Does anyone feel better on Cypionate vs. Enanthate?

FYI, I know that cypionate and enanthate are basically the same but minus 1 carbon and half life is slightly different. I also know, some people do not feel any difference.

Who has been on cypionate and tried switching to enanthate but found they felt better on cypionate?

I'm only about a week in from the switch to enanthate and I feel very different. Libido is good, anxiety is good, sleep is the same but something feels off. I don't feel as peaceful on enanthate as I did on cypionate. That may not be a good description but the best I can describe. I also have already lost a couple of lbs. Not concerned there.

Dose is the same, frequency is the same. Carrier oils are the same. The lady at DR office stated many people try enanthate but switch back to cypionate.

The only reason I switched was to test enanthate effect on sleep being as test levels should be a bit lower at night compared to cypionate. But so far, sleep has been about the same with a slightly lower HR.

Can anyone relate?
Can’t really comment atm, but I will be switching from brand name Westward enanthate to Pfizer cypionate in the next couple weeks. Been on the same protocol for a while now, and been using enanthate for a long time. Gonna switch to Pfizer cyp and keep my whole protocol the same. Just want to see if I feel better or worse on the Pfizer cyp. Plus I live in Mass, and I can get a full 10ml bottle of Pfizer cyp, vs having to continually order 5ml vials of westward enanthate. So I can try to report back after a month or so on the cyp if I remember

But even tho technical there shouldn’t be much difference in enanthate and cyp on paper, they can definitely effect people quite differently, from what I’ve seen anecdotally. Some won’t notice any difference, but I’ve seen some that definitely do. All individual. I’ve had this anecdote saved for years now, found it very interesting. Here it is. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s someone asking the question of whether he feels a difference between test E and test cyp. The guy answers, and then he also gave an anecdote of one of his buddies where he talks about feeling best on Pfizer cyp

Question someone asked the guy:
-What big pharma brands of test E and Test C have you used? Any difference when using test E vs test C?

His response:
-I used Bayer for the E and Pfizer for the C. The Bayer felt a little stronger than the Pfizer but again this is totally anecdotal. Both have more of a feeling of energy than the empower.
-I have a prescription but only got the compounded from empower so far. I got the Bayer before I had a prescription but I'm glad I don't have to get it illegally anymore.

Talks about his buddy:
-My friend who gave me the Pfizer is a pro athlete and his parents are both chemists for pharmaceutical companies and he told me they said to never ever take a generic of any drug for any reason, they said the smallest change in the excipients, or the way they synthesize the raws, can drastically effect side effects and efficacy. My friend also told me from his anecdotal experience that he felt great on Pfizer and always had issues on everything else he tried.
-I checked with defy and they said they have Pfizer, sun pharma, and another I haven't heard of. So I think I'll do the Pfizer again.
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Can’t really comment atm, but I will be switching from brand name Westward enanthate to Pfizer cypionate in the next couple weeks. Been on the same protocol for a while now, and been using enanthate for a long time. Gonna switch to Pfizer cyp and keep my whole protocol the same. Just want to see if I feel better or worse on the Pfizer cyp. Plus I live in Mass, and I can get a full 10ml bottle of Pfizer cyp, vs having to continually order 5ml vials of westward enanthate. So I can try to report back after a month or so on the cyp if I remember

But even tho technical there shouldn’t be much difference in enanthate and cyp on paper, they can definitely effect people quite differently, from what I’ve seen anecdotally. Some won’t notice any difference, but I’ve seen some that definitely do. All individual. I’ve had this anecdote saved for years now, found it very interesting. Here it is. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s someone asking the question of whether he feels a difference between test E and test cyp. The guy answers, and then he also gave an anecdote of one of his buddies where he talks about feeling best on Pfizer cyp

Question someone asked the guy:
-What big pharma brands of test E and Test C have you used? Any difference when using test E vs test C?

His response:
-I used Bayer for the E and Pfizer for the C. The Bayer felt a little stronger than the Pfizer but again this is totally anecdotal. Both have more of a feeling of energy than the empower.
-I have a prescription but only got the compounded from empower so far. I got the Bayer before I had a prescription but I'm glad I don't have to get it illegally anymore.

