All About Oxandrolone

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The following content comes from the book "Anabolics 2010"

Oxandrolone: An Overview​


Oxandrolone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. It was designed to have a strong separation of anabolic and androgenic effects, with no significant estrogenic or progestational activity. Known for being a mild oral steroid, it is widely used for promoting strength and quality muscle gains without major side effects. Milligram for milligram, it exhibits up to six times the anabolic activity of testosterone while maintaining significantly lower androgenicity.

This drug is particularly favored by dieting bodybuilders and athletes in speed/anaerobic sports due to its ability to promote pure muscle tissue gain without fat or water retention.

oxandrolone anavar.webp


Early Development​

Oxandrolone was first described in 1962 and later developed into a pharmaceutical product by G.D. Searle & Co. (now Pfizer). It was marketed under the trade name Anavar in the U.S. and the Netherlands, with various other names in different countries, including:

  • Lonavar (Argentina, Australia)
  • Lipidex (Brazil)
  • Antitriol (Spain)
  • Anatrophill (France)
  • Protivar
The drug was designed as a mild anabolic steroid, safe for use by women and children. Initially, Anavar was prescribed for various medical conditions, including lean tissue growth after surgery, trauma, infection, and osteoporosis.

Discontinuation and Reintroduction​

By the 1980s, the FDA refined oxandrolone's approved uses to include weight gain following surgery, chronic infections, trauma, or unexplained weight loss. However, due to declining sales and growing concerns over anabolic steroid abuse, Searle voluntarily discontinued Anavar on July 1, 1989, removing oxandrolone from U.S. pharmacies.

After several years of absence, oxandrolone returned to the market in December 1995 under the name Oxandrin, produced by Bio-Technology General Corp. (BTG). The company secured orphan drug status for treating AIDS wasting, alcoholic hepatitis, Turner’s syndrome in girls, and delayed puberty in boys, leading to high drug pricing. Generic versions later reduced costs.

Today, Oxandrin is sold under the Savient label, with FDA approval for various conditions. Generic oxandrolone is available in the U.S. and some international markets.

How Supplied​

Oxandrolone is available in select human drug markets with varying compositions and dosages depending on the manufacturer and country:

  • Original Anavar: 2.5 mg per tablet
  • Oxandrin: 2.5 mg or 10 mg per tablet
  • Other brands: Typically 2.5 mg, 5 mg, or 10 mg per tablet

Structural Characteristics​

Oxandrolone is a modified dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative with two key alterations:

  1. Addition of a 17-alpha methyl group – protects the hormone during oral administration.
  2. Substitution of carbon-2 in the A-ring with an oxygen atom – increases anabolic potency by making the compound more resistant to muscle metabolism.
Oxandrolone is the only commercially available steroid with this unique alteration, enhancing its anabolic strength while reducing androgenic effects.

Side Effects​

Estrogenic Side Effects​

Oxandrolone does not aromatize in the body and has no measurable estrogenic activity. Consequently, users do not experience gynecomastia or water retention, making it an excellent choice for cutting cycles.

Androgenic Side Effects​

Although oxandrolone has low androgenic activity, some users may experience:

  • Oily skin and acne
  • Increased facial/body hair growth
  • Acceleration of male pattern baldness (in those genetically predisposed)
Women using oxandrolone should be aware of possible virilizing effects, including voice deepening, menstrual irregularities, skin texture changes, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement.

Hepatotoxicity (Liver Toxicity)​

Oxandrolone is a C17-alpha alkylated steroid, which means it is resistant to liver breakdown. However, prolonged or high doses can cause liver damage.

Studies indicate oxandrolone is less hepatotoxic than other oral steroids, with about one-third of the drug excreted intact in urine. A study comparing oxandrolone to other alkylated steroids found it caused the lowest liver stress.

To minimize liver strain, users should:

  • Limit use to 6-8 weeks per cycle
  • Undergo regular liver function tests
  • Use liver-support supplements like Liver Stabil, Liv-52, or Essentiale Forte

Cardiovascular Side Effects​

Oxandrolone negatively affects cholesterol levels, reducing HDL (good cholesterol) and increasing LDL (bad cholesterol). Studies show:

  • 20 mg/day caused a 30% reduction in HDL.
  • 40 mg/day reduced HDL by 33%.
  • 80 mg/day led to a 50% HDL reduction and 30-33% LDL increase.
Other cardiovascular risks include increased blood pressure, reduced arterial function, and left ventricular hypertrophy.

