TRT at 29?

I’m 29, love working out and active lifestyle. Over the past few months have continued to feel anxious and depressed. Am on an extremely low dosage of SSRIs (5 mg lexapro). However, I am very active in the gym, 4-6 days a week of heavy lifting, cardio, healthy eating and my total has been as high as 440 and as low as 273. …

My current numbers:

Total T: 291
free T: 9
LH: 2.2 (1.7-8.6)
Prolactin: 5.1 (4-15.2)
estradiol: 6.4 (7.6-42) Low
SHBG: 32 (16.5-56)
TSH- .473

I have tried everything in my power to get my scores up and feel better mentally without any luck. Should I try clomid first? Or am I a good candidate for TRT?
I'm 29, love working out and active lifestyle. Over the past few months have continued to feel anxious and depressed. Am on an extremely low dosage of SSRIs (5 mg lexapro). However, I am very active in the gym, 4-6 days a week of heavy lifting, cardio, healthy eating and my total has been as high as 440 and as low as 273. …

My current numbers:

Total T: 291
free T: 9
LH: 2.2 (1.7-8.6)
Prolactin: 5.1 (4-15.2)
estradiol: 6.4 (7.6-42) Low
SHBG: 32 (16.5-56)
TSH- .473

I have tried everything in my power to get my scores up and feel better mentally without any luck. Should I try clomid first? Or am I a good candidate for TRT?
Welcome to Excelmale. Only you and your doctor can make the decision as to whether TRT is right for you, but a couple of points stand out.

You are certainly presenting with hypogonadal numbers. That said, there are tests that still need to be run,, and an incorrect test that, in the future, should be corrected. You don't present any thyroid values beyond the TSH. A full thyroid workup is always advisable when trouble shooting hormone issues. Your PSA wasn't run, a must have, and you measured estradiol with the standard, not the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, lab test. CBC, CMP?

What at about your sleep? Might you be dealing with apnea? It can hammer hormones. Do you have a history of steroid or prolonged opiate use? Your weight?

Finally, and very importantly, your age. You certainly are you D to be looking at a life of TRT and, a Clomid protocol should be considered. Does your doctor have the experience to run one?
Drugs like Lexapro will work against your hormone production often making things worse in the long run, these drugs also cause pituitary disorders. Everyone I've ever known who has taken an SSRI has one thing in common, they all have a weight problem caused by these drugs which cause hormone deficiencies.
Drugs like Lexapro will work against your hormone production often making things worse in the long run, these drugs also cause pituitary disorders. Everyone I've ever known who has taken an SSRI has one thing in common, they all have a weight problem caused by these drugs which cause hormone deficiencies.

Great post
Additional info:
I am 29, weigh about 210, 15 percent bodyfat, have been eating healthy for a long time , previous illicit drug use, mostly in college, no steroid cycle history, am taking mk677 a gh secretagogue which has helped tremendously with sleep and recovery, no evidence that this substance would lower test levels, in studies done, it actually increased test marginally.

Total T: 291 (264-916)

free T: 9 (9.3-26.5)
LH: 2.2 (1.7-8.6)
Prolactin: 5.1 (4-15.2)
estradiol: 6.4 (7.6-42) Low
SHBG: 32 (16.5-56)
TSH- .473 (.45-5.0)

Glucose: 81 (65-99)
Urea Nitrogen: 12 (6-20)
Creatinine: 1.09 (.76-1.27)
EGFR (non black)- 92 (>59ml/min/1.73)
EGFR (black)- 106 (>59ml/min/1.73)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio- 11 (9-20)
Sodium- 141 (134-144)
Potassium 4.0 (3.5-5.2)
Chloride- 102 (96-106)
Total CO2- 25 (18-29 mmol/L)
Anion GAP 14 (10-18)
Calcium- 9.0 (8.7- 10.2)
Protein, TOTAL- 6.2 (6.0-8.5)
Albumin, S 4.3 (3.5-5.5)
Globulin 1.9 (1.5-4.5)
A/G 2.3 (1.2-2.2) High
Bilirubin 0.5 (0.0-1.2)
Alkptase 38 (39-117)
AST (GOT) 19 (0-40 IU/L)
ALT (GPT) 23 (0-44 IU/L)

WBC:5.8 (3.4-10.8)
RBC: 4.77 (4.14-5.80)
HGB: 14.9 (12.6-17.7)

HCT: 42.3 (37.5-51%)
MCV: 89 (79-97)
MCH: 31.2 (26.6-33)
MCHC: 35.2 (31.5-35.7)
RDW: 13.4 (12.3-15.4)
Placelet CT: 216 (150-379)

MY Lipid profile is skewed because I accidently ate before this particular test. My doctor said my values were normal considering how soon after I took it
Cholesterol: 193 (100-199)
Triglyceride 164 (H) (0-149)
HDL Cholesterol:37 (L) (>39mg/dl)
VLDL: 33 (5-40)
LDL Cholesterol : 123 (H) (0-99)
CHOL/HDL Ratio 5.2 (H) (0.0-5.0 units)

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Drugs like Lexapro will work against your hormone production often making things worse in the long run, these drugs also cause pituitary disorders. Everyone I've ever known who has taken an SSRI has one thing in common, they all have a weight problem caused by these drugs which cause hormone deficiencies.