Talks about his buddy:
-My friend who gave me the Pfizer is a pro athlete and his parents are both chemists for pharmaceutical companies and he told me they said to never ever take a generic of any drug for any reason, they said the smallest change in the excipients, or the way they synthesize the raws, can drastically effect side effects and efficacy. My friend also told me from his anecdotal experience that he felt great on Pfizer and always had issues on everything else he tried.
-I checked with defy and they said they have Pfizer, sun pharma, and another I haven't heard of. So I think I'll do the Pfizer again.
I'm eager to hear your updates on switching to cypionate. I agree with the advice on sticking to pharma brands. They normally have stricter standards of practice. That being said, it didn't even dawn on me to ask for a pharma brand test from my DR. I'm going to request Pfizer cyp on the next refill.
Who has been on cypionate and tried switching to enanthate but found they felt better on cypionate?
Yes, I had to inject the test E more frequently to get near similar affect as when using cypionate, but even still the cypionate had a more potent affect.

I'm very sensitive to changes in half-life and test C and E were never going to work for me. The only thing that has worked is frequent dosing 1-2x daily and very short half-lives (8 hour) formulations of TRT.
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The only reason I switched was to test enanthate effect on sleep being as test levels should be a bit lower at night compared to cypionate. But so far, sleep has been about the same with a slightly lower HR.
To notice any difference in sleep you would most likely have to switch from medium esters like cyp/enan to faster acting propionate.

I noticed slightly less water retention on Enan versus Cyp. That also might explain why you dropped couple of lbs and have lower HR. Zero water retention on prop.
I felt better on enanthate over cypionate, but I also had plenty of other things going on at the time. On the same dosing scheme, my numbers were at least different, and free T and E2 were up a lot. Free T is going down now but E2 still a little higher (79). My doc said it’s also possible I had my E2 go up because we switched HCG brands.

I’ve heard guys with low cortisol like me do better on test-e over c, but admittedly according to blood tests, my morning cortisol numbers weren’t really any different.
I am about 3 weeks into a trial of enanthate after having been on cypionate.

I have been on cypionate for over 15 years, and settled on twice per week injections the past 5 years or so. I've gotten the cypionate from a number of different compounding pharmacies as well as generics through walgreens.

I've always had an issue where periodically, I feel a mild sense of malaise, anxiety, cognitively subpar feeling for about 12-24 hours after the shot. Maybe 25 to 50% of the shots I noticed this. Some days it's worse than others. I tend to be sensitive to a lot of things so this isn't a surprise in the context of my overall constitution.

I thought it might be the carrier oil. Going from sesame to cottonseed was about the same, but then switching to grapeseed with empower seemed significantly better- less malaise.

However, it was still there some of the time. Maybe 15% of the time with grapeseed. Being I've injected probably a thousand times now, one pattern I noticed is when I bleed more, I seem to get more malaise the following 12-24 hours. If the injection is clean/ no blood, it's much less likely that I have the malaise (but it does still happen periodically). Note the past 5 + years I've always done the injections to the glute with 1.5 inch needle.

So then I thought it might be one of the preservatives like benzyl benzoate causing it, but my Docs always told me to stick with cypionate since they all had preservatives.

Until recently, when I decided it was worth pushing to try a different ester. So i switched about 3 weeks ago from cypionate to enanthate. From Empower pharmacy. Same carrier oil (grapeseed), and same concentration (200mg/ml), but interesting is apparently it does not have any benzyl benzoate. Just benzyl alcohol 1%.

So far, on enanthate I have not had any significant malaise, but it's probably too soon to tell. I have had a couple of nights of much worse sleep than normal, the day of/night of the shot, but am not sure if this is due to enthanate or not. I am suddenly am having more acne for some reason. It could be other factors. There are other changes I've made (new vial of hcg, higher dose of hgh, maybe more stress and touching my face more often, but not sure).

I'll try to remember to post back as time goes on. Interested to hear others' experiences.
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Can’t really comment atm, but I will be switching from brand name Westward enanthate to Pfizer cypionate in the next couple weeks. Been on the same protocol for a while now, and been using enanthate for a long time. Gonna switch to Pfizer cyp and keep my whole protocol the same. Just want to see if I feel better or worse on the Pfizer cyp. Plus I live in Mass, and I can get a full 10ml bottle of Pfizer cyp, vs having to continually order 5ml vials of westward enanthate. So I can try to report back after a month or so on the cyp if I remember

But even tho technical there shouldn’t be much difference in enanthate and cyp on paper, they can definitely effect people quite differently, from what I’ve seen anecdotally. Some won’t notice any difference, but I’ve seen some that definitely do. All individual. I’ve had this anecdote saved for years now, found it very interesting. Here it is. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s someone asking the question of whether he feels a difference between test E and test cyp. The guy answers, and then he also gave an anecdote of one of his buddies where he talks about feeling best on Pfizer cyp

Question someone asked the guy:
-What big pharma brands of test E and Test C have you used? Any difference when using test E vs test C?