To reduce cardiovascular strain, users should:

  • Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise.
  • Limit saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple carbs.
  • Supplement with fish oils (4g/day) and cholesterol-supporting supplements.

Testosterone Suppression​

Like all anabolic steroids, oxandrolone suppresses natural testosterone production. Studies show:

  • 20-40 mg/day reduces testosterone levels by 45%.
  • 80 mg/day suppresses testosterone by 66%.
  • LH levels also decline by 25-50%, depending on the dose.
After stopping oxandrolone, testosterone levels typically recover within 1-4 months, but long-term abuse may cause prolonged suppression requiring medical intervention.


General Administration​

Taking oxandrolone with food may reduce absorption, so it should be taken on an empty stomach for maximum bioavailability.

Dosage for Men​

  • Medical dosage: 2.5–20 mg/day for 2-4 weeks.
  • Performance-enhancing dosage: 15-25 mg/day for 6-8 weeks.
  • Bulking cycles: Combined with 200-400 mg/week of testosterone.
  • Cutting cycles: Stacked with 150 mg/week trenbolone or 200-300 mg/week Primobolan.

Dosage for Women​

  • Performance-enhancing dosage: 5-10 mg/day for 4-6 weeks.
  • Stacking options: Winstrol, Primobolan, or Durabolin (with increased risk of side effects).


Oxandrolone is increasingly produced in less regulated markets in Asia, as availability in Europe and the West declines.

  • In the U.S., generic oxandrolone is available from Par Pharm, Sandoz, Upsher Smith, and Watson.
  • Brand-name Oxandrin (Savient) was available in 2.5 mg and 10 mg tablets.
  • Italian Oxandrolone (SPA) is no longer available.

Note: The pharmaceutical brand is no longer available in the US. It is still compounded by Empower Pharmacy, though.

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Blood Levels Increased by Caffeine

Oxandrolone (Anavar) Medical Uses- Presentation Attached

Novel Uses for the Anabolic Steroids Nandrolone and Oxandrolone ...

HIV, nandrolone and oxandrolone [Archive] -

Oxandrolone (Anavar) Medical Uses- Presentation Attached ...

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) Question for Nelson

Anabolic/Androgenic Hormone Prescribing Indications

Use of Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids in Patients Who Have HIV

Serostim Expiration and Some General Questions About Hormone ...
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@Charliebizz having a great wife, two awesome kids and a great career is a whole lot more than most men ever have in life. Always be thankful for what you have and don't worry for what you may not have in life. Good luck and hope you get all of this dialed in. You have a whole lot to be happy about.
All right guys, I’m gonna come clean. I’m gonna let you in on a little known fact. What @BigTex pointed out is how I picked my screen name. I know - sounds incredibly cheesy. I leaned on this site a ton before joining, trying to figure all my crap out. When I decided to finally jump in, I had to acknowledge to myself, that despite all my trials and tribulations, I am, in fact very fortunate to have an amazing wife, three great kids and a very good lifestyle. That said, I still like to bitch and moan with all my brothers here!

@Charliebizz, I think you are a perfect example of why some may need anti-depressants. I think you may be experiencing a lot of what I have gone through over the past year or so. The best way I can describe it is “mood inappropriate”. The conditions are perfect for feeling happy, until you notice that you are not actually happy. Sunny day; at a lake; doing something fun with the family - whatever, but you don’t find the joy you recall feeling in similar situations in the past. I think when you are in this kind of place, an anti-depressant makes sense.

So far, I have seen some benefit. But, like Lexapro for you, sertraline can bog me down and make me tired. I am still trying to figure out if the benefits outweighs the side effects. I have an appointment next week. I may discuss either adding Wellbutrin to get the energy boost back or maybe trying a new agent like trintellix.

