The doctor that put me on my first TRT protocol lost his practice. He started me at a young age without even testing me. I was not educated on the process and thought I was supplementing not replacing my testosterone... When I found another clinic in my area the doctor thought I was way too young to be on TRT so he took me off my protocol and put me on 50MG of Clomid Monday - Friday and off Saturday/Sunday.
Here are the positives-
My nuts blew up to the size of small eggs
My T levels were over 1,000
Here are the negatives-
I lost my libido
Had suicidal thoughts
Experience rapid hair loss
Couldn't get out of bed
Joints hurt
Experience ED (had to get on Viagra, Stendra, Cialis, ETC)
Plus many more physical and emotional sides
I found another doctor who put me back on TRT and within days things started to resolve themselves but then I had a whole new set of issues.
I started having the following-
tingling in my extremities - arms, legs tingling and going numb
tingling sensations would wake me up in my sleep sometimes my back and face would tingle
went from bench pressing over 500lbs to less than 200lbs
had issues seeing at night, I couldn't drive early or late as it was dangerous
blurred vision
had issues with my equilibrium and balance
had to stop wearing socks and shoes during the day because the touch would almost instantly cause my shins or feet to go numb
issues with being extremely cold or hot
So I exhausted every option locally. Getting referred to specialist and finally going all the way to Rochester, MN to the Mayo Clinic.
What I did was fight everyday. Started back on bench at 135 and did the work, even if I was weak. I walked on the treadmill with numb feet almost ignoring them. I cleaned up my diet and everything very slowly subsided. I tried to take each little win and magnify it and let it carry me to the next win... I have no idea what it was but I do feel I let my mind get the best of me. Once I thought I had MS and I read more and more about it, it was somewhat self fulfilling... I am diagnosed with OCD and it was be powerful in a negative way or it can be positive too...
Last Saturday I had a great chest workout... 20 sets and on some doing over 400lbs for reps... When we finished the group wanted to do a 225 rep out.. Combine style but after 20 sets? I got 53 reps and crushed everybody

.... The mind is powerful!!!!