His response:
-I used Bayer for the E and Pfizer for the C. The Bayer felt a little stronger than the Pfizer but again this is totally anecdotal. Both have more of a feeling of energy than the empower.
-I have a prescription but only got the compounded from empower so far. I got the Bayer before I had a prescription but I'm glad I don't have to get it illegally anymore.

Talks about his buddy:
-My friend who gave me the Pfizer is a pro athlete and his parents are both chemists for pharmaceutical companies and he told me they said to never ever take a generic of any drug for any reason, they said the smallest change in the excipients, or the way they synthesize the raws, can drastically effect side effects and efficacy. My friend also told me from his anecdotal experience that he felt great on Pfizer and always had issues on everything else he tried.
-I checked with defy and they said they have Pfizer, sun pharma, and another I haven't heard of. So I think I'll do the Pfizer again.
Have you seen a noticeable difference in blood levels from Brand testosterone vs Empower with same dose?
I’m surprised some of you are using brand testosterone even through Defy, I thought nearly all would prefer to get their Test from a compounding pharmacy. Last time I checked on that, the price for a big pharma vial was almost double. But if things keep going this way with the FDA, we all may have to switch to big pharma Test soon.
Have you seen a noticeable difference in blood levels from Brand testosterone vs Empower with same dose?
Think it might be impossible to say for me unfortunately. Don’t think I have any labs that I can compare where my protocol was the same and I just switched from empower’s test to brand name test.
I’m surprised some of you are using brand testosterone even through Defy, I thought nearly all would prefer to get their Test from a compounding pharmacy. Last time I checked on that, the price for a big pharma vial was almost double. But if things keep going this way with the FDA, we all may have to switch to big pharma Test soon.
It’s definitely a lot more expensive. Only benefit for me really is that I can order a 10ml vial of Pfizer cyp, but if I do empowers compounded cyp I can only order one 5ml vial at a time. Not a huge benefit. Just a little more convenient with having to order less often. I do it mostly because I’ve heard quite a few anecdotes over the years of guys feeling better on brand name test vs compounded, and don’t think I’ve heard an anecdote of someone feeling better on compounded vs brand name. Plus with empower’s HCG seeming to be much less potent than brand name HCG, like Pregnyl, it kind of turned me off from using their stuff if I can avoid it. Just trust brand name compounds a bit more. Could all be in my head tho. But I prefer to pay extra for brand named compounds if they’re available to me. Just the personal preference of an over thinker basically lol
I’m surprised some of you are using brand testosterone even through Defy, I thought nearly all would prefer to get their Test from a compounding pharmacy. Last time I checked on that, the price for a big pharma vial was almost double. But if things keep going this way with the FDA, we all may have to switch to big pharma Test soon.
My big problem with compounding pharmacies is they don't take insurance. My retirement pays my medical insurance and I have a pretty good Medicare Advantage. It cost me $5 to see my PC and $10 to see any specialist. They also pay for testosterone. The last time I got test cyp I paid $5 for 10ml of 200mg/ml.
My big problem with compounding pharmacies is they don't take insurance. My retirement pays my medical insurance and I have a pretty good Medicare Advantage. It cost me $5 to see my PC and $10 to see any specialist. They also pay for testosterone. The last time I got test cyp I paid $5 for 10ml of 200mg/ml.
That is definitely the best deal.
My big problem with compounding pharmacies is they don't take insurance. My retirement pays my medical insurance and I have a pretty good Medicare Advantage. It cost me $5 to see my PC and $10 to see any specialist. They also pay for testosterone. The last time I got test cyp I paid $5 for 10ml of 200mg/ml.
$5! That’s cheaper than an UGL. Mine’s part of a membership thing but is around $200 for a bottle like that.
My big problem with compounding pharmacies is they don't take insurance. My retirement pays my medical insurance and I have a pretty good Medicare Advantage. It cost me $5 to see my PC and $10 to see any specialist. They also pay for testosterone. The last time I got test cyp I paid $5 for 10ml of 200mg/ml.
I have AARP/United Healthcare Medicare Advantage PPO here in FL. Their rx coverage doesn't give you any breaks. $64 for 5mL vial of WestWard Test E. I've tried Empower Test Prop and seemed not to feel right when taking it. Tried it several times. Don't know if it's the grapeseed oil or benzyl alcohol. Test C would be less expensive but I don't tolerate cottonseed oil. I'm presuming cottonseed oil is less expensive, that's why it's still used.

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