I am really good at derailing a good discuss about anabolics with some philosophy (sorry guys). Since we are fully derailed, if anyone has experience with “Welloft” (combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft), please feel free to chime in or DM me.
@Charliebizz having a great wife, two awesome kids and a great career is a whole lot more than most men ever have in life. Always be thankful for what you have and don't worry for what you may not have in life. Good luck and hope you get all of this dialed in. You have a whole lot to be happy about.
That’s the shitty part about depression and anxiety. Despite all the great things in life I can still feel miserable in my own skin. It’s very hard to describe. I’m not a weak minded person when it comes to work and just being a man in general. I get shit done. But I can be very weak in my head. No one who knows me (except my wife) would ever believe I suffer from depression at all. It’s very hard to explain to be honest
All right guys, I’m gonna come clean. I’m gonna let you in on a little known fact. What @BigTex pointed out is how I picked my screen name. I know - sounds incredibly cheesy. I leaned on this site a ton before joining, trying to figure all my crap out. When I decided to finally jump in, I had to acknowledge to myself, that despite all my trials and tribulations, I am, in fact very fortunate to have an amazing wife, three great kids and a very good lifestyle. That said, I still like to bitch and moan with all my brothers here!

@Charliebizz, I think you are a perfect example of why some may need anti-depressants. I think you may be experiencing a lot of what I have gone through over the past year or so. The best way I can describe it is “mood inappropriate”. The conditions are perfect for feeling happy, until you notice that you are not actually happy. Sunny day; at a lake; doing something fun with the family - whatever, but you don’t find the joy you recall feeling in similar situations in the past. I think when you are in this kind of place, an anti-depressant makes sense.

So far, I have seen some benefit. But, like Lexapro for you, sertraline can bog me down and make me tired. I am still trying to figure out if the benefits outweighs the side effects. I have an appointment next week. I may discuss either adding Wellbutrin to get the energy boost back or maybe trying a new agent like trintellix.

I am really good at derailing a good discuss about anabolics with some philosophy (sorry guys). Since we are fully derailed, if anyone has experience with “Welloft” (combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft), please feel free to chime in or DM me.
I personally have no problems discussing mood meds in this thread. Maybe others do. We have some other good threads in here we can talk about ssri and such also. I’m glad to see you back @Fortunate we share a very similar journey.
Gents, haven’t been here in a while. Just trying to feel good and part of me realized that all the reading in the world won’t accomplish that. That said, I’m with you @tareload and @Charliebizz. I have also been trying to get my hormones straight, and at some point realized that hormones alone were not the sole culprit for my mood issues.

A few months ago, I started a journey with SSRIs. I won’t bore with all the play-by-play details, but I’m still working on the right medicine and/or time of day and/or dose. All that said, I do believe there has been some benefit. For example, I have not been able to take a nap for years and years. More recently, I find myself able to lay down and close my eyes without a billion thoughts racing through my mind. I’m also less likely to be negative in situations in which I shouldn’t be. On the other hand, I have experienced some of the emotional blunting people talk about.

Possibly the most challenging aspect has been fatigue. I am going to possibly bring up trying to add Wellbutrin to sertraline at my appointment next week.

With respect to Oxandrolone, @Charliebizz , no shame at all, brother! Not that you had any, but I, too, care about the way I look. I’m not willing to sacrifice long-term health necessarily for it, but I very much want to be at my best. At one point, I asked defy about DHT derivatives, and they recommended Oxandrolone. I have two bottles sitting on my shelf, but I have not opened either one, because I’m scared shitless of side effects and what it may do to my lipids!

I have been contemplating using it along with something low-grade like Natesto just to see how I feel. Defy seems to think it could be done indefinitely at the low-dose that I would be using (12.5 mg daily).

@Charliebizz , I love the fact that you are going to be my guinea pig. Please report back here!

@Nelson Vergel, good to see you, man. Hope you are doing well.
If it helps, here’s my latest lipids using 100mg if primobolan per week, as well as 15-20mg of Oxandrolone sublingually 3x/ week preworkout. My lipids look close to perfect, imo. I would like my HDL a bit higher obv. But considering what I’m taking I’ll definitely take and HDL of 55. I would also like my LDL a bit higher. I personally like my LDL closer to 200, but I’ll definitely take an LDL of 153. My triglycerides have never looked better. I cut out all the honey in my diet, other than a bit post workout, and it made a HUGE difference. Triglycerides went from around 100 to 32. I read that excess fructose can increase triglycerides quite a bit, so it’s cool to see that this info was correct. I was eating honey with all 3 of my main meals each day.

Incase u weren’t aware, as far as cardiovascular disease goes, one of, if not the biggest predictor of whether ur at risk for a cardiovascular event or not lies within ur triglyceride to HDL ratio. A 2:1 ratio is considered “ideal”. I’m currently at a 0.58:1 ratio. Which is obv amazing. The biggest risk factors for having a cardiovascular event are a poor triglyceride to HDL ratio, a high fasting insulin level/ being insulin resistant, having chronically elevated blood pressure, and having high levels of chronic inflammation, just fyi.

