Bought some plain yogurt without any crap added that suposse to be high quality and will give it a go today. Also bought some avocados, some eggs and some organic wholegrain pasta. Will see if I can tolerate that as well. Eating Jasmine rice is all good but one must not forget that its a quick burning carb and releases glucose into bloodstream quickly and those that are more adrenaline dominant might have issues with it yet its perfectly digestable and feels great. Gradually released glucose from lower glycemic index carbs might be more beneficial at this point.
"There are two reasons for adrenaline to be released: one is in response to stress, and the other is to ensure that the brain has received enough sugar (glucose). The body uses adrenaline as an aid to create an increase in glucose from protein, as well as stimulate the release of glucose stored in the liver. However, as glucose releases, so does insulin. Over time, sustained high levels of stress can lead to adrenaline dominance, which has a negative impact on health."
Symptoms of adrenaline dominance caused by chronic stress levels include, but are not limited to:
- Insomnia
- Restless leg syndrome
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Tightness in the jaw (TMJ)
- The need to urinate at night (usually around 2:30am)
- Anxiety
- Lactic acid buildup (leads to fibromyalgia)
- Idiopathic diabetes
- Weight gain
- Poor circulation (cold hands/feet)
Excess adrenaline cuts off circulation to parts of the body including the salivary glands. As a result, hormones have a difficult time getting into the saliva. This is why many naturopathic doctors rely heavily on saliva tests as a diagnostic tool to treat their patients. This technique can diagnose what we call “adrenal fatigue”, which is a presence of low cortisol levels in the saliva. Interestingly, however, excess adrenaline is the number one cause of stress, and the body responds to stress by producing cortisol- the anti-stress hormone. Since adrenaline peaks during the night, especially around 2:30am (causing nighttime urination), a morning cortisol blood test done before 9am is the best way to determine elevated adrenaline levels.
It is important to remember that the primary reason the body is releasing excess adrenaline is to simply raise glucose levels in the brain. By giving the brain the fuel it needs, there is a reduced need to use adrenaline in order to provide fuel. There are two forms of fuel the brain uses: glucose and ketones. The best source of glucose is derived from vegetables, while ketones can be derived from coconut, or MCT oil. It is important that for each meal you provide one or the other (preferably both).
Michael E. Platt, M.D., who has been board-certified in internal medicine, also suggests adding a 5% (50mg per pump) progesterone cream that is applied 1-3 minutes before eating. He states that not only does progesterone block adrenaline from getting to the receptor cites, it also blocks insulin. Controlling insulin is another way of controlling adrenaline, since it helps to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia.
A further way of treating adrenaline dominance is downregulating your sympathetic nervous system. These ways include:
- Acupuncture & Cupping
- Massage, Gua Sha, Tuina & Shiatsu
- Meditation
- Breathing exercises
- Yoga
- A warm bath with Magnesium salts
I've nearly finished reading his book and watching his videos and I like the way he puts things into perspective. Will see how his treatment will work on myself as soon as the fucking cream arrives from eBay which is already taking a piss. The cream I've bought is not made by him and a bit less potent then his but still was recommended by someone using it for 20+ years with great success. So guess we will see how it goes. Also later planning to buy ONAS progesterone cream which is highly talked about with tons of great feedback and people loving it. So lets see how this next experiment goes. Will update.
Have a great day guys.