I was on HCG monotherapy for about 10 years. I have blood panels from over that time and my iron was low to mid range, and my ferritin was 175-200 consistently. Over time, the HGC monotherapy started to be ineffective for me.
I started TRT in fall 2022. My bloodwork all looked ok (except for T, Free T, etc. obviously) but I did not get an iron and ferritin panel. I started at 70mg T Cyp per week, and bumped up to 140 mg T Cyp in December. Total T was 750, Free T 200. Was feeling so so.
Simultaneously with starting TRT, I had a friend that had leukemia. So I participated in two double red blood drives over the past few months. Smooth move ex-lax, I know. So it is hard for me to pinpoint which has had worse of an impact on my ferritin.
In January, my ferritin panel showed 11. I was (and am) having tons of symptoms. Feeling cold hands and feet, restless legs, pins and needs in legs, poor sleep, body aches, flushing face. I tried the raising ferritin protocol on the site, and only raised to 13. However, I mistakenly took fish oil with vitamin D in it every day. Which can impact results. I had some gastro issues for the first 2-3 days, but overall it wasn't too bad.
The issues from the low ferritin are enough that I am going to go off of T Cyp, do a PCT and try to get ferritin back to 150'ish. In about 3 weeks out from stopping T Cyp, I am going to try an IV Iron drip to try to get the numbers off quickly. From there, I will chart a path with TRT and do blood work every month to get feedback on what is happening.