"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Saccharomyocytes boulardii is actually a yeast, not a probiotic, works wonders for hardening stools when in thailand...
Live yeast, correct. Ive taken it during my antibiotic treatment and might take for a couple more weeks now. But im suspecting it might be contributing to my headaches so removed it to see if it helps and then will reintroduce again.
Live yeast, correct. Ive taken it during my antibiotic treatment and might take for a couple more weeks now. But im suspecting it might be contributing to my headaches so removed it to see if it helps and then will reintroduce again.
I've gotten headaches from it sometimes in the past when I took too much. That is a thing it can do.
I've gotten headaches from it sometimes in the past when I took too much. That is a thing it can do.
Good to know. That is a thing I suspected as well before but kept taking them during the treatment course. Haven't taken any from yesterday and its 2pm today. Don't feel too bad but far from feeling good and normal so will continue to see what happens with time going forward.
Bought some plain yogurt without any crap added that suposse to be high quality and will give it a go today. Also bought some avocados, some eggs and some organic wholegrain pasta. Will see if I can tolerate that as well. Eating Jasmine rice is all good but one must not forget that its a quick burning carb and releases glucose into bloodstream quickly and those that are more adrenaline dominant might have issues with it yet its perfectly digestable and feels great. Gradually released glucose from lower glycemic index carbs might be more beneficial at this point.

"There are two reasons for adrenaline to be released: one is in response to stress, and the other is to ensure that the brain has received enough sugar (glucose). The body uses adrenaline as an aid to create an increase in glucose from protein, as well as stimulate the release of glucose stored in the liver. However, as glucose releases, so does insulin. Over time, sustained high levels of stress can lead to adrenaline dominance, which has a negative impact on health."

Symptoms of adrenaline dominance caused by chronic stress levels include, but are not limited to:

  • Insomnia
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Tightness in the jaw (TMJ)
  • The need to urinate at night (usually around 2:30am)
  • Anxiety
  • IBS
  • Lactic acid buildup (leads to fibromyalgia)
  • Idiopathic diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Poor circulation (cold hands/feet)

Excess adrenaline cuts off circulation to parts of the body including the salivary glands. As a result, hormones have a difficult time getting into the saliva. This is why many naturopathic doctors rely heavily on saliva tests as a diagnostic tool to treat their patients. This technique can diagnose what we call “adrenal fatigue”, which is a presence of low cortisol levels in the saliva. Interestingly, however, excess adrenaline is the number one cause of stress, and the body responds to stress by producing cortisol- the anti-stress hormone. Since adrenaline peaks during the night, especially around 2:30am (causing nighttime urination), a morning cortisol blood test done before 9am is the best way to determine elevated adrenaline levels.


It is important to remember that the primary reason the body is releasing excess adrenaline is to simply raise glucose levels in the brain. By giving the brain the fuel it needs, there is a reduced need to use adrenaline in order to provide fuel. There are two forms of fuel the brain uses: glucose and ketones. The best source of glucose is derived from vegetables, while ketones can be derived from coconut, or MCT oil. It is important that for each meal you provide one or the other (preferably both).

Michael E. Platt, M.D., who has been board-certified in internal medicine, also suggests adding a 5% (50mg per pump) progesterone cream that is applied 1-3 minutes before eating. He states that not only does progesterone block adrenaline from getting to the receptor cites, it also blocks insulin. Controlling insulin is another way of controlling adrenaline, since it helps to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia.

A further way of treating adrenaline dominance is downregulating your sympathetic nervous system. These ways include:

  • Acupuncture & Cupping
  • Massage, Gua Sha, Tuina & Shiatsu
  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga
  • A warm bath with Magnesium salts

I've nearly finished reading his book and watching his videos and I like the way he puts things into perspective. Will see how his treatment will work on myself as soon as the fucking cream arrives from eBay which is already taking a piss. The cream I've bought is not made by him and a bit less potent then his but still was recommended by someone using it for 20+ years with great success. So guess we will see how it goes. Also later planning to buy ONAS progesterone cream which is highly talked about with tons of great feedback and people loving it. So lets see how this next experiment goes. Will update.

