News & Research:
Omega-3 inhibits blood vessel growth in age-related macular degeneration - Science Daily, 6/17/14 - "Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is characterized by choroidal neovascularization (CNV), or blood vessel growth, is the primary cause of blindness in elderly individuals of industrialized countries ... the omega (ω

-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs), DHA and EPA, and their specific bioactive products derived from the cytochrome P450 (CYP) pathway, can influence choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and vascular leakage by modulating micro-environmental immune cell recruitment to the site of these lesions ... Given the prevalence of neovascular eye disease, the potential impact of this study is highly significant. We have identified unique endogenous lipid biometabolites that are able to inhibit pathologic retinal angiogenesis, a major driver of vision loss worldwide"- See
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Diet Rich in Polyphenols Improves Glucose Metabolism - Medscape, 6/4/14 - "they randomized 45 patients to one of four diets: a standard control diet that was low in omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a diet rich in polyphenols, and a diet that included omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. All patients were overweight or obese, with a body-mass index > 30 ... Although individuals lost more weight on the eight-week omega-3-fatty-acid–enriched diet, there were significantly greater improvements in plasma glucose and plasma insulin levels with the polyphenol-enriched diet during an oral glucose tolerance test. The improvement in glucose metabolism was observed only in those who consumed the polyphenol-enriched diet ... this particular mechanism of action with polyphenols is similar to drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. However, rather than wait until the patient is diagnosed with the metabolic disease, a diet rich in polyphenols could be used as a preventive strategy"
Diet can predict cognitive decline, researchers say - Science Daily, 4/27/14 -"What is the takeaway from this research? There is growing evidence that very long chain omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for maintaining cognitive health, and many Americans do not have an adequate intake of these nutrients" - See
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Fatty-Fish Consumption Alters HDL-Particle Profile - Medscape, 3/7/14 - "Although total-, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol levels did not change, for those who consumed this healthy diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the intake of fish was strongly correlated with an increased concentration of large HDL particles, including an increase in the average diameter of HDL particles and an increase in the concentrations of large HDL lipid components ... The changes that we saw in large HDL particles could be related to those parameters that are functionally related to reverse cholesterol transport ... Thus, our findings could partly explain the known protective effects of fish consumption against atherosclerosis"
Fish Oil Might Guard Against Loss of Brain Cells - WebMD, 1/22/14 -"The more you consume the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils, the less likely you are to lose as many precious brain cells as you age ... the researchers tested levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the red blood cells of more than 1,000 older women. Eight years later, the women had MRI scans that measured their brain volumes. At the time of the scans, the women were an average of 78 years old ... Participants whose omega-3 levels were twice as high had a 0.7 percent higher brain volume ... The results suggest that the effect on brain volume is the equivalent of delaying the normal loss of brain cells that comes with aging by one to two years" - [
Medscape] - See
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Fish derived serum omega-3 fatty acids help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes - Science Daily, 1/14/14 - "Ongoing at the University of Eastern Finland, the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD) determined the serum omega-3 fatty acid concentrations of 2,212 men between 42 and 60 years of age at the onset of the study, in 1984-1989 ... follow-up of 19.3 years ... The risk of men in the highest serum omega-3 fatty acid concentration quarter to develop type 2 diabetes was 33% lower than the risk of men in the lowest quarter" - See
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Omega-3 Dietary Supplements Pass Blood-Brain Barrier - Science Daily, 12/4/13 -"omega-3 fatty acids in dietary supplements can cross the blood brain barrier in people with Alzheimer's disease ... The findings are presented in the Journal of Internal Medicine, and strengthen the evidence that omega-3 may benefit certain forms of this seriously debilitating disease ... Thirty-three patients participated in the study, 18 of whom received a daily omega-3 supplement and 15 a placebo for six months. The results show that the first group had higher levels of both DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, another omega-3 fatty acid) in their cerebrospinal fluid (which surrounds the CNS) and blood. No such change was seen in the placebo group ... Moreover, they also found that levels of DHA correlated directly with the degree of change in Alzheimer's disease and inflammatory markers in the cerebrospinal fluid"
Low-fat fish oil changes cancer tissue in prostate cancer, study shows - Science Daily, 11/18/13 - "Men with prostate cancer who ate a low-fat diet and took fish oil supplements had lower levels of pro-inflammatory substances in their blood and a lower cell cycle progression score, a measure used to predict cancer recurrence ... lowering the cell cycle progression (CCP) score may help prevent prostate cancers from becoming more aggressive ... The Western diet consisted of 40 percent of calories from fat, generally equivalent to what many Americans consume today .... The low-fat diet consisted of 15 percent of calories from fat. Additionally, the men on this diet took five grams of fish oil per day in five capsules, three with breakfast and two with dinner, to provide omega-3 fatty acids"
High serum fatty acid protects against brain abnormalities - Science Daily, 10/17/13 - "3,660 people aged 65 and older underwent brain scans to detect so called silent brain infarcts, or small lesions in the brain that can cause loss of thinking skills, dementia and stroke. Scans were performed again five years later on 2,313 of the participants ... silent brain infarcts, which are only detected by brain scans, are found in about 20% of otherwise healthy elderly people ... those who had high long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in blood had about 40% lower risk of having small brain infarcts compared to those with low content of these fatty acids in blood ... people who had high long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in blood also had fewer changes in the white matter in their brains"