In studies the people that have the most cardiovascular events actually have low cholesterol levels, and the ones that have less have higher cholesterol levels. This includes LDL levels. U actually want ur HDL and LDL to be on the high side. What u don’t want is to be insulin resistant and inflamed. Those are the variables u have to worry about the most. But I will say, as far as LDL goes, u do want as much of it to be made up of light fluffy particles as possible, vs small dense ldl particles. The way to do this is to eat as close to carnivore as u can. Through all my research over the years that’s the most effective way that I’ve seen/ heard to keep as much of ur ldl made up of light fluffy large particles as possible. I personally don’t eat full carnivore. I just eat as close to it as I can, while accommodating my lifestyle and budget. And that’s what I recommend others do as well, if health/ longevity is ur goals. The closer u eat to full carnivore, the healthier u’ll be

I won’t go down the rabbit hole about mood and diet, but since u and a few others were complaining about ur struggles with depression, carnivore is the best solution to mood issues that I’ve found as well. I don’t think I’ve seen/ heard of anyone have any issues with depression while on carnivore. The diet usually either resolves their depression completely, in most cases, or drastically reduces it to the point it doesn’t inhibit their lives in a negative way at all anymore. I personally don’t care what anyone does with their life, including what they eat. But I do think it’s important to let people know about solutions to their problems, and then let them make the decisions they feel are best for them personally. No pressure or judgment on my end tho. Just hear to help. Not here to judge or be pushy with the info I share


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That’s the shitty part about depression and anxiety. Despite all the great things in life I can still feel miserable in my own skin. It’s very hard to describe. I’m not a weak minded person when it comes to work and just being a man in general. I get shit done. But I can be very weak in my head. No one who knows me (except my wife) would ever believe I suffer from depression at all. It’s very hard to explain to be honest
It’s possibly the hardest thing to explain, imo. Depression is a very isolating and lonely issue, imo/ ime. And I’m really not sure if someone can fully understand it unless they’re dealing with it urself, or have dealt with it urself at some point

I currently don’t suffer from depression, but I did BIG TIME when I was using Clomid monotherapy. Felt suicidal a lot of the time tbh. It was the scariest time of my entire life. Before that I wasn’t depressed at all. But I was on TRT prior to that. Was trying to do Clomid monotherapy to see if I could restart my natural levels and maintain them (didn’t work). I was also depressed when I initially had low free T. Not near as bad as when I was on Clomid mono, but I was depressed for sure.

But when I was depressed on Clomid, literally everything could have been going perfect, and it wouldn’t have mattered. The way I felt on the inside, and the way my mind viewed life was all that mattered. It made me view life in a completely different way. A very dark and gloomy way. And made me feel like everything would never get better, and I would never feel better. It made me feel 100% hopeless and 100% pessimistic about everything. Opposed to how I felt most of my life, and how I feel when my diet, gym routine, sleep and HRT protocol are all dialed in. When all those things are on point I feel happy and optimistic all the time, and everything in my life could be complete shit, but it just doesn’t affect me mentally. Mentally my mood is unaffected by outside factors, and whatever’s going on around me, my mind is completely optimistic that things will get better, and to not worry about them. Just like how when I was depressed there was nothing I could do to get myself out of feeling that way, it’s the same when I have zero depression and I’m just happy and optimistic. No outside factors can mess with that. I’ve actually tried to make myself depressed when my mood was really good. But no matter what negative thoughts I would try to have, I just could not get myself out of the good mood I would be in. I equate it to erections lol. They either happen or they don’t. We can obv do things to stimulate ourselves, or with others, to have them, but every guy knows that when it comes down to it, u either get an erection when u want it, or u don’t. There’s really nothing u can do. And it’s either the best thing ever when they’re on point, and the most frustrating thing ever when it’s not cooperating. Mood is very similar, imo. Or at least ime.
If it helps, here’s my latest lipids using 100mg if primobolan per week, as well as 15-20mg of Oxandrolone sublingually 3x/ week preworkout. My lipids look close to perfect, imo. I would like my HDL a bit higher obv. But considering what I’m taking I’ll definitely take and HDL of 55. I would also like my LDL a bit higher. I personally like my LDL closer to 200, but I’ll definitely take an LDL of 153. My triglycerides have never looked better. I cut out all the honey in my diet, other than a bit post workout, and it made a HUGE difference. Triglycerides went from around 100 to 32. I read that excess fructose can increase triglycerides quite a bit, so it’s cool to see that this info was correct. I was eating honey with all 3 of my main meals each day.

