Clomid question


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How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin probably due to HCG made me quit in last Decmber. I somehow feel that my prostate was better on TRT even the PSA dropped from a 2.5 to 1.

How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin probably due to HCG made me quit in last Decmber. I somehow feel that my prostate was better on TRT even the PSA dropped from a 2.5 to 1.

Can you explain why you stopped TRT and what steps you took to prevent a crash when you did stop? How old are you and, I presume, you are looking at a restart protocol?
My symptoms were high BP, HCT and heart beat. Phlebotomy was making my Ferretin go very low. I basically stopped it one day. I am back to what I was. Achy body and no strength. I used to have headaches that were due to high prolactin. Yes I would like to restart and I am pretty sure that dr Saya will out me on a clomid regime.
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My symptoms were high BP, HCT and heart beat. Phlebotomy was making my Ferretin go very low. I basically stopped it one day. I am back to what I was. Achy body and no strength. I used to have headaches that were due to high prolactin. Yes I would like to restart and I am pretty sure that dr Saya will out me on a clomid regime.

A sudden cessation of TRT is almost always a ticket to misery. There were far more comfortable, and medically sound, ways to end your earlier TRT protocol. A Clomid/restart regimen requires a skilled doctor, and a lot of patience on the part of the individual patient, but it certainly can work. If you are a Defy patient you'll be in good hands.
My symptoms were high BP, HCT and heart beat. Phlebotomy was making my Ferretin go very low. I basically stopped it one day. I am back to what I was. Achy body and no strength. I used to have headaches that were due to high prolactin. Yes I would like to restart and I am pretty sure that dr Saya will out me on a clomid regime.

High BP and tachycardia are not, to my knowledge, symptoms of normal doses of TRT. Especially not tachycardia. Surely, if your levels approach supra physiologic range, then BP can and will be an issue, but it SHOULD be dose dependent. (Yes, I know everyone is different)

High HCT seems to happen to some guys but there's a solution in phlebotomy....

If you need TRT, just invest in a proper dial in, make a commitment to your HEALTH, and stick with it. I'm not sold on all this restart business especially if you are over 40 because, frankly, do you think your testicles (or hypothalamus/pituitary) are suddenly going to optimize? The answer is that very likely you will continue to experience a decline, so why not just take charge now, get a good Dr. (Saya seems like one for sure), and move on with your life.

*****I really feel that folks with "poor" results from TRT can fall into two camps 1) legitimately challenging cases such as high aromatase, low SHBG, side effect prone and 2) those with OTHER issues in their lives which are confounding the Testosterone therapy.

I should know, because my sleep is a major area which I need to work on, but sleep is CRUCIAL. So, is diet (as many many others have said), and exercise.
Regarding the improvements in your prostate symptoms on TRT, this is not unheard of, and may even be typical. The prostate seems to function best when it is fully engaged with testosterone, and functions poorly when there are age-related declines in testosterone allowing other hormones such as DHT and estrogen to exert their effects, leading to symptoms of BPH and potentially higher PSA readings.
Be sure to mention your high prolactin when you have your consult with Dr. Saya. That is very easy to treat with small doses of Cabergoline, but prolactin is not often tested right away on guys just beginning a protocol. If you have labs showing the high prolactin be sure to forward them onto Defy Medical as well.

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