"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

So I did a little experiment I always wanted to do and tried some AI's. I've done 0.25mg of Anastrazole 2x/week. And also tried 0.5mg 2x week. Both times felt absolutely nothing and perhaps even worse as had strange feeling on them eyes and on the head/skull as well. So lowering E2 for me is def out of the window. Perhaps its time to go the other way of the spectrum and pop some E2 pills to boost E2 and see what happens then. Has anyone from here tried this experiment? Theres a guy on T-Nation that does this and swears its been an awesome experience so far. My girl got some E2 gel so might rub some of that to see whats up lol

Yesterday evening finished my 4 week detox and pre-antiobiotics H-Pylori healing phase. Starting round #3 of antibiotics in 30 mins.

Total protocol lenght - 14 days.

1000mg of Amoxicillin E6H
1500mg Metronidazole split E6H
PPI E6H (have some Rebeprazole so will do 10mg/E6H then once I run out of it will to Esomeprazole 20mg/E6H
Start of Week#2 adding Tetracycline 250mg/E6H for the remaining 7 days.

Have't decided to add Bismuth Subcitrate as its needed to be taken an hour before as it effects absorbion of other meds so gets bit problematic.

Also have probiotic ready so might run that as well and after the course is done.

Wish me luck guys, been a long fucking time coming.

Fingers crossed.
Looks good! No lactoferrin though? That's the one supplement I would add to every antibiotic protocol for h pylori.

Best of luck to you. A few weeks after ending my treatment, I am noticing less stomach pain than usual when I eat acidic foods and spices. Hopefully it isn't my imagination.
Looks good! No lactoferrin though? That's the one supplement I would add to every antibiotic protocol for h pylori.

Best of luck to you. A few weeks after ending my treatment, I am noticing less stomach pain than usual when I eat acidic foods and spices. Hopefully it isn't my imagination.
Couldn't find the sucker at my sources as its expensive. What dose did you use and IIRC you used Jarrow one?

I think the benefits are there if you really feel that. I had the same thing after my 1st protocol where the symptoms completely dissapeared but I was holding Lansoprazole 2x40mg after finishing antibiotics course, as per GP's recommendations, and then most likely, as I don't remember, when I stopped them, all the symptoms came back.
I used Life Extension Foundation lactoferrin, 1 cap twice daily. I bought some Jarrow to continue with but never actually ran out of the LEF so I didn't use it.

I think if I were feeling good but still on the PPI, there would be a good chance it was just the PPI responsible for the benefit. After all, they are proven to help heal gastritis. What I think is exciting is that I seem to be feeling better than when I started, without any drugs or supplements.
I used Life Extension Foundation lactoferrin, 1 cap twice daily. I bought some Jarrow to continue with but never actually ran out of the LEF so I didn't use it.

I think if I were feeling good but still on the PPI, there would be a good chance it was just the PPI responsible for the benefit. After all, they are proven to help heal gastritis. What I think is exciting is that I seem to be feeling better than when I started, without any drugs or supplements.
Yeah thats awesome. Feeling more "clean" and more normal feels damn good. Yeah I also believe that was it. I finished treatment with antibiotics and still felt massive pain so called in and the GP said to do 40mg 2x/day of lasoprazole and as soon as I took that dose pretty much instantly I felt fixed. That was an awesome feeling even though it was just a short-term fix, but for a first time in a long time I felt normal, human and was being able to eat normally.

Will try to get lactoferrin as it should be very very beneficial, as you say.
Looks good! No lactoferrin though? That's the one supplement I would add to every antibiotic protocol for h pylori.

Best of luck to you. A few weeks after ending my treatment, I am noticing less stomach pain than usual when I eat acidic foods and spices. Hopefully it isn't my imagination.
Are you taking Rebamipide? It reduces gastritis symptoms by protecting the mucosa.

Yesterday evening finished my 4 week detox and pre-antiobiotics H-Pylori healing phase. Starting round #3 of antibiotics in 30 mins.

Total protocol lenght - 14 days.