I was on SSRIs for 10+ years, including throughout all my puberty years. Afraid to say that did a number on me, although I found that one of my brothers also suffered from low T as well, but I don't quite know how low.
Interesting. Low T and Low E (even though probably wrong test). Thinking about the ratio that Nelson mentioned.

Total T: 291 (264-916)
free T: 9 (9.3-26.5)
estradiol: 6.4 (7.6-42) Low

Atlien - are your only symptoms feeling anxious and depressed? For these issues, it seems like some people benefit from TRT and others don't.

On the depression side, do you feel like you don't have any interests or nothing matters? Or are there things you want to do but just don't have the motivation/energy?

There are many experts here that are very helpful.
@Atlien2488, I just recently bumped my thread. But I will post it here as well. I believe we are in the same boat, and I am exhausting all possibilities before commuting to a life long commitment to TRT. My biggest concern is... will TRT cure my symptoms? I have already battled just about a years worth of terrible symptoms, and have been prescribed SSRI’s (Lexapro) as well as benzos and some other medications hoping it would fix me. One thing I discovered is SSRI’s didn’t have any effect and mainly disconnected me from my family. Keep in mind, if you do decide to stop your SSRI, tapper off slowly. You do not want to completely stop SSRI’s altogether! It must be gradually tapered, you will expect brain zaps.

Also Clomid was working for me but may have not been dosed right which I might start back up one last time before starting TRT. I may also suggest to my doctor to mix in Cialis.
Checkdis.....yeah I'm on a really small amount (5 mg lexapro) and at one point it helped me drastically. But it kind of numbs my feelings a bit. I've tapered off from 5 mg over the course of the year but no matter how slow i do it, withdrawals are hell when you take it away. I'm hoping once i've been on trt, it will help me get off of lexapro at such a small dose since last time I got off I felt reallyyy sensitive and emotional which was probably somewhat a symptom of low testosterone/and or low estradiol.
My doctor didn't think clomid would work as well since my estradiol was so low already along with my LH. We had discussed taking HCG but came to the conclusion it would be better to take TRT with HCG.
Checkdis.....yeah I'm on a really small amount (5 mg lexapro) and at one point it helped me drastically. But it kind of numbs my feelings a bit. I've tapered off from 5 mg over the course of the year but no matter how slow i do it, withdrawals are hell when you take it away. I'm hoping once i've been on trt, it will help me get off of lexapro at such a small dose since last time I got off I felt reallyyy sensitive and emotional which was probably somewhat a symptom of low testosterone/and or low estradiol.
My doctor didn't think clomid would work as well since my estradiol was so low already along with my LH. We had discussed taking HCG but came to the conclusion it would be better to take TRT with HCG.

5mg is very low, usually doctors give you 5mg for the first week, then bump it up to 10mg. I’m surprised you felt anything at 5mg. Then again a whole year with an SSRI is still a long time. To get an idea, I was on 20mg for a few months and I was able to taper off to 10mg and stopped cold turkey at 10mg. From what I have read SSRI’s work great with counciling, someone who can refrain your mind while taking the SSRI which I never tried.

My estradiol was completely crashed due to Arimadex and my TT was at 86. Clomid 25mg ED, brought my Testosterone back up to around 400’s, and estradiol was in normal range again. But after Clomid my Testosterone went back down to around 200’s. I wouldn’t mix Clomid and an SSRI just because Clomid made me moody and emotional, and with an SSRI it may create bigger issues.

Then again this is all advice, but if you and your doctor are confident TRT is the way to go and the symptoms are worse enough then go for it. I’m lined up for an MRI of the pituitary, since my blood work justifies it due to low LH and FSH. If your insurance covers it, it may be worth taking a look.
I agree with tapering off. I mistakenly quit cold turkey and had they strange cold/hot sensations constantly shivering for over a week and had no idea what was going on. Paroxetene withdrawal is the second strongest SSRI withdrawal, doable but not recommended.
yeah shivering was the number one thing for me too! I ended up losing my job because I couldnt handle withdrawawls it was pretty bad. Do you think it will be easier getting off on TRT?
Checkdis.....yeah I'm on a really small amount (5 mg lexapro) and at one point it helped me drastically. But it kind of numbs my feelings a bit. I've tapered off from 5 mg over the course of the year but no matter how slow i do it, withdrawals are hell when you take it away. I'm hoping once i've been on trt, it will help me get off of lexapro at such a small dose since last time I got off I felt reallyyy sensitive and emotional which was probably somewhat a symptom of low testosterone/and or low estradiol.
My doctor didn't think clomid would work as well since my estradiol was so low already along with my LH. We had discussed taking HCG but came to the conclusion it would be better to take TRT with HCG.

A few years ago I had begun to withdraw off of Klonopin after 30 years and it was a brutal 10 months of hell and is the reason I'm on TRT, proof these drugs stress/harm our pituitary glands. I didn't start having problems until I began withdrawing, it was the withdraw that damaged my pituitary gland. I would wait until you get dialed in on TRT, TRT will give you more control during withdraw.
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