP+hCG, EQ was amazing but libido and sensitivity were mediocre. Restful sleep has been a bit tougher to achieve after adding Test and my BP went up about 10 pts as well.

I really need to get this BP shit under control. Typically, I'm at 125/65 but now I'm at 140/70. I'm going to ask my doctor for an ACE inhibitor tomorrow. I'm also considering perhaps dropping the NPP dose back to 120mg or maybe even 90mg to see if it'll help. I plan on getting bloodwork next week and want to schedule getting a CT scan to keep track of my heart. Either way, @Gman86 discovering your post history has been a serious game changer in my life and I can't thank you enough for that.

Stay tuned.
Not on here for a long while. This thread runs counter to everything that was posted on Excelmale few years ago. Nandrolone decanoate can't raise serum T. Perhaps this thread has nothing to do with TRT. Both this site and my MD recommend never exceeding 1:1 Nan/Tcyp in mg per week to avoid decadick. I had to use much less and it took weeks to regain normal erection after discontinuing. Age and excess body fat likely affect the outcome.

Here's what the NIH has to say about half life:
["Nandrolone decanoate has an absorption half life of 6 days and an elimination half life of 4.3 hours. Alternate studies have shown that nandrolone decanoate has a terminal half life of 7.1, 11.7, and 11.8 hours for doses of 50, 100, and 150 mg respectively"]

Regarding how pp are posting: Good to know that all syringes on earth are calibrated the same. [ "Deca - 29 on the syringe EOD (203mg/ week)" ] If I were a noob I'd be scratching my head. 29 what? 29 ml? Bad form. Post the dose you take or don't bother. Both Deca and Tcyp are typically 200mg per ml but a noob wouldn't know this. Does actually mean 0.29 ml? Isn't that 232 mg / week assuming 58 mg per day. EOD dosing: Su-Tu-TH-Sat (4 x 58 mg = 232 mg). I'm not an expert; I'm missing something.

["Running a nandrolone BASE"] Nice. What for? Sounds like a thread from a bodybuilding forum.
Just an update here...I started tinkering with my protocol shortly after my last post a month ago. I raised the NPP from 120mg to 150mg, added 1,000iu hCG (I started with 500iu but balls kept shrinking and hurting), and added 30mg Test. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can't remember the last time I consistently felt this good. If this isn't just another honeymoon and I continue feeling this way, then 2 years of suffering on TRT would have been worth it.

Sensitivity and libido significantly improved after adding Test to NPP+hCG. On NPP+hCG, EQ was amazing but libido and sensitivity were mediocre. Restful sleep has been a bit tougher to achieve after adding Test and my BP went up about 10 pts as well.

I really need to get this BP shit under control. Typically, I'm at 125/65 but now I'm at 140/70. I'm going to ask my doctor for an ACE inhibitor tomorrow. I'm also considering perhaps dropping the NPP dose back to 120mg or maybe even 90mg to see if it'll help. I plan on getting bloodwork next week and want to schedule getting a CT scan to keep track of my heart. Either way, @Gman86 discovering your post history has been a serious game changer in my life and I can't thank you enough for that.

Stay tuned.
Wauw! Great to hear youre doing good! Cant wait to start with my npp journey.
But the blood pressure thing kinda freaks me out..
Wauw! Great to hear youre doing good! Cant wait to start with my npp journey.
But the blood pressure thing kinda freaks me out..
Thank you! TBF, it started about 10 days after adding Test to my protocol, so I’m not sure if it’s all because of the NPP. On NPP+hCG my BP was ok. But yeah, it’s freaking me out as well. We’ll see what the doctor says today. Other than BP everything else is great.
Thank you! TBF, it started about 10 days after adding Test to my protocol, so I’m not sure if it’s all because of the NPP. On NPP+hCG my BP was ok. But yeah, it’s freaking me out as well. We’ll see what the doctor says today. Other than BP everything else is great.
Let us know what he says
Thank you! TBF, it started about 10 days after adding Test to my protocol, so I’m not sure if it’s all because of the NPP. On NPP+hCG my BP was ok. But yeah, it’s freaking me out as well. We’ll see what the doctor says today. Other than BP everything else is great.
Do you supplement potassium? In the rare cases when my BP has crept up, that seems to help. I also get plenty of salt, but potassium seems to be the key variable for me (along with a combination of HIIT and longer cardio sessions.)
Just an update here...I started tinkering with my protocol shortly after my last post a month ago. I raised the NPP from 120mg to 150mg, added 1,000iu hCG (I started with 500iu but balls kept shrinking and hurting), and added 30mg Test. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can't remember the last time I consistently felt this good. If this isn't just another honeymoon and I continue feeling this way, then 2 years of suffering on TRT would have been worth it.

Sensitivity and libido significantly improved after adding Test to NPP+hCG. On NPP+hCG, EQ was amazing but libido and sensitivity were mediocre. Restful sleep has been a bit tougher to achieve after adding Test and my BP went up about 10 pts as well.

I really need to get this BP shit under control. Typically, I'm at 125/65 but now I'm at 140/70. I'm going to ask my doctor for an ACE inhibitor tomorrow. I'm also considering perhaps dropping the NPP dose back to 120mg or maybe even 90mg to see if it'll help. I plan on getting bloodwork next week and want to schedule getting a CT scan to keep track of my heart. Either way, @Gman86 discovering your post history has been a serious game changer in my life and I can't thank you enough for that.