1000mg of Amoxicillin E6H
1500mg Metronidazole split E6H
PPI E6H (have some Rebeprazole so will do 10mg/E6H then once I run out of it will to Esomeprazole 20mg/E6H
Start of Week#2 adding Tetracycline 250mg/E6H for the remaining 7 days.

Have't decided to add Bismuth Subcitrate as its needed to be taken an hour before as it effects absorbion of other meds so gets bit problematic.

Also have probiotic ready so might run that as well and after the course is done.

Wish me luck guys, been a long fucking time coming.

Fingers crossed.
Bismuth probably affects absorption of the PPI, although in the Pylera protocol they take the PPI at the same time with bismuth and the antibiotics and claim a high eradication rate.

Bismuth affecting the antibiotic absorption is not an issue because the antibiotics for H. Pylori act locally in the stomach, they don't need to be absorbed into the bloodstream. It probably helps by keeping the antibiotics from absorption and maintaining high local concentration of those.

Your main adverse effect the previous time was stomach pain. You have to have anti-inflammatories at hand if that happens. L-Glutamine is a digestive antiinflammatory. Because the high dose PPI will suppress the stomach acid, taking Ibuprofen will be safe. I took it because my main side effect was severe headaches. You can also try eating 1/2 banana as anti-inflammatory. You should not eat cheese or milk product - the calcium in them may deactivate the antibiotics.

If you develop nausea, follow very simple diet. I ate only microwaved vegetables (mainly broccoli), salt, olive oil, and toasted bread and it allowed me to finish the protocol. The anti-nausea antihistamine Dramamine didn't help much or sufficiently.
Bismuth probably affects absorption of the PPI, although in the Pylera protocol they take the PPI at the same time with bismuth and the antibiotics and claim a high eradication rate.

So might just go ahead and add that too 4x day then.

Your main adverse effect the previous time was stomach pain. You have to have anti-inflammatories at hand if that happens. L-Glutamine is a digestive antiinflammatory. Because the high dose PPI will suppress the stomach acid, taking Ibuprofen will be safe. I took it because my main side effect was severe headaches. You can also try eating 1/2 banana as anti-inflammatory. You should not eat cheese or milk product - the calcium in them may deactivate the antibiotics.

Got Ibuprofen ready at hand and bananas always here even though I never eat them as they hit and miss. Now during the treatment I will have that in mind and use when/if needed. Yeah no milk products, I remember from the last time we exchanged posts.

If you develop nausea, follow very simple diet. I ate only microwaved vegetables (mainly broccoli), salt, olive oil, and toasted bread and it allowed me to finish the protocol. The anti-nausea antihistamine Dramamine didn't help much or sufficiently.

I don't have microwave but will try some vegetables as well but will stay away from Olive Oil for now. I used more then 1kg of EV Coconut Oil and that was great and felt really good, so probably will order more. All the fucking breads have a lot of salt here so will try to get the one that has the least salt as I noticed right now I'm sensitive to salt as well so trying to keep that as low as possible and only salt my own meals. Had some awesome Sourdough bread with olives and the damn salt content was 3.5g per 100g. Thats insane amount, never seen such before.

Thanks for your reply and reminding what needs to be done and how.

Best regards,
Have you tried Glutamine to calm down stomach when you have pain? If you have it on hand keep it in mind, it works better than ibuprofen because it acts locally in the digestive tract. The dose is 5-10g (1 rounded teaspoon is about 5g) L-Glutamine in a cup of water.

You should have tested the Bismuth by itself to see if it irritates your stomach, to known if you should add it to the protocol.
Have you tried Glutamine to calm down stomach when you have pain? If you have it on hand keep it in mind, it works better than ibuprofen because it acts locally in the digestive tract. The dose is 5-10g (1 rounded teaspoon is about 5g) L-Glutamine in a cup of water.

