"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Try a banana before meal to coat the stomach. It might help with the post-meal headaches - it did in my case.

I changed to Omeprazole from Rabeprazole and no more headache. Rabeprazole almost made me sick again - no clue what the mechanism is. Because Rabeprazole is one of the strongest PPI per milligram dose, maybe it leads to bacterial proliferation in the upper GI tract and that triggers the immune system OR the immune system reacts directly to the drug.
Try a banana before meal to coat the stomach. It might help with the post-meal headaches - it did in my case.

I changed to Omeprazole from Rabeprazole and no more headache. Rabeprazole almost made me sick again - no clue what the mechanism is. Because Rabeprazole is one of the strongest PPI per milligram dose, maybe it leads to bacterial proliferation in the upper GI tract and that triggers the immune system OR the immune system reacts directly to the drug.
Yeah will give it a try. Also been trying to eat up to 2000mg of sodium per day but thats tough as I love me some gluten free rye bread slice here and there and they contain nearly 1g of salt per 100g which is too much. So will try to cut back to even 1500mg of sodium per day for a week and see what happens with my BP, headaches and overall malaise.

I've read some nasty anecdotes from PPI use during all these years so try to stay as far from them as possible. Also when I heard that TheAnabolidDoc prefers to stay on them 2x/day because he likes red wine and chocolate or something and thats why hes on them, I thought WTF.

I did only 1/3 regiment using Rebeprazole as that was all I had. Then followed by Lansoprazole and ended with Esomeprazole. So had a good cocktail :)
No more gluten-free bread that I like for now due to high salt content I've mentioned earlier. Also no more eggs. Daily sodium consumption reduced to 1500mg and using LOSALT only as I can't make that happen using regular sea salt. Water intake I'm guessing around 2.5L so might go ahead and increase that to 3L per day. I've leaned down again too much due to HP treatment and eating way lower to give stomach and digestive tract some rest. I will slowly try to increase my food intake to gain some weight back and that should start improving my symptoms like BP and general fatigue and malaise. I remember when I leaned down naturally without TRT to nearly these levels of BF and weight I felt way off. Seems that my body don't like and can't function properly where I am at now. Most people have problems with too much weight, I'm the opposite. The more I put on the better I feel. Too lean and feel like death even with TRT which atm is 87.5mg split ED.

Progesterone cream 50mg 3x/day split on back and sides of the neck and also inner forearms and will do on scrotum 25mg as well, for starters.

I will make a separate post about how my digestion and gut feels post HP treatment. Don't want to jump the gun yet and usually once I post something the reverse starts happening. So lets see what happens and will update here. Any questions always more then welcome.

Have a smashing week guys and lets kill it!
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Also I had a thought that perhaps those couple weeks that I've experimented with AI have tanked my E2 thus I felt like death on top of everything else that I have been taking and what has been happening. Would be really interesting to run some labs to see where I'm at. I have GP appoitment tomorrow so will try to press her to run me some labs even though I'm 99% sure she won't do it. Even if its 1% and doesn't cost me a thing- imma go ahead and do it anyway. No harm in trying and who knows maybe she will agree as its a new one I'll be seeing so TWT.
After more reading and researching seems that Progesterone is slowing digestion and gastric emptying and also might be giving contispation so gotta keep the dose at true HRT dose. As soon as I find something interesting, start using it then I find conflicting information, fuck me, and slower digestion considering my gut issues is the last thing I need...Daaaaaamn smh lol
After more reading and researching seems that Progesterone is slowing digestion and gastric emptying and also might be giving contispation so gotta keep the dose at true HRT dose. As soon as I find something interesting, start using it then I find conflicting information, fuck me, and slower digestion considering my gut issues is the last thing I need...Daaaaaamn smh lol
Lol, I was thinking the same thing reading through that article you posted about the effects of progesterone on the GI tract. It seems progesterone puts the brakes on all aspects of gut motility. Definitely not what I would want either as my system is already too sluggish.
Lol, I was thinking the same thing reading through that article you posted about the effects of progesterone on the GI tract. It seems progesterone puts the brakes on all aspects of gut motility. Definitely not what I would want either as my system is already too sluggish.
Yeah fucking sucks but I have to put it away after a day of use...Every fucking hormone or whatever we take has sides...no free lunches...sooner or later something pops up or will pop up...back to square one we go...so will let my girl use it as she likes it said it doesn't make her sleepy like that micronised oral progesterone- utragestan shes on that her Doc prescribed. So she does cream before work as she works nights and when she gets back from work in the morning she does oral progesterone and goes to sleep. Shame, I actually was thinking I will like it...