Incase u weren’t aware, as far as cardiovascular disease goes, one of, if not the biggest predictor of whether ur at risk for a cardiovascular event or not lies within ur triglyceride to HDL ratio. A 2:1 ratio is considered “ideal”. I’m currently at a 0.58:1 ratio. Which is obv amazing. The biggest risk factors for having a cardiovascular event are a poor triglyceride to HDL ratio, a high fasting insulin level/ being insulin resistant, having chronically elevated blood pressure, and having high levels of chronic inflammation, just fyi.

In studies the people that have the most cardiovascular events actually have low cholesterol levels, and the ones that have less have higher cholesterol levels. This includes LDL levels. U actually want ur HDL and LDL to be on the high side. What u don’t want is to be insulin resistant and inflamed. Those are the variables u have to worry about the most. But I will say, as far as LDL goes, u do want as much of it to be made up of light fluffy particles as possible, vs small dense ldl particles. The way to do this is to eat as close to carnivore as u can. Through all my research over the years that’s the most effective way that I’ve seen/ heard to keep as much of ur ldl made up of light fluffy large particles as possible. I personally don’t eat full carnivore. I just eat as close to it as I can, while accommodating my lifestyle and budget. And that’s what I recommend others do as well, if health/ longevity is ur goals. The closer u eat to full carnivore, the healthier u’ll be

I won’t go down the rabbit hole about mood and diet, but since u and a few others were complaining about ur struggles with depression, carnivore is the best solution to mood issues that I’ve found as well. I don’t think I’ve seen/ heard of anyone have any issues with depression while on carnivore. The diet usually either resolves their depression completely, in most cases, or drastically reduces it to the point it doesn’t inhibit their lives in a negative way at all anymore. I personally don’t care what anyone does with their life, including what they eat. But I do think it’s important to let people know about solutions to their problems, and then let them make the decisions they feel are best for them personally. No pressure or judgment on my end tho. Just hear to help. Not here to judge or be pushy with the info I share
I was depressed on carnivore because I missed carbs lol.

that said I always have low to Low normal hdl and high triglycerides unless I go low carb/low sugar. I still can only manage to get my hdl into the 40s but trys came way down into the 80s. However all my blood markers for insulin issues are perfect except maybe the low shbg.
If it helps, here’s my latest lipids using 100mg if primobolan per week, as well as 15-20mg of Oxandrolone sublingually 3x/ week preworkout. My lipids look close to perfect, imo. I would like my HDL a bit higher obv. But considering what I’m taking I’ll definitely take and HDL of 55. I would also like my LDL a bit higher. I personally like my LDL closer to 200, but I’ll definitely take an LDL of 153. My triglycerides have never looked better. I cut out all the honey in my diet, other than a bit post workout, and it made a HUGE difference. Triglycerides went from around 100 to 32. I read that excess fructose can increase triglycerides quite a bit, so it’s cool to see that this info was correct. I was eating honey with all 3 of my main meals each day.

Incase u weren’t aware, as far as cardiovascular disease goes, one of, if not the biggest predictor of whether ur at risk for a cardiovascular event or not lies within ur triglyceride to HDL ratio. A 2:1 ratio is considered “ideal”. I’m currently at a 0.58:1 ratio. Which is obv amazing. The biggest risk factors for having a cardiovascular event are a poor triglyceride to HDL ratio, a high fasting insulin level/ being insulin resistant, having chronically elevated blood pressure, and having high levels of chronic inflammation, just fyi.