You should have tested the Bismuth by itself to see if it irritates your stomach, to known if you should add it to the protocol.
Yeah Glutamine seemed to work but I've ran out. I've been careful with my diet so pain is a lot less and if it flares up I chew a Rennie and that takes care of it or some bic soda. Yeah I should tested Bismuth so I guess I will leave it out. I had intensive 4 weeks taking a lot of natural stuff and completely forgot about it and tbf had more then enough of stuff to take on its own. But now the antibiotics actually do have a chance of working so fingers crossed.
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@Belekas how's your libido on trt compared to before?
Same Kenp. My libido has always been massive even at my lowest darkest times. It highly depends on how well fed I am as well. Gotta have lots of carbs and adequate potassium for them to be able to be utilised but still even without proper mineral/vitamin balance it's good. I'd look into wholefoods and if one is gathering all the required vitamins and minerals from them if not start there. But tbh I always had it great unless I was well underfed and overtrained like a lot of people are then it def takes a dip. Been there done that.
Same Kenp. My libido has always been massive even at my lowest darkest times. It highly depends on how well fed I am as well. Gotta have lots of carbs and adequate potassium for them to be able to be utilised but still even without proper mineral/vitamin balance it's good. I'd look into wholefoods and if one is gathering all the required vitamins and minerals from them if not start there. But tbh I always had it great unless I was well underfed and overtrained like a lot of people are then it def takes a dip. Been there done that.
This is an interesting thought about libido and fed state. Easily could be playing a role in my low libido state.
This is an interesting thought about libido and fed state. Easily could be playing a role in my low libido state.
Absolutely also you need to reverse engineer your diet, put everything in Chronometer and see how much vitamins/minerals you are getting on the daily basis from wholefoods. Also have you looked into adrenal fatigue? TRT causes long term adrenal insuffiency and cortisol is needed for proper digestion which in hand goes how well you absorb all the nutrients, etc which are needed for proper functions including the healthy libido IMHO. Cortisol is only one hormone out of many which it fucks up. As we know its multifactorial but I haven't seen a lot of talk about this particular topic (adrenal fatigue/insuffiency) here but I still haven't used the search function to see what pops up. And to be fair I think some of us just are unlucky and can't use TRT nor HRT to reap their benefits fully. I'm one of those people as well so far but my issues are digestion and pain.
Absolutely also you need to reverse engineer your diet, put everything in Chronometer and see how much vitamins/minerals you are getting on the daily basis from wholefoods. Also have you looked into adrenal fatigue? TRT causes long term adrenal insuffiency and cortisol is needed for proper digestion which in hand goes how well you absorb all the nutrients, etc which are needed for proper functions including the healthy libido IMHO. Cortisol is only one hormone out of many which it fucks up. As we know its multifactorial but I haven't seen a lot of talk about this particular topic (adrenal fatigue/insuffiency) here but I still haven't used the search function to see what pops up. And to be fair I think some of us just are unlucky and can't use TRT nor HRT to reap their benefits fully. I'm one of those people as well so far but my issues are digestion and pain.
Yes, I do that with my food but I use Macrofactor which is working well. My AM cortisol is in the normal range but on the low side. I have realized that if I lower my kcal enough to lose weight (under 3200) I sleep and feel terrible. It makes sense libido would follow.

Years ago I was prescribed hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue, did that for years, eventually a doctor took me off and levels recovered easily. The story is way more complicated then that though.
Yes, I do that with my food but I use Macrofactor which is working well. My AM cortisol is in the normal range but on the low side. I have realized that if I lower my kcal enough to lose weight (under 3200) I sleep and feel terrible. It makes sense libido would follow.

Years ago I was prescribed hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue, did that for years, eventually a doctor took me off and levels recovered easily. The story is way more complicated then that though.
If you are always in a deficit, lets say, then yeah you will burn out eventually, one way or another. Before starting TRT ruffly 12mos ago I ran into problems myself, felt fatigued, downside department wasnt working as always, and was just worn out. So what helped is eating as much as possible and after doing that for a month or two, I don't recall correct, I gained +5kg and felt great with all my issues pretty much recovering. So yeah, def, underfed and overworked is a bad state that catches up with you sooner or later. Most just have no idea and just increase their TRT/AAS dose to compensate while running on fumes. The key is to eat as much food as possible and manage your weight one way or another.