I actually went ahead and injected 0.15ml(37.5mg) of TE yesterday. Before quitting will explore the other side of the spectrum. Since I'm going home on holiday next month I will get some Clomid and maybe hCG and come off for a full restart. Unless things start moving into right direction not decreasing but increasing my dose while actually feeling benefits and not fucking negatives.

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Weird feeling today I'm sitting at my office chair working and I can't keep my dick down lmao first time I'm feeling it like that. Libido def up as well, feeling more confident in that area as well. Not sure if its from Progesterone cream I did yesterday or from 37.5mg TE shot, or both. But def feel an effect 100%. Shame I have to discontinue the cream without giving it a fair go but IIWII and will see what happens after my next EOD shot tomorrow.

p.s. but also just remembered that I took 4g citrulline malate + 1.6g of l. arginine today as well with a glass of apple juice so that also might have contributed to better blood flow. Coupled with reduced sodium intake ~1500mg something is def happening and so far I like what I see. Lets see what a week in brings.
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Today I did an experiment with Nicotine Patch 7.5mg...might have started on too big of a dose as well....but OMFG I became like a new man and my olf self. Absolutely removed all fatigue, all brain fog, got back all energy, cool, calm and collected, felt absolutely incredible....But sadly started getting chest/gut pain due to my gastritis. And after a lot of reading seems like Nicotine is the worst thing for inflamed stomach linning. Fuck me again. I thought finally I have found something really life changing...So today half of the day I spent in complete paradise being ME without all these fucking symptoms and feeling like shit. Actually now I think I might have this Long Covid perhaps as it helped me tremendously I cant even describe how I felt or perhaps it was just the normal effect of what it does. With my gut issues still not healed I probably should have never tried it in the first place but I couldnt help myself. This was the best cognitive and overall experience I have ever had from taking anything. Absolutely incredible 100/100....

I wonder since it worked that good, is there a possibility to design a nootropic stack or something to mimic the effect of NP just without stomach irritability? I doubt it somehow...What a fucking shame...I wanted to do a protocol for long-covid as per those recommendations that I've posted above. Back to the drawing board again :(

Healthrising.org is one great site with a lot of information. Here they talk about nicotine patch and explaining it.

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Watching this one and absolutely insane how they manipulated and lied to us about C19...unbelievable information, I never knew this...Absolutely recommend to watch for everyone...Its a sick nasty world we live in...Just 20 mins in but daaaaamn...This is even a lot worse then I thought...

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Today I did an experiment with Nicotine Patch 7.5mg...might have started on too big of a dose as well....but OMFG I became like a new man and my olf self. Absolutely removed all fatigue, all brain fog, got back all energy, cool, calm and collected, felt absolutely incredible....But sadly started getting chest/gut pain due to my gastritis. And after a lot of reading seems like Nicotine is the worst thing for inflamed stomach linning. Fuck me again. I thought finally I have found something really life changing...So today half of the day I spent in complete paradise being ME without all these fucking symptoms and feeling like shit. Actually now I think I might have this Long Covid perhaps as it helped me tremendously I cant even describe how I felt or perhaps it was just the normal effect of what it does. With my gut issues still not healed I probably should have never tried it in the first place but I couldnt help myself. This was the best cognitive and overall experience I have ever had from taking anything. Absolutely incredible 100/100....

I wonder since it worked that good, is there a possibility to design a nootropic stack or something to mimic the effect of NP just without stomach irritability? I doubt it somehow...What a fucking shame...I wanted to do a protocol for long-covid as per those recommendations that I've posted above. Back to the drawing board again :(
Wow, this is wild. Had no idea nicotine had any benefits, let alone could cause someone to feel all the amazing benefits that u felt off of it. What about using a much smaller dose? Maybe it could give u some of the benefits, without the negatives. U think u might try a lower dose before giving up on it?

did u just buy a nicotine patch over the counter? Where did u place it on ur body? Pretty sure in the u.s. I can just go buy a nicotine patch at a local pharmacy
Wow, this is wild. Had no idea nicotine had any benefits, let alone could cause someone to feel all the amazing benefits that u felt off of it. What about using a much smaller dose? Maybe it could give u some of the benefits, without the negatives. U think u might try a lower dose before giving up on it?