In studies the people that have the most cardiovascular events actually have low cholesterol levels, and the ones that have less have higher cholesterol levels. This includes LDL levels. U actually want ur HDL and LDL to be on the high side. What u don’t want is to be insulin resistant and inflamed. Those are the variables u have to worry about the most. But I will say, as far as LDL goes, u do want as much of it to be made up of light fluffy particles as possible, vs small dense ldl particles. The way to do this is to eat as close to carnivore as u can. Through all my research over the years that’s the most effective way that I’ve seen/ heard to keep as much of ur ldl made up of light fluffy large particles as possible. I personally don’t eat full carnivore. I just eat as close to it as I can, while accommodating my lifestyle and budget. And that’s what I recommend others do as well, if health/ longevity is ur goals. The closer u eat to full carnivore, the healthier u’ll be

I won’t go down the rabbit hole about mood and diet, but since u and a few others were complaining about ur struggles with depression, carnivore is the best solution to mood issues that I’ve found as well. I don’t think I’ve seen/ heard of anyone have any issues with depression while on carnivore. The diet usually either resolves their depression completely, in most cases, or drastically reduces it to the point it doesn’t inhibit their lives in a negative way at all anymore. I personally don’t care what anyone does with their life, including what they eat. But I do think it’s important to let people know about solutions to their problems, and then let them make the decisions they feel are best for them personally. No pressure or judgment on my end tho. Just hear to help. Not here to judge or be pushy with the info I share
Excellent hdl-c to trig ratio (55/32 in US units). Congrats.
It’s possibly the hardest thing to explain, imo. Depression is a very isolating and lonely issue, imo/ ime. And I’m really not sure if someone can fully understand it unless they’re dealing with it urself, or have dealt with it urself at some point

I currently don’t suffer from depression, but I did BIG TIME when I was using Clomid monotherapy. Felt suicidal a lot of the time tbh. It was the scariest time of my entire life. Before that I wasn’t depressed at all. But I was on TRT prior to that. Was trying to do Clomid monotherapy to see if I could restart my natural levels and maintain them (didn’t work). I was also depressed when I initially had low free T. Not near as bad as when I was on Clomid mono, but I was depressed for sure.

But when I was depressed on Clomid, literally everything could have been going perfect, and it wouldn’t have mattered. The way I felt on the inside, and the way my mind viewed life was all that mattered. It made me view life in a completely different way. A very dark and gloomy way. And made me feel like everything would never get better, and I would never feel better. It made me feel 100% hopeless and 100% pessimistic about everything. Opposed to how I felt most of my life, and how I feel when my diet, gym routine, sleep and HRT protocol are all dialed in. When all those things are on point I feel happy and optimistic all the time, and everything in my life could be complete shit, but it just doesn’t affect me mentally. Mentally my mood is unaffected by outside factors, and whatever’s going on around me, my mind is completely optimistic that things will get better, and to not worry about them. Just like how when I was depressed there was nothing I could do to get myself out of feeling that way, it’s the same when I have zero depression and I’m just happy and optimistic. No outside factors can mess with that. I’ve actually tried to make myself depressed when my mood was really good. But no matter what negative thoughts I would try to have, I just could not get myself out of the good mood I would be in. I equate it to erections lol. They either happen or they don’t. We can obv do things to stimulate ourselves, or with others, to have them, but every guy knows that when it comes down to it, u either get an erection when u want it, or u don’t. There’s really nothing u can do. And it’s either the best thing ever when they’re on point, and the most frustrating thing ever when it’s not cooperating. Mood is very similar, imo. Or at least ime.
I think beta blockers tipped me into pretty severe depression recently. Going off helped a lot. That said, I still have higher than usual depression and anxiety.
It’s possibly the hardest thing to explain, imo. Depression is a very isolating and lonely issue, imo/ ime. And I’m really not sure if someone can fully understand it unless they’re dealing with it urself, or have dealt with it urself at some point

I currently don’t suffer from depression, but I did BIG TIME when I was using Clomid monotherapy. Felt suicidal a lot of the time tbh. It was the scariest time of my entire life. Before that I wasn’t depressed at all. But I was on TRT prior to that. Was trying to do Clomid monotherapy to see if I could restart my natural levels and maintain them (didn’t work). I was also depressed when I initially had low free T. Not near as bad as when I was on Clomid mono, but I was depressed for sure.