I hear ya re adrenal fatigue and glad that you recovered. Thing is TRT fucks it up in the long-term. I'm about to order myself a 4 point salive cortisol test because everything is slowly starting to lead into that direction considered that I've been living under huge stress for the last 20 years or so, smoking killer indica bud from early am till I pass out, plus all other clues/context. Morning cortisol is only 1 point, we need all 4. And the main key with Saliva Cortisol test that it must be shipped/transported in cold temperature else it skews the results.
Been playing with steroidplotter lately and pretty interesting results fwiw. The huge dip from peak to through might be an issue for me after all. The last 2 pics are 250mg E7D that I was on for 3 years and same 250mg dose just split ED. What a dramatic difference and if injected E7D the dip from peak to through is ruffly 2.7 times. No wonder I was feeling hyped, wired and overstimulated big time and also had elevated BP even being fit af, eating solid and doing cardio daily. Might have been overworked as well, stressed too, but these large dips and rips in testosterone release might be a culprit as well to some extent.

I decided to give my experiment one last go and changed my protocol to injecting 25mg(0.1ml) EOD Sub-Q. So thats 87.5mg/week if my math is correct. It's a low dose but since I'm treating my gut issues I've decided to go slow and give it a proper go. I never gave microdosing a proper go so guess will see what happens.

I will follow my BP once I'm done with the antibiotic treatment in a week or so. Maybe start measuring in a couple of weaks after body rests some as I'm pumping 6.5g of total antibiotics per day currently as just have added Tetracycline 250mg/4x per day starting week #2.

But that all being said I've already talked to my guy and ordered some Clomid and likely will get some hCG if I won't feel my normal self and won't be happy with my TRT will just hang the gloves, recover and take it from there. I had a very interesting time during my 12 month experiment since I've started last year and def learned a lot. So lets see what happens and whatever happens I'm prepared with no regrets even though this year has put my well behind my schedule with work and my vision. Nevertheless I've been planning this experiment a long time so it's all good baby baby : )

Hope ya'll are killing it so cheers to a great and productive week!


  • 25mgEOD.webp
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  • 50mgE3.5D.webp
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  • 250mgsplitED35.6mg.webp
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Been playing with steroidplotter lately and pretty interesting results fwiw. The huge dip from peak to through might be an issue for me after all. The last 2 pics are 250mg E7D that I was on for 3 years and same 250mg dose just split ED. What a dramatic difference and if injected E7D the dip from peak to through is ruffly 2.7 times. No wonder I was feeling hyped, wired and overstimulated big time and also had elevated BP even being fit af, eating solid and doing cardio daily. Might have been overworked as well, stressed too, but these large dips and rips in testosterone release might be a culprit as well to some extent.

I decided to give my experiment one last go and changed my protocol to injecting 25mg(0.1ml) EOD Sub-Q. So thats 87.5mg/week if my math is correct. It's a low dose but since I'm treating my gut issues I've decided to go slow and give it a proper go. I never gave microdosing a proper go so guess will see what happens.

I will follow my BP once I'm done with the antibiotic treatment in a week or so. Maybe start measuring in a couple of weaks after body rests some as I'm pumping 6.5g of total antibiotics per day currently as just have added Tetracycline 250mg/4x per day starting week #2.

But that all being said I've already talked to my guy and ordered some Clomid and likely will get some hCG if I won't feel my normal self and won't be happy with my TRT will just hang the gloves, recover and take it from there. I had a very interesting time during my 12 month experiment since I've started last year and def learned a lot. So lets see what happens and whatever happens I'm prepared with no regrets even though this year has put my well behind my schedule with work and my vision. Nevertheless I've been planning this experiment a long time so it's all good baby baby : )

Hope ya'll are killing it so cheers to a great and productive week!
As I said in PM, there is no way you are getting elevated BP on this protocol unless you just allergic to testosterone. Steroidplotter doesn't show the release patterns accurately for SC injections, which are significantly slower due to longer half-life. The graph for EOD SC probably looks more like ED IM in terms of peaks and troughs.

You're in for a smooth like butter experience when you're finished with the pylori treatment.

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