Hey guys, hope ya'll doing good.
Finally got my girls blood test done. It was a fasted test done around 9.30am in the morning. She is 48 years young and has all low T/Low androgen symptoms for the last 15 or so years. Her libido is non-existant and never was. And all the other classic ones like fatigue, brain fog, memory issues, concentration issues, sex drive issues, loss of joy, motivation, hair thinning, etc and so on and so forth.
Her last period was 6 months ago and from what I see here she has entered menopause. I've calculated her FT and it's 2x below the reference range low FWIW. Low E2 and low FAI and above range high SHBG. Also I'm considered about her 2x Prolactin, but I hope it spiked after sex, as I completely forgot and I think we had it on the previous day, plus she takes some medication as she had an accident fall at work and hurt her but cheek.
Shes fit, good weight, eats good and always been in shape her entire life. Active. Hardly gains any fat at all and can eat whatever she wants but eats properly. Now considered all this crap theres no surprise how fucked up shes been feeling all those years.
I want to start her on Test-E but probably should also start a low dose of Cabergoline to see if she feels better and retest. Basically should just retest and see if Prolactin goes back into normal range but shes sufferring badly and its been a long time coming so we want to start ASAP but obviously want to make all the required steps.
Her calculated FT results:
0.00786nmol/L = 0.558% or 0.2267ng/dL
Female HRT group suggests FT range 0.5-5ng/dL....
Also they suggest E2 100-500pg/mL and hers is 16.9965pg/mL....that looks terrible IMHO...no surprise shes struggling AF...
Any comments from you experienced guys are more then welcome?
Thank you in advance!
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