Stay tuned.
Man, hearing positive anecdotes like this honestly never gets old. Love them just as much every single time I come across a new one. Not even just in regards to a nandrolone base, but just in general. But I do definitely like hearing about guys finding a protocol that works for them, after suffering for a while, just because it gives hope to other guys still struggling out there, and it reinforces the fact that there’s many different options, when it comes to what can work for us each as individuals, and to never stop experimenting, even if u have to try things that are a bit outside the box

I started from scratch with my nandrolone based protocol recently, and dropped test for a month, and was on just nandrolone by itself. I wanted to start there, and slowly add in test prop, and titrate up my test dose until I found a place where I feel my best, ideally. Not totally there, but I can say I definitely feel better with the test in there, than on nandrolone by itself. Currently up to 40mg of test prop/ week. I also added in a low dose of masteron prop recently, and have noticed that it has helped a bit as well. Currently using 20mg of mast prop/ week. I also use HCG, at 500iu’s/ week.

As far As ur BP goes, do not go on an ACE inhibitor. U absolutely do not need it. Getting BP in range is one of the easiest things to do. And I’m not exaggerating, it’s true. I’ll private message u and explain a bunch of different ways to get it within range
Not on here for a long while. This thread runs counter to everything that was posted on Excelmale few years ago. Nandrolone decanoate can't raise serum T. Perhaps this thread has nothing to do with TRT. Both this site and my MD recommend never exceeding 1:1 Nan/Tcyp in mg per week to avoid decadick. I had to use much less and it took weeks to regain normal erection after discontinuing. Age and excess body fat likely affect the outcome.

Here's what the NIH has to say about half life:
["Nandrolone decanoate has an absorption half life of 6 days and an elimination half life of 4.3 hours. Alternate studies have shown that nandrolone decanoate has a terminal half life of 7.1, 11.7, and 11.8 hours for doses of 50, 100, and 150 mg respectively"]

Regarding how pp are posting: Good to know that all syringes on earth are calibrated the same. [ "Deca - 29 on the syringe EOD (203mg/ week)" ] If I were a noob I'd be scratching my head. 29 what? 29 ml? Bad form. Post the dose you take or don't bother. Both Deca and Tcyp are typically 200mg per ml but a noob wouldn't know this. Does actually mean 0.29 ml? Isn't that 232 mg / week assuming 58 mg per day. EOD dosing: Su-Tu-TH-Sat (4 x 58 mg = 232 mg). I'm not an expert; I'm missing something.

["Running a nandrolone BASE"] Nice. What for? Sounds like a thread from a bodybuilding forum.
No ur right, I hate when guys post their dose in ml’s, vs how many mgs. I definitely should know better. I’ll clarify real quick. My deca does come in 200mg/ ml strength, so each ml is obv 200mg. And I use a 1ml syringe. So if u draw up to the 29th line on a 1ml syringe, while using a compound made in 200mg/ ml strength, that would equal 58mg of the compound. And I injected that EOD. So u divide the 58mg by two, to get how much I’m getting on a daily basis, which would be 29mg, and then u multiply that by 7, to get how much I’m getting per week, which would be 203mg.

And nandrolone is just another tool in the HRT toolbox. Guys use testosterone when running steroid cycles, doesn’t mean every guy using test is trying to be a bodybuilder, and/ or run a steroid cycle. Each compound has unique qualities, that we can then use to our advantage. Another example would be something like proviron. If a guy has a good total test level, but a very high SHBG, and consequently a very low free T level, they can take something like low dose proviron. That will lower SHBG, and improve free test levels. Proviron has also been shown to improve fertility, in men. It also can inhibit estrogen, at the receptor level. So if a guy wants to improve their test to estrogen ratio, but doesn’t want to take an ai, something like proviron could be a good option.

And yes, when using a test base, it is usually recommended to using twice the amount of test, as nandrolone. Men seem to have the most success, using this ratio. But when using nandrolone as a base, u want to get most of ur androgen needs from the nandrolone, and use the minimal effective dose of testosterone, to simply get the amount of estradiol in ur system that u feel/ function best with. The test most likely also helps due to increasing DHT levels a bit
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Just an update here...I started tinkering with my protocol shortly after my last post a month ago. I raised the NPP from 120mg to 150mg, added 1,000iu hCG (I started with 500iu but balls kept shrinking and hurting), and added 30mg Test. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can't remember the last time I consistently felt this good. If this isn't just another honeymoon and I continue feeling this way, then 2 years of suffering on TRT would have been worth it.

Sensitivity and libido significantly improved after adding Test to NPP+hCG. On NPP+hCG, EQ was amazing but libido and sensitivity were mediocre. Restful sleep has been a bit tougher to achieve after adding Test and my BP went up about 10 pts as well.

I really need to get this BP shit under control. Typically, I'm at 125/65 but now I'm at 140/70. I'm going to ask my doctor for an ACE inhibitor tomorrow. I'm also considering perhaps dropping the NPP dose back to 120mg or maybe even 90mg to see if it'll help. I plan on getting bloodwork next week and want to schedule getting a CT scan to keep track of my heart. Either way, @Gman86 discovering your post history has been a serious game changer in my life and I can't thank you enough for that.

Stay tuned.
I forgot to ask but at what frequency do you inject the 30mg of testosterone?
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