Why would I turn down a patient with your symptoms? I might not agree with WHY you think you are experiencing what you are experiencing, and I am not saying your symptoms aren't real, I just disagree with your proposed etiology because there is no empirical evidence that this could happen.
Many of your symptoms sound very similar to PFS, and I am assuming you've browsed the PFS forums due to your hair issues, those forums are toxic. I believe PFS is nothing more than chronic fatigue syndrome, the anxiety, and depression caused by PFS is perpetuated by a fear of normal male functionings not returning (this has been a proposed theory from people who cured themselves of PFS) . When you are in a constant state of anxiety and depressed because of your anxiety, you will not have a libido and erections will be poor. There was a study on Finasteride where the placebo group reported a laundry list of sexual side effects compared to the Finasteride group, this should clue in any researcher that there is a large nocebo effect at play here.
I am certainly not saying that these symptoms are "made up" at all, they are very real, but millions of other people have the exact same symptoms (fatigue, low libido, ED, depression, anxiety, insomnia) and its labeled as chronic fatigue syndrome, PFS is not some "stand alone" issue. I feel like you've adopted many symptoms of PFS and created this "estrogen insensitivity" out of it.
Go to the PFS forums and make a thread that Finasteride made you grow horns and watch how many people will chime and say "ME TOO!!". The more studies they keep doing on this phenomenon the more a nocebo pattern emerges. All of your reported side effects are nearly word for word PFS symptoms.
Youre saying i'm psychosomatically creating my symptoms. Before I read a single PFS thread I had all these symptoms. And again, I never had anxiety or depression in my entire life. As we speak right now, I am not feeling either and my physical symptoms still exist. More than ever. I've gone to the gym upset before and still got an insane pump, but I haven't got a pump in 5 months. I've been through SUCH rough times prior to this, and it never dampened my libido. My libido couldn't ever be satiated. Libido isn't even my primary issue. Severe dry skin, lips, and mouth, severe hair loss (happens in women who take AIs for breast cancer therapy, and guys who use letro to destroy gyno), loss of aggression, strength, blood
flow to muscles, constantly flat... I could keep going on.
Im simply using PFS as way to show you that these types of things exist where inhibitors can cause persistent symptoms.
If you even paid a little attention to my posts I don't have anything like PFS, minus the libido which is expected with a non functioning ER. I have normal energy, great sleep, beard growth, no penile shrinkage or loss of sensitivity. Also, if you really analyzed PFS, you'll see that some guys simply had hypogonadism and got better over time- this isn't even PFS. Dr. Chrisler even said this. However, there's men who have not recovered and tried large amounts of T & DHT with no response and even got worse.
This is exactly what happened to me. Everytime I increased my estrogen I got permanently worse.
Lol and lastly, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. You will NOT find it. I'm aware of this. My argument is that it is something we have not studied yet in medicine and absolutely needs more research on.
Trust me I know the importance of data, research, and published literature. You're not talking to an idiot. I was a cell and molecular biology major, current nursing student, and future DNP. I look at evidenced based practice all day. I see where you're coming from and I try not to get frustrated because honestly if I was you, and someone was telling me this I'd say they're crazy. But take a step back, realize I have presented solid BW, do not have CFS symptoms, and acquired this all immediately from an arimidex mediate E2 crash.