Have a great day guys.

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The side effects from the H. Pillory eradication antibiotics continued for 1-2 weeks after stopping them.

I am currently taking 100mg Rebamipide (3 times/day) but it doesn't seem to help sufficiently with my gastritis so I started taking a PPI (2 times/day) and my headaches after meals disappeared. Before the PPI I was eating 1/4 to 1 banana before meal and that magically killed the post-meal headaches too - probably a coating protective effect of the banana.
The side effects from the H. Pillory eradication antibiotics continued for 1-2 weeks after stopping them.

I am currently taking 100mg Rebamipide (3 times/day) but it doesn't seem to help sufficiently with my gastritis so I started taking a PPI (2 times/day) and my headaches after meals disappeared. Before the PPI I was eating 1/4 to 1 banana before meal and that magically killed the post-meal headaches too - probably a coating protective effect of the banana.
What side effects you felt those 1-2 weeks? So you thinking to take PPI for some time and then taper off?
Looks to be a great site with lots of info about Progesterone and other hormones.

What side effects you felt those 1-2 weeks? So you thinking to take PPI for some time and then taper off?
I had mainly nausea, hiccups, and intestinal irritation - all probably due to gastritis. I will do the Rebamipide and PPI for 2-3 months to see if it has a positive effect on gastritis (which is no longer driven by H. Pylori).

This regimen surprisingly completely eliminated my post-meal headaches - these were a chronic nightmare. It is hard to imagine how debilitating these were, happening after every meal. Even I now don't believe it because the memory of them faded and can understand that family or doctors did not get it how bad it was - it was unimaginable, like living as a zombie. I thought initially that I had "chronic fatigue syndrome" and it was so out of control that I thought I would be dead in a few years.

I've tried PPI before the H. Pylori elimination but the PPI did not do much in terms of symptom reduction or headache reduction. I did a month of bananas before meal in November, which stopped the post meal headaches and now I don't even need the bananas. I also stopped my sleep medication Temazepam because it caused constant severe constipation, probably increased gastric reflux, and probably is immunosuppressive - all these sides are not well known. My immunity is much better without it, but sleep is bad of course. It is not clear what worked and how.

The link between the digestive tract and headaches is not well known in the traditional medicine. Probably the functional medicine doctors know about it because they relate everything to the gut, just like Hippocrates. There is this thing called "gastric headache" but gastroenterologists do not seem to know much about it:

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I had mainly nausea, hiccups, and intestinal irritation - all probably due to gastritis. I will do the Rebamipide and PPI for 2-3 months to see if it has a positive effect on gastritis (which is no longer driven by H. Pylori).

This regimen surprisingly completely eliminated my post-meal headaches - these were a chronic nightmare. It is hard to imagine how debilitating these were, happening after every meal. Even I now don't believe it because the memory of them faded and can understand that family or doctors did not get it how bad it was - it was unimaginable, like living as a zombie. I thought initially that I had "chronic fatigue syndrome" and it was so out of control that I thought I would be dead in a few years.

The link between the digestive tract and headaches is not well known in the traditional medicine. Probably the functional medicine doctors know about it because they relate everything to the gut, just like Hippocrates. There is this thing called "gastric headache" but gastroenterologists do not seem to know much about it:

I hear ya and I also have some nausea every once in a while and strange headache as well. But I also changed my TRT protocol and massively cut down the dosage so most likely experiencing the withdrawal symptoms on top of post HP treatment side effects of the meds. Bad time to make that change but IIWII.

You also trying to repopulate the good bacteria as well? What symptoms of gastritis you still have left? So probably will take time to heal once the HP is killed. By anecdotes it might take as long as 6-12 months.

Yeah the fucking headaches ain't no joke. Glad you got that sorted. I've been listening to Dr. Edward Lichten podcasts lately and hes been treating people with androgens for more then 4 decades. Theres a great podcast or two about headaches especially where he goes deep into them and what causes them. Can share if you want to listen. I found it really interesting and def out of the box.
I eat lots of Plain Greek yogurt with good bacteria. I also did rectal probiotics for a few months, which saved me from recurrent C. Diff. after the antibiotics. I still take oral probiotics every day.

