This all was very informative, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience,
I had a low t , bellow lower range (age 48 and all symptoms of hypogonadism), started with test cyp 150 mg per week, went up and currently 250 mg per week, went every 2 months by 20 mg up so far , additionally add deca , starting 80 mg and came up to 150 mg per week.So far felt only improvement going up, not a single side effect or anything felt bad…my libido came back, sex drive really nice.only no morning wood at all, I am using around 750 of hcg , and all is good.My muscles get better and muscle mass improved but I am also pushing gym seriosly.Sometimes I am wondering if I have a bit more space for additional improvement , would it be logical to go up with test cyp additionally 20 mg up or nandrolone?, what would be logical to do first?, would Winstrol as add be beneficial to me?
I definitely wouldn’t go up any further with either test or nandrolone. Ur weekly androgen load is clearly already pretty high lol
To get morning wood back I would probably either lower ur nandrolone dose a bit, or add a small dose of a dht derivative, like proviron, for example. Like even just start with 5mg/ day of proviron. With anything u take, u always want to take the lowest effective dose, to achieve ur goals. When u’ve been in the HRT game as long as I have, u realize that one of the most important things, when it comes to success, is being patient, starting with the lowest effective dose, titrating up slowly, if needed, and not overshooting the sweetspot with things
With u being on a test base, u want to take the lowest effective dose of nandrolone, to achieve ur goals. Test and nandrolone aren’t usually the best when used together. Due to test being a high metabolite converter. Aka it converts into estrogen and dht at pretty high rates, compared to other AAS. And estrogen is the main stimulator of prolactin, in the male body, so it also tends to raise prolactin levels to a pretty good degree.
Then u have nandrolone, that sensitizes estrogen and prolactin receptors, making whatever estrogen and prolactin u have in ur system more potent. Nandrolone also supposedly increases the rate at which testosterone converts into estrogen. And then there’s also a progesterone component, since nandrolone is a progestin. So overall u just have to be careful when using test and nandorlone together. Their individual properties make them a little risky to use together.
So when using a test base, u always want to use the lowest effective dose of nandrolone, to reach ur goals, and when using a nandrolone base, u always want to use the lowest effective dose of test, again to achieve ur goals