But when I was depressed on Clomid, literally everything could have been going perfect, and it wouldn’t have mattered. The way I felt on the inside, and the way my mind viewed life was all that mattered. It made me view life in a completely different way. A very dark and gloomy way. And made me feel like everything would never get better, and I would never feel better. It made me feel 100% hopeless and 100% pessimistic about everything. Opposed to how I felt most of my life, and how I feel when my diet, gym routine, sleep and HRT protocol are all dialed in. When all those things are on point I feel happy and optimistic all the time, and everything in my life could be complete shit, but it just doesn’t affect me mentally. Mentally my mood is unaffected by outside factors, and whatever’s going on around me, my mind is completely optimistic that things will get better, and to not worry about them. Just like how when I was depressed there was nothing I could do to get myself out of feeling that way, it’s the same when I have zero depression and I’m just happy and optimistic. No outside factors can mess with that. I’ve actually tried to make myself depressed when my mood was really good. But no matter what negative thoughts I would try to have, I just could not get myself out of the good mood I would be in. I equate it to erections lol. They either happen or they don’t. We can obv do things to stimulate ourselves, or with others, to have them, but every guy knows that when it comes down to it, u either get an erection when u want it, or u don’t. There’s really nothing u can do. And it’s either the best thing ever when they’re on point, and the most frustrating thing ever when it’s not cooperating. Mood is very similar, imo. Or at least ime.
I too was super depressed on clomid mono. When the dose was too high. It was also the worst point in my life mentally. Like you said uncontrollable darkness. I’ll never touch that shit again.
All right guys, I’m gonna come clean. I’m gonna let you in on a little known fact. What @BigTex pointed out is how I picked my screen name. I know - sounds incredibly cheesy. I leaned on this site a ton before joining, trying to figure all my crap out. When I decided to finally jump in, I had to acknowledge to myself, that despite all my trials and tribulations, I am, in fact very fortunate to have an amazing wife, three great kids and a very good lifestyle. That said, I still like to bitch and moan with all my brothers here!

@Charliebizz, I think you are a perfect example of why some may need anti-depressants. I think you may be experiencing a lot of what I have gone through over the past year or so. The best way I can describe it is “mood inappropriate”. The conditions are perfect for feeling happy, until you notice that you are not actually happy. Sunny day; at a lake; doing something fun with the family - whatever, but you don’t find the joy you recall feeling in similar situations in the past. I think when you are in this kind of place, an anti-depressant makes sense.

So far, I have seen some benefit. But, like Lexapro for you, sertraline can bog me down and make me tired. I am still trying to figure out if the benefits outweighs the side effects. I have an appointment next week. I may discuss either adding Wellbutrin to get the energy boost back or maybe trying a new agent like trintellix.

I am really good at derailing a good discuss about anabolics with some philosophy (sorry guys). Since we are fully derailed, if anyone has experience with “Welloft” (combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft), please feel free to chime in or DM me.
The real answer is diet and lifestyle modifications. A proper diet will clear up most people‘s depression in a few weeks. I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve just seen way too many anecdotes of people‘s lifelong chronic/ treatment resistant depression completely go away within a few weeks of eating a carnivore diet, and have yet to see someone do carnivore without being at least 90%+ free of all depressed thoughts/ anhedonia

but I obv understand that everyone haa their own personal relationships with food, and carnivore, or close to it, might not be an option for them. Or just not an option for where they are in their life/ health journey currently, and I fully respect that. So for people like that, I do agree that medication could be a good solution. Whether it’s temporary or permanent. Even if the meds help the person from experiencing too low of lows, I’d say that’s a win for someone really really struggling mentally
If it helps, here’s my latest lipids using 100mg if primobolan per week, as well as 15-20mg of Oxandrolone sublingually 3x/ week preworkout. My lipids look close to perfect, imo. I would like my HDL a bit higher obv. But considering what I’m taking I’ll definitely take and HDL of 55. I would also like my LDL a bit higher. I personally like my LDL closer to 200, but I’ll definitely take an LDL of 153. My triglycerides have never looked better. I cut out all the honey in my diet, other than a bit post workout, and it made a HUGE difference. Triglycerides went from around 100 to 32. I read that excess fructose can increase triglycerides quite a bit, so it’s cool to see that this info was correct. I was eating honey with all 3 of my main meals each day.

Incase u weren’t aware, as far as cardiovascular disease goes, one of, if not the biggest predictor of whether ur at risk for a cardiovascular event or not lies within ur triglyceride to HDL ratio. A 2:1 ratio is considered “ideal”. I’m currently at a 0.58:1 ratio. Which is obv amazing. The biggest risk factors for having a cardiovascular event are a poor triglyceride to HDL ratio, a high fasting insulin level/ being insulin resistant, having chronically elevated blood pressure, and having high levels of chronic inflammation, just fyi.