I currently do not have much symptoms of gastritis. No nausea or frequent intestinal irritation because the double dose PPI keeps the acid down. I don't need to take digestive enzymes anymore - stool tests show recovered pancreatic Elastase.

My headaches are just presentation of immune activation due to processes in the digestive tract. Contemporary medicine has no full understanding of how exactly that happens. In my case it is not related to hormones since it is abrogated by antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and anti-acids.

Also, stopping the Temazepam seems to have improved my immunity - I am now more resistant to cold weather, my nose is not constantly running from the smallest cool wind, and not feeling constantly on the verge of "getting a cold" as I was on Temazepam. This seemingly immunosuppressive effect of benzos is not widely publicized. By the way I didn't have any "withdrawal symptoms" when I stopped temazepam cold turkey. I've taken it before that for several years.
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I eat lots of Plain Greek yogurt with good bacteria. I also did rectal probiotics for a few months, which saved me from recurrent C. Diff. after the antibiotics. I still take oral probiotics every day.

I currently do not have much symptoms of gastritis. No nausea or frequent intestinal irritation because the double dose PPI keeps the acid down. I don't need to take digestive enzymes anymore - stool tests show recovered pancreatic Elastase.

My headaches are just presentation of immune activation due to processes in the digestive tract. Contemporary medicine has no full understanding of how exactly that happens. In my case it is not related to hormones since it is abrogated by antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and anti-acids.
So you taking PPIs to allow you to heal faster or to combat the remaining symptoms?
The PPI is to combat the remaining nausea which I suspect is due to remaining gastritis.

I am also test driving the PPI to see if it will improve my constantly hoarse voice - it doesn't. I suspected an acid gastric reflux causing the hoarse voice but since it is not improved by the PPI, that means it could be due to non-acidic bile gastric reflux and the PPI do not influence that.
The PPI is to combat the remaining nausea which I suspect is due to remaining gastritis.

I am also test driving the PPI to see if it will improve my constantly hoarse voice - it doesn't. I suspected an acid gastric reflux causing the hoarse voice but since it is not improved by the PPI, that means it could be due to non-acidic bile gastric reflux and the PPI do not influence that.
Yeah hope that works out for you. Might take some time though. I prefer to stay away from PPI's and all other medications as much as possible but I've taken tons of them in the past so guilty of it. Myself less then a week after treatment and feeling hammered. Maybe, just maybe today I feel a bit more lighter and brighter if that makes sense.

Yesterday tried some of that plain yogurt and wasn't too bad. Felt a little discomfort but that gets better when I move so more or less think thats tolerable for now, but had a stool later that I didn't like, so will try some more today and see if it repeats. Some eggs cooked in extra virgin coconut oil, some toasted rye bread with a bit of extra virgin olive oil and some organic sauerkraut with a few pieces of cheddar cheese today was quite good for breakfast. Will go for a walk now to help digestion and blood flow and maybe even will do a light gym/cardio session.

Progesterone cream arrived so will grab it tomorrow and give it a try the way Dr Platt recommends 1-3min before eating to block excessive insulin and andrenaline. See if that helps me feel better and what it does to digestion.

Also been slowly trying to add Magnesium as I've been deficient for ages by not being able to get it from food and supplements as well. Now 2 days in a row I've took just 100mg of Mag Citrate with some juice I like (not sour) before bed and both times tolerated good and slept noticibly better. So will try to slowly bump the dose to see if it helps. Couldn't tolerate Magnesium Bisglycinate though but will try again methodically.
Rabeprazole PPI can cause headaches as a side effect. I wondered what caused the severe headaches when I did my H. Pylori eradication. I suspected Metronidazole but it could have been the Rabeprazole PPI.

I switched yesterday to Rabeprazole and today have some headache only after 3 doses of 20mg. I am switching back to Esomeprazole or Esomeprazole. I started the Rabeprazole only because I have a bunch of it.
Rabeprazole PPI can cause headaches as a side effect. I wondered what caused the severe headaches when I did my H. Pylori eradication. I suspected Metronidazole but it could have been the Rabeprazole PPI.