did u just buy a nicotine patch over the counter? Where did u place it on ur body? Pretty sure in the u.s. I can just go buy a nicotine patch at a local pharmacy
Watch the video above you will understand all the logic behind it. TBH mate I'm fucking amazed myself. This is even more insane after you watch the video and understand where the fucking C19 came from. This is fucking unbelievable. And the fucking relief I had OMFG- thats exactly what I was looking for years after getting seriously sick once C19 hit 2020. And I was never the same till this day. This is a fucking miracle and thousands of people are getting relief and treating their 2 year long symptoms with Nicotine Patch or Nicotine Gum. The video explains mad mad stuff, trust me you will fucking love it. I suggest the patch but get the matrix one, the invisible one that you can cut and start from 3.5mg hell even 1.75mg works for many! Yes bought in Boots and will try a smaller dose once my stomach heals a bit as now the good bacteria needs to be colonized after antibiotics nuked it. But I've seen the light mate it was absolutely incredible to be my old self and feel 18 again. NO LIE. I placed it on my arm, can always place on calf or somewhere down lower for lower absorbtion for starters. Check the links I've posted, the research, etc and the FB group is awesome as well. The video lays out everything we need to know about C19 and how to treat Long Covid and why exactly this nitocine patch works. Its soooo wild, daaaamn....I'm watching it now, its incredible. Will watch it again for sure:)
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I believe everyone who is having symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, general malaise, fybromyalgia, cognitive decline, racing heart, high blood pressure, exercise intolerance and 20 other symptoms should try a low dose Nicotine Patch according to the manual in the link I've posted above. I can bet that most will find an absolutely insane relief as the nicotinic receptors throughout the body are being cleared of SARS-CoV-2 as nicotine has 30x bigger binding effect to the receptor. This video with all the marerial that I posted has all the answers to this miracle. I'm hardly impressed by anything but this was fucking incredible right out the gate so I go ahead and call it a damn miracle!

Give this video a go and read all the information, papers if you care, fb/reddit group anecdotes if you wish and just give it a try. The 5 or so hours I had yesterday I felt the best probably in the last 5-10 years if not more. Absolutely incredible and unmatched with anything I have ever tried and I tried a lot. PLUS it makes sense as we know now that SARS-CoV-2 came from 2 different snakes and not fucking bats lol Actually it was known back in 2020 and there is still pages online about that from China dating back then before the fact checkers were implemented which changed the facts to fiction. Anyway this video will open your eyes I'm 100% positive. Enjoy these few hours ;)

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@Belekas wow, thanks so much for all these lengthy replies with links! Gonna check everything out asap

did a quick google search on nicotine and brain fog, and found a good amount of stuff on Reddit where people were talking about having insane brain fog when trying to quit nicotine. Seemed like a lot of people trying to quit vaping.

Do u think there’s a risk of dependence, with nicotine, even with a low dose patch? Dont necessarily want to become dependent on something, and then have to feel worse if I decide to discontinue it. Do u think there might be a balance that can be achieved where the dose is so low that u can get most of the benefits, without having to worry about becoming dependent on it, and having to feel like crap if discontinued?
@Belekas wow, thanks so much for all these lengthy replies with links! Gonna check everything out asap

did a quick google search on nicotine and brain fog, and found a good amount of stuff on Reddit where people were talking about having insane brain fog when trying to quit nicotine. Seemed like a lot of people trying to quit vaping.

Do u think there’s a risk of dependence, with nicotine, even with a low dose patch? Dont necessarily want to become dependent on something, and then have to feel worse if I decide to discontinue it. Do u think there might be a balance that can be achieved where the dose is so low that u can get most of the benefits, without having to worry about becoming dependent on it, and having to feel like crap if discontinued?

Always my pleasure buddy!

Smoking cigs or vaping is absolutely different thing because nicotine in isolation is not addictive and doesnt cause cancer. When its laced and mixed with other substances then it becomes addictive and cancerous. Like first they made the cigs back in the day which had nicotine but when the giants came they didnt want to buy why? because they werte not addicting people. like in animal trials its hard to make an animal addicted to nicotine as far as ive read and listened- it just doesnt happen.

Now by statistics these NPs help fuck all for quiting smoking LMAO but here they have a special place. Nicotine has been used for decades to treat brain diseases and helps tremendously with memory, focus and all other cognitive functions. So its even worth wearing one just for protection from Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Dementia and cognitive decline in general.

Now the way I felt yesterday I would gladly stay on for the rest of my life. Fuck the test, fuck the androgens, its def something else. BUT since I'm struggling from many symptoms like brain fog, anxiety, strange fatigue in waves here and there, headaches etc. I suspect I might be having Long Covid as by taking the patch yesterday made me feel like a brand new me. Ofc it was just a short period of time but right out the box it worked like nothing else. So would one want to stay on for life on some medicine created with profit motive in mind, or on some naturally produced alkaloid in the nightshade family of plants when our bodies have thousands of nicotine receptors in every cell? I think this is a no brainer and I can't wait to run a round or two of treatment with it and see how I feel. The doc from the video is wearing a 3mg patch IIRC every day and will wear for life as it has so many benefits. A lot of women in FB group is also wearing them for life as they were bedridden before and esp after C19. Now a lot of them are happy and healthy and living normal lifes. How fucking cool is that?

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