In studies the people that have the most cardiovascular events actually have low cholesterol levels, and the ones that have less have higher cholesterol levels. This includes LDL levels. U actually want ur HDL and LDL to be on the high side. What u don’t want is to be insulin resistant and inflamed. Those are the variables u have to worry about the most. But I will say, as far as LDL goes, u do want as much of it to be made up of light fluffy particles as possible, vs small dense ldl particles. The way to do this is to eat as close to carnivore as u can. Through all my research over the years that’s the most effective way that I’ve seen/ heard to keep as much of ur ldl made up of light fluffy large particles as possible. I personally don’t eat full carnivore. I just eat as close to it as I can, while accommodating my lifestyle and budget. And that’s what I recommend others do as well, if health/ longevity is ur goals. The closer u eat to full carnivore, the healthier u’ll be

I won’t go down the rabbit hole about mood and diet, but since u and a few others were complaining about ur struggles with depression, carnivore is the best solution to mood issues that I’ve found as well. I don’t think I’ve seen/ heard of anyone have any issues with depression while on carnivore. The diet usually either resolves their depression completely, in most cases, or drastically reduces it to the point it doesn’t inhibit their lives in a negative way at all anymore. I personally don’t care what anyone does with their life, including what they eat. But I do think it’s important to let people know about solutions to their problems, and then let them make the decisions they feel are best for them personally. No pressure or judgment on my end tho. Just hear to help. Not here to judge or be pushy with the info I share
How long had you been on Oxandrolone prior to your most recent lipid panel? Also, how do you feel subjectively on it (energy/mood)?
I think beta blockers tipped me into pretty severe depression recently. Going off helped a lot. That said, I still have higher than usual depression and anxiety.
Ya I’ve heard of bp meds causing depression before. It’s not uncommon. Were u taking it for blood pressure, to reduce anxiety?
I was depressed on carnivore because I missed carbs lol.

that said I always have low to Low normal hdl and high triglycerides unless I go low carb/low sugar. I still can only manage to get my hdl into the 40s but trys came way down into the 80s. However all my blood markers for insulin issues are perfect except maybe the low shbg.
Run an NMR profile which will confirm the utility of trig/hdl-c ratio.

If you run oxandrolone it is great to have your diet cleaned up like @Gman86

Even with immaculate diet oxandrolone will destroy my perfect trig/hdl-c ratio. Seems like a reasonable approach with 3x per week buccal admin @Gman86. Well done not going overboard like I would.
How long had you been on Oxandrolone prior to your most recent lipid panel? Also, how do you feel subjectively on it (energy/mood)?
I’ve been taking Oxandrolone pre workout for at least a few years now. I tried taking it at 15mg/ day with my protocol at one point, but didn’t notice any benefits to justify taking it daily like that

and I personally don’t think I notice a difference energy or mood wise from it. But then again, I always feel great when leaving the gym, so maybe it’s contributing lol. But I don’t remember feeling an energy or mood boost when I was taking it at 15mg/ day with my HRT protocol
I too was super depressed on clomid mono. When the dose was too high. It was also the worst point in my life mentally. Like you said uncontrollable darkness. I’ll never touch that shit again.
Exact same! Will never touch the stuff again as long as I live. But like u, I was on way too high of a dose, looking back. 50mg/ day was what I was taking
Carnivore and perfect diet (99%+) does not budge my mood.
Again, don’t want to derail the thread and talk about carnivore, but jc, what would a typical day of eating look like for u? And how long did u do it for?

a big issue with people on carnivore is not getting enough calories, not getting enough healthy fats, and not getting over the initial transition. Most people can feel pretty crappy transitioning from running on mainly carbs/ glucose to running on ketones for energy

If u did everything correctly, and didn’t notice an improvement in ur mood, u are honestly in like a 0.01% category. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that
Again, don’t want to derail the thread and talk about carnivore, but jc, what would a typical day of eating look like for u? And how long did u do it for?

a big issue with people on carnivore is not getting enough calories, not getting enough healthy fats, and not getting over the initial transition. Most people can feel pretty crappy transitioning from running on mainly carbs/ glucose to running on ketones for energy

If u did everything correctly, and didn’t notice an improvement in ur mood, u are honestly in like a 0.01% category. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that
@Gman86 if you can pm me what a typical day of eating looks like for you. calorie wise too. I did well on modified carnivore I’m just a picky eater looking for ideas.
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