I switched yesterday to Rabeprazole and today have some headache only after 3 doses of 20mg. I am switching back to Esomeprazole or Esomeprazole. I started the Rabeprazole only because I have a bunch of it.
Same for me but I cycled Rebeprazole, Esomeprazole and some Lansoprazole as also had them at hand. My headaches have been consistent since pretty much from the end of protocol till now around 1 week after finishing. Strange ones. I get up with feeling it around my back of the head like ive been sleeping with my head on the rock or something. Gets better after i fully awake. Maybe that has something to do with big TRT dose reduction and change of injection frequency as well as I did that and the same time which was a mistake to do and now can't tell whats causing it.
Ok so little update on my experiment going further.

Just picked Source Naturals progesterone cream and did ±50mg of progesterone split on my back and sides of the neck and inner forearms as per Dr Platts recommendations and also reading through tons of anecdontes on the net. He recommends 3x50mg for men 1-3min before meal composed of lower glycemix index carbs, some coconut oil and protein to blunt insulin and adrenaline response. I've just had a 45g protein shake with a full teaspoon of coconut oil but no carbs as will prepare them later. These days I tend to do a lot of coconut oil, extra virgin ofc, which is a great antibacterial with tons of other benefits. Lets see if this dose is not too much at first and if it does anything to me at all. Def won't go for 50mg 3x/day right out the gate and will try slowly to titrate.

I don't believe his caim that it cures ringing in the ears/tinnitus so probably more false claims there as well. Tinnitus till this day has no cure and nothing helps at all. Having ringing 24hrs/day is no joke but we get used to it. Never take it for granted but most people have no idea how good they've got just feeling a normal human being without all these devastating symptoms that some of us have. From 13 years I've entered the DJ/music/night party/drug culture so it was always max volume and max everything. Then when I got my first car I've put in the maddest sound system and was always riding on max volume as well, loved that shit haha But now I believe tinnitus is exactly from this and all the drugs, stress and other bad life choices. So more or less whats happening now is the payback for all what I've done being a kid and growing up. Nobody can escape this, sooner or later it hits you, one way or another, you want it or not.

So anyways lets see what happens and if the cream helps me any. I've also found a place that sells Pregnenolone cream and also DHEA cream for the future if I will still be experimenting towards the ultimate goal to feel a normal, fresh, human being.
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Also what do you guys think about my Prolactin being borderline low? And also my TSH seems to be on the steady decline as well. Take a look at these few tests. They been done by the NHS. Although they did another test on December 2022 and that came back being 2.32 mIU/L. Not sure why that is not included in the picture though. But its weird due to the fluctuations. I will do a proper test when I go back home on holiday early next year. Althoug about Prolactin it seems everyone just wants to lower it and thats it. Theres always two sides of the coin and being too low can also mess you up just as being too high.


  • NHS prolactin.webp
    NHS prolactin.webp
    118.6 KB · Views: 114
  • NHS TSH.webp
    NHS TSH.webp
    100.4 KB · Views: 119
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Today reducing salt intake and changing back to LOSALT from regular sea salt. Also will cut out eggs completely for a week to see if it has any effect on me as today after meal of eggs my headache and overal malaise started getting worse. I'm suspecting there might also be a food alergy at play here. Also today was watching a movie and there was an emotional scene that got me cranked up and pretty much afterwards I started having weird headache again. One could say high E2 but but if that be true then taking AI would make me feel better which is not the case. 0.25mg, even 0.5mg does absolutely nothing and just make things worse next day feeling more fucked. This is weird AF. Today I also had some kefir which digested great but I'm not sure if that might have contributed to that as well. I'm trying to get more of such foods to try and repopulate the good bacteria which have been nuked with heavy doses of antibiotics I've finished taking a week or so ago.

Didn't do more Progesterone cream as didn't want to influence my 4pt Cortisol test that I'm doing today all day. Will mail tomorrow and should have results likely towards the end of next